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最近,Solana 带领 Avalanche、NEAR 等 Layer1 公链大杀四方,市场又传出杀死以太坊的声音。 确实,ETH Killer 是上一轮牛市大部分公链手握的王牌叙事。

不过,在 EVM 一统江湖,Layer2 尚未爆发的当下,单靠 MEME、DePin 等叙事不足以撼动 ETH 的市场地位。这只是坎昆升级前,Alt-Layer1 的短暂狂欢,Why?


1.各大公链争相杀死以太坊的叙事,已然被一轮牛熊周期充分验证「失败了」。表面上看这源于以太坊强大的市场共识,和开发者群体创新力量,以及 DeFi、NFT 金融应用无限组合的魔力。

实际上因为,Crypto 市场还受限于技术、市场、合规等因素并未实现 Mass Adoption 大规模普及,这些新公链带来的技术「跃迁」并没有成为激发新叙事,扩大新市场增量的抓手,还仅仅在吃以太坊的溢出红利。

Solana、Avalanche、Aptos 等公链想从开发语言、代码复杂度、运行机制等底层框架彻底提升技术水平,为应用市场提供更好的 infra。比如,Solana 的高并发处理性能和用户体验 UX 优势,单论技术确实更适用于未来增量 Crypto 市场。



这让技术「先天局限」的以太坊,愣是靠各类 EIP、ERC 标准协议等缝缝补补,也足以衍生出一个庞大的应用市场,还能让其他竞品公链仅靠溢出效应就能频频冒头。

但大家都在吃以太坊 DeFi 市场红利,还没到 Alt-layer1 可以轻松取代并超越以太坊的时候。


2.以太坊「先天缺陷」已经探索出了一整套成熟解决方案,比如:扩容问题,演变出了 Rollup、Plasma、Validium 等各类方案;又比如:EOA 地址局限,靠 ERC4337 Account Abstraction 也得到了升级,甚至演变出了一个账户抽象赛道;

此外,Layer2 也同样成了一个叙事赛道,OP-Rollup 和 ZK-Rollup 展开持续拉锯战等;后续还有坎昆升级后的 Blob 空间以及更遥远的 Sharding 分片、底层 SNARK 化等来提供后续发展支撑;

即便是区块容量上限潜在的 DA 能力局限问题,也延伸出了 Eigenlayer 等基于 Restaking 方案来优化 DA,再通过模块化组合 Celestia 这类三方 DA 方案,以及对 VM 执行层的可选替代方案等等。


虽然以太坊过去几年,持续叠乐高构建生态的落地结果确实不及预期,但能在频发的黑客攻击下,完成 PoW 到 PoS 的关键升级,又能把开发者资源聚拢在以以太坊 EVM 为中心的主线上,且能演变出一个更加宏大的 Layer2 叙事板块,以太坊的后续潜在可能性不容低估。

相信以太坊,是对以太坊多年稳固共识的敬畏,也是对其背后庞大开发者群体 Builder 的 Respect。

依稀记得 18 年岁末,EOS 号称全新范式公链,且掀起了一轮菠菜游戏狂潮,但事实结果大家都看到了,短暂繁华散尽后,最终还是慢却稳健的以太坊笑到了最后。

真正的价值发现,一定得慢慢 Capture 捕捉。

Layer2 的后半程要靠高频交易和应用驱动

3.Layer2 在熊市的 Build 速度确实慢了,尤其是没有一轮 Layer2 Summer 的市场大馈赠,让参与 Layer2 生态构建的每个人都有点心有不甘。

不过,Layer2 Build 速度过慢和以太坊 DeFi 叙事溢出到各大新锐公链另立山头道理类似。以太坊 Layer2 的后半程要靠一些高频交易和应用驱动,单靠以太坊金融玩法的溢出效应和路径依赖,和 Alt-Layer1 硬碰硬对抗并没有优势。

一方面,Arbitrum、Optimism 等 OP-Rollup 有了 Layer2 先发生态优势,并在 Stack 战略下,扩大了市场疆域,但这些战略扩张到底属于 B 端布局,OP-Rollup 需要解决被诟病的中心化难题且带动 C 端市场增长。

另一方面,zkSync、Starknet 等 ZK-Rollup 有更 Advanced 技术优势,只不过 ZK 也是着眼于未来的技术,已有用户量级无法充分显现 ZK 的强大之处。只有用户量级扩大,Gas 才能低到忽略不计,体验也越丝滑,这才是 ZK layer2 的最终形态。

此外,Layer2 市场腰尾部力量正在举事,比如,Metis,尝试用 Hyper(OP+ZK)Rollup 技术,做 PoS 去中心化 Sequencer,变革 Token 的激励方式(治理—>实用)等等。还有,Espresso、Astria 等共享 Sequencer 方案,也在以 Rollup as a Service 的方式也不断外延 Layer2 市场的潜能。

别以为 OP+ZK 就已经把 Layer2 的故事讲完了,在我看来,Layer2 War 才真正开始,真正内卷的 Layer2 市场坎昆升级后可能才拉开局面。 当坎昆升级时间敲定后,Layer2 的抱团逆势上涨不正是对眼下 Layer2 憋屈处境的一次情绪释放?

当未来应用链叙事场景打开,Mass Adoption 的局面被打开后,Layer2 赛道能沉淀的资金、用户和 DApp 应用,一定比其他 Alt-layer1 更稳固。

4.当然,此刻为以太坊生态发声,并非否定 Solana 的市场潜力。不可否认,Solana 的技术创新起点确实高于已有区块链架构,无论是它的存储和计算分离特性以及高并发交易处理特性,都使得它对用户很友好,更容易打造生态。

以 DePin 为例,物理基础设施 +Token 代币激励,这是过去一直在失败漩涡中反复的叙事,比如 Filecoin Arweave 等。在 Solana 上会不会真正成功,我不知道,但 DePin 发生在 Solana 上,我对 DePin 的信心会多一些。毕竟,高并发的技术起点和 web2 天然接轨,这和靠模块组合并入的生态逻辑还不一样。

Solana 眼下的崛起,一方面是以太坊 Layer2 短暂沉寂带来的空窗机会,另一方面则是 Solana 上本来就活跃着一批开发力量的结果。但需要纠正的是,Solana 的目标并非杀死以太坊,它其实在找以太坊的「空白」点伺机突破,如果有所建树且有于以太坊匹配的生态当量,顶多也就是比肩而已,何来取代一说。

以太坊不可避免的会被一些全新技术起点的 Alt-Layer1 链冲击,但他们都不是以太坊「杀手」,我更倾向于称之为,Web3 破局创新者。

以太坊在 DeFi 金融应用以及庞大的组合性生态已经获得了成功,而 Layer2、Layer3 未来的新征途还正在路上。

If the author is open, inclusive and credible, such an Ethereum can't achieve the value of the blockchain in the end. I find it hard to believe that a new chain will lead the public chain to kill the Sifang market recently, and the voice of killing the Ethereum is indeed the trump card narrative held by most public chains in the last round of bull market. However, at the moment when the unification of rivers and lakes has not yet broken out, it is only a short carnival technological leap before Cancun's upgrading, and it has not become a new narrative. The major chains are vying to kill each other. The narrative of Ethereum has failed to be fully verified by a bull-bear cycle. On the surface, this stems from Ethereum's strong market consensus, the innovative power of developers and the magic of unlimited combination of financial applications. In fact, because the market is still limited by factors such as technical market compliance, the technological leap brought by these new public chains has not become the starting point for stimulating new narratives and expanding new market increments, and the public chains are just eating the spillover dividends of Ethereum and trying to get away from the complexity of developing language codes. The underlying framework, such as line mechanism, completely improves the technical level and provides better applications for the market, such as high concurrent processing performance and user experience advantages. The single theory technology is indeed more suitable for the future incremental market, but at present, the basic operating logic of the market has not really changed, and the market audience who prefer risk and crave wealth passwords are constantly refreshing, and the information gap that always exists and occasionally overflows the circle of rich stories, etc. These perfection constitute the basic elements of the cyclical bull market, which makes the technology inherently limited. It is enough for Ethereum to develop a huge application market by relying on various standard protocols and other seams, and it can also make other competing public chains frequently stir up just by spillover effect. However, everyone is eating the Ethereum market dividend, and before it can be easily replaced and surpassed, Ethereum's congenital defects have been solved. Ethereum's congenital defects have explored a set of mature solutions, such as the expansion problem has evolved, and various solutions, such as address limitations, have also been upgraded or even performed. In addition, it has also become a narrative track and a continuous tug-of-war, as well as the space after Cancun's upgrade and the more distant fragmentation to provide support for the follow-up development. Even the potential capacity limitation of the upper limit of the block capacity has been extended, such as optimization based on the scheme, modular combination of such three-way schemes and optional alternatives to the executive layer, and so on. The whole development and expansion extension environment of Ethereum is mature enough and prosperous. The strength of the later developers is the cornerstone of the Great Ethereum. Although the results of the ecological construction of Ethereum in the past few years are indeed less than expected, the key upgrades that can be completed under frequent hacker attacks can gather developer resources on the main line centered on Ethereum and evolve into a more grand narrative plate. The subsequent potential of Ethereum cannot be underestimated. I believe that Ethereum is a awe of the stable consensus of Ethereum for many years and a huge developer group behind it. I vaguely remember that at the end of the year, it was called a brand-new paradigm public chain and set off a wave of spinach games. However, as a result, everyone saw the slow but steady Ethereum laughing at the end. The second half of the real value discovery must be slowly captured by high-frequency transactions and applications. In the bear market, the speed was really slow, especially without a round of big market gifts, everyone involved in ecological construction was a little unwilling, but the speed was too slow and the narrative of Ethereum spilled over to major cities. The reason why the new public chain set up a new hill is similar to that of Ethereum, which is driven by some high-frequency transactions and applications in the second half. It has no advantage to rely solely on the spillover effect, path dependence and head-on confrontation of Ethereum's financial gameplay. On the one hand, it has the first-Mover ecological advantage and expands the market territory under the strategy, but these strategic expansions belong to the end layout, which needs to solve the criticized centralization problem and drive the end market growth. On the other hand, it has more technical advantages, but it also focuses on the future technology, which has the order of users. The strength that can't be fully revealed can only be neglected by the expansion of user order, and the experience will be smoother. This is the final form. In addition, the market's waist and tail forces are doing something, such as trying to use technology to centralize the incentives for change, governance and practicality, and other sharing schemes are also expanding the market's potential in new ways. Don't think that you have finished your story. In my opinion, the real involuted market will really start after Cancun's upgrade, and the situation will only be opened when Cancun's upgrade time knocks. When the narrative scene of the future application chain is opened, the capital users and applications that can be deposited on the track must be more stable than others. Of course, the market potential for making a sound for Ethereum Ecology at this moment is not negative, and the undeniable starting point of technological innovation is indeed higher than that of the existing blockchain architecture. Both its storage and calculation separation characteristics and high concurrent transaction processing characteristics make it very user-friendly and easier to create an ecology. I don't know if it will really succeed in the past, but I will have more confidence in it. After all, the starting point of high concurrency technology is in line with nature, which is different from the ecological logic of merging by module combination. On the one hand, the current rise is an empty window opportunity brought by the short silence of Ethereum, on the other hand, it is the result of a group of development forces that are already active in the world, but what needs to be corrected is that the goal is not to kill. Dead Ethereum is actually looking for a blank spot in Ethereum to wait for an opportunity to break through. If something is achieved and the ecological equivalent matched with Ethereum is at best comparable, how can we replace it? It is inevitable that Ethereum will be hit by the chain of some brand-new technology starting points, but they are not Ethereum killers. I prefer to call it a broken innovator. Ethereum has achieved success in financial application and huge combinatorial ecology, and a new journey in the future is still on the way. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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