DePIN 聚焦:评估发展、生态系统和挑战

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近年来,Solana 生态中的 Helium Mobile 项目广受欢迎,其Token MOBILE 迅速崛起,市值高达 7 亿美元。随后,Helium Mobile旗下的DePIN赛道获得了市场广泛关注,成为继BTC经文和协议之后的重要叙事。

什么是DePIN?除了 Helium Mobile 之外,还有哪些其他有前途的概念项目?它们有哪些相关的安全风险?今天Beosin团队就从这几个方面为您解析





2019年,Mult1C0in Capital合伙人Kyle Samani将相关去中心化物理基础设施项目称为“互联网基础设施堆栈”。







1)Helium and Helium Mobile

Helium 是一种去中心化无线网络协议。自2017年以来,Helium利用区块链技术和Token激励来鼓励用户部署无线网络。其去中心化网络的理念以及Helium热点的低准入门槛吸引了相当多的参与者。截至2021年底,Helium热点的总销售额超过2.5亿美元。

2022 年,由于使用 Helium 网络的用户较少,且 Helium 网络节点奖励不足,一台 Helium 热点设备的月收入降至仅 20 美元。因此,Helium 决定迁移到 Solana 网络以吸引更多用户。

在迁移过程中,Helium 的子公司 Helium Mobile 通过 Solana Labs 的 Saga 手机向其移动用户提供 SIM 卡和免费试用。2023 年 12 月 6 日,Helium Mobile 在美国推出了每月 20 美元的无限电话套餐,涵盖数据、消息和通话服务。购买该计划的用户将获得NFT并参与MOBILEToken的空投奖励。


Helium Mobile 的商业模式类似于电信运营商,提供价格实惠的电话套餐服务。用户可以通过 eSIM 获取 MOBILE Token。Helium Mobile 的业务飞轮涉及通过低成本服务和Token吸引用户,用户增长带动Token价格上涨,从而吸引更多用户为 Helium Mobile 服务付费。

目前,MOBILE Token仅作为 Helium Mobile 的治理Token。目前其市值超过4亿美元,完全摊薄后的估值超过11亿美元。用户应谨慎对待短期投机风险。

2)物联网 IoTeX


IoTeX 的Token价值约 6 亿美元,流通率超过 90%。


DIMO Network 是一个物联网平台,允许驾驶员收集和共享车辆数据以赚取 DIMO Token。DIMO Network 于 2022 年完成了 900 万美元的融资,连接了 28000 多辆汽车。

DIMO 的Token DIMO 市值超过 9600 万美元,交易用户应注意价格波动。


Streamr Network 是一个去中心化网络,旨在收集和发布来自物联网传感器、机器和其他智能设备的低延迟实时数据流。Streamr已与DIMO Network、Swash等数据平台合作。

Streamr 的Token DATA 市值超过 7000 万美元,EagleEye 发现存在潜在的集中风险。




与传统硬件基础设施公司相比,DePIN 项目仅需要一小部分运营和维护成本。通过大幅降低前期资本要求并利用Token激励,DePIN 的启动成本可以从数十万到数百万美元不等,降低行业进入门槛,实现比传统项目更快的部署。


在DePIN中,社区拥有构成网络的所有硬件,提供社区需要和使用的产品和服务。DePIN社区用户不依赖于主要对利润和财务报告感兴趣的公司和企业。这种利益一致促进了 DePIN 服务的采用和发展。


与由中心化实体规定条款和条件管理的传统基础设施项目不同,DePIN 是开放、民主且易于访问的。任何人在任何地方都可以使用 DePIN 的服务,任何人都可以参与建设有利于他们的物理基础设施。



但用户应该意识到,对于 DePIN 项目来说,当前的叙事效应和飞轮效应是显而易见的,与市场状况密切相关。目前对 Solana 生态系统内的 Hivemapper、Render、Helium 和 Helium Mobile 的高需求部分归因于 Solana 的复苏。随着市场的成熟和项目的发展,项目价值的评估最终将回归到盈利而不是叙事和投机。DePIN赛道项目能否真正实现盈利模式、智能合约的安全性以及稳定的开发和落地仍然是未知的变数。

In recent years, the ecological projects of vernacular blockchain have been very popular, and its rapid rise has a market value of hundreds of millions of dollars. Subsequently, its track has gained widespread attention in the market and become an important narrative after scripture and agreement. What are other promising conceptual projects and what are their related security risks? Today, the team will analyze the origin for you from these aspects. Decentralized physical infrastructure network refers to decentralized physical infrastructure network through the use of blockchain technology. Technology and rewards encourage individuals and enterprises around the world to build various physical infrastructures, such as hard disks, storage batteries and so on, to provide services for all. Previously, there was no unified description for this emerging track. In, the partners called the related decentralized physical infrastructure project the Internet Infrastructure Stack Year, which focused on the public chain of the Internet of Things. Later, the track was named by other names, such as the general certificate to stimulate the physical network, and the name of the physical infrastructure track was voted in. For this reason, the unified name concept project and its risks cover a wide range of industries. According to the hardware resources, goods and services provided by the network, it is divided into physical resource network and digital resource network. The representative projects in various fields are as follows: a decentralized wireless network protocol. Since, users have been encouraged to deploy wireless networks by using blockchain technology and incentives. Its decentralized network concept and low entry threshold of hotspots have attracted quite a few participants. By the end of the year, the total sales of hotspots exceeded US$ 100 million. In, due to fewer users using the network and insufficient rewards from network nodes, the monthly income of a hotspot device dropped to only USD, so it was decided to migrate to the network to attract more users. In the process of migration, subsidiaries provided cards and free trials to their mobile users through mobile phones. In the United States, an unlimited telephone package of USD per month was launched, covering data messages and call services. The business model of airdrop rewards that users who purchase this plan will receive and participate in is similar to that provided by telecom operators at affordable prices. The business flywheel that users of telephone package service can obtain involves driving up the price through low-cost service and attracting users' growth, so as to attract more users to pay for the service. At present, the only governance is that its market value currently exceeds $100 million, and its valuation after being fully diluted exceeds $100 million. Users should be cautious about short-term speculative risks. The Internet of Things is a decentralized public chain of the Internet of Things, which aims to combine blockchain trusted hardware with edge computing to realize credible analysis of the Internet of Things according to the data on the chain. The ecology covers all the racetracks, with a circulation rate exceeding 100 million US dollars. It is an Internet of Things platform that allows drivers to collect and share vehicle data to earn financing of 10,000 US dollars in 2000. Users should pay attention to the price fluctuation network, which is a decentralized network aimed at collecting and publishing low-delay real-time data streams from Internet of Things sensors, machines and other intelligent devices. The market value of cooperation with other data platforms has exceeded 10,000 US dollars. Meta-discovery has the influence and significance of potential concentration risk. Compared with the traditional physical infrastructure network, it has the following advantages: rapid start-up. Compared with the traditional hardware infrastructure companies, the project only needs a small part of the operation and maintenance costs. By greatly reducing the upfront capital requirements and using the incentive start-up costs, the entry threshold of the industry can be lowered from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars to achieve faster deployment than the traditional project. The first community in China has all the hardware providers that make up the network. The products and services that the district needs and uses are not dependent on the companies and enterprises that are mainly interested in profits and financial reports. This kind of interest has consistently promoted the adoption and development of services. Open governance is different from traditional infrastructure projects that are managed by centralized entities with terms and conditions. It is open, democratic and easy to access. Anyone can participate in the construction of physical infrastructure that is beneficial to them. Conclusion Due to market liquidity and emotional rebound, In just a few weeks, Tao and its concept project has gained great popularity and capital influx. It is an application layer aimed at real-world users, providing users and enterprises with great promotion potential and leading them into the stage of wide adoption. However, users should realize that the current narrative effect and flywheel effect are obviously closely related to the market situation. At present, the high demand for harmony in the ecosystem is partly attributed to the recovery. With the maturity of the market and the development of the project, the evaluation of the project value. Will eventually return to profit rather than narrative and speculation. Whether the track project can truly realize the profit model, the security of smart contracts and the stable development and landing are still unknown variables. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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