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作者:Kyle Liu,Bing Ventures投资经理


目前,隐私公链主要分为隐私计算网络和隐私交易网络两部分。隐私计算网络采用安全多方计算技术,实现多方协同计算并保护数据隐私,其中的PlatON和Phala Network等项目表现出色。而隐私交易网络致力于保护用户隐私,在交易中提供更高的安全性,例如Aztec和Iron Fish等项目。隐私公链在保护数据隐私和交易隐私方面具备独特优势,并在去中心化和安全性等方面发挥重要作用。随着隐私公链市场的发展,UTXO和账户体系方案成为了关注的焦点。然而,我们需要更深入地思考这些方案的优劣势,以及它们如何应对未来需求的演变。





账户模型的隐私 VS UTXO模型的隐私




  • UTXO模型验证的复杂性存在一定挑战,需要考虑其在大规模网络中的扩展性和效率。

  • 账户模型在全局状态的依赖和隐私方面存在一些问题,UTXO模型的隐私扩展技术可以提供更好的隐私保护。

  • UTXO模型的构建和验证过程可能增加网络存储和验证的开销。













因此,提供更好的隐私保护解决方案,无论是通过隐私插件还是隐私公链,都有其合理性和市场需求。举个例子,基于Tornado Cash的设计,确实在一定程度上引入了监管和KYC的风险。然而,这并不意味着将隐私与KYC结合就是无效的。相反,采用适当的KYC机制和合规措施可以在一定程度上平衡隐私和监管的需求。通过建立可信的KYC提供商和有效的监管框架,可以实现隐私保护和反洗钱之间的平衡。


在传统的UTXO模型中,每个交易都被视为一组未使用的输出,这些输出可以作为新交易的输入。这种模型在确保交易的不可变性和完整性方面具有优势,但对于用户和开发者而言,使用起来可能相对复杂。引入”Account Abstract”的概念旨在将UTXO模型转化为更接近传统账户模型的形式,以提供更简化的用户体验和开发者工具。在这种抽象模型下,用户可以拥有自己的账户,而不需要关注每笔交易的输入和输出。

然而,将”Account Abstract”引入UTXO模型中可能会面临一些挑战和困境:

  1. 复杂性增加:将账户抽象应用于UTXO模型中可能增加系统的复杂性。为了实现账户抽象,需要引入新的机制来跟踪账户的余额和状态,同时确保交易的正确性和一致性。这可能需要对现有的UTXO模型进行重大改动,增加系统开发和维护的复杂性。

  2. 隐私保护问题:在UTXO模型中,交易的输入和输出是明确可见的,可以进行交易的追踪和分析。然而,引入账户抽象后,可能会降低交易的隐私性。账户抽象可能会导致交易的模式和关联性更加明显,使得用户的隐私受到威胁。

  3. 兼容性和迁移成本:在现有的UTXO生态系统中引入账户抽象需要考虑兼容性和迁移成本。这涉及到与现有的UTXO钱包、交易所和智能合约的兼容性,以及用户和开发者的迁移过程。如果引入账户抽象导致与现有生态系统的不兼容,可能需要额外的努力来平衡兼容性和改进性能之间的关系。


In the rapid development of the privacy public chain market, the account system scheme has become the focus of attention. However, we need to make more in-depth critical thinking and analysis on the choice of these two schemes to explore their adaptability in the future demand evolution. At present, the privacy public chain is mainly divided into two parts: the privacy computing network and the privacy transaction network. The privacy computing network uses secure multi-party computing technology to realize multi-party collaborative computing and protect data privacy, among which the sum and other projects have performed well. The privacy trading network is committed to protecting users' privacy and providing higher security in transactions. For example, the privacy public chain has unique advantages in protecting data privacy and transaction privacy, and plays an important role in decentralization and security. With the development of the privacy public chain market and the account system scheme, it has become the focus of attention. However, we need to think more deeply about the advantages and disadvantages of these schemes and how they respond to the evolution of future demand and account model analysis in the blockchain. Account model is a common ledger model, which regards each transaction as a collection of input and output, and provides better privacy protection by embedding additional content in the output script. It has the advantages of reducing transaction verification time and cost, protecting privacy and improving transaction throughput. However, the complexity of model verification brings some challenges, especially in terms of scalability and efficiency in large-scale networks. In contrast, account model is simple in management and suitable for token transfer and smart contract execution. However, Account model may damage users' privacy, because account is a part of the global state. To sum up, account model has advantages and challenges in privacy protection and security. For the model, we need to consider its scalability and efficiency in large-scale networks and the cost of storage and verification. For the account model, we need to solve the problems of global state and privacy, and at the same time consider the computing resources and time cost of transaction verification. The privacy of the account model is worth noting. The account model has different dilemmas in protecting transaction privacy. The traditional model has certain advantages in transaction privacy by splitting transactions to increase the difficulty for attackers to obtain specific payment information. However, this model has limitations in expansibility and flexibility. In contrast, the account model has advantages in dealing with complex smart contracts and state management. Therefore, we can explore ways to combine these two models in the privacy chain project to achieve better privacy protection and functional requirements. However, because they are not self-contained, they rely on the functions of previous transactions, which increases the complexity of verification, because it is necessary to verify the previous transactions on which each transaction depends, which may involve the verification of multiple blocks, which increases the storage and verification overhead of the blockchain network. When the node synchronizes with the network, it needs to build a set. Once the node verifies the current working block header, it only needs to find the output in a centralized way, which can simplify the verification process, but the security and wind of the node when it approaches the miner node. Risk assumption will become more important. To sum up, for the current development of the account system, we can put forward the following views: the complexity of model verification has certain challenges, and its scalability and efficiency in large-scale networks need to be considered. There are some problems in the dependence and privacy of the account model in the global state. The privacy expansion technology of the model can provide better privacy protection, and the construction and verification process of the model may increase the cost of network storage and verification. It is more extensive because it can better protect the privacy of transactions, and the account system is more suitable for scenes that need high readability, such as ordinary transfer scenes. When choosing the account book model, the privacy public chain needs to choose the demand of weighing privacy and readability according to its own application scenarios. In the future, the demand of the privacy public chain evolves, and we need to think about how to balance the privacy protection and functional requirements. One possible solution is to combine it with the account model to supplement it. By introducing the concept of account into the model, we can achieve better privacy protection and provide rich functional support. However, this hybrid model is also facing the challenges of technical realization and design. We need to study in depth how to balance and integrate the two models to achieve better user experience and security. We should also consider the sustainability of the privacy chain project, and strong community support and development resources are crucial for the long-term success of the project. An active developer community can bring more innovation and technological progress and provide strong support for the future development of the project. Therefore, we should evaluate the activity of the developer community of the project, the quality and quantity of open source code and other factors. These indicators can help us judge the sustainability and development potential of the project. We need to comprehensively consider the privacy protection ability, functional requirements, user experience, transaction speed and throughput, community support and development resources, and so on. Only in this way can we judge its long-term competitiveness more accurately. In short, the privacy public chain project is facing important challenges and opportunities in the future demand evolution, and the account system scheme is one of the key factors, which affects the security, scalability, performance and user experience of the public chain. By deeply thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of the account model and exploring the possibility of a mixed model, we can balance privacy protection and functional requirements while building a more competitive and forward-looking privacy public chain project. Investors should evaluate the project. This kind of alternative innovation, which pays attention to details and comprehensively considers various factors to make wise decisions, can achieve a higher level of privacy protection for the model by applying technologies and building solutions, and improve the transaction throughput and efficiency. For the account model, it can hide the account balance and transaction details through technologies such as ring signature and zero knowledge range proof, providing stronger privacy protection. In addition, in order to overcome their respective limitations, some alternative schemes have emerged, and the hybrid model is one of them. This choice combines the advantages of the account model, and some emerging blockchain projects have also explored other architectures, such as state machine-based or resource-based models. These new models try to solve the limitations of existing models and provide new solutions in terms of privacy performance and function. Market performance is not equal to user needs. At present, there is a voice that privacy is not the most urgent need for most users, so it will be more reasonable to sink privacy applications into the underlying framework of mainstream blue-chip protocols. Users do not need to perceive or give priority to privacy options, but I want to say that the development of privacy applications is not limited to hackers and hackers. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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