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12 月 22 日,香港证监会官网公布《有关证监会认可的涉及虚拟资产的基金的通告》,取代 2022 年 10 月 31 日发出的《虚拟资产期货交易所买卖基金通函》

同时指出:对于被准许在持牌交易平台交易的虚拟资产(如比特币,以太坊),持牌机构可发行与管理对应的现货 ETF,并在持牌交易平台或受认可的财务机构,以实物和现金两种方式进行认购和赎回。

香港SFC新规解读:比特币 / 以太坊现货ETF即将获批?


本通函载列证券及期货事务监察委员会(证监会)在考虑认可涉及虚拟资产的投资基金 1 时所须符合的规定。根据《证券及期货条例》第 104 及 105 条,在香港公开发售(证监会认可的虚拟资产基金)的基金,其净资产值(NAV)的 10% 以上。

本通函取代于 2022 年 10 月 31 日发出的《虚拟资产期货交易所买卖基金通函》。


在全球范围内,虚拟资产(以下简称 VA)的格局一直在迅速演变。现在,零售和专业投资者都可以获得范围更广、数量更多的提供增值风险敞口的投资产品,包括在主要海外市场提供的与增值风险相关的交易所交易基金(ETF),而且这些产品越来越受欢迎。香港对这些产品的需求也有所增加。

鉴于这些发展,证监会已引入制度,允许在适当的投资者保障措施下向香港公众发售某些 VA 服务产品。例如,香港证监会于 2022 年 10 月开始接受主要通过期货合约获得 VA 敞口的 ETF 的申请。香港证监会的虚拟资产交易平台(VATPs)发牌制度也于 2023 年 6 月生效,使香港投资者能够在符合若干资格要求和健全的投资者保护措施的情况下,直接进入大型现货 VAT。

本通函列明证监会认可基金须(i)直接投资香港公众可在证监会许可的 VATP 上进行交易的同一现货 VA 代币;和 / 或(ii)例如通过在常规受监管的期货交易所交易的期货和其它交易所交易的产品,获得对这种 VA 的间接投资。


获证监会授权的 VA 基金应符合证监会「单位信托及互惠基金手册」、「与投资有关连的保证计划」及「非上市结构性投资产品守则」中「总括原则」及「单位信托及互惠基金守则」(UT Code)中适用的规定。及;



证监会认可的 VA 基金的管理公司应具备(i)良好的规管往绩;及(ii)最少一名合资格的员工,并具备管理 VA 或相关产品的相关经验。

证监会认可的 VA 基金的管理公司须受牌照部(如适用)所施加的额外条款及条件所规限


香港证监会授权的 VA 基金只应(直接或间接)投资于香港公众可在香港证监会持牌 VA 交易平台上交易的 VA 代币。


证监会授权的 VA 基金可根据以下要求直接或间接投资于合格的 VA 代币。

对于 VA 期货,只允许那些在传统的受监管的期货交易所交易,但管理公司必须证明(i)相关的 VA 期货有足够的流动性和(ii)相关 VA 期货的滚动成本是可管理的,以及如何管理这些滚动成本。

通过其他交易所交易产品间接接触合格 VA 须遵守 UT 守则中的适用要求以及证监会可能施加的其他要求。

证监会认可的 VA 基金不应在基金层面对 VA 有杠杆风险敞口。

对于主要采用期货投资策略的证监会认可的 VA 基金,需采用积极的投资策略,以实现投资组合组合的灵活性(例如具有多个到期日的期货头寸的多元化)、展期策略以及处理任何市场扰乱事件。


由证监会认可的 VA 基金进行的现货 VA 交易及收购应通过证监会持牌 VA 机构或认可的财务机构(或本地注册认可机构的附属公司)进行,并遵守香港金融管理局(金管局)的监管规定。特别是:

(a)就现金认购及赎回而言,预期证监会授权的现货 VA ETF 会透过证监会发牌的增值交易平台(平台内或平台外)收购及出售现货增值交易;及

(b)就实物认购而言,参与交易商须将本地或海外持有的现货 VA 转让至证监会认可的现货 VA ETF 在香港证监会持牌 VA 交易平台或认可机构(或本地注册认可机构的子公司)的托管账户。这一过程与实物赎回相反。

证监会认可的现货 VA ETF 可以实物及现金认购及赎回。

就投资于现货 VA 的 ETF 而言,其负责人应为(i)证监会持牌法团或注册机构;及(ii)受牌照部施加的额外条款及条件(如适用)所规限。


证监会认可的 VA 基金的受托人 / 保管人只应将其 VA 托管职能(如适用)转授予(i)证监会持牌的增值服务终端客户,或(ii)符合金管局不时发出的符合 VA 托管标准的认可机构(或本地注册的认可机构的附属公司)。

受托人 / 保管人及任何负责保管证监会认可的 VA 基金所持 VA 股份的获转授人应遵守以下规定:

(a)应确保 VA Holdings 其自身资产和为其他客户持有的资产分开;

(b)应将大部分 VA 存放在冷钱包中。应尽量减少热钱包内储存的 VA 持有量及持有期,以备认购及赎回之需;及



对于现货 VA 的估值,证监会认可的 VA 基金的管理公司应采用基于主要 VA 交易平台上的 VA 交易量的指数化方法(即由信誉良好的供应商发布的基准指数,该指数反映了标的现货 VA 交易活动的显著份额)。


管理公司应确认所有必需的服务提供者(例如基金管理人、PD、市场庄家及指数提供者)均具备足够的能力、可随时为证监会认可的 VA 基金提供支援。


证监会认可的 VA 基金的销售文件(包括产品要点说明)应披露与 VA 风险有关的投资限额及主要风险。

证监会认可的 VA 基金的 KFS 应预先披露投资目标及与 VA 风险敞口相关的主要风险,例如:

(a)现货 VA 的价格风险、托管风险、网络安全风险和分叉风险;

(b)VA 期货投资的潜在巨大滚动成本和运营风险(如保证金风险和相关方强制措施相关风险)。

证监会认可的 VA 基金的管理公司须按照 UT 守则的现行规定,在推出产品前进行投资者教育。


请参阅联合通告所载有关中介人及证监会认可的 VA 基金分销的相关规定。




除第 29 段另有规定外,上述规定不适用于认可司法管辖区计划(包括可转让证券计划基金)及基金互认安排下的计划。

对于 (i) 已拥有或拟拥有超过资产净值 10% 且希望寻求证监会授权的 VA 风险的基金,或 (ii) 计划获得超过其资产净值 10% 10% 的现有证监会认可基金,须事先咨询证监会并获得其批准。

Official website, the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), issued a notice on the funds involving virtual assets approved by the CSRC on June to replace the circular on the trading of virtual assets futures exchange funds issued on June. At the same time, it pointed out that the licensee of virtual assets such as Bitcoin Ethereum, which are allowed to trade on licensed trading platforms, can issue and manage the corresponding spot and subscribe and redeem bitcoin in both physical and cash on licensed trading platforms or recognized financial institutions. The spot of Ethereum will soon be approved. The following circular is a compilation of the full text. It sets out the requirements that the Securities and Futures Commission must meet when considering the approval of investment funds involving virtual assets. According to Articles and Articles of the Securities and Futures Ordinance, the above circular replaces the circular of the virtual assets futures exchange-traded funds issued on January, the background of virtual assets in the world. At present, retail and professional investors can get a wider range of investment products that provide value-added risk exposure, including exchange-traded funds related to value-added risks provided in major overseas markets, and these products are becoming more and more popular, and the demand for these products in Hong Kong has also increased. In view of these developments, the CSRC has introduced a system to allow certain service products to be sold to the public in Hong Kong under appropriate investor protection measures. For example, the CSRC began to receive them in June. The licensing system of the virtual asset trading platform of the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission, which is applied for exposure mainly through futures contracts, also came into effect in June, enabling Hong Kong investors to directly enter large-scale spot under certain qualification requirements and sound investor protection measures. This circular states that the funds authorized by the CSRC shall directly invest in the same spot tokens that the Hong Kong public can trade on the basis of the approval of the CSRC, or, for example, through futures and other exchanges traded on regularly regulated futures exchanges. The products traded are indirectly invested in this kind. As for the authorized virtual asset funds, the CSRC stipulates that the funds authorized by the CSRC should comply with the umbrella principle in the investment-related guarantee plan and the unlisted structured investment product code of the CSRC's unit trust and mutual fund manual, the applicable provisions in the unit trust and mutual fund code, the additional requirements listed below and the relevant requirements in the joint notice on the activities related to the virtual assets of intermediaries should be met. Management company The management company of the fund recognized by the CSRC should have a good regulatory track record and at least one qualified employee with relevant experience in management or related products. The management company of the fund recognized by the CSRC should be subject to the additional terms and conditions imposed by the licensing department if applicable. Eligible virtual assets. Funds authorized by the CSRC should only directly or indirectly invest in the token investment strategy that the Hong Kong public can trade on the licensed trading platform of the CSRC. Gold can be directly or indirectly invested in qualified tokens according to the following requirements. For futures, only those that are traded on traditional regulated futures exchanges are allowed. However, the management company must prove that the relevant futures have sufficient liquidity and the rolling costs of the relevant futures are manageable, and how to manage these rolling costs. The indirect contact with products traded on other exchanges must comply with the applicable requirements in the code and other requirements that may be imposed by the CSRC. Funds recognized by the CSRC should not be at the fund level. Leveraged risk exposure For funds recognized by the CSRC which mainly adopt futures investment strategy, it is necessary to adopt active investment strategy to realize the flexibility of portfolio. For example, the diversified extension strategy of future positions with multiple maturity dates and the handling of any market disruption events, the spot trading and direct acquisition of funds recognized by the CSRC should be carried out through the licensed institutions of the CSRC, recognized financial institutions or subsidiaries of local registered and recognized institutions. And comply with the regulatory requirements of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority HKMA, especially for cash subscription and redemption, it is expected that the spot authorized by the CSRC will purchase and sell spot value-added transactions through the platform of the value-added trading platform licensed by the CSRC or outside the platform, and for physical subscription, participating dealers must transfer the spot held locally or overseas to the custody account of the subsidiary of the licensed trading platform of the SFC or an authorized institution or a locally registered authorized institution recognized by the CSRC. On the contrary, the spot recognized by the CSRC can be subscribed and redeemed in kind and in cash. As far as investing in the spot is concerned, the person in charge should be the licensed corporation or registered institution of the CSRC and the additional terms and conditions imposed by the licensing department. If applicable, the custodian should only delegate its custody function to the value-added service end customers licensed by the CSRC or the authorized institutions that meet the custody standards issued by the HKMA from time to time or locally registered authorized institutions. The trustee, custodian and any transferee responsible for keeping the shares held by funds recognized by the CSRC shall abide by the following provisions, ensure that their own assets are separated from those held by other customers, keep most of them in cold wallets, minimize the holding amount and holding period stored in hot wallets for subscription and redemption, and ensure that mnemonics and private keys are safely stored in Hong Kong, strictly restricted to authorized persons, so as to resist speculation, for example, by generating them in an uncertain way. Or conspire to mitigate the risk of any single individual through measures such as multiple signatures and key fragmentation, and appropriate backup. For the valuation of spot, the management company of the fund recognized by the CSRC should adopt the indexation method based on the trading volume on the main trading platform, that is, the benchmark index issued by reputable suppliers, which reflects the significant share of the target spot trading activities. The service provider management company should confirm all necessary service providers, such as fund managers, market makers and indexes. Providers have sufficient capacity to provide support information disclosure and investor education for funds recognized by the CSRC at any time. The sales documents of funds recognized by the CSRC include product highlights, which should disclose the investment limits and main risks related to risks. The investment objectives and main risks related to risk exposure of funds recognized by the CSRC should be disclosed in advance, such as spot price risk, custody risk, network security risk and bifurcation risk. The potential huge rolling cost and operational risk of futures investment, such as margin risk and related risks of compulsory measures of interested parties, must be in accordance with the current code. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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