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NFT 在以太坊生根发芽


2017年5月推出的Crypto Punk,作为NFT的先驱之一,历史悠久而且独具特色的朋克像素的头像,刚推出的时候,拥有以太坊地址的用户免费获得。这些像素化的人物形象不仅仅是NFT艺术的代表,更是NFT未来前景的开创者。Crypto Punk的成功为NFT市场注入了新的活力,吸引了说唱歌手Jay-Z (Shawn Carter)、橄榄球运动员Odell Beckham Jr、电竞帝国的联合创始人FaZe Banks等,掀起了第一波名人效应对NFT的追逐。

以太坊的NFT市场开始从Crypto Punk扩展到包括加密艺术、虚拟房地产、身份凭证、门票等多个领域。艺术家们通过NFT在以太坊上展示和销售作品,同时加密数字收藏家也通过这一平台获得了独特的数字资产,这一生态系统的形成为NFT在以太坊上的繁荣奠定了基础。



Crypto Punk之后,我们的确看到了更为激进且为以太坊进一步拓展影响力的NFT项目,其中最具有代表性的项目Bored Ape Yacht Club(BAYC、也称之为无聊猿)、Azuki、Doodles、DeGods等。


说到以太坊NFT真正的兴起,我们不得不提到BAYC,它在推动NFT发展中,起到最为关键的作用。Bored Ape Yacht Club(BAYC)后来居上者的崛起标志着以太坊NFT领域的一个巅峰。被誉为 “NFT之王” 的BAYC不仅仅是一系列独特的NFT收藏品,更像是一场NFT艺术革命。

BAYC的成功不仅在于艺术本身,还在于其巧妙的社交媒体营销策略。社交媒体上关于BAYC的讨论和分享在一夜之间使其声名远扬,吸引了全球的注意力。如贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)、内马尔(Neymar Jr.)、史努比·狗狗(Snoop Dogg)、麦当娜、沙奎尔·奥尼尔(Shaquille O』Neal)、姆爷(Eminem)、吉米·法伦(Jimmy Fallon)等等,除此之外还有各界的商业精英都拥有无聊猿NFT。体育明星、娱乐明星、商业大佬为NFT和BAYC吸引到了全球的注意力,并为庞大的BAYC帝国创造了更大的空间。

BAYC登顶NFT之王之后,在2022年3月24日,BAYC的母公司Yuga Labs宣布以40亿美元的估值,获得了4.5亿美元的融资,这笔融资是NFT融资史上最大。参与的机构都是顶级风投,其中有A16z领投,Animoca Brands、Google Ventures、Tiger Global、Coinbase Ventures、Adidas Ventures等机构跟投。

在融资之后,BAYC母公司Yuga Labs大力收购了NFT先驱Crypto Punk,因此BAYC成为了NFT行业的超级巨无霸。

BAYC的目标变得更为远大,它们的CEO Nicole Muniz声称,要在他们的新项目Otherside上,建造一个《链上迪士尼》,任何人都可以在这个链上元宇宙之中创建自己游乐设施、景点,并拥有这些社区虚拟资产。在Otherside上可以使用ApeCoin消费时,享受某些特权。






这道裂缝从Doodles开始, 今年的3月26日,Doodles创始人Jordan Castro在官方Discord宣布,Doodles将从一个《NFT项目》发展成一家领先的媒体特许经营公司。Jordan Castro表示,在投机上的公开建设的越多,就越无法实现长期的愿景,不会消耗任何资源区安抚那些有经济动机的Doodles NFT持有人,将把精力放在忠实的持有者身上。

NFT项目通常是倡导去中心化的原则,以DAO的方式共同建设。Doodles创始人Jordan Castro私自决策将一个去中心化的NFT项目转变为一家特许经营的媒体公司,与原本的去中心化理念背道而驰。

转为特许经营权的公司之后,Doodles经济效益,可以完全将社区成员排除在外,也是对NFT持有者的激励忽视。决策转型方面,没有经过与社区讨论和治理程序流程,单方面由创始人做出决定,没有考虑NFT持有者的声音,项目变成了由创始人拥有,而不是与社区共同拥有。Doodles NFT持有自然就会抛售手中Doodles NFT,此次事件之后,Doodles深陷泥潭。

Azuki是BAYC之后,被认为是一个充满个性和创意的NFT、社区,发展非常迅速,在加密推特,Azuki的NFT变头像随处可见,不亚于BAYC、Crypto Punk。因为它有一个非常有经验的创始人,Azuki 的创始人zagabond,在创建Azuki之前,zagabond创建过3个NFT项目,最终都跑路了,所以说他拥有非常丰富NFT运作的经验。

当他运作Azuki的时候,得心应手,仿佛一切都在他的掌握之中。Azuki NFT地板价也随之逆风飞扬,一度被认为Azuki就是熊市的NFT之光。获得光芒万丈的Azuki团队,在今年6月27日,发售新系列Elementals(NFT),共计1万个 Elementals的头像,通过荷兰式拍卖,Azuki与BEANZ持有者将支付2枚ETH押金,采用荷兰式拍卖的最终价格之间的差额退款。仅用了15分钟,新系列 Elementals(NFT)头像,全部售完,获得20000个ETH收入,等值3800万美元。

zagabond带领Azuki团队满载而归,从NFT市场抽走了20000个ETH。收到新系列 Elementals(NFT)的持有者们,发现NFT图片的质量缩水,因为与Azuki系列的NFT没有任何区别,只卖2ETH,所以引起了社区的愤怒、谩骂。


NFT社区追忆起往事,Azuki 创始人曾经创建的3个NFT项目都跑路了。


DeGods是一个基于Solana上的NFT项目,后来迁移到了以太坊的Polygon网络。在Azuki令人大失所望后,DeGods在所有NFT都在急速下跌时,它貌似为大家的失落找回那么一点信心,DeGods NFT 逆势飙升到地板价9 ETH,获得了Solana顶级NFT蓝筹的称号。


小结:它们带领以太坊NFT从无到有,为整个NFT行业提供了创新的应用方式,也带领以太坊NFT走向了深渊。在NFT市场低迷的时候,甚至有人喊出了 “ NFT已死 ” 的口号,引起行业极大的关注。激发了我们的思考,以太坊NFT的方式是否真的可以领导NFT走向光明?



在NFT市场中,比特币NFT的龙头项目——Bitcoin Frogs,在2021年11月展现出强大的市场势头。其交易量多次超越了知名的Bored Ape Yacht Club(BAYC),单日最高交易量更是达到了470万美元,相较之下,BAYC的单日最高交易量仅为260万美元。

BAYC的趋势线相对平缓,像是失去了生机,而Bitcoin Frogs的表现更为激进,多次超越BAYC的交易量,这一趋势有望彰显NFT投资者对比特币NFT的日益增长的兴趣。这种市场表现显示出Bitcoin Frogs有望在未来超越BAYC,成为比特币NFT领域的新宠。

数据来源cryptoslam,Bitcoin Frogs

数据来源cryptoslam,Bored Ape Yacht Club(BAYC)


比特币NFT的一切,从Ordinals(序数)协议开始,协议的创始人Casey Rodarmor在2022年12月发明了Ordinals协议,希望在比特币上创建NFT艺术,把NFT的所有信息记录在每一个聪(比特币的最小单位)之中。Ordinals协议的诞生,也为BRC20的发明者domo产生了灵感,发明了BRC20代币协议(铭文),拓展了比特币网络未来无限的空间。



直到今年的4月份,Unisat推出钱包和交易市场,产品内置支持发行和交易比特币Ordinals NFT、以及BRC20代币,让比特币 NFT再一次火爆,也加快了比特币Ordinals NFT出圈的步伐。

比特币NFT 4~5月份的火爆沉静之后,OKX钱包流畅的体验和对比特币NFT支持,比特币NFT又再一次引来了生机,让我们从中感受到了比特币NFT可能拥有比以太坊有更美好的前景,有以下3个原因:

1. 公平分配,没有预留

比特币NFT的分发机制,相比传统的以太坊NFT分发机制更具有吸引人的优势。例如,基于比特币网络最早发行OG NFT——Bitcoin Frogs(比特币青蛙),今年2月底开始发行的时候,每个人都可以公平的参与Bitcoin Frogs NFT铸造(Mint),总共发行10000个,没人任何预留。无需支付额外的购买费用,只需要支付GAS费用即可参与铸造获得。



2. 完全由社区驱动的IP


以太坊NFT有典型的例子,Crypto Punk、BAYC、Azuki、Doodles等一些以太坊NFT项目的知识产权全部由实体公司持有,并且在每一次出售的时候,公司还可以收到版税,这个收益与NFT持有者无关。另外,只有NFT持有者才有权利拓展无限商业权利或是有限商业权利。简单的说,以太坊很多NFT表面是执行去中心化治理,实际上一切的决策由公司说了算,就像Doodles,创始人有绝对权力决定将公司转型为特许经营权的媒体公司,Azuki、Doodles团队可以不经过社区的治理、投票,发行一个全新的劣质NFT售卖给社区。



3. 比特币NFT完全上链







Peng Yongnian, the author of the article, is often called the Renaissance of Digital Assets in the industry, which started a wave of combining digital art and encryption technology, attracted digital artists, creators and traditional artists to participate in the new wave of innovation, and brought new possibilities to the art field. This year, the narrative broke out, and the month to month was the beginning of an epic level. The most famous works of art in history were auctioned at Christie's, and the final transaction price was 10,000 pieces at that time. The transaction price of US dollars shocked everyone. A picture needs 10,000 dollars, which triggered the global deep thinking on the digital art market. Since then, the news of this auction event has spread to every corner of the world, and everyone is full of interest. I hope that I can have a smart contract function that takes root in Ethereum and becomes a bright pearl in the blockchain field, which provides a solid technical foundation for the development of digital assets. There is no other way to exist in the blockchain. As one of the pioneers launched last month, the portrait of punk pixels with a long history and unique characteristics has just been launched. Users with Ethereum addresses get these pixelated characters free of charge, which is not only the representative of art, but also the pioneer of future prospects. The success has injected new vitality into the market, attracted rappers, rugby players, co-founders of the e-sports empire, and set off the first wave of celebrity effect on the pursuit of Ethereum. It has been extended to many fields, including encrypted art, virtual real estate identity certificate tickets, etc. Artists display and sell their works in Ethereum, and encrypted digital collectors also obtain unique digital assets through this platform. The formation of this ecosystem has laid the foundation for the prosperity in Ethereum. With the continuous development of the market, Ethereum, as its main support network, will continue to witness the emergence of more emerging projects and encrypted works of art, which also makes people look forward to exploring in the future. And innovation. After the rise and fall of the Ethereum, we did see more radical projects that further expanded the influence of the Ethereum, among which the most representative projects were also called the rise of boring apes. Speaking of the real rise of the Ethereum, we have to mention that it played the most critical role in promoting development. The rise of the latecomers marked a peak in the field of Ethereum, and it was not only a series of unique collections, but also the success of an artistic revolution. The art itself lies in its ingenious social media marketing strategy. The discussion and sharing on social media made it famous overnight, attracting global attention, such as Justin Bieber, Neymar, Snoopy Dog Madonna, shaquille O 'Neill, Father Jimmy Fallon, etc. In addition, business elites from all walks of life have boring apes, sports stars, entertainment stars and business tycoons, which attracted global attention and created more space for the huge empire to reach the top of the king. The parent company announced that it has obtained a financing of $ billion at a valuation of $ billion. This financing is the largest participating institution in the history of financing, and all of them are top venture capitalists. Among them, the leading investment institutions and other institutions joined in the financing, and the parent company vigorously acquired pioneers, thus becoming a super giant in the industry. Their goal has become even more ambitious. They claim to build a Disney on their new project. Anyone can create their own amusement facilities and attractions in this chain metauniverse and own these community virtual assets. When these great narratives can't be realized, the number of tokens, land and online games drops sharply and becomes very fragile. People begin to question it, and the floor price of boring apes also begins to change from the highest to the present. Compared with the historical highest price, the tokens that have fallen have also fallen from the highest price to the historical highest price. Although the decline has not affected people's long-term expectations for Ethereum, other projects have been opened. From the beginning, there was a crack in the community. From the beginning of this year, the founder officially announced that it would develop from a project to a leading media franchise company. He said that the more public construction in speculation, the more it would be impossible to realize the long-term vision, and it would not consume any resource area to appease those holders with economic motives. The project will focus on loyal holders. Usually, the principle of decentralization is advocated, and the founders will jointly build a decentralized project in a new way. Turning into a franchised media company runs counter to the original decentralization concept. After turning into a franchise company, the economic benefits can completely exclude community members, and it is also an incentive for holders. The decision-making transformation has not been discussed with the community and the governance process has been unilaterally decided by the founder without considering the voice of the holder. The project has become owned by the founder rather than shared with the community, and it will naturally be sold out. After this incident, it will be deeply mired. Tan was later regarded as a community full of personality and creativity, and it developed very rapidly. The avatar of encrypted Twitter can be seen everywhere, as it has a very experienced founder who created a project before it was founded, and finally ran away, so he has very rich experience in operation. When he operates, it seems that everything is under his control, and the floor price flies against the wind. The team that was once considered as the light of a bear market won a radiant light in this month. A total of 10,000 headshots of the new series will be sold daily through dutch auction, and the holder will pay a deposit, and the difference between the final price in dutch auction will be refunded. It only takes minutes for all the headshots of the new series to be sold out and get a revenue equivalent to 10,000 US dollars, leading the team to leave the market with a full load. The holders who received the new series found that the quality of the pictures had shrunk, which caused the community's anger because they were no different from the series and only sold them. The team's practices were disappointing and would lack innovation and inferior quality. Repackaging and selling to community members broke people's confidence in the field of Ethereum, which led to the accelerated decline in the prices of other top-level projects. This feeling of loss also spread to communities in other chains. Recalling the past, every project once created by the founder ran away. It was a project based on the Internet and later moved to the network of Ethereum. After disappointing, it seemed to regain a little confidence for everyone's loss when everything was falling rapidly. It soared against the trend to the floor price and won the title of top-level blue chip. It was all the rage and finally embarked on the old road. This month, a new series was released, and it was randomly altered with no innovative methods 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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