坎昆升级临近 Layer2的Show Time时刻到来?

币圈资讯 阅读:40 2024-04-22 11:23:41 评论:0



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最近,layer2总算打破沉寂扬眉吐气了一把,$OP、$ARB、$METIS等代币大放异彩,像极了坎昆升级前夜的Show Time时刻。为啥坎昆升级后的layer2“竞争内卷”才真正拉开帷幕,坎昆升级后layer2的市场格局会如何演变?接下来,说说我的看法:

1)以太坊坎昆升级EIP4844 Proto-Danksharding提案落地,会给layer2 Rollup项目带来“质”的提振。通过引入Blob空间新数据结构,迭代了过去依赖calldata存放数据的受限性,同时提升了以太坊主网的Data availability能力。 相比calldata的全节点存储结构,Blob被设计为部分节点临时存储,这样可以大幅提升layer2单次向主网提交的数据上限,可以扩大其TPS,同时由于只是临时存储,数据存储效率会提升,数据存储成本也直线下滑。而DA能力的提升是因为1个月的临时存储,来应对OP-Rollup 7天的欺诈证明时间窗口也绰绰有余。 结果是,layer2单次向主网提交的交易量会大幅提升,均摊给单个用户的费用也会明显下降。坎昆升级前layer2吹嘘自身TPS有多大,但大多是测试环境,反倒用户直观感受到的Gas费磨损糟糕体验,会让大家觉得layer2名不副其实。 坎昆升级后,layer2选手们没了主网的性能瓶颈,再也不能以主网受限为借口,TPS、Gas这些硬指标会直接成为考验,也是layer2重塑竞争格局的一个关键。 这正是为何我一再强调,坎昆升级后,layer2的竞争局面才真正拉开序幕;2)坎昆升级后,layer2市场内卷大战加剧,新秀频出挑战OP+ZK既有格局。针对Sequencer的去中心化问题,一直是市场关注焦点,结果大家发现在layer2赛道强势的OP-Rollup,去中心化Sequencer变成了Stack联盟性质的社会共识“软去中心化”。 Whatsoever,大家尽管批判Optimism在去中心化不作为问题,Optimism凭借OP-Stack实际带来的市场成功似乎也可以扭转局面。但,你能说,OP-Rollup就是Rollup的全部了吗?显然不能,更合理的市场演变趋势是,OP-Stack的成功之处会进一步放大,OP-Stack的空白之处,也自然会有其他接力者。

这两天,layer2去中心化Sequencer方案提供方@MetisDAO二级市场表现非凡,7D 超100%涨幅很是夺目,其TVL锁仓数据也一举飞升至5.4亿美元,已经逼近zkSync,Why?

核心商业逻辑很简单,既然OP-Rollup在sequencer去中心化问题上止步不前,作为接力者,提出一套合理的去中心化Sequencer方案就是它的市场空间。 因为,Sequencer去中心化问题,事关layer2提交交易的可信度问题,也事关layer2交易的主网交互安全性问题,如果撇开“根基”这个问题不谈,坎昆升级后的TPS和Gas费率似乎都成了“空中楼阁”,我不否认Optimism在Stack战略上的成功,但Sequencer的去中心化问题总会有其他破局者解决。 Metis以POS质押的方式,运行多个Sequencer候补节点,节点之间通过竞选机制来竞争出块奖励,同时作恶也会被Slash惩罚。这种POS共识把每个Sequencer作为利益关联方捆绑成一个利益共同体,Metis基金会则利用Token的激励,斥资460万枚$METIS代币来激励Sequencer挖矿、新项目部署等等后续生态。 和Optimism相比,Metis市值还偏低,不和OP正面拼刺刀,仅去中心化Sequencer一项也能打开一片广阔市场。Metis只是近期抢眼典型范例,在我看来坎昆升级后,layer2的市场规模还会进一步扩大,新锐的layer2供应方,要从OP和ZK两大巨鳄嘴里抢肉吃,还会奇招尽出,把layer2赛道卷出新天际,当然更多的机会也会在新锐layer2上。


但当layer2市场大到一定规模,纯侠义的以太坊layer2正统性可能会被打破边界。道理和OP-Rollup的Fraud proof欺诈证明没有实际的battle-tested挑战产生也能被市场选择性忽略一样。技术只是商业逻辑的一环,市场和生态才说了算,好比Optimism总能以乐观之名出奇迹。 这意味着,坎昆升级后第三方DA解决方案会入侵layer2,包括 @CelestiaOrg 的 第三方DA方案, @EspressoSys 的共享Sequencer方案等。尽管大家都不情不愿,但模块化演变的商业逻辑会逐渐打破以太坊主网能守住的防线。OP-Stack堆栈推行的重点是实现共享Sequencer,未来OP战略同盟越多,其通过Sequencer能抓住的利益就会越大,相反其受到的多方利益牵扯也会变大,这种社会共识会成为技术之外的新掣肘,把Optimism稳固在一个老大哥的位置;

ZK-Stack堆栈的重点则是实现共享Prover系统,其自身的DA能力以及Celestia这类第三方DA能力,当然主网的有限DA能力,都会属于ZK的战略圈地范围,其发展重点是layer3 Hyperchains的新多链ZK版图界面,DA由谁提供并不是关键。 他们的利益导向决定了,其实都可以不在乎DA在哪,在乎DA的只有以太坊本尊。所以面对Celestia的持续抢夺DA市场,Vitalik才为Plasma+ZK摇旗呐喊,但忙于战略扩张的OP+ZK并不care这些,他们只关心,他们的Stack战略覆盖的layer2阵营会有多大,毕竟RaaS才是layer2的商业终局。总而言之,坎昆升级后的layer2赛道会异常精彩,无论是新锐的频频亮剑,还是layer2战略边界的扩张,都会激发layer2市场走向“多样化”繁荣。 layer2赛道最终会成为一个整合ZK技术+OP框架+各类DA方案+各类Sequencer服务+各类Gas费模型等共同构成的高度模块化的市场。

Recently, I finally broke the silence and held my head high. A handful of tokens shine like Cancun's eve of upgrade. Why did the competition involution really begin after Cancun's upgrade? How will the market structure evolve after Cancun's upgrade? Next, let's talk about my opinion. The landing of the upgrade proposal of Ethereum Cancun will bring a qualitative boost to the project. By introducing a new spatial data structure, the limitation of relying on storing data in the past has been iterated, and the capacity of the main network of Ethereum has been improved. Temporary storage of some nodes can greatly increase the upper limit of data submitted to the main network, and at the same time, because only temporary storage of data will improve the storage efficiency and the data storage cost will plummet, and the ability will be improved because the temporary storage of next month is more than enough to cope with the fraud proof time window of days. As a result, the transaction volume submitted to the main network will be greatly increased, and the cost shared by individual users will be significantly reduced. Before Cancun's upgrade, it boasted about how big it was, but it was mostly a test ring. On the contrary, the bad experience of users' intuitive perception of wear and tear will make everyone feel that it is not worthy of the name. After Cancun's upgrade, the players have lost the performance bottleneck of the main network, and they can no longer use the limited main network as an excuse. These hard indicators will directly become a test and a key to reshaping the competitive landscape. This is why I have repeatedly stressed that the competitive landscape after Cancun's upgrade really kicked off. After Cancun's upgrade, the internal volume war intensified and the rookie frequently challenged. The decentralization problem targeted by the existing pattern has always been the focus of market attention. As a result, we found that the strong decentralization on the track has become a social consensus of alliance nature, and the soft decentralization. Although criticizing the decentralization inaction seems to be able to reverse the situation with the actual market success, can you say that it is all? Obviously, the more reasonable market evolution trend is that the success will be further amplified, and there will naturally be other relays. The decentralized solution provider's secondary market performance in the past two days is extraordinary and the increase is very eye-catching. The data has soared to hundreds of millions of dollars in one fell swoop, which is close to the core business logic. Since it is very simple to stop on the decentralization issue and put forward a reasonable decentralization plan as a relay, it is its market space, because decentralization is related to the credibility of the submitted transaction and the interactive security of the main network of the transaction. If we leave aside the foundation, the upgraded sum rate in Cancun seems to be castles in the air. I don't deny the strategic success, but there will always be decentralization problems. Other game-breakers solve the problem of running multiple standby nodes by pledge to compete for a prize through the election mechanism, and at the same time, they will be punished for doing evil. This consensus binds each interested party into a community of interests, and the foundation uses the incentive to spend 10,000 tokens to stimulate the deployment of new mining projects, and so on. Compared with the market value, the subsequent ecological sum is still low, and it can only open up a vast market if it is not centralized. It is only a typical example that has recently caught the eye in Cancun. The market scale will be further expanded after the level. The cutting-edge suppliers will try their best to grab meat from the two crocodiles and roll the track out of the new horizon. Of course, more opportunities will gradually modularize and evolve on the cutting-edge, and orthodoxy will be replaced by a broad sense. The core I mentioned in many articles before is the ability of Ethereum. If all nodes of the main network do not participate in the verification of data security, the main network will actually become a bulletin board, so it cannot inherit the security of the main network, so it depends on it. Ethereum is chivalrous, and those who escape from the category of Ethereum are generalized radical points, which may not be recognized. However, when the market is large enough, the legitimacy of Ethereum, which is purely chivalrous, may be broken, and the truth and fraud prove that it can be selectively ignored by the market without actual challenges. Technology is only a part of business logic, and the market and ecology have the final say, which means that the third-party solutions will invade the sharing of the included third-party solutions after Cancun's upgrade. Although everyone is reluctant, the business logic of modular evolution will gradually break the defense stack that the main network of Ethereum can hold. The focus of implementation is to realize the sharing of future strategic alliances. The more strategic alliances it can seize, the greater the interests it will be involved in. On the contrary, this social consensus will become a new constraint beyond technology, and the focus of the stack is to realize the sharing system, its own capabilities and such third-party capabilities. Of course, the main network has. Limited capacity will belong to the scope of strategic enclosure, and its development focus is who provides the new multi-chain layout interface, which is not the key. Their interest orientation determines that in fact, they can all care where they are. Only the deity of Ethereum is facing the challenge of continuously grabbing the market, but it is not those who are busy with strategic expansion. They only care about how big the camp covered by their strategy will be. After all, it is the commercial end. In short, the upgraded track in Cancun will be extremely exciting, no matter whether it is cutting-edge and frequent swords. Or the expansion of strategic boundaries will stimulate the market to diversify and prosper, and the track will eventually become a highly modular market that integrates technical frameworks, various programs, various services and various fee models. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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