币安新币挖矿项目Sleepless AI WEB3养成游戏HIM介绍

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HIM第一款Web3女性向二次元虚拟男友养成游戏,结合AI + Crypto技术创造全维度饱满的虚拟男友形象。


HIM由Sleepless AI实验室开发,团队之前是叠纸游戏的核心团队,有大量游戏发行,0到1搭建项目的经验,包括闪耀暖暖等,过往操盘服务过的用户加起来超过4亿,巅峰DAU1000w,尤其是对女性用户的游戏体验偏好、如何做转化、付费等拿捏的比较准。在Web2验证过的大流量产品和成熟商业模式+NFT/token玩法+AI叙事 。

HIM是Sleepless AI实验室开发的第一款游戏,第二款游戏是养成系女友HER,最近官方网站上推出了HER聊天功能。


目前公布的投资机构包括:Binance LABS, Folius Ventures, Forsight Ventures, 具体投资金额目前没有公布。




$AI代币持有者可以对游戏性治理决策进行投票,包括优先游戏内物品升级(例如将配件从 SR 升级到 SSR),或决定未来的配件/新男友类型。质押$AI用户可以根据其治理权重分享交易手续费收入,并且获得戏内代币获得充值折扣。另外,质押的用户$AI投票给自己的男朋友/女朋友参加比赛,获胜者将获得更多奖励。



·推出HIM & HER游戏。


· HIM Genesis NFT销售。


·推出 HIM 2.0。



·HIM 系列 II NFT 和 HER 系列 I NFT 出售。




·扩大了 HIM 或 HER 的角色选择,让玩家更容易找到自己理想的类型。


·推出HER 2.0。





-进入游戏:使用社交登录或加密钱包访问游戏。HIM提供超过 10 个男朋友角色的广泛选择,每个角色都有鲜明的个性,等待您探索。总有一款能完美匹配您的喜好。一旦你做出了选择,他将成为你的SBT(灵魂绑定代币),只与你绑定,不能交易。

-选择男友 (SBT):HIM提供超过 10 个男朋友角色的广泛选择,每个角色都有鲜明的个性,等待您探索。一旦你做出了选择,他将成为你的SBT(灵魂绑定代币),只与你绑定,不能交易。







通过与男友聊天和养成升级能获得一定代币资产回馈 (Love to Earn),但主要通过氪金充值代币资产购买道具来培养男友的技能点 (男友力/亲密度等),并引入PvP竞争和开宝箱模式激发消费冲动。



参与竞标:Genesis NFT 销售将通过拍卖进行。参加拍卖让您有机会获得空投。出价最高的人将获得可观的空投,即使那些没有赢得拍卖的人仍将获得空投,其数量将与其出价金额呈正相关。

快速升级挑战在 Twitter 上标记@HIMAIBF,并在应用程序上分享您男朋友个人资料页面的屏幕截图。等级越高,空投奖励越大!

分享互动:在Twitter上分享你与HIM男友的对话,并标记@HIMAIBF。官方将从 Twitter、Telegram 和 Discord 群组中选择最有趣的一个。被选中的人将被私信提供他们的地址,还将收到空投。


每日签到 :通过参与每日签到,您有机会获得空投。

打开https://www.sleeplessai.net/home,链接BSC链钱包,点击右上角check in获得ticket,持有ticket可进行男友投票。










TW: https://twitter.com/SleeplessAI_Lab

TG: https://t.me/SleeplessAIGroup

DC: https://discord.gg/9QveWrCXJy


综合最近币安上币情况,AIGC 和游戏都有很高的关注度,对相关资产有很高的上币热情,但目前普遍缺乏可落地,团队优质,有直接面向C端用户的产品与项目。HIM由币安投资,同类型的竞品几乎没有,上币安的概率极大。

女性向二次元游戏是一个有机会带来大流量并且赚钱的方向,包括付费意愿和能力都在 web2经过验证。二次元游戏近几年增长很猛,不管是热度还是做social都天生有优势,大方向以及游戏内容都和web3的契合度高,且目前Web3游戏里目前没有二次元女性向游戏品类。

AI + Crypto实现更好赋能,AI能解决恋与制作人这种养男友个性化的问题,更具独特性,且在实现更好效果(声音、剧情内容、美术)的基础上打破行业原有的高成本结构。



Project Introduction The first love women secondary virtual boyfriend development game combines technology to create a full-scale virtual boyfriend image. The team introduction is based on the laboratory development team, which used to be the core team of paper folding games. There are a lot of experience from game distribution to project construction, including users who have served in the past, such as shining warmth, adding up to more than 100 million peaks, especially how to make conversion payments for female users' game experience preferences. The balance is accurate in the proven high-flow products and mature business model gameplay. Narration is the first game developed in the laboratory, and the second game is to cultivate a girlfriend. Recently, the official website has launched a chat function. The investment institutions currently announced include the specific investment amount. Token economics includes two kinds of tokens, one is in-game tokens, and the other is governance tokens. Token holders can vote on the decision-making of game governance, including giving priority to in-game. For example, upgrading the accessories from to or deciding the future accessories, the new boyfriend type pledge users can share the transaction fee income according to their governance weight and get the recharge discount of in-game tokens. In addition, the pledged users vote for their boyfriends and girlfriends to participate in the competition, and the winners will get more rewards. Roadmap: The game will be launched in the fourth quarter of the year, and the offline animation theme activity series of South Korea and Japan will be launched in the first quarter of the global game distribution and sales year based on popularity. The series sold in the second quarter of 2008 expanded the role selection of or, making it easier for players to find their ideal type. More new games using artificial intelligence and blockchain technology will be launched in the global offline animation theme activities, and animation-themed flash events will be held in famous landmarks around the world to cooperate with the comic convention. The gameplay raiders entered the game and used social login or encrypted wallet to access the game, providing a wide choice of more than 10 boyfriend roles in every corner. Every color has a distinct personality waiting for you to explore. There is always one that can perfectly match your preferences. Once you make a choice, it will become your soul-bound token, which can only be tied to you, but can't be traded. Choosing a boyfriend provides a wide selection of more than one boyfriend role. Each character has a distinct personality waiting for you to explore. Once you make a choice, it will become your soul-bound token, which can only be tied to you, but can't be handed over. Easy to interact with your boyfriend, the advanced dialogue system and the most advanced artificial intelligence technology integration allow you to have a dialogue with your virtual boyfriend, share your daily life stories and even pictures, deepen your connection and increase your intimacy. Dress him up, feed him and play with him. Who can resist a charming and handsome boyfriend? In the in-game store, users can find all kinds of clothes and accessories and even food for their boyfriend, choose from the available options and dress him in your favorite style. Remember that the higher the level of accessories, the greater the benefits the user will get. It may be challenging to customize him to find a boyfriend who fully meets your appearance preferences and personality requirements in real life, but in the game, the user can customize his boyfriend's personality to meet all your preferences and desires, and adjust various attributes to shape his personality. These changes will be reflected in your conversation with him, experiencing traps and mysterious boxes, and providing exciting functions such as traps and mysterious boxes in the game through participation. Users have the opportunity to open surprise gifts, including clothing props, tokens and other virtual boyfriends. The higher the level of virtual boyfriends, the greater the chance of getting rare and exclusive items. Unlocking mini-games is constantly adding new mini-games to the platform, where users can enjoy playing with their boyfriends and discover various interesting activities and challenges to enhance the game experience. By chatting with boyfriends and developing upgrades, they can get some token assets feedback, but mainly through krypton recharging token assets to buy props to cultivate their boyfriends' skills. Friendly intimacy, etc., and introduce competition and treasure chest mode to stimulate consumption impulse. How to airdrop official website gives a way to participate in bidding sales. You will have the opportunity to get airdrops through auction. The person with the highest bid will get considerable airdrops, even if those who don't win the auction will still get airdrops. The number will be positively related to the bid amount. The challenge of rapid upgrade is to mark on the screen and share your boyfriend's personal information on the application. The higher the screenshot level, the more empty it is. The bigger the reward, share the interaction, share your conversation with your boyfriend and mark it. The official will choose the most interesting person from the group and provide their address by private message. They will also receive an airdrop vote to participate in our boyfriend election and vote for your favorite person. If the person you choose wins, you will get an airdrop as a reward. By participating in the daily check-in, you will have the opportunity to get an airdrop, open the link chain wallet and click on the upper right corner to get a hold. You can vote for your boyfriend to participate in the test at present. The test will begin to take part in the test as follows: download support and Android only open a quota. At present, Android users are not limited, but they will be given rewards from all kinds of Android test users. Download links will enter the test, register through email, click the activation link after receiving the activation link, and you can log in to the game. You can get four cards, one of which is three cards. The higher the card, the higher the chance to get additional rewards. There are two ways to chat and interact. You can communicate with your boyfriend by clicking on the red circle. Only English is supported. You can also get a link summary by clicking on your boyfriend's body parts. Recently, there is a high degree of attention to the situation of currency security and games, and there is a high enthusiasm for related assets. But at present, there is a general lack of quality products and projects that can be landed by the team and directly face the end users. There is almost no probability that the same type of competing products will be invested by Currency Security. love women Secondary Game is an opportunity to bring large traffic and the direction of making money includes The willingness and ability to pay have been verified. The secondary game has grown rapidly in recent years. No matter whether it is hot or doing, it has an inherent advantage in the general direction and the game content is highly compatible. At present, there is no secondary love women game category in the game to achieve better empowerment, which can solve the problem of love and producer's personalized boyfriend. It is more unique and breaks the original high-cost structure of the industry on the basis of achieving better effects, sound, plot and content art. The krypton model is adopted to compare with the economic model, which brings stability, high-flow products and mature business models that have been verified by the growth of operational income and organic users. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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