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撰文:Zixi.eth,321 DAO成员 来源:X,@Zixi41620514







1.1 开发者工具——天下攘攘皆为利往

相比2022年同期,crypto MAD同比下跌了27%,但是值得庆幸的是,相对于两年前还是有66%的增长。受限于新开发者的减少以及老项目的流失,今年开发者工具市场市场规模出现了一定的下滑。此外,由于AI的一级市场在北美和中国市场实在是太好了,不少工程师选择了加入AI掘金。

因此整体来看,今年的开发者工具市场规模出现了一定的下滑。这在Alchemy的一级半市场估值中有所体现——相对于105亿美金的上轮估值,目前估值仅有30亿美金左右。Consensys的70亿美金估值,现在一级半也只有30亿左右。 但这个市场我们在2024-2025年还是富有信心。


1.2 NFT——除了PFP,它还可以是什么?

传统的PFP的故事已经很难让大家买单了。下图是BAYC的最近一两年的价格走向。在2022年Yugalabs还推出了APE+猴地的组合拳,让市场fomo一时。但是今年的NFT市场非常冷清,大户已经很难再来为NFT支付几万几十万美金。此外Azuki也让市场再寒心一波,今年推出的AZuki Elemental等也相当于直接复制粘贴一键生成就开始印钱,很难感受到团队的走心。

但值得注意的是,今年的NFT市场还是有一些有意思的项目出现,例如小企鹅走NFT+线下玩具的路线,确实获得了北美市场的一致好评,让我们看到了pfp NFT的新路线。



2.1 AI+Crypto——2B还是2C?

先摆一个有意思的观点,假如2024-2025有牛市,我们将会看到一定量2C的游戏/社交/C.AI/Chatbot类web2 AI项目走上web3发币的道路。这个观点是来源于我们今年看到的不少2C的AI项目本身的同质化比较高,收入天花板相对不高,并且受限于现在算力成本逐渐高昂,利润表很难打平,拿到了投资人的资金后,也要考虑退出的渠道。

当收入/玩法/增长出现停滞后,其实发Utility token增加玩法是一个可以考虑的idea——一方面发token拉盘就是一个很好的mkt策略,其次也可以带web2的用户进场(现在钱包和账户抽象的技术已经发展的不错了),所以可能是一个web2/3双赢的方式。此外,这批AI 2C创业者也非常年轻,对新鲜事物的接受程度很高,也是有可能促成这一点的原因。

言归正题,我把crypto+AI简单分成2C和2B两类。2C的类似于Myshell,NFprompt,Worldcoin等,2B的更多,例如Modulus Labs,ChainML,EZKL,Questlab, http://Flock.ai, Gensyn等。2C的AI产品不赘述,不管是游戏还是http://C.AI类的产品在web2都已经验证了成功,在web3中我们也看到了。

Myshell类似的语音机器人社区在蓬勃发展。因为Crypto+AI还是早期,因此目前还是以2B为主,例如服务项目方,给他们做链上Agent;服务项目方和公司,来做ZKML验证;服务LLM/Text to Video模型或者是AI related的公司,众包做数据标注等等。



2.2 监管合规——机构进场了

监管合规是个永恒的主题,其实今年年底涨幅很大一部分是来源于大家对于Blackrock BTC ETF的通过pricein,最近一个多月的涨幅就已经很好的证明了——“光是想像传统资金能有一部分进场,就能有很大的增长”。


我们假设传统资金进场的不多(毕竟传统资金都觉得区块链要骗局了,一级市场都没怎么投资了),那么这部分钱就可能是币圈老人+知道ETF的传统资金老鼠仓拉盘。那么BTC ETF一旦通过,市场一年两年再流入主流机构的100亿美金200亿美金,那么crypto能涨到多少?这里的分析等到2024年年终总结再复盘。


1.稳定币 2.交易所(Onchain/Offchain,especially for Perpetual) 3.资管。这部分不再赘述。

2.3 DePIN——如何用Crypto做分发



第一大问是,上游的真实需求存在什么问题?例如在Helium和Helium mobile中真实需求就是通讯数据很贵,而且信号不好,铺好4G5G基站要花很多钱,老美没有一个中心化的大公司能做类似的事情,所以我们需要去中心化的铺开;数据标注是AI公司的真实需求,需要有人来帮忙解决数据标注的问题;渲染是真实的需求,所以需要闲置的GPU来做离线渲染;推理和训练也是真实的AI需求,因此需要闲置算力为AI公司服务。






3.1 GameFi√/SocialFi?

首先要理解Crypto和token市值,是一个很好的情绪放大器,也是一个很好的Mkt tool。

在2022/2023年我们看到了东西方都有很不错的团队在下场做游戏,例如东方有Funplus/Xterio,Matr1x等,西方也有bigtime。再加上12月22日突发的网络游戏意见稿,我相信这会(强迫)帮助东方的游戏创业者出海。对于Web3 Game是一个非常大的利好。我们很期待在2024年能否再次看到Axie/Stepn类的东方现象级别的游戏产品。


3.2 L2——内忧外患

2022年的Infra主题叙事就是Modular blockchain,大家看好execution, consensys, settlement和DA的可组合型。并且在2020-2022年,L2的技术壁垒确实很高,所以Arbitrum,Op以及几大ZK项目的估值非常高。还记得2021年在分析L2时,我们觉得参考L1的发展,生态的先发优势非常重要,因此会在3-5年先看好OP L2,但后面由于技术迭代未来几年还是看好ZK L2。

但是技术的迭代貌似远远超乎我们预期,OP Stack可以一键发OP L2;现在的Rollup as a service公司甚至能一键发ZK L2,可组合性非常高,因此L2开发壁垒目前很低。22年还只能说出4个ZK L2,现在23年市场上至少有10多家ZK L2,还有至少5家以上的RAAS公司,L2的厮杀在2024年将会非常惨烈。甚至Blur/Blast还告诉VC以及散户,NFT Mktplace不仅可以吸血鬼攻击Opensea,还tm能攻击其他L2。

此外,现在还能存活的EVM Competitor都有一技之长,例如Tron做支付,BSC做游戏,Solana有DePIN。未来L2如何在内部厮杀中胜出,也如何在外部和EVM Competitor竞争,将会是非常非常残酷的战役。可能不弱于百团大战,电商大战,大模型大战。


3.3 比特币生态——是价值回归,还是泡沫?




其实仔细想想,这个市场已经在2022-2023发生了太多的迭代,DeFi市场中dex从现货逐渐过渡到了衍生品,并且机构越来越接受DeFi;游戏市场中web2大厂下海的开发者已经基本研发完毕,2024年将开始发行;L2已经攻克了很多技术难度,我们已经可以一键发OP和ZK L2;AI+Crypto也有很多市场可以来做,例如数据,算力;社交也出现了http://Friend.tech;比特币生态也有不少的开发者涌入;Solana涅槃再生,depin发展迅速。


The source of the author continues the article I wrote last month. Let's open another article to summarize what happened in 2008 and look forward to the future of 2008. The secondary market is going from low to high, but at the same time, the primary market continues to be cold and cheerless, which gives me the feeling that the primary market may be even colder than that in 2008. This may come from the fact that the primary market lags behind the secondary market for about half a year, and new entrepreneurs have not yet entered the market. The old entrepreneurs have passed away and made new stories, which are extremely lacking in the current market. Most of the stories are old stories. Like last year, the whole article is divided into three parts, mainly explaining what we are optimistic about this year, what we are optimistic about next year and what we need to observe next year. The developers' tools are all bustling and profitable, which is a year-on-year decline. Fortunately, compared with two years ago, some growth was limited by the decrease of new developers and the loss of old projects. The market size of developers' tools has declined this year. In addition, because the primary market in North America and China is so good, many engineers chose to join Nuggets, so overall, the scale of the developer tool market has declined this year, which is reflected in the first-and-a-half market valuation of $ billion. Compared with the last round of valuation of $ billion, the current valuation of $ billion is only about $ billion, and now the first-and-a-half market is only about $ billion, but we are still confident in this market in, and we have also seen the growth of domestic developer tool data, for example, flat. Last year, the number of developers on the stage increased to the most direct benefit track for developers to enter. If the annual meeting is the next bull market, the increase of the developer's tool track is very significant in the annual meeting, and I also believe that the opportunity for a series of developer's tools to appear in the annual meeting can be a traditional story. It is difficult for everyone to pay the bill. The following picture shows the price trend in the last one or two years. In 2008, the monkey land combination boxing was launched to make the market temporarily, but this year's market is very deserted. It is difficult for large households to pay tens of thousands of dollars again, and it also makes the market chilling again. This year's launch is equivalent to directly copying and pasting and starting to print money with one click. It is difficult to feel the team's heart, but it is worth noting that there are still some interesting projects in this year's market, such as the route of little penguins taking off-line toys, which has indeed won unanimous praise in the North American market. Although it is in a downward trend this year, we have also seen the new route. Other uses, such as the commercial value of entities, such as Li Ning Monkey Brand Card, Starbucks Opera Concert, may gradually evolve into a technology of traditional industries in the next year and the year after next. What should we be optimistic about next year or put an interesting point of view first? If there is a bull market, we will see a certain amount of games and social projects on the road of making money. This point of view comes from the fact that many projects we have seen this year are relatively homogeneous, and the income ceiling is relatively low and limited by the increasing cost of computing power. It's difficult to level the income statement. After getting the investors' funds, we should also consider the exit channel. When the growth of income gameplay stagnates, it's actually a good idea to increase the gameplay. On the one hand, it's a good strategy to make a bid, and secondly, it can bring users into the market. Now the technology of wallet and account abstraction has developed well, so it may be a win-win way. In addition, these entrepreneurs are also very young and have a high degree of acceptance of new things, which may also contribute to this. To get to the point, I will divide the simple products into two categories, such as games and similar products. I won't go into details. Both products have been verified successfully. In the process, we also see that similar voice robot communities are booming, because it is still in its early days. For example, companies that provide services to them on the chain, projects and companies do verification service models, or companies crowdsource data annotation, etc. There is another interesting point, especially the data and computing power side. Both are platform-based businesses, and the upstream is the demander of computing power data labeling. For example, the midstream of various model companies is the distribution platform of computing power data labeling, and the downstream is all kinds of large, medium and small blockchains, which dispatch the long tail retail investors downstream through the reward mechanism. But at present, it is easier to realize the scheduling of data labeling, and it is difficult for teams to schedule computing power, especially when it comes to a wide range of heterogeneous scheduling. We have seen the vigorous growth of the project in many directions and expect you to be there. Next year, the performance of business and currency issuance, supervision and compliance institutions enter the market, which is an eternal theme. In fact, a large part of the increase at the end of this year comes from everyone's concern. It has been well proved by the recent increase of more than a month that just imagining that some traditional funds can enter the market, there will be great growth. At the beginning of the year, the market value of stable currency was US$ billion, and the year of stable currency was the lowest in the last year or two. The market value of stable currency was US$ billion, but it rose from US$ to US$, which means the mainstream. The liquidity in the market retreated from the cottage dog to the bitcoin, but in this month, the stable currency only flowed into the US$ 100 million in the next month, and it rose from there. We assume that there are not many traditional funds entering the market. After all, the traditional funds all think that the blockchain is going to cheat, and the primary market has not invested much, so this part of the money may be the traditional funds known by the old people in the currency circle. So once it passes through the market and then flows into the mainstream institutions for one year or two years, how much can it rise? Wait until the end of the year to make a summary. There are several topics that I think are good regulatory compliance related to stabilizing the asset management of the currency exchange. I won't go into details on how to use them for distribution. Recently, I have seen many interesting projects, among which the most interesting ones can be summarized as the main business is the means of distribution. For example, the main business of the means of distribution is that users feed map data to suppliers who need data, but the main business of using them for distribution is to help companies with data needs to mark data. I think it's the same as the logic of trading speculative coins. Instead of directly telling users that they can make money a year, it's better to give them a hope that they can make money, and it's more convenient to use it as a means of settlement than cash, especially in the cross-border settlement of a wider range of users. I divide it into three questions: the first question is what is the real demand of the upstream, for example, in the middle of peace, the real demand is that communication data is very expensive and the signal is not good. It takes a lot of money to set up the base station, so there is no centralized big company in America that can do similar things, so we need 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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