Solana沦为Meme链 ?托起TVL的还有它们

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售价599美元,Solana区块链网络官方推出的Web3 手机Saga,自今年5月上市以来一直销量不佳,但是到了12月,官方为每位手机购买者空投了3000万BONK代币,这些BONK代币到手后价值700美元,手机买家不但回本还赚了。

这一刺激,Saga 手机在eBay上都溢价了500%,挂单直接3000 美元。

Soga手机的“诱饵” BONK也是最近带动Solana链活跃起来的导火索,这个以狗狗形象为Logo的Meme币(模因概念),在30天内从0.0000038美元附近最高涨至0.000034美元,直接“消0”翻了近10倍,最近虽然回落0.000015美元,但月内涨幅仍在290%。

低价格、高涨幅最能刺激币圈玩家神经,BONK这一把火也称彻底点燃了Solana链的Meme热,以“柴犬”为主题的WIF代币、以“龙”为主题的SILLY等动物系列Meme代币纷纷面世,资金随之大幅流入Solana链,链上加密资产总价值(TVL)月内增至14.75亿美元,月内增幅120 %。

Meme在Solana链上的交易活跃也带动了链上Gas “SOL”的需求,加上二级市场看好,SOL的价格一个月内破百,最高飚至113.27美元,涨幅92.67%。




如果你热衷于在加密资产的“山寨币”市场里“掘金”,最近,你肯定听说过“傻龙 (Silly Dragon)”,它的代币名叫SILLY,自12月5日推出后,2天内在去中心化交易应用(DEX)Jupiter Swap上促成了3000万美元的交易量,目前价格0.12美元,刚上线二级市场时,小数点前还有过2个“0”。

“傻龙”的形象第一次出现,是在Solana联合创始人阿纳托利·雅科文科(Anatoly Yakovenko)的衣服上,今年10月底,他穿着这件衣服在Solana的Breakpoint 2023年度大会上出现。2月后,这个形象有了自己的Meme币SILLY,创建者匿名。

尽管以阿纳托利的衣服为灵感,但SILLY并不是Solana链上最火的Meme币,真正是火种是1年前创建的BONK,在“僵尸”状态持续了近一年后,今年12月13日-15日,这个老牌Meme宣布要针对Solana生态正式推出大规模空投,其中一个对象就是Solana推出的Web3 手机Saga的购买者。



Solana链上的Meme热就此开启,WIF(Dogwifhat)、PONKE、Popcat、Eggdog、Melon Dog全出来了,俨然“动物币”开会。其中,感恩节期间推出的WIF,Meme角色是戴着针织帽的柴犬,该代币在12月18日于Solana 链上诞生,初始市值为1亿美元,到了12月24日,市值翻倍,超过 2.2亿美元。 



DefiLlama数据显示,12月1日,Solana链的TVL为6.7亿美元,到了12月27日,这一数字已变为14.75亿美元,增长了120.14 %。






根据DappRadar数据,从24小时交易量来看,Solana链上的DeFi、游戏、元宇宙、治理等多个板块的老牌项目都维持了非常高的活跃度,包括Chainlink、Aave、Jito,Raydium、STEPN、Helium。这些才是能够保障 Solana健康发展的关键。


去中心化预言机网络ChainLink几乎是所有区块链链上基建里的基建,因为链上应用都需要这类智能合约连接链外数据,仅12月26日,它在Solana链上产生了价值6.17亿美元的交易量;借贷应用Aave则以2.13亿美元交易量排在第二。而运动鞋游戏STEPN、元宇宙游戏Star Atlas也有百万以上的资金留驻。

值得一提的是,最近有热门相的去中心化移动设备供网类版块DePIN的项目“Helium”,也在Sonala链上的24小时交易量Top榜里,贡献了2983万美元的交易量。Helium是该链上最大的DePIN 项目。 



“我很高兴BONK表现出色。让即将推出的DeFi代币也取得巨大成功。”11月20日,加密圈的KOL @R89Capital的帖子引起Solana联合创办人阿纳托利的关注,他发起提问,“你认为Meme币永远只是Meme(完全可以接受的结果)?还是你认为可以基于奖励让人们进行某种“任务型”工作来构建全球的发展运动?”

而Placeholder VC合伙人Chris Burniske认为,“如果操作得当,加密资产将让有价值的劳动与其创建的资本更紧密地结合。因此,尽管Meme币很有趣,但我专注于将后一种情况变为现实。”




其中,衍生品交易应用Zeta Markets已建立“Z-Score”积分体系,借贷应用Kamino同样有积分设置,AMM应用Meteora已确定空投。


The mobile phone officially launched by the blockchain network with a price of US dollars has been selling poorly since it went on the market in January this year. However, by the end of this month, the official airdropped 10,000 tokens for each mobile phone buyer. These tokens were not only returned to their original value, but also earned this incentive. The bait of the direct dollar mobile phone with a premium on the mobile phone is also the fuse that has recently activated the chain. The concept of coin meme with the image of a dog has risen from the highest level near the US dollar to nearly doubled the US dollar. Although it has recently returned, The dollar fell, but the price increase was still low in the month. The high price increase can best stimulate the nerves of the players in the currency circle. This fire is also called completely igniting the chain. The Shiba Inu-themed tokens and the dragon-themed animal series tokens have come out one after another, and the funds have flowed into the chain. The total value of encrypted assets has increased to 100 million dollars in the month. The active trading in the chain has also driven the demand on the chain. Plus, the optimistic price in the secondary market has broken through 100 to the highest price in one month. There is a voice saying that it is becoming a chain, but if If you look closely at the transaction volume and project distribution of this chain, you will find that the funds are still in the infrastructure, including decentralized transactions, loan liquidity management and other applications. Some new infrastructure agreements have begun to appear. In addition, some applications such as metacosmic games have also retained some of the capital chains. When they come back to life, the wealth effect has brought great attention, and the key to a healthy life is still the construction of chain applications. Some new applications have begun to appear. If you are keen on the counterfeit currency market of encrypted assets, Nuggets recently, you must have heard of Silly Dragon. Its token name was launched on April, and the day after tomorrow, it contributed to the trading volume of $10,000 in decentralized trading applications. At present, the image of Silly Dragon appeared before the decimal point when the US dollar first went online in the secondary market. It first appeared in the clothes of co-founder Anatoly Jakovenko, who appeared at the annual conference at the end of last year. After that, the image of the coin creator became anonymous, although inspired by Anatoly's clothes, it was not. The hottest coin in the chain is really kindling, which was created years ago. After the zombie state lasted for nearly a year, this old brand announced that it would officially launch a large-scale airdrop for the ecology. One of the targets was the price data collected by the buyers of the launched mobile phones. During the airdrop plan, the American Cryptographic Assets Exchange was the most sensitive, and it pushed up the price to the highest value of US$ within an hour, which led to a transaction volume of over 100 million dollars. The craze in the chain started, and it was like an animal coin meeting, including Thanksgiving Day. During this period, Shiba Inu wearing a knitted hat was introduced. The token was born on the chain on March, with an initial market value of US$ 100 million. By March, the market value doubled to more than US$ 100 million. During this period, the most direct impact brought by the heat on the chain was to push up the total value of the chain's encrypted assets. The data showed that the monthly chain was US$ 100 million, and this figure has increased to US$ 100 million. At the same time, the price of tokens on the chain has doubled from US$ on March to US$ and is now falling back to a new From the perspective of time, the inflow of funds in the chain is indeed in line with the activity of coins during this period. Smart users want to get hot chips with lower prices directly from the chain or in the application. Some people wait for the attention of centralized exchanges to gain new gains, while others get application rewards directly from the applications in the chain by providing liquidity, which has promoted the demand for tokens, but if you look closely, it is still the infrastructure that can really support the activity of online transactions. We are important places for carrying capital and traffic. According to the data, from the point of view of the hourly trading volume, the established projects in many sectors such as the game meta-universe governance on the chain have maintained a very high activity, including these, which are the key to ensure the healthy development. In fact, there is only one item in the list of hourly trading volume. The decentralized Oracle network is almost the infrastructure of all blockchain infrastructure, because online applications need such intelligent contracts to connect the data outside the chain. It has generated a trading volume of $ billion in the chain, while lending applications rank second with a trading volume of $ billion, while sports shoes games and meta-universe games also have more than one million funds to stay. It is worth mentioning that the recently popular decentralized mobile devices for the network sector project has also contributed $ million in the hourly trading volume list in the chain, which is the largest project in the chain. It can be seen that although the currency is hot, the capital activity in the chain is not only concentrated on it, but all the old financial players know that the fire is hot enough. However, the founding team that won't last long is also thinking about what happened after the carnival. I am very happy to have done well and made the upcoming tokens a great success. The post of the encryption circle attracted the attention of the co-founder Anatoly. He raised a question. Do you think that coins will always be a completely acceptable result, or do you think that people can do some task-based work based on rewards to build a global development movement, and partners think that if properly operated, encrypted assets will make valuable labor and its creation. Capital is more closely combined, so although money is very interesting, I focus on turning the latter situation into reality. Some new applications and projects are indeed happening and are beginning to encourage users to come and interact. Interaction on the chain often leaves traces, and these interaction records will be the tickets for the future application of airdrop rewards. These relatively early applications include new applications on the chain, in which derivatives trading applications have established points systems, lending applications also have points setting applications. It has been confirmed that the air-drop frenzy has made the market pay attention to this chain again, and it has begun to recover from the shadow of thunderstorms. The test of this link is whether there are more interesting applications to undertake or even retain these resulting traffic. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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