2024是否会成为 DePIN 大年?

币圈资讯 阅读:39 2024-04-22 11:17:41 评论:0



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作者:Miix Capital 来源:medium


如果问2023 年加密世界最大的惊喜是什么?答案一定是ETF 、铭文和 DePIN ,其中DePIN则属于老树发新芽,由2021 年成立的 Helium 制造了目前的最大惊喜。




随着 Mobile、Honey 话题席卷全网,Fil、Storj 老牌项目也重新回归视野,DePIN 赛道的火热有了大肆蔓延的趋势,在DePIN涨幅排行榜中,MOBILE、IOT和HNT一直都表现亮眼,Streamer Network的DATA代币也表现突出,7天最高涨幅超过215%。这似乎在告诉我们,DePIN已经成为当下火热的赛道风口,并将在新一轮的周期内占据极其重要的位置。

2、Solana 与 DePIN 双向奔赴

Solana 上的DePIN 生态市值仅次于以太坊,达到27 亿美元,距离以太坊的30 亿美元仅有一步之遥。在过去一年,Solana 和DePIN 两者都呈现出了显着的增长,带我们一同见证了Solana 区块链与DePIN 协议结合产生的协同力量。


2022 年 9 月,Helium 开发商 Nova Labs 宣布与电信巨头 T-Mobile 签署移动虚拟网络运营商(MVNO)协议,将于 2023 年第一季度推出 Helium Mobile 品牌的商用移动智能手机服务。

2022 年 11 月,Nova Labs 表示将向 Solana Labs 的新 Saga 手机(Saga 手机是 Solana 的旗舰 Android 设备,与 Solana 区块链紧密集成)用户提供 SIM 卡和免费试用。

2023 年初,Helium成功完成向Solana的迁移,证明了在 Solana 上构建 DePIN 业务的可行性,并引发了整个 DePIN 板块的增长。

在 Solana 赋能与 DePIN 叙事的双重叠加之下,$MOBILE 的价格一路上涨,并在 12 月 实现日内 110% 的涨幅,单日领涨 DePIN 赛道相关代,全面带动并助力了DePIN 赛道的热度增长。


Solana 生态的关注点主要集中在 DeFi、Memecoin 和 DePIN 上。Solana 基金会 DePIN 负责人 Kuleen Nimkar 曾在 The Block 的采访中指出:“Solana 上的 DePIN 项目(包括 Helium、Render、Hivemapper 等)展示了去中心化物理基础设施网络将零工经济提升到新水平的潜力,同时Helium 作为 Solana 生态头部 DePIN 项目,也是 Solana 2024 年核心战略着力点之一”。

Kuleen 认为,DePIN 网络的贡献者可以通过早期支持网络来获得可观的收入,赚取的代币随后会随着网络的发展而升值:“这种情况在 web2 零工经济中从未发生过,早期的 Uber 司机在 Uber 成为巨头之前,并没有看到支持它带来的巨大好处”。

可见,Solana 也希望能和 DePIN 进行更多合作,形成类似 DeFi 和以太坊,铭文和比特币一样的强绑定关系,构筑自身的独特生态系统。伴随着Solana 系的 DePIN 赛道代币的普涨行情,恰好帮我们佐证了Solana对DePIN 的重视,以及由此带来的正向市场效应。




  • 众包硬件 — 更具成本效益

  • 集体所有权 — 与用户利益一致并奖励用户

  • 民主化访问 — 开放且不受限制的网络环境

  • 去中心化 — 无需许可和审查抵抗








DePIN的核心是代币激励制度构建的完整基建体系,但是目前更多是类似Filecoin的矿工模型,存在初期奖励过多,后期规模效应无法维持的问题。还没有看到能够支撑DePIN生态成长和成熟的的代币经济模型。并且大多 DePIN 项目是专注于如何激励参与者购买硬件,只有少数项目尝试解决推动需求的金融化模型。

无论是从技术层面,还是从成本方面,亦或是金融模型的优化方面,DePIN都还有比较长的路要走。笔者认为DePIN赛道的成熟,至少还需要 10 倍的增长空间,才能摆脱短暂的火热迈入长期发展的道路。







DePIN(去中心化物理基础设施),由Messari 在2022 年 12月提出 ,是通过区块链技术和代币奖励来激励世界各地的个人和企业可以以去中心化的方式构建物理世界的任何基础设施(WiFi、硬盘存储、电池等),为任何人提供服务,DePIN是加密网络发展的下一阶段,致力于部署现实世界中的物理基础设施和硬件。


物理资源网络 (PRN) :激励参与者使用基于位置的硬件,提供现实世界的独特商品和服务,如 WIFI、5G、VPN、能源信息共享、地理空间数据;

数字资源网络 (DRN) :激励参与者使用硬件提供数字资源的现实世界物理基础设施网络,如宽带网络、存储网络、算力网络;


DePIN 通过代币激励来鼓励用户共享网络资源,包括GPU算力、热点、存储空间等。目的是在个人资源提供方可以获取实际激励的同时,实现资源的高效使用和需求匹配。

Author's source introduction If you ask what is the biggest surprise in the encryption world in 2008, the answer must be the inscription and among them, it belongs to the old tree, which was established in 2008 and made the biggest surprise at present. The hot spread of the track covers a very wide range of fields, including server networks, wireless networks, sensing networks and energy networks. According to the prediction of encryption research institutions, the overall industry scale is currently about one trillion US dollars, and it is expected to grow to one trillion US dollars in 2008. As the topic sweeps across the whole network, the old projects will return to the hot track. With the trend of rampant spread, the tokens that have always been outstanding in the increase list also show outstanding performance. The highest increase in the day exceeds this, which seems to tell us that it has become a hot track outlet and will occupy an extremely important position in the new round of cycle. The ecological market value of two-way travel is second only to that of Ethereum, which is only one step away from Ethereum's billion dollars. In the past year, both of them have shown remarkable growth, which has brought us to witness the combination of blockchain and agreement. The collaborative force of students is tied to narrative. In June, the developer announced that it had signed a mobile virtual network operator agreement with the telecom giant and would launch the brand's commercial mobile smart phone service in the first quarter of 2008. In June, it said that it would provide cards and free trials for new mobile phones, which are the flagship devices and blockchain. At the beginning of the year, the successful migration proved the feasibility of building business on the Internet and triggered the growth of the whole sector. Under the double superposition of empowerment and narrative, the price rose all the way and was realized in the month. The increase in the current day led the increase in a single day, and the relevant generations of the track fully promoted and helped the heat growth of the track. The focus of ecological promotion was mainly on the projects that the head of the Shanghai Foundation once pointed out in an interview, including the decentralized physical infrastructure network, which demonstrated the potential of raising the odd jobs economy to a new level. At the same time, as an ecological head project, it was also one of the core strategic focus points in 2008. It was believed that the contributors of the network could obtain considerable income through early support of the network and earn tokens. Later, it will appreciate with the development of the network. This situation has never happened in the odd-job economy. Before becoming a giant, the early drivers did not see the great benefits brought by supporting it. It is obvious that they hope to form a strong binding relationship similar to the inscription of Ethereum and Bitcoin, and build their own unique ecosystem. The rising market of track tokens just helps us to prove the importance attached to it and the positive market effects brought about by it. Advantages and obstacles coexist for a long time. The most essential core of enjoyment and efficient utilization is resource integration, that is, encouraging users to share resources through tokens, so that resources can flow to the demanders efficiently. Therefore, the characteristics are also clear at a glance. Crowdsourcing hardware is more cost-effective, collective ownership is consistent with users' interests, and users are rewarded for democratization, access to an open and unrestricted network environment, decentralization without permission and censorship, and resistance to traditional infrastructure, just as it weakens the role of middlemen to some extent, making resources on the supply side and the demand side. The flywheel effect of the more unimpeded mode can benefit from the positive flywheel effect because of the use of token projects. Even if the usage increases, the demand will increase the price of tokens through burning or repurchase, and then provide additional incentives for contributors to continue to build networks because the dollar value of tokens they get increases. With the development of the network, investors are more and more interested and begin to support the project with funds. If a project is open source or provided to the public, contributors, users, data developers can Building on the data, creating additional value in the ecosystem, thus attracting more users and contributors. The following figure shows how this flywheel works in today's market. The sample technology and model are not mature enough. What we want to achieve is the democratization of infrastructure. By allowing individuals and small businesses to participate in the deployment and operation of the infrastructure network, we can obtain basic services and resources more fairly, so it is the core of an imaginative track that can not only bottle old wine in new bottles, but also completely break through industrial boundaries. It is a complete infrastructure system built by token incentive system, but at present, there are more similar miners' models, which have the problem that the scale effect can not be maintained in the early stage. We have not seen a token economic model that can support ecological growth and maturity, and most projects focus on how to encourage participants to buy hardware. Only a few projects try to solve the financial model that promotes demand, and there is still a long way to go from the technical level, the cost level and the optimization of financial models. In order to go, the author thinks that the maturity of the track needs at least twice the growth space to get rid of the short-term fiery and enter the long-term development road. It is concluded that the track projects are increasing day by day, especially the recent fiery market situation shows that the market recognizes this track, but the track is relatively new and the absolute growth value is not very high, which leads to the relative minority in the whole market needing more attention and resource inclination, including more investors starting to pay attention to this direction and making more community developers willing to join this track. Developing and deepening the application year together is bound to participate with the rotation of a new market cycle, but there are more unknowns about whether it will become a new year. Once an excellent or even revolutionary financial model appears in the field, all this will no longer be a problem. The flywheel will spontaneously drive to solve all technical problems and cost problems, but in the long run, it will inevitably require the long-term investment and operational development of market institutions and developers to gradually penetrate into people's lives and applications and existing infrastructure. From complementarity to parallelism to substitution, what is decentralized physical infrastructure was put forward in June, which is to encourage individuals and enterprises around the world to build any infrastructure in the physical world in a decentralized way, such as hard disks, storage batteries, etc. Providing services for anyone is the next stage of the development of encryption networks. It is committed to deploying physical infrastructure and hardware networks in the real world to form a physical resource network to encourage participants to use location-based hardware. Providing unique goods and services in the real world, such as energy information sharing, geospatial data, digital resources network, encouraging participants to use hardware to provide digital resources, real-world physical infrastructure network, such as broadband network storage network, computing network core logic, encouraging users to share network resources, including computing hotspot storage space, through token incentives, in order to achieve efficient use of resources and demand matching while personal resource providers can obtain practical incentives. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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