最高检发布利用虚拟货币非法买卖外汇案例 赵东是如何被猪队友坑了七年

币圈资讯 阅读:52 2024-04-22 11:17:26 评论:0



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On April, the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange jointly issued a typical case to punish foreign exchange-related crimes. In the first case, Zhao and others illegally operated, Zhao was once the first person in over-the-counter trading. One of the key words of Zhao Dong's case was to prosecute the crime of omission. Today, Lawyer Liu gave you a deep insight into how Zhao Dong was trapped by his pig teammates for seven years. Zhao Dong was arrested in the early morning of April, and then entered the criminal proceedings. On April, the Xihu Branch of Hangzhou Public Security Bureau illegally engaged Zhao Dong and others in fund disbursement. The facts of the payment and settlement business were transferred for prosecution on suspicion of illegal business operation. On, the Xihu District People's Court of Hangzhou issued an announcement. The case of Zhao Dong was scheduled for 9: 30 a.m. on, the alleged crime of illegal business operation and the crime of helping information network criminal activities. According to Ou Ke chain news, Zhao Dong pleaded guilty before the trial, and the procuratorate gave specific sentencing suggestions. According to the prosecutor, the Zhao Dong team provided virtual currency off-site exchange business for some funds on the platform every day. The transactions involved can be verified. More than 20 million yuan is distributed according to the shareholding ratio. The procuratorate sued Zhao Dong for a profit of more than 30,000 yuan. It is suggested that probation can be applied for two years. There is an uproar in the workshop. It is generally believed that the earning ability of Dongge is too despised. According to the typical case released by the Supreme People's Procuratorate WeChat official account today, the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange jointly issued a typical case to punish foreign exchange-related crimes. The Supreme People's Procuratorate and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange jointly issued a typical case to punish foreign exchange-related crimes, so that we can clearly understand the details of the case at that time. The exact amount of team crime is from January to October. Zhao Dong and others know that Youmou's money comes from the illegal payment and settlement platform, and still use his personal bank account to collect RMB and exchange it for virtual currency from Youmou. The total transaction amount is more than RMB, and Zhao Dong earns RMB 10,000. Zhao Mopeng and Zhou Mokai both earn RMB. Zhao Mopeng and Zhou Mokai are members of the Zhao Dong team. The sentencing proposal given to them by the procuratorate during the transfer, review and prosecution stage is one and a half years. Among them, Zhou Mokai voluntarily pleaded guilty and pleaded guilty, but Zhao Mopeng insisted on denying it. The guilty pig teammate also insisted on innocence, and another one called Yu Mou suggested sentencing for one and a half years. According to the circular, Zhao Mou and others argued that You Mou was engaged in illegal payment and settlement business and that the funds involved were not aware of the crime. We learned that Zhao Moupeng must have pleaded not guilty during the review, prosecution and trial. I guess the reason why he pleaded not guilty was that even if he pleaded not guilty, he would be sentenced for one and a half years. Anyway, he was locked up for a long time. It is better to fight for it even if he was sentenced soon. In case of acquittal, the Xihu District People's Court copied the wheel that did not know the fate and began to turn, but this time it turned in the opposite direction. The case was heard in public for three times. In order to find out the subjective knowledge of the criminal suspects, the procuratorate technicians of Xihu District Procuratorate further recovered and extracted the mobile phone data of the people involved transferred by the public security organs, and analyzed the chat records of You and Zhao Dong gang Zhou Mokai and others, which was enough to prove that Zhao Dong and others knew. The fact that Youmou is engaged in illegal payment and settlement is the key point. When reviewing the extracted mobile phone chat records, Xihu District Procuratorate found that Zhao's gang still had evidence of using virtual currency to provide foreign exchange services. It was suspected of illegally buying and selling foreign exchange. The Xihu District Procuratorate filed a public prosecution with the court on the crime that Xiaomou Youmou Zhao and others constituted illegal business, and added the criminal fact that Zhao, Zhao, Peng and Zhou Kai illegally bought and sold foreign exchange, which means that the procuratorate originally just wanted to chat with the people involved. The records prove that Zhao Dong and others knew the illegality of the upstream funds, but in the process of consulting the chat records, it was found that Zhao Dong missed the crime. In other words, if Zhao Moupeng had not pleaded not guilty at that time, the procuratorate would not have dug deep into the chat records of the people involved. The Xihu District People's Court held three public hearings on this case and sentenced Zhao Dong to seven years' imprisonment for illegal business operations on March, and sentenced Zhao Moupeng to four years' imprisonment. Of course, Zhao Moupeng in Zhao Dong couldn't accept that he was about to go out, and suddenly it was a bolt from the blue, so he appealed. In the same year, the Intermediate People's Court of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province ruled that the appeal was dismissed, and the original judgment was upheld. Gossip belongs to gossip. Lawyer Liu Yang talked about the legal issue that everyone is most concerned about. This sentence is not what I said. It is the original words of the famous criminal jurist Zhang Mingkai. It is said that lawyers should not always defend innocence. How can a case go through the court if it is innocent? How about going on? People in public security courts can't all be ignorant of the law, right? So don't plead not guilty. I mentioned in previous articles that it is only a job for a lawyer to plead not guilty, while the client is a life lawyer. A successful acquittal is called success, so as a client, I still have to know something in my heart. Today, I also saw Ms. Lin Kai, Liang Liang's lover, who issued a document saying that Liang Liang was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment in the first instance. This is the heaviest sentence for organizing and leading pyramid schemes, and it is also the crime I know. The most serious name sentence can't be worse even if you don't hire a lawyer. Besides, all your sisters and lovers are facing criminal risks. Not all the buying and selling behaviors constitute the crime of illegal business operation. This issue is the highest concern of everyone. This batch of typical cases mainly involve cross-border knock-on cases of illegal trading of foreign exchange, with the emphasis on illegal trading of foreign exchange. The typical significance of Zhao Dong's case is that the exchange of RMB and foreign exchange by virtual currency constitutes the crime of illegal business operation. If only virtual currency is used as the medium, Realizing the exchange between RMB and virtual currency does not involve foreign exchange and does not constitute the crime of illegal business operation. Then carefully analyze the case of Zhao Dong. What kind of evidence standard is needed to prove that buying and selling virtual currency constitutes the crime of illegal business operation? The details of domestic bank account transactions involved in the transaction records can be mutually verified with the transaction data in the chat records in terms of amount and time. Make an inquiry record for the payee in the transaction to confirm that the collection records are all foreign trade-related expenses paid by foreigners. Interrogating Zhao and his gang members, all the suspects admitted that Zhao and others received dirham cash in Dubai to pay RMB to the domestic account provided by the other party, and used dirham to buy TEDA coins, and at the same time let the domestic gang illegally sell TEDA coins in exchange for RMB. They conducted targeted inspections on electronic data carriers such as seized computer phones, determined the address of the virtual currency wallet controlled by the criminal gang, and then compared the transaction records of the virtual currency wallet with the running water of the bank account to find out the capital flow link of the foreign currency virtual currency RMB of Zhao's criminal gang. Therefore, Lawyer Liu Yang issued a number of documents to Guangdong. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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