DePIN 风云:WANG、JDI 和 Helium $mobile

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风起于萍末,九层之塔起于垒土,DePIN 是裂缝中的曙光

2021 年 9 月挖矿禁令后,华人矿工基本上失去了对比特币挖矿生态的的主导地位,2022 年 9 月 15 日,以太坊完成 “The Merge” 进程,除比特币外,加密世界主流币种从此再无 PoW 机制,海外各大交易所和 Lido 等组成的质押网络控制了 ETH 的产出。

以太坊和比特币的历史中,华人矿工做出了卓越贡献。随着挖矿禁令和以太坊升级,华人矿工退出了历史的舞台,除了交易所之外,华人在加密世界已经没有了话语权,同时交易所又面临 DeFi 等西方叙事的稀释,面临监管和科技的双重施压。


现在却要一夜回到解放前,但是终究还有出路可寻。现在看来,历史给这段出路的定义也许是 DePIN,而能成为代表人物的,却是长期活跃与海外 DePIN 社区的 90 后旅美华人 WANG。



如果你来过成都,那么这里的高物价和低收入一定会让你大开眼界,而加密行业已经算成都为数不多的高收入行业,而挖矿,或者更具体的 Base 成都的比特币矿工群体,曾经控制了世界上绝大多数的比特币的产量。


21年挖矿禁令不仅从根本上改变了矿工生态的秩序,大部分华人矿工套现离场,小部分出海,还有更小一部分选择了 DePIN。

而 DePIN,或者 2021 年坚持 LORA 物联网路线的 Helium 只是短暂爆火了一下,随后便跌跌不休。

Helium 在 22 年迎来了至暗时刻,WANG 和他的团队并没有放弃,在过去两年的时间里打造出了一整个 DePIN 生态的一众图腾:JDI venture、JDIlab、Bobber 社区、Helium 和 DIMO 等一线 DePIN 项目的矿机品牌、depinL2terminal 协议等等,夸张一点说,WANG 打造或参与了你所见到的目前 DePIN 生态。

同时 WANG 的团队将生产线搬到了越南,于越南开始了新的征程。

Helium 在 2021 年最大的矿机供货方便是 Bobber,而将在旧金山发现这个问题并致力于解决的正是 WANG,在 Bobber 之后,几十家同行蜂拥而至,目前 Helium 已经有 30 余生产厂家,供应链已经不再是是问题,截止目前, 依然是 Helium 最大的矿工社区和品牌。

WANG 旗下的 JDIGROUP 是 DePIN 领域最为活跃的投资和制造公司,负责将亚洲的供应链和美国的 DePIN 叙事连接起来,搭起了东西方的桥梁。

这位在入圈六年后才开始运营自己推特(X平台)的隐藏大佬,在此之前,大多数人只习惯 CZ、孙宇晨的名字。从 19 年发掘 Helium,到被迫从国内转移,再到 Helium 至暗低谷,WANG 和他的团队始终没有放弃,完成了自己真正的行业大秀,深耕 DePIN,直至大厦建成。

DePIN 往事:WANG、JDI 和 Helium

WANG 过于低调,如果不是推特大 V Mark(@shuaibaobaommd)的介绍,可能多数人还对他一无所知,但其真实身份是全球 DePIN 背后的男人。

每个人都可以出名十五分钟,但是 WANG 长期在幕后支持 DePIN 项目的发展,其次是 JDI 投资了几乎所有的 DePIN 项目,如果你对此感到迷茫,那么跟进的只应该是他们的 portfolio ,如果你是矿工,那么 Bobber 热点,HashDog 开车挖矿无法被绕过。据悉,一站式 DePIN 设备销售平台 bminer(已经上线。

来个背景介绍,WANG,男,OKX 创始人徐明星的人大校友,最早是从杜均节点资本开始入圈,19 年左右在旧金山开始接触 DePIN 概念,Helium 是其首个全球运营的大型项目,除此之外,还有 DIMO、VPP(虚拟电厂)和卫星等硬件,涉足领域为 DePIN 的全部,或者说,如果华人在交易所领域一骑绝尘,那么 WANG 就是华人在 DePIN 领域的最典型代表。


JDI, Bminer ( 和 基本上完整布局了 DePIN 的投资方向和硬件标的,看 DePIN 发展的方向,看这两家的动态最有效。

除此之外,WANG 个人非常偏爱的还有媒体和交易所,对媒体和交易所均进行了投资。加密世界的生意本质上都是流量第一,吸引到看客才能捕捉到财富机会,而他对交易所的偏爱,源自对交易的热情,在风起香港的浪潮中,WANG 也曾相信过。但据身边人透露,WANG 在香港遭遇了滑铁卢,损失数千万美金。

在今年初香港概念最火之时,久居幕后的 WANG 也通过火星财经的 POW’ER 大会预告了 Helium 和 DIMO 的重要性,不知道有多少有缘人捕捉到这两个密码。

有限的人生务必梭哈!DEPIN 领域华人最有可能拔得头筹,引导叙事

WANG 的风格就是 All in,不管是 DePIN 还是还是任何方向,投资如此,硬件也是如此。

长期以来,DePIN 都被视为美国资本和机构的自留地,尤其是 Helium 会对大陆节点进行严重的审查,基于此,WANG 包括旗下机构也在快速的全球化,在白人引导的 DePIN 叙事之下撕开了一条裂缝。

DEPIN 领域华人有先天的优势,期待看到更多华人创业者涌现。Helium Mobile 在经历初期的补贴之后,后期收益必然快速下滑,其实我很希望WANG能在推特上保持活跃,我们也能看看 DePIN 还能整出来什么新活。

作为 HNT 硬件背后的男人,务必要赢才是信条。

The nine-story tower that rises from the end of Pingping is the dawn in the crack. After the mining ban in June, Chinese miners basically lost their dominant position in the bitcoin mining ecology. On June, Ethereum completed the process of encrypting the world's mainstream currencies except bitcoin. Since then, there has been no mechanism to produce the history of Ethereum and Bitcoin controlled by major overseas exchanges and other pledge networks. Chinese miners have made outstanding contributions. With the mining ban and the upgrading of Ethereum, Chinese miners have withdrawn from the stage of history except the exchange. Outside the Exchange, Chinese people have no right to speak in the encrypted world. At the same time, the exchange is faced with the dilution of western narrative and the double pressure of supervision and technology. In this historical process, Chengdu and Shenzhen are the two nodes with the most serious injuries. In the past, the model was that Shenzhen shipped goods, Chengdu put on shelves and excavated together. Now it is necessary to return to the pre-liberation period overnight, but there is still a way out after all. Now it seems that history may define this way out, but it is long-term activity and overseas communities that can become representatives. In the past ten years, the Chinese living in the United States have the right time and the right place, and from San Francisco to Chengdu to Vietnam, Chengdu has been the capital of miners. If you have been to Chengdu, the high prices and low income here will definitely open your eyes, while the encryption industry is one of the few high-income industries in Chengdu, and mining or, more specifically, the bitcoin miners in Chengdu once controlled the vast majority of bitcoin in the world. The relatively loose regulatory policies of various small hydropower stations have created the brightest in the history of bitcoin. Huang's generation lived like this for more than ten years until the collapse of the building. The mining ban not only fundamentally changed the ecological order of miners, but also a small number of Chinese miners cashed out and went out to sea. Or a small number of them chose to stick to the Internet of Things route for a short time in, and then they fell endlessly in, ushered in the darkest hour in, and his team did not give up. In the past two years, they have built a totem community of the whole ecology and a mining machine brand agreement for first-line projects and so on. To exaggerate, the team built or participated in the current ecology you saw. At the same time, the team moved the production line to Vietnam and started a new journey in Vietnam. In 2008, the largest mining machine was convenient to supply, but it was after that that dozens of peers flocked to solve this problem. At present, the supply chain of more than one manufacturer is no longer a problem. Up to now, it is still the largest miner community and brand, and the most active investment and manufacturing company in Asia is responsible for it. The supply chain and American narrative are connected to build a bridge between the East and the West. This hidden tycoon started to operate his own Twitter platform six years after he entered the circle. Before that, most people were only used to Sun Yuchen's name from being discovered in 2000 to being forced to transfer from China to the dark valley. His team never gave up and completed their real industry show until the building was built and the past was too low-key. Most people might still know nothing about him, but his true identity is the global back. Every man can be famous for fifteen minutes, but he has been supporting the development of the project behind the scenes for a long time. Secondly, if you are confused about this, it should only be theirs to follow up. If you are a miner, it is reported that the one-stop equipment sales platform has been launched. A background introduction to the male founder Xu Mingxing's alumni of the National People's Congress began to enter the circle from Dujun Node Capital in San Francisco about 2000, and the concept of contact was its first global operation. In addition to the large-scale projects, there are virtual power plants, satellites and other hardware involved in the field, or if the Chinese ride the dust in the exchange field, it is the most typical representative of the Chinese in the field. Unfortunately, this article is not a soft article or a porcelain touch, but how the elephants in the room hide their stories and basically complete the investment direction and hardware targets. It is most effective to look at the development direction of these two companies. In addition, the media and exchanges are very fond of the media and exchanges. E-Exchange has invested in business in the encrypted world. In essence, traffic is the first thing to attract visitors to capture wealth opportunities, and his preference for exchanges stems from his enthusiasm for trading. He also believed in the wave of Hong Kong, but according to people around him, he suffered a loss of tens of millions of dollars in Hong Kong. At the beginning of this year, when the concept of Hong Kong was the hottest, he stayed behind the scenes for a long time and predicted the importance of harmony through the Mars Finance Conference. I don't know how many people have caught these two passwords. The style that Chinese people in the field of Stud are most likely to take the lead in guiding narrative is that no matter whether they invest in such hardware or in any direction, they have long been regarded as the reserved land of American capital and institutions, especially the mainland nodes will be seriously censored. Based on this, including its subsidiaries, a crack has been torn under the narrative guided by white people. Chinese people in the field have inherent advantages and expect to see more Chinese entrepreneurs emerge. After the initial subsidies, the later benefits will be guaranteed. However, the rapid decline, in fact, I really hope to stay active on Twitter, and we can also see what new work can be done. As the man behind the hardware, it is the creed to win. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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