
币圈资讯 阅读:43 2024-04-22 11:13:35 评论:0



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比特币买卖交易网记者 Jessy


从事产品运营工作的Jack(化名),今年从一家传统币圈交易所跳槽到一家正在香港申牌的合规交易所。他发现,在一次方案撰写过程中,文档中的“in different markets”的“market(市场)”一词被要求修改为“jurisdiction(司法管辖区)”。

















Tony的公司通过了申请入驻了科学园, Tony去查了一下自己公司对面的那所公司的年报,该公司一个季度的收入是几百亿美金。而在园区内,还有许多上市公司和大陆的优秀企业,类似华为、中国移动、奇安信、宁德时代等等。这让Tony觉得荣幸,能和这么多优秀的企业一起办公。

这一年在香港创业,Tony最深的感受是自己和公司踩在了势头上。在和客户对接的过程中,Tony感觉现在是甲乙方对调了,Tony不再像从前一样需要在见合作伙伴时,向对方介绍自己做了哪些事,平台有多少用户。彼时这样的行为更多是一种自我推销,而在香港深耕了一年多之后, Tony认为现在找到他的合作方,双方之间是基于对NFTChina.hk能力的认可而去谈合作,这时资源就很快能对接到一块,去实现一个共同的目标。




和Tony作为一个项目的创始人感受类似,Jack也觉得现在的工作就是一种创业的状态。他享受着项目从0到1的过程,也获得了足够多的成就感。在公司发展的不同阶段,他所承担的职责差别也较大,他参与过法律文档的撰写,跟进过整个交易所的产品逻辑到细化的KYC流程、选择合作的供应商等等,和技术人员共同细化产品细节,还参与过流量转化,KOL BD等工作。在这一过程中,Jack要快速学习新知识,成为复合型人才。




















The reporter of Bitcoin Trading Network changed the pseudonym of product operation hidden in the last place. This year, he switched from a traditional currency exchange to a compliance exchange that is applying for a license in Hong Kong. He found that in the process of writing a plan, the word "market" in the document was asked to be changed to "jurisdiction". The change of words reflected the different images presented by the traditional currency exchange and the Hong Kong compliance exchange when facing the public. The most important thing for the traditional currency exchange is to face the public. Users and a compliance exchange in Hong Kong are most interested in compliance, compliance and supervision. Similarly, it is found that the company has never used the pattern of rocket in content promotion, and employees will not use similar expression packs when communicating on communication software, because this similar pattern is considered to encourage transactions and is suspected of guiding market sentiment. It has been more than a year since Hong Kong issued a policy declaration on the development of virtual assets in Hong Kong in June, and it has been rooted in these industries in Hong Kong's ecological construction. The challenges faced by entrepreneurs are not only how to adapt themselves to the regulatory framework, but also how to deal with the requirements of entrepreneurship and how to adapt to the local culture of Hong Kong. The currency circle is different from Hong Kong. The biggest difference between the current job and other currency circles is that everyone in the organization has to adapt to compliance. Working under the regulatory framework is like dancing in chains and getting stuck in copywriting. Did I put another rocket in, and his copywriting ideas were often used before? Some people praised the chief marketing officer of the exchange for summing up that he is currently engaged in the work of an investment bank, and the coin circle thinking he had developed for many years was broken. When working in the traditional coin circle, a hot spot came out, and the first thing that came to mind in the industry was how to earn a hundred times through this hot spot. As a practitioner, she thought about how to chase this hot spot with small money. Now, when working in an exchange that is applying for a compliance license, she will think of the risk behind this hot spot for the first time. As an exchange, how to protect users' assets? Previously, I worked in a traditional exchange in the currency circle, and the activities were aimed at end users. At that time, I was thinking about how to realize users' transformation to the greatest extent with an activity. Now I am facing more end users who need to show more business compliance and long-term development strategic thinking. Now I will define myself as a financial person. He feels that the daily work process is not much different from the traditional financial institutions. Most of his partners are traditional fund banks, etc. He needs to catch up with traditional financial knowledge and legal knowledge after work. Even after preparing for the license examination, there are many places to adapt to in his life. The feeling of Hong Kong is still relatively depressed. Walking on the road, he often feels depressed. He will think of what his mother described to him when he went to Hong Kong as a child. Many high-rise buildings in Hong Kong have lost their hats and feel that he can laugh in the streets of Shanghai. Laughing in the streets of Beijing, but embarrassed to laugh in the streets of Hong Kong, the founder of Hong Kong's high housing prices and high survival pressure observed that the difference between the state presented by mainlanders and Hong Kong people is still very big. Hong Kong people will make great efforts, not only in their work, but also in all aspects of their lives, because local people understand that they need to adapt to the local culture and language. After staying in Hong Kong for nearly a year, they feel that they are only integrated into the local society in Hong Kong, and the part that they have not integrated is that they have not. Time to learn the local culture of Hong Kong. For example, in the past, business letters and telegrams working in the mainland would be accompanied by a common phrase, I wish Shang Qi well, which is not expressed in the world of traditional Chinese. Therefore, every written letter used to communicate with local customers in Hong Kong needs to be revised by local colleagues in Hong Kong, and the business communication language in Hong Kong is mostly Cantonese. At present, she can basically understand the general terms of business occasions. I said that there is still some difficulty. When an industry moves from a barbaric growth state to an orderly and standardized one, people in the industry must adapt to the new rules. It will be normal to put on shackles and dance, which means that it is in the sensitive period of applying for a license. Therefore, all the contents of the organization's external voice need to be reviewed by colleagues in the compliance department before it can be released. The company that took advantage of the storm passed the application and entered the science park to check the annual report of the company opposite to its own company. The company's income in a quarter is tens of billions of dollars. There are also many listed companies in the park and outstanding enterprises in the mainland, such as Huawei, China Mobile, Chian Xin Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, etc. This makes me feel honored to work with so many outstanding enterprises. The deepest feeling of starting a business in Hong Kong this year is that I and the company have stepped on the momentum. In the process of docking with customers, I feel that Party A and Party B have switched sides now, and it is no longer necessary to introduce to each other what they have done when meeting partners as before. How many users are there on the platform? At that time, such behavior was more of a kind of self. After more than a year of hard work in Hong Kong, I think that the partners who have found him now are talking about cooperation based on the recognition of their abilities. At this time, resources will soon be connected to achieve a common goal. At present, the cooperation will be judged together with the project parties. Both parties will write down the goals to be achieved in cooperation in black and white, and then measure and match the resources owned by both parties. This kind of cooperation is rare before the declaration is issued, and they will take the initiative to find some people who need him for their livelihood. Our service but not knowing Party A, and the cost of educating the other party in the process of cooperation is also high. The reason for this change is summarized as that the company has accumulated in the industry for many years and then seized this opportunity in Hong Kong. After coming to Hong Kong, it launched a new project to represent the rights and interests of the employers and get dividends from the perspective of currency circle. This is not an innovative gameplay in the industry, but it is considered that it has been seen from the perspective of traditional finance. Innovation is similar to being the founder of a project, and he also feels that his current job is a state of entrepreneurship. He enjoys the process of the project and has gained enough sense of accomplishment. At different stages of the company's development, his responsibilities are quite different. He has participated in the writing of legal documents, followed up the product logic of the whole exchange, refined the process, selected cooperative suppliers, etc., and worked with technicians to refine the product details, and also participated in the work of traffic conversion. In this process, he should quickly learn new knowledge and become a compound talent, and join an industry with rapidly rising policy support and close to money. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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