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GameFi 可能会成为具有里程碑意义的一年,预计将发布多款 3A (AAA) 游戏。 2024年会是区块链撼动传统游戏市场的一年吗?

GameFi 游戏并不总是在普通游戏公众中享有最佳声誉。该类型的批评者指出其图形平庸、游戏机制缺乏创意以及普遍缺乏乐趣。更令人恼火的是,GameFi 游戏的代币化元素往往难以长期维持。

但如果行业专家可信的话,GameFi 可能会进行彻底改造。 Shrapnel 是一款包含创作者生态系统的 AAA 级第一人称逃生射击游戏,其首席执行官 Mark Long 是预测该行业将迎来积极发展的声音之一。朗很快承认区块链游戏目前的声誉非常好坏参半,但他认为下一波游戏会让批评者感到困惑。

“我预计明年最重要的事情之一就是围绕 Web3 游戏的叙述方式的转变,”Long 告诉 Cointelegraph。 “让我们面对现实吧,人们对这一类型的看法是,区块链游戏很糟糕。由庞氏骗局机制驱动,需要新玩家的不断流入来证实任何应计价值。它们不是为了赚钱而玩;而是为了赚钱。他们是边玩边工作。”

尽管 Long 对当前的 GameFi 游戏很挑剔,但他预测正在酝酿的几款“突破性”游戏将改变公众的看法。

“我非常喜欢玩的两款游戏是《Dead Drop》和《Off The Grid》,”Long 说道。 “Dead Drop 是由 Disrespect 博士创造性地领导的,一个按照自己的规则行事的人的影响力就在前面 [...] Off The Grid 有我最喜欢的电影导演 Neil Blomkamp 来推动设计,它看起来很火。对我来说,布卢姆坎普的世界是一种独特的、接地气的科幻小说,同时又以非常具体的方式令人惊讶。”

Shrapnel 首席执行官还将 Wildcard 命名为他期待的另一个游戏,并引用了包括玩家所有权在内的开发模型。

“GameFi 为 Web2 游戏玩家提供了一个令人兴奋的新机会,让他们可以做他们一直想做的事情:成为游戏创作的一部分,”Long 说。


并非所有去中心化金融(DeFi)领域的人都对 GameFi 来年的前景感到如此兴奋。移动赚钱平台 Sweat Economy 的联合创始人奥列格·福缅科 (Oleg Fomenko) 对该行业持高度怀疑态度。

Fomenko 认为差异化的 GameFi 行业永远无法挑战传统游戏,他认为整个概念都是错误的。

Fomenko 告诉 Cointelegraph:“简单地融入 Web3 元素的游戏自动属于 GameFi 的独特类别的信念正在迅速消失。” “虽然 Axie Infinity 和 StepN 最初让我们相信他们创造了一个全新的游戏世界,玩家可以靠自己的收入赚钱并生活,但事实证明这只是暂时的、令人失望的现象。这些只是庞氏骗局,让早期采用者受益,他们也知道何时尽早跳槽。”

Fomenko 表示,GameFi 代币只有“如果游戏本身就产生价值”,就会捕获价值,但“事实并非如此”。因此,GameFi 本身就有缺陷。

即便如此,这位 Sweat Economy 创始人确实在更广泛的 Web3 领域发现了一些积极的一面。 Fomenko 继续说道,“带有 Web3 元素的游戏将会蓬勃发展,我很高兴看到这个领域的进一步创新,特别是在游戏中使用不可替代代币 (NFT) 方面。”


GameFi 要想在 2024 年产生重大影响,就需要克服围绕行业的负面看法。这是管理着超过 15 亿美元资产的投资顾问 Wave Financial 联合创始人兼首席战略官 Les Borsai 的判断。


Borsai 表示:“展望 2024 年,GameFi 的发展正处于关键时刻。” “坦率地说,它目前的状态并不令人印象深刻,经常因优先考虑区块链和 DeFi 噱头而不是真正的游戏质量而受到批评。这种做法引起了游戏社区的强烈反对,他们认为游戏的本质被明显的货币化策略和不吸引人的机制所掩盖。”

Borsai 认为,如果该行业能够利用人工智能 (AI) 和数字孪生技术等其他新技术趋势,那么该行业将面临机遇。在 Borsai 看来,这些为“GameFi 赎回自己的机会”。

Borsai 表示:“GameFi 要想在 2024 年产生真正的影响并赢回游戏玩家,就需要从根本上重新评估其方法。” “它必须超越先进技术; “它需要将这些元素无缝地集成到玩家真正想要花时间玩的游戏中。如果 GameFi 能够实现这种平衡,它不仅有可能成熟,而且还会显着改变我们对综合金融游戏的看法。”


打造 AAA 级游戏并非易事。尖端游戏通常需要两到五年的时间来开发并推向市场。有些游戏的等待时间甚至更长。例如,《侠盗猎车手 VI》计划于 2025 年推出——距其前身上市整整 12 年。


零知识(ZK)原生区块链 Mina Protocol 的技术产品经理 Teddy Pender 认为,零知识技术的实施可能会简化流程。

“过去,Web3 游戏应用程序因用户界面简陋和游戏体验差而受到批评。然而,2024 年将是一个转折点,届时我们将看到 GameFi 应用程序开始看起来并感觉像是现有 Web2 游戏行业的真正竞争对手。”Pender 告诉 Cointelegraph。 “通过使用 ZK 原生区块链,开发者可以构建利用零知识框架的游戏,从而降低 GameFi 应用程序的复杂性。”

无论 ZK-proofs 还是其他技术解决方案能够帮助推动行业以新的活力向前发展,一些人士认为,该行业在希望赶上传统游戏之前还有很长的路要走。


Cornucopias 是一款基于虚幻引擎 5 构建的多人在线视频游戏,其联合创始人 Rob Greig 和 Josh Jones 一致认为 2024 年将是该行业具有里程碑意义的一年。

“2024 年的潜力是巨大的:我们正在考虑这样一种情况:在区块链技术的支持下,游戏内资产的个人所有权不仅是一种新鲜事物,而且随着它的不断发展,最终将成为新的规范, ”琼斯告诉 Cointelegraph。 “这一转变有望释放前所未有的机遇和用户参与度,使其成为开发者和游戏玩家的关键时刻。”


“这个行业正处于十字路口,”格雷格告诉 Cointelegraph。 “展望未来,2024 年似乎是关键的一年 [...],工作室会谨慎地涉足与加密货币相关的举措,并在完全投入之前进行试水。 2025 年至 2026 年,我们可能会看到游戏领域的大规模采用。”

无论 2024 年是否是 GameFi 的突破年,Long 等倡导者都希望下一批游戏能够开始扭转整个行业的局面。


Entrepreneurs need to make a perfect game plan to make a comeback in 2008, which may become a landmark year. It is expected that a variety of games will be released. Will the annual meeting be the year when the blockchain shakes the traditional game market? Games do not always enjoy the best reputation among the general game public. Critics of this type point out that its graphic mediocre game mechanism lacks creativity and general lack of fun. What is even more annoying is that the token element of the game is often difficult to maintain for a long time, but it may be if industry experts believe it. A thorough transformation is a first-person escape shooting game that includes the creator's ecosystem. Its CEO is one of the voices that predict that the industry will usher in positive development. Lang quickly admitted that the current reputation of blockchain games is very mixed, but he thinks that the next wave of games will confuse critics. I expect that one of the most important things next year will be the change of narrative style around the game. Let's face it, people's views on this type of blockchain games are very bad. The mechanism of deception requires the continuous influx of new players to prove any accrued value. They don't play to make money, but work while playing. Although they are critical of the current games, he predicts that several breakthrough games being brewed will change the public's view. The two games I like to play very much are the sum and the influence of a person who acts according to his own rules and is creatively led by a doctor. My favorite film director is ahead to promote the design. It looks like it. To me, Bloomcamp's world is a unique grounded science fiction, and at the same time it is surprising in a very specific way. The CEO will also name it another game he is looking forward to, and quote the development model including player ownership, which provides an exciting new opportunity for gamers to do what they have always wanted to do and become part of the game creation. Not all people in the decentralized financial field are interested in the next year. Jing was so excited. Oleg Fomenko, the co-founder of the mobile money-making platform, was highly skeptical about the industry. He thought that the differentiated industry could never challenge the traditional games. He thought that the whole concept was wrong, and the belief that games that simply integrated elements automatically belonged to a unique category was rapidly disappearing. Although at first, we believed that they had created a brand-new game world where players could make money and live on their own income, it turned out that this was only a temporary disappointment. These phenomena are just Ponzi schemes that benefit early adopters. They also know when to jump ship as soon as possible, which means that tokens will capture value only if the game itself generates value, but this is not the case, so it is flawed. Even so, the founder did find some positive aspects in a wider range of fields, and continued that games with elements will flourish. I am very happy to see further innovation in this field, especially the redemption arc of using irreplaceable tokens in games. To have a significant impact in 2008, it is necessary to overcome the negative views surrounding the industry. This is the judgment of the co-founder and chief strategy officer of the investment consultant who manages more than 100 million US dollars of assets. Recently, the former Google game director said that artificial intelligence is a powerful tool for developers to change the game, and that the development of the next year is at a critical moment. Frankly speaking, its current state is not impressive, and it is often criticized for giving priority to blockchain and gimmicks rather than real game quality. This practice has caused games. The community strongly opposes that the essence of the game is concealed by obvious monetization strategies and unattractive mechanisms, and that if the industry can take advantage of other new technological trends such as artificial intelligence and digital twin technology, it will face opportunities. In view of this, these opportunities for redeeming itself mean that in order to have a real impact and win back gamers in 2008, it is necessary to fundamentally reassess its methods, which must go beyond advanced technologies and seamlessly integrate these elements into what players really want. If this balance can be achieved in the games that take time to play, it will not only be mature, but also significantly change our view of integrated financial games. It is not easy to build complex business-level games. Cutting-edge games usually take two to five years to develop and bring to market, and some games have even longer waiting time. For example, Grand Theft Auto plans to launch in 2008, and the long development process from its predecessor's listing shows the difficulty of game development, even without increasing the complexity of integrated blockchain technology. The technical product manager of the heterogeneous zero-knowledge native blockchain thinks that the implementation of zero-knowledge technology may simplify the process. In the past, game applications were criticized for their poor user interface and poor game experience. However, 2008 will be a turning point, when we will see that applications will start to look and feel like real competitors in the existing game industry, telling developers that by using the native blockchain, they can build games using zero-knowledge framework, thus reducing the complexity of applications, whether it is other technologies. The technical solution can help push the industry forward with new vitality. Some people think that the industry still has a long way to go before it hopes to catch up with traditional games. There is still a little time for it to be a multiplayer online video game based on unreal engine. Its co-founders and consensus that 2008 will be a landmark year for the industry, and the potential is huge. We are considering such a situation. With the support of blockchain technology, the personal ownership of assets in the game is not only a novelty. Things will eventually become the new norm with its continuous development. Jones told us that this change is expected to release unprecedented opportunities and user participation, making it a critical moment for developers and gamers. However, despite this, the two still believe that the industry is not fully ready for maturity in the coming year. Greg told us that looking forward to the next year, it seems to be a crucial year. The studio will carefully set foot in the measures related to cryptocurrency and test the water before fully investing. In 2008, we may see a large-scale adoption in the field of games. Whether it is a breakthrough or not, advocates hope that the next batch of games will start to reverse the situation of the whole industry. As the years go by, the traditional centralized model seems to be tired. I think players are ready for real new things, said Lang. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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