新闻周刊丨V神发文阐述PoS简化提案 灰度就GBTC转换提交修订后的S-3文件

币圈资讯 阅读:34 2024-04-22 11:13:04 评论:0



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V神(Vitalik Buterin)发文阐述了一个PoS简化提案,提议设计一个每个插槽(slot)仅需要8192个签名的设计方案(即使使用SSF),旨在使共识实现变得更加简单和轻便。V神提出了三个方法,分别为:侧重于去中心化的质押池;两级质押;轮流参与(例如委员会)。 



根据公开的文件,灰度今日提交了另一份修订后的S-3文件,旨在将其GBTC转换为现货比特币ETF。彭博分析师James Seyffart指出,灰度做出了妥协,可能接受SEC仅现金创建/赎回的要求。





据Bitcoin News消息,俄罗斯国家杜马金融市场委员会主席Anatoly Aksakov表示:“因为俄罗斯的加密货币市场相当大,参与加密货币开采和流通的主要参与者希望对此进行监管,他们已经准备好纳税了。因此,我预计加密货币立法将在2024年上半年成为法律。”


SEC互联网执法办公室前主任John Reed Stark在X平台表示,他个人不是比特币现货ETF的拥护者,不认为比特币现货ETF获批是一件好事。 

John Reed Stark认为,比特币现货ETF的想法仍然是一个“可笑”的概念,因为它将创造又一个华尔街巨额吸金投资者骗局,而且现货比特币ETF可能是最“中心化”的加密产品。


美国国会议员Warren Davidson表示,2024年将是解雇SEC主席Gary Gensler的绝佳时机。他还建议在2024年通过《美国证券交易委员会稳定法案》,让SEC对其腐败行为负责,并终止保护财阀阶层交易的合格投资者规则。


数字商会CEO Perianne Boring在接受福克斯新闻采访时表示,签署Elizabeth Warrens反洗钱法案的19名参议员并不知道该法案将在美国有效禁止比特币。


美国检察官周五表示,他们不打算对加密交易所FTX创始人Sam Bankman-Fried进行第二次审判,在提交给曼哈顿联邦法院的一封信中,检察官表示,将在第二次审判中提供的大部分证据已经在第一次审判中提出,并且公众对迅速解决此事有强烈的兴趣。 SBF预计将于2024年3月被判刑。



去中心化P2P文件共享平台FileMarket创始人兼首席执行官Ilya Orlov表示,数据共享经济正在迅速发展,去中心化数据存储是“新的房地产”,数据隐私的未来在于完全同态加密(FHE),这是一种无需解密即可对加密数据进行计算的加密技术。Ilya Orlov预计,FHE将在明年得到广泛采用,并超越当前零知识 (ZK) 方法的局限性。

ssv network上线托管和质押平台Allnodes

ssv network宣布已上线Allnodes,Allnodes是一个非托管平台,用户可以在其中托管主节点、验证节点、超级节点、Sentry节点、完整节点,并参与70多种协议的质押。

BGD Labs:Aave Governance v3已上线

BGD Labs在X平台宣布Aave Governance v3已上线。在Governance v3中,AAVE、stkAAVE 以及存储在Aave v3以太坊中的AAVE拥有投票权,委托动态与Governance v2完全相同,但所有委托在系统激活时都已重置为0。此外,目前投票/委托可以直接通过治理智能合约或用户界面的任何实例来完成。



分析师表示,到2024年,金融机构的加密货币市场活动可能会有所增加,因为受到现货比特币ETF的潜在批准、美联储降息预期以及监管更加明确的推动。Deribit首席商务官Luuk Strijers表示,数据表明,来自传统市场的经验丰富的参与者正在为 2024 年更多地参与市场做好准备。Luuk说:“自10月底以来,机构活动明显增加,这主要是由于1月份潜在ETF消息的预期以及客户对此事件的战略定位”。


根据Glassnode最近的分析,稳定币在市场动态中所扮演的角色与上一个周期相比发生了显著变化,它们已成为交易者的“首选报价货币”(Quote Currency)和市场流动性的主要来源。此外,10月份标志着稳定币供应量自2022年3月以来首次扩张,这可能是投资者重新燃起兴趣的迹象。


区块链协会首席执行官Kristin Smith在接受采访时表示,加密货币领域很可能正在“核心监管问题上出现转机”。 她说:“FTX的判决和司法部针对币安的案件的结论应该会澄清华盛顿的一些误解,2024年将是该行业的转折年”。


Warburton Advisers管理合伙人兼创始人Beth Haddock发文表示,现货比特币ETF可能在2024年获得批准,这可能会改变人们对数字资产的看法,此前一年该行业面临着强烈反对。展望2024年,有两个可能的发展引人注目。首先,美国证券交易委员会批准现货比特币ETF可能会激发对数字资产的更多兴奋和支持,澄清监管不确定性和估值担忧。 

其次,推动美国资本市场基础设施现代化符合数字一代对效率和透明度的需求。即将到来的T+1贸易结算截止日期等举措以及贝莱德首席执行官Larry Fink对代币经济驱动的市场未来的预测都强调了这一趋势。预计到2024年,对旨在实现这一改革的用例的机构支持将会增加,例如Figure对Provenance区块链的使用。


前彭博资讯分析师Jamie Coutts CMT在X平台发文表示,到2025年底,科技股有望占全球股市总额的25%,这一数字在过去十年中翻了一番。到2025年,加密货币有望占科技股市值的20%(5年内翻5倍)。 

Jamie Coutts认为,至少在未来1-2年内,科技股和加密货币应该成为投资组合中最大的增持股,直到流动性周期转变。




加拿大加密货币交易所Catalyx背后公司CatalX CTX Ltd宣布,因安全漏洞导致部分客户资金损失而暂停所有交易、存款和取款。CatalX CTX在新闻稿中表示,已对该事件展开调查,该事件可能涉及一名员工,具体损失金额未透露。 


富达、WisdomTree指定Jane Street为现货比特币ETF的授权交易商

根据公开的文件,富达、WisdomTree分别递交了现货比特币ETF的修订版S-1表格,均指定Jane Street为ETF的授权交易商(AP)。富达在S-1中表示其ETF保荐费率为0.39%。


证券代币和数字资产交易平台INX发布公告称,12月20日,向其子公司提供服务的第三方供应商的计算机系统发生了网络攻击。恶意行为者设法访问第三方供应商的服务器并执行未经授权的交易,导致其子公司损失约160 万美元的资金。 INX表示,公司立即采取行动修复安全漏洞并调查事件的性质和范围,INX的客户没有受到此次事件的影响,第三方提供商的安全漏洞也没有对INX的平台和服务器造成任何影响,INX 客户的个人信息或其他数据没有受到泄露,INX.One 仍保持全面运行。






    政策暖风频吹 并购重组迎来机遇期



    Golden Weekly is a weekly summary column of blockchain industry launched by Bitcoin Trading Network, which covers a week's key news, mining information projects, dynamic technology progress and other industry trends. This article is one of the news weekly, which takes you through the headlines of this week's blockchain industry events. God issued a document to explain the simplified proposal, suggesting that each slot only needs one signature. God issued a document to explain a simplified proposal, proposing to design a design scheme that only needs one signature for each slot, even if it is used to make consensus change. To be simpler and lighter, God proposed three methods, namely, to take turns to participate in the decentralized pledge pool. For example, the committee expressed the hope to insist on signing, which will make the work of the technical implementers and the builders of the side infrastructure such as light clients easier. The future load of the Ethereum protocol is no longer an unknown, and the load can be increased by hard forking in the future, but only if the developers are convinced that the technology has been improved enough to handle more signatures with the same efficiency. The work under is to decide which of the above three methods or other methods is adopted to convert the gray scale and submit the revised document or create and redeem it in cash. According to the open gray scale of the document, another revised document was submitted today to convert it into spot bitcoin. Bloomberg analysts pointed out that the gray scale has made a compromise and may accept the requirement of creating and redeeming only in cash. India issued a compliance explanation to nine offshore exchanges, including Coin' an, and informed the Indian financial intelligence agency that it had issued a document announcing that it had been based on anti-counterfeiting. The anti-money laundering law issued a notice explaining the reasons for compliance to nine offshore exchanges, including currency security and fire currency, and wrote to the secretary of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology of India to request the policy of blocking the websites of these exchanges. The chairman of the Russian State Duma Financial Market Committee predicted that encryption legislation would become a law in the first half of 2008. It was reported that the chairman of the Russian State Duma Financial Market Committee said that because the Russian cryptocurrency market is quite large, the main participants involved in the exploitation and circulation of cryptocurrency hope to supervise it. Although they are ready to pay taxes, I expect that cryptocurrency legislation will become a pre-legal official in the first half of 2008. The former director of the Internet Law Enforcement Office said on the platform that he is not an advocate of bitcoin spot. He does not think that bitcoin spot approval is a good thing. He thinks that the idea of bitcoin spot is still a ridiculous concept because it will create another scam of huge investors on Wall Street and spot bitcoin may be the most centralized. US Congressman's Year will be an excellent opportunity to fire the chairman. US Congressman said that 2008 will be an excellent opportunity to fire the chairman. He also suggested that the US Securities and Exchange Commission Stability Act be passed in 2008 to allow qualified investors who are responsible for their corruption and stop protecting the transactions of the chaebol class to sign the anti-money laundering bill. A senator did not know that the bill would ban Bitcoin Digital Chamber in the United States. In an interview with Fox News, he said that a senator who signed the anti-money laundering bill. I didn't know that the bill would effectively ban bitcoin in the United States. US prosecutors don't plan to conduct a second trial. US prosecutors said on Friday that they don't plan to conduct a second trial for the founder of the encryption exchange. In a letter submitted to the federal court in Manhattan, prosecutors said that most of the evidence to be provided in the second trial has been presented in the first trial, and the public has a strong interest in quickly solving this matter. It is expected that the future of data privacy of the founder of blockchain application will be sentenced in June. The founder and CEO of fully homomorphic encryption decentralized file sharing platform said that the data sharing economy is developing rapidly. Decentralized data storage is a new real estate data privacy. The future lies in fully homomorphic encryption, which is an encryption technology that can calculate encrypted data without decryption. It is expected to be widely adopted next year and surpass the limitations of the current zero-knowledge method. The online hosting and pledge platform announced that it has been launched, and it is an unmanaged platform in which users can host the master. Node verification node super node node complete node and participate in the pledge of various agreements have been online. The platform has announced that it is online and in progress, and the voting rights entrusted stored in Ethereum are exactly the same, but all the entrustment has been reset when the system is activated. At present, the voting entrustment can be completed directly by managing any instance of intelligent contract or user interface. Institutional investors are going to increase the encrypted goods of financial institutions in. Currency market activities may increase because of the potential approval of spot bitcoin, the expectation of interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve and the clearer promotion of supervision. The Chief Commercial Officer said that the data show that experienced participants from traditional markets are preparing for more participation in the market in 2008, saying that institutional activities have increased significantly since the end of the month, mainly due to the expectation of potential news in the month and the strategic positioning of customers on this event. Stable currency has become the first choice for traders to quote and the main source of liquidity. According to the recent analysis, the role of stable currency in the market dynamics has changed significantly compared with the last cycle. They have become the preferred quotation currency for traders and the main source of market liquidity. In addition, the month marks the first expansion of the supply of stable currency since January, which may be a sign that investors have rekindled their interest. Blockchain Association will be a turning point in the encryption industry. The CEO of Blockchain Association said in an interview that the cryptocurrency field is likely to be under core supervision. There is a turning point on the issue. The judgment she said and the conclusion of the Justice Department's case against Bi 'an should clarify some misunderstandings in Washington. The introduction of spot bitcoin will stimulate more excitement and support for digital assets. The managing partner and founder issued a document saying that spot bitcoin may be approved in, which may change people's views on digital assets. The previous year, the industry faced strong opposition. Looking forward to the year, there are two possible developments that attract attention. First, the US certificate. The approval of spot bitcoin by the Securities and Exchange Commission may stimulate more excitement about digital assets and support the clarification of regulatory uncertainty and valuation concerns. Secondly, it will promote the modernization of American capital market infrastructure to meet the needs of the digital generation for efficiency and transparency. The upcoming trade settlement deadline and BlackRock CEO's prediction of the future of the token economy-driven market all emphasize this trend. It is expected that institutional support for use cases aimed at realizing this reform will increase by, for example, the use of blockchain by former Bloomberg analysts or former Bloomberg analysts who occupy the market value of technology stocks. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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