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比特币买卖交易网记者 Jessy



斗转星移,2022年底FTX暴雷后,几家大所分食了其客户。币安的用户数量一度在年初高达60%,但根据CCData 提供的数据其市场份额已在今年年底降至30.1%,并有可能进一步下降。



在2023年即将结束之际,比特币买卖交易网分析了包括币安、OKX、Bitget、gate、Hashkey Exchange等几家华人经常使用,又或是主要面向国内市场,由华人创办的交易所在2023年的战略布局和大事件。希望能够从中窥见明年市场和交易所赛道的发展动向。




根据0xScope 团队发布的 2023 年 CEX 市场报告,目前现货交易排前五的交易所是币安、Upbit、Coinbase、OKX、MEXC。衍生品交易排名前五的交易所是币安、OKX、Bybit、Bitget、MEXC。




今年,币安采用流量打法依旧明显,Binance Feed更名为币安广场,邀请大量的KOL入驻。类似想要打造出一个如推特般的加密世界的讨论广场。

在生态布局上,则是围绕着BNBchain的叙事全面开花。推出了存储侧链BNBGreenfield,以及Layer 2网络opBNB。再加上去年上线的zkBNB,在链的生态上,币安已经覆盖了存储、ZK、OP等技术栈,它们分别承担起底层数据存储处理、基于零知识证明的资产安全和行为、高性能的游戏和社交等独特的定位,搭建起BNB Chain的内部循环自洽生态。

而在投资方面,Binance Labs的投资回报率一直高达200倍。在今年这个一级市场较冷的情况之下,Binance Labs呈现出来的也是一个十分活跃的VC形象。

今年Binance Labs投资的Open Campus ,Hooked Protocol,CyberConnect 等项目上线BNB Chain,可见其所投资的项目和币安的生态绑定越来越深。而总结今年币安的投资可见,其在社交和游戏上大发力。Binance Labs所投的项目之所以受欢迎,不仅仅是因为作为行业的巨头,币安对于这个行业的观察和行动代表着一定的行业的发展方向。也因为一个大家心照不宣的共识在于,Binance Labs所投资的项目基本上都会上线币安交易所。对于二级市场来说,是币价的重大利好。











而在更早的2月份,币安被切断与美国银行系统的联系。而在币安大力推动的加密支付赛道上,受美国监管的指控之后,币安与传统金融机构的合作也面临着重重挑战,今年Visa和万事达都叫停了与币安的部分合作,Visa自7月起停止在欧洲发行与币安的新联名卡,万事达卡和币安在 9月结束了在阿根廷、巴西、哥伦比亚和巴林的四个加密卡项目。可见在与传统的金融机构合作的过程中,监管困境是同样存在的。

不过今年Binance Pay扩展到了巴西,使得当地商家能够提供一种新的简化支付方式。除了巴西外,币安支付正在积极进入其它拉丁美洲市场,比如,今年其在该地区推出了Send Cash”的新产品,币安表示此产品将允许用户透过Binance Pay 在该地区的9 个国家进行加密货币转帐,并使用户可将收取资金直接转至银行帐户。而在这些地区传统金融本身发展落后,许多人还未有自己的银行账户。在“普惠金融”方面,币安在世界的欠发达地区确实做了一些事情。



根据CCData 的数据,OKX的现货市场份额从年初的 4% 左右增长到12月的8%。根据其官方在公开场合的发言,目前其拥有超过5000万名用户。


OKX以及创始人Star Xu本人一直在舆论场上比较低调,而且又因为有币安在前为其挡住了许多监管的炮火,在2023年,和币安相比,OKX所受到的监管的重锤要少很多。


OKX交易所今年最亮眼的表现无疑是其Web3钱包的推出,以及较早地介入了铭文市场。也正因为趁上了铭文的热潮,也使得OKX Web3钱包成为了明星产品。据Dune数据显示,目前,OKX Web3 钱包 Ordinals 市场总交易额已接近10 亿美元,相较 Ordinals 协议总交易额接近 21.5亿美元而言,占比约 45%。而在钱包业务上落后于OKX的币安的Web3钱包内就暂时还没有铭文交易这一功能。





比如Gate在今年爆火的铭文生态上,就发力猛,上币快,最早上线BRC 20代币。而在今年11月,Gate也推出了自己的Web3钱包。据其官方消息,其用户数量约为1300万人。在香港方面,今年二月,其子公司Gate Digital Ltd(Gate HK)获得了信托和企业服务提供商(TCSP)牌照,虽然其随后宣布正在申请虚拟资产服务提供商(VASP)牌照,不过在目前的申请名单中未见到gate的身影。



今年3月宣布向多链钱包 BitKeep 投资3000万美金,取得控股权。4 月,其宣布成立专注于亚洲的 1 亿美元风险投资基金。11月则是其下VC Foresight Ventures以7000万美元估值收购了The Block的多数股权。然后是又花费7.1亿港股投资了目前拥有香港合规加密交易所牌照的OSL,虽然这个价格是直接申请的五倍左右。但是据行业内人分析,Bitget选择入股OSL而不是自己申请香港牌照的原因,则是其申请成功的可能很低。也正是宣布入股OSL的前一天,其香港子公司宣布停止申请香港牌照并永久退出香港市场。

Bybit官方消息,今年其用户突破了2000万。而根据CCData 数据,其今年的市场份额从1% 增长到6%。稍微落后于OKX。其也宣布了将在香港成立办公室,但是具体进展不清楚,也未查询到其申牌信息。不过Bybit并不主要面向中国市场。


Hashkey Exchange

香港目前唯二的合规交易所之一,背靠Hashkey Group。今年8月,正式开始面向散户交易。不过中国大陆用户并不能使用。以及散户目前只可以在该平台上交易BTC和ETH。


对于Hashkey Exchange来说,其最大的付出还是在于等待监管的靴子落地的过程中所消耗的运营成本。如今年8月初,其宣布获批了面向散户的第一张合规许可证,而在当月下旬,才正式上线散户交易。


11月,Hashkey Exchange正式推出了平台币HSK。而据Hashkey Exchange内部人士透露,明年平台将会拓展更多的海外合规市场。






而从今年铭文赛道火热,中心化交易所在其中所起到的推波助澜的作用我们也能看到。明年,中心化交易所对于某个赛道的发展中所起到的作用仍然不容小觑。而从TON获得MEXC、Foresight Ventures等投资,币安对于Gamefi和Socialfi的大力支持我们能看到,明年,Web2和Web3领域大交汇的Socialfi和Gamefi一定会在交易所的全方位的推动之下迎来大的爆发和跨越式发展。


Bitcoin trading network reporter's annual bull-bear conversion is often faced with a major reshuffle at this time. Coin Ann reached a settlement with the US judicial department and paid compensation of 100 million yuan. Zhao Changpeng has always kept the image of making a fortune in the industry, hiding behind the boss Coin Ann, and there is no big negative effect. In the inscription craze and wallet business, both of them are at the forefront of the big ones. The main derivative traders are big coins, and the listed companies with Hong Kong licenses have made some noises in this year's industry. The exchange of the second echelon of quantity still maintains the operation strategy of quickly buying more coins, which has won a group of customers. However, after the change of ownership, the market share of Huobi, one of the former three major exchanges, has dropped sharply. After the storm at the end of the year, the number of users who ate their customers' coins was as high as at the beginning of the year, but according to the data provided, its market share has dropped by the end of this year and may further decline. In order to obtain more trading targets, more funds, more users, more trading volume and more. Each exchange has cultivated its own way of involution. In addition to its own exchange business, in 2000, each exchange was also actively laying out the ecology to make a second-tier embedded wallet. This reconciliation between Bi 'an and the US judicial department foresaw that the centralized exchanges were involved in each other, and the main theme of the next development was compliance. Undoubtedly, supervision has always been the sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of major exchanges, and it is also the biggest uncertainty faced by an exchange in the process of development. Factors At the end of 2008, Bitcoin Trading Network analyzed the strategic layout and major events of several Chinese exchanges, including Bi 'an, which were often used by Chinese or mainly aimed at the domestic market in 2008, hoping to get a glimpse of the development trend of the market and the exchange track next year. According to the data analysis of the main exchanges in the past year, we have obtained the overall characteristics of the development in the past year. The leading edge of Bi 'an is shrinking and the market share of other exchanges is second. The rise is based on the retreat of Coin 'an, and with the recovery of the encryption market, the trading volume of the centralized exchange has also surged in the fourth quarter. The encrypted data analysis platform indicates that although the trading volume has increased significantly, it is still the highest level in the history of 2008. According to the annual market report released by the team, the top five exchanges in spot trading are the top five exchanges in Coin 'an derivatives trading, which is the main reason behind the shrinking leading edge of Coin 'an this year. It is that it has spent a lot of energy to deal with the US supervision, which has been steadily sitting at the top of the centralized exchange track. At present, it has 100 million users, but its market share has dropped from the beginning of the year to the announcement in 2000. China retired the exchange and determined the development strategic goal of going to sea. At present, it has built a centralized exchange as the core, with the intelligent chain of currency security as the extension, and the education, charity, laboratory, payment and credit card of currency security as the ecological circle of digital currency. All-round encryption ecology of derivative services. This year, Coin's use of traffic is still obviously renamed as Coin's Square, inviting a large number of discussion squares that want to build a Twitter-like encryption world. In terms of ecological layout, the narrative has blossomed around, and the storage side chain and network have been launched. In addition, last year's on-line ecology, Coin's Security has covered storage and other technology stack, and they have respectively assumed the underlying data storage processing, asset security and high behavior based on zero knowledge proof. The unique positioning of performance, games and social interaction has built an internal cycle and self-consistent ecology, and the return on investment has been as high as twice. This year, when the primary market is cold, it is also a very active image. This year's investment in other projects shows that the ecological binding between the projects it invests in and the currency security is getting deeper and deeper. To sum up, this year's investment in currency security shows that the projects it has invested heavily in social interaction and games are popular not only because they are industries. The observation and action of the giant Coin Security represents the development direction of a certain industry, and it is also because there is a tacit consensus that the projects invested will basically be online. The Coin Security Exchange is a major positive for the secondary market. What Coin Security has done is not only to be an exchange, but also to stand at the bridgehead of developing technology and supporting the development of industry projects. The development of Coin Security this year and the major events for the industry are Coin Security and the US company. The legal department reached a settlement and admitted that the anti-money laundering crime compensated hundreds of millions of dollars, and Zhao Changpeng stepped down from the company. For the company, the biggest impact of this incident is that the company needs to spend a lot of energy on dealing with judicial lawsuits and Zhao Changpeng's resignation. Although as the head of the industry, the company has always had a clear development plan, but in this year's hottest inscription, the ecological layout of the company has lagged behind that of other exchanges, and Zhao Changpeng's departure has actually made employees confused about the company. The uncertainty of the company's future development does exist whether the company will be controlled by the United States from now on, which also makes people in the industry wonder whether the personal information security of users can be guaranteed. After all, according to the announcement issued by the US Treasury Department, the access rights to the account books and systems of the company will be used to supervise the compliance progress of the company within five years. The long-arm jurisdiction of the United States has always been the sword of Damocles hanging over the company, and the outcome of Zhao Changpeng's sentence and the lawsuit of the company is still unknown. In the face of more and more strict supervision in various countries, Qian An has to break his arm again and again to survive. This month, Qian An withdrew from the Russian market and sold his business in Russia to the newly established cryptocurrency exchange. The main reason behind this is also because of the continuous investigation of Qian An by the US Department of Justice. This year, Qian An announced that he would withdraw from the Canadian market and said that he would stop providing services to Dutch users because he could not register in the Netherlands, and attracted the Philippines to use it in various social media promotions. In June, French regulators also accused Coin 'an of illegally providing digital asset services and money laundering, but earlier in the month, Coin 'an was cut off from the American banking system and was accused of being supervised by the United States on the encrypted payment track vigorously promoted by Coin 'an. After that, Coin's cooperation with traditional financial institutions also faced many challenges. This year, both MasterCard and MasterCard stopped some cooperation with Coin 'an, and they stopped issuing new co-branded cards with Coin 'an in Europe since June. MasterCard and Coin 'an ended in Brazil, Argentina. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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