
币圈资讯 阅读:39 2024-04-22 11:10:39 评论:0



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作者:Haotian,加密研究员 来源:X,@tmel0211




于是,侧链,闪电网络,Taproot Assets,RGB、BitVM等各个方向挤满了比特币正统layer2“垂涎者”,他们每每谈及比特币生态都高调称要复刻以太坊的一切,着实让人颅内高潮。








1)比特币Data Availability数据可用性能力缺失,以太坊的DA是主网Validators对layer2二层提交的数据的计算+验证能力,显然比特币虽然可以接纳一定的数据,但是主网并不具备可行且高效的计算和验证能力。

因此比特币DA更像是“公告板”性质,原始RAW Data存放到比特币区块中,只能供链下的indexer索引器来进行记账和确权。这势必会考验indexer的记账和验证能力,如果存在多个indexer挑战性会进一步增加,会存在记账逻辑混乱差错问题。


3)比特币UTXO安全模型受限于“支付”场景。类似于以太坊Plasma二层的解决方案,二层若把每一个交易对应的Nonce Hash等都以UTXO的形式和主网保持同步,就能基于UTXO找到一个绝对安全模式。






2)用比特币来做支付Solution,包括Lighting network闪电网络,Taproot assets资产以及客户端验证RGB,本质上都要基于比特币主网UTXO模型提供安全保障,这其实限定了这些方向最佳落地应用场景就是支付。

闪电网络做小额聪的流通体验已经很丝滑,Taproot assets和RGB其实也类似,相对更适合落地稳定币的支付通道。



如果纯纯的比特币安全共识赋能下的比特币生态,指向Lightning network和Taproot assets等后续的稳定币应用消费场景;





The author's encryption researcher came from when the inscription tide swept through. I came into contact with some real bitcoin developers and found that they would not be too hot-headed to say something like bitcoin subverting Ethereum. On the contrary, everyone had a consensus that bitcoin ecology would have a chance, but it would definitely be different from the stacked Lego combination paradigm of Ethereum. Next, based on technical logic, I discussed how bitcoin ecology should land. This new asset issuance method brought many people back to the moment of 2008, and their enthusiasm was completely touched. Burning this wave of inscription craze has brought new users, new application scenarios and new funds. To some extent, this bull market is called Bitcoin Bull, and it is not too much for the side chain lightning network. All directions are crowded with Bitcoin orthodox covetous. Every time they talk about Bitcoin ecology, they say that they want to recreate everything in Ethereum, which really makes people have an intracranial climax, just as the asset issuance fever is unsustainable. The inscription market is also eager to undertake a brand-new bitcoin craze at the end of the tide. It is true that there are such ambitions and demands. However, if you want to reproduce the ecological diversity of Ethereum to Bitcoin, it really doesn't work. Bitcoin ecology needs to explore a landing route that matches its original characteristics. The core logic is that the original characteristics of Bitcoin chain have limited computing and verification capabilities, even if the storage capacity in the address also has dust attacks. The limited computing determines that more complex transaction logic must be realized outside the chain. For example, a Turing finish based on optimistic ideas is boldly conceived by using the combination of logic gates on the off-chain circuit chain. The technical logic of preparing for computing is also reasonable, but the workload is comparable to that of the Qin Dynasty's personal computer in the three-body model, which makes Bitcoin more suitable for asset settlement rather than global status verification. For example, the signature and data structure characteristics of Bitcoin nodes have brought some verification ability, but only the aggregation of multiple signatures is limited by multi-signature scenarios, allowing the creation of more complex scripts, but its dependent model can only do asset settlement and cannot realize global status verification, and build complex light nodes. Matrix can only strengthen the interoperability between the side chain and the main chain, and improve the security and response speed of asset settlement. There is no doubt that bitcoin has developed into a minimalist route until now. This is the consensus that came out after the last round of large and small block wars, so the idea of trying to make a big fuss about the script space based on it will definitely not work. Although it may not necessarily go to the castrated bifurcation level, the upgrade agreements tend to compromise in the direction of small blocks, such as discarding large data packets and returning to space. These limitations of optimization and application determine that the expansion scheme of Bitcoin is very different from that of Ethereum. What Ethereum lacks is the calculation and verification ability of the main network for the data submitted on the second floor. Obviously, although Bitcoin can accept certain data, the main network does not have feasible and efficient calculation and verification ability. Therefore, Bitcoin is more like an indexer originally stored in a bulletin board block, which can only be used for bookkeeping and confirmation, which is bound to be tested. If there are multiple challenges, the verification ability will be further increased, and there will be confusion and errors in bookkeeping logic. Bitcoin operability is limited. The second floor of Ethereum submits the status to the main network. The main network has a contract, which can cooperate with the second floor to develop security mechanisms such as the day challenge time window and the escape cabin to ensure that the main network can protect the assets of users on the second floor under the premise of evil. Obviously, Bitcoin without the ability of smart contract does not exist. This layer of security guarantee users can only believe that Bitcoin will not do evil. The security model of bitcoin is limited by the payment scenario, which is similar to the solution on the second floor of Ethereum. On the second floor, if the equivalent of each transaction is synchronized with the main network, it can be based on finding an absolute security model, but it can only be limited by the payment scenario. Bitcoin based on the model also has this limitation. Generally, this kind of multi-state mechanism with complex smart contracts cannot rely solely on this security mechanism unless other bitcoin chains are superimposed. Consensus is based on this technical logic and The narrative space of cognitive bitcoin is also extremely clear. Taking bitcoin as the second floor of the settlement layer to build an independent consensus and provide a complete set of virtual machines and other ecological carrying capacity of Ethereum, but such a chain with strong comprehensive strength is tantamount to recreating an Ethereum execution chain. Many people actually don't know that Ethereum actually has a settlement chain, and the main chain of Ethereum we see can also be regarded as a chain. The reason why people have a weak perception of the settlement chain is that the core of the main network is interactive verification. If we only do the settlement chain, the chain that handles a lot of calculation and verification operations will become the real main chain problem. Let's take Bitcoin as the settlement chain. Do other chains dare to call themselves the main chain? Does Bitcoin ecology allow such a consensus to exist? Paying with Bitcoin, including lightning network assets and client verification, must provide security based on the bitcoin main network model, which actually limits the best landing application scenario in these directions. The payment lightning network is a small smart circulation experience. If we want to superimpose more states on the client verification of the state channel, it is equivalent to adding more complex verification logic to the original model. Naturally, some states that cannot be verified by the main network will be submitted to the main network, which is essentially dependent on the offline consensus. This kind of scheme may be feasible, but compared with the transaction scenario controlled by the pure model, the security level of the bitcoin ecosystem will also drop correspondingly. If the pure ratio is pure, Bitcoin ecological orientation and other subsequent stable currency application consumption scenarios under the empowerment of special currency security consensus. If some out-of-chain consensus is allowed to be added to the bitcoin main network consensus, it will point to the client to verify such complex application scenarios that can realize complex smart contracts. If the bitcoin main network only makes settlement chains and reaches consensus independently outside the chain, all kinds of side chain alliance chain index chains and other schemes that can build their own consensus and strictly implement asset transparent settlement seem to be possible. If such bitcoin Turing calculation verifies, The scheme has really been realized without changing the consensus cost of Bitcoin main network and being lower than the smart contract structure of Ethereum. In short, the impossible trinity contradiction of security decentralization and scalability is more intense on Bitcoin main network. The so-called Bitcoin orthodoxy may be a false proposition. In my opinion, if you choose orthodox consensus, you have to accept the expansion limitations. If you want to break through the limitations, don't use the banner of universal invincible consensus. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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