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作者:Casey Rodarmor,Ordinals创始人;翻译:比特币买卖交易网xiaozou

如果你询问我的加密观点是什么,我认为我的观点与那些意识形态上的比特币最大主义者(Bitcoin Maxi,苦于找不到更好的词语)几乎没有什么区别。我对权威没有特别的尊重,甚至可以说是厌恶,我相信比特币是一种途径,通过比特币我们可以摆脱与法币纠缠不清的生活和文明的堕落。










· 所有人都可以右键保存JPEG。几乎每一个购买铭文的“不入流”的人都知道这一点,毫无例外。没有人会出于购买访问权限的错觉而购买铭文。接受这一点并更新你的观点,让它更接近现实,这样就不太可能面对现实不堪一击了。

· 铭文不是真的,只是个集体幻觉。从一开始,我基本上就一直在说,Ordinals和铭文是观察比特币的一个可选视角。非要表现得好像是某种启示会让你看起来很可笑。另外,这也说明了你误解了人类、文明以及文化最基本的一点:最重要的都不过是社会习俗。事实上,比特币只是一种社会习俗。或者,换句话说,重要的不是软件或数据,而是围绕其展开的社会习俗。铭文也不例外。

· 你可以只在链下存储数据。人们重视链上数据,这让铭文变得稀缺,并极大地提高了可靠性和用户安全。其他所有NFT生态系统都使用链下数据,不知情的用户将信任委托给碰巧将文件存储在IPFS上的人,并且他们可能随时停止。链上数据是对无需信任机制的巨大改进,而我被告知,这种无需信任是意识形态Maxi高度重视的。

· 铭文是非法的。非法的事情,比如暴力,和你认为愚蠢的事情之间是有明显区别的。你因为不喜欢某事物或看不清某事物的价值而说它是非法的,这只会让你看起来一副不太聪明的样子。

· 铭文是一种state攻击。不知何故,你看到其他链上的NFT和垃圾币,就说它们的存在是因为热情、需求、欺诈甚或堕落,但并不认为这些东西是对以太坊的state攻击,而不知何故,你确认为铭文是对比特币的state攻击?

对铭文的审查与其他类型的审查交易完全相同。通常来说,你建立的任何机制或聚集的公众支持都可立即开启对比特币的审查。幸运的是,处理被某些人视为非法的交易正是比特币的目的,所以你最终会失败,但如果你不试图说服人们审查比特币交易是他们应该费心的事,我们都会更好过一些。你已经设法迷惑了Ocean Mining,让其认为这是可能的,而且还是一个好主意,不过他们最终会比现在更惨。但如果我们能获取另一个矿池,而不是让其一一瘸一拐地走出大门(这是不必要的),岂不美哉。



If you ask me what my encryption point of view is, I think my point of view is almost the same as that of those ideological bitcoin maximists who are struggling to find a better word. I have no special respect for authority, and I can even say that I hate it. I believe that bitcoin is a way through which we can get rid of the life and civilization that are entangled with legal tender. However, I don't think I am an ideological bitcoin major. The reason is that ideology can't survive when it touches reality. This is the embarrassing situation that ideological bitcoin and its accompanying bland culture are in at present. The untimely contact with reality has many advantages. It is for this reason that I wrote this text and made suggestions for ideological bitcoin, which is expected to help them stop making oolong incidents and making inevitable mistakes. In other words, I suggest how they can get rid of the role of losers. First of all, I want to say that the purpose of this article is not to defend the inscription. They don't need to defend the cat that came out of the bag. No one can put it back. What happened is what happened. Now, let's talk about my suggestion. My first suggestion is that complaining about the inscription will only make you and Bitcoin look weak. While believing that Bitcoin is an unstoppable Internet currency, it is a problem for a group of idiots to publish on the chain. This is a contradiction in itself. We all know that the first half of the conclusion is true, and the second half is not better than. Special currency is an irresistible internet currency, but it is not a problem, but supporting these two beliefs at the same time may weaken the argument that Bitcoin can fight against the public. Despite the endless complaints on Twitter, no one can leave even a trace on the inscription. In view of this and considering that we still have a long way to go to subvert the legal currency, perhaps what you should do is to stop complaining about those things that you can't change and adapt to this new reality that may make you less comfortable. Beyond Bitcoin, there is no doubt that this will not be the last time people encounter unhappiness with Bitcoin, so it is good to start accepting the reality now, and then you can focus on more important things, such as spreading the spirit of Satoshi Nakamoto and helping as many people learn how to use Bitcoin as possible. Besides, strategically, all reports are good publicity and complaining about the inscription will only make more people understand the inscription and make the inscription supporters more enthusiastic about embedding it in the blockchain. This is simply to make you look like it. If ordinary people like to do something, then you shouldn't blame them for doing it, because then you can't make any friends and you can't make any progress in anything. If you want to continue complaining about the inscription, please take at least some time to get to know the object of your complaint, so that you can avoid using the weakest and most unconvincing arguments, for example, everyone can right-click to save it, and almost everyone who buys the inscription knows that there is no case. No one outside will buy an inscription out of the illusion of purchasing access rights, accept this and update your point of view to make it closer to reality, so that it is unlikely to be vulnerable to reality. The inscription is not really just a collective illusion. From the beginning, I have basically been saying that the inscription is an optional perspective for observing Bitcoin. It is necessary to act as if it is some kind of revelation that will make you look ridiculous. In addition, it also shows that you have misunderstood the most basic point and the most important point of human civilization and culture. It's a social custom. In fact, Bitcoin is just a social custom, or in other words, it's not the software or data that matters, but the social custom inscription around it. It's no exception. You can only store data under the chain. People pay attention to the data on the chain, which makes the inscription scarce and greatly improves the reliability and user safety. All other ecosystems use offline data. Unsuspecting users entrust their trust to people who happen to store files on the internet, and they may stop the data on the chain at any time. The trust mechanism has been greatly improved, and I was told that this inscription, which is highly valued by ideology, is illegal. There is a clear difference between illegal things, such as violence, and things that you think are stupid. You say that something is illegal because you don't like it or can't see its value clearly. This will only make you look unwise. The inscription is an attack. Somehow, when you see other chains and junk coins, you say that they exist because of enthusiasm, demand, fraud or even degeneration, but it doesn't. I don't think these things are an attack on Ethereum, but somehow you confirm that the inscription is an attack on Bitcoin. The censorship of the inscription is exactly the same as other types of censorship transactions. Generally speaking, any mechanism you set up or gather public support can immediately start the censorship of Bitcoin. Fortunately, dealing with transactions that some people regard as illegal is the purpose of Bitcoin, so you will eventually fail, but if you don't try to convince people that censorship of Bitcoin transactions is something they should worry about, we will all. Better. You've managed to confuse them into thinking that it's possible and a good idea, but they'll end up worse than they are now. But if we can get another mine pool instead of limping it out of the gate, it's unnecessary. Isn't it beautiful? Then what should you think of inscriptions? Ignore them. More and more valuable use cases will surpass most inscriptions, but there will always be some high-value inscriptions, but they can't compete with hard currency and uncensored transactions. The fate of Bitcoin is expensive to embrace. We have more important things to do. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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