深入解读 TVL 暴涨的 Manta Pacific

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Manta Pacific 介绍

大热的 Blast 近期在 Aevo 上的期货价格随着 TVL 的不断增加,短短一周内从最低的 3.5 刀涨到了 15.5 刀,而后回落到 7 刀,可见主打原生收益的 L2 模式已经开始被市场认可。

而近期同样利用 New Paradigm 推出原生收益的 Manta 能否超越 Blast 呢?让我们先来看看 Manta 究竟有何优势,早期进入 Manta 的玩家收益机会相比 Blast 多在哪里。??

Manta Network 是用于零知识(ZK)应用程序的模块化区块链。Manta Network 由来自哈佛大学和麻省理工学院等著名学府的经验丰富的创始人团队创建。

Manta Network 已获得许多顶级 Web3 投资基金的投资,包括 Binance Labs 和 Polychain Capital。

而 Manta Pacific 是专门为 ZK 应用设计的以太坊 Layer2,当前基于 OP Stack,完全兼容 EVM 环境及 Solidity 开发语言;

Manta Pacific 未来将基于 Polygon CDK 实现 zkEVM;同时利用 Manta 的通用电路来实现 ZK 即服务,并利 Celestia 的模块化数据可用性来提供低 Gas 费用。

可以说 Manta Pacific 为支持 ZK 应用程序提供了完美的环境。Solidity 开发者不需要密码学知识或学习新语言,就可以通过调用 SDK 或 API,实现 ZK 功能。

(注:Manta 的通用电路是零知识证明(ZK)电路库,专为通用场景设计,为 Solidity 开发者提供 ZK-as-a Service 服务,仅需几行代码即可在现有应用中,启用 ZK 功能,包括合规的 DeFi 支付、Web3 Social 身份验证、全链游戏洗牌功能等。通过 Manta Pacific 上的通用电路,开发者可轻松地部署 EVM 原生的 ZK 应用。)

Manta Pacific 在 2023 年 9 月 12 日推出其主网 Alpha 版本,目前是第三大 OP Stack L2,仅次于 Optimism 和 Base。未来一旦完全过渡到 zkEVM,Manta Pacific 或将成为最大的基于 Polygon zkEVM 的 L2 网络。

从 Manta Pacific 的推出来看,其未来的发展将分为四个不同的阶段:

(一)Manta Pacific Alpha(以太坊 L2)

在目前的版本中,Manta Pacific 是基于以太坊的 Optimistic Rollup,使用以太坊的数据可用性(DA)。

它利用 Manta 网络的通用电路(Universal Circuits),使开发者能够使用 Solidity 和通用电路 SDK 快速构建和部署支持 ZK 相关的的应用。

因此,所有现有的以太坊智能合约都可以无缝适配到 Manta Pacific,同时还可以基于 ZK 的功能,打开新的应用场景,如可验证的 DID/KYC、基于 ZK 的完全链上游戏,以及 DeFi 和去中心化身份之间的协同等等。

(二)Manta Pacific Alpha II(+Celestia DA)

在这一阶段,Manta Pacific 将通过整合 Celestia 的模块化数据可用性(DA)实现数据扩展,大幅降低用户在 Manta Pacific 生态系统内与 dApp 互动的 gas 费用。

Celestia 的成本与以太坊的 gas 价格呈次线性关系,比以太坊现有成本便宜得多。

(三)Manta Pacific Beta(+过渡到 zkEVM)

在这一阶段中,Manta Pacific 计划完全过渡到 zkEVM,并利用 Polygon 的 ZK 证明者。

网络架构的最终阶段将是让 Manta 的通用电路用于内置 ZK 特性,以支持广泛的 ZK 应用,同时结合 Validium 服务和 Celestia DA 以及 zkEVM 和 Polygon CDK 来实现可扩展性。

(四)Manta Pacific 生产级别主网 I(+通用电路 2.0)

最后一个阶段,Manta Pacific 将正式上线主网,对于 Manta Pacific 主网,Manta Pacific 将进一步升级通用电路,以实现更低的 gas 成本,同时利用新颖的 ZK 技术解锁新的应用场景。

从 Manta Pacific 的路线图来看,它将成为第一个从 Optimistic Rollup 转变为 Validium 的 zkEVM L2,这种转变使用 Polygon CDK 来实现,通过 Celestia DA 大幅的降低了 Gas 费,并通过以太坊共识和链上活动的加密证明增加安全性,可以说是目前十分具有前瞻性的 L2 了。

New Paradigm 活动

近期,Manta 公链推出了生态内的流动性激励活动 New Paradigm,与前阵子 Blur 推出的 Blast 流动性质押类似,用户都可以通过质押自己的资金,获得未来的代币空投奖励。

但是与 Blast 相比,New Paradigm 的优势在于其丰富的生态项目以及更短的回本周期,用户最快在 2024 年 1 月就可以获得代币空投,而 Blast 的空投可能要到 5 月才能上线,两者相比之下,New Paradigm 中的资金利用率远远高于 Blast。


New Paradigm 拥有五种收入来源,包括固定收益、NFT 激励以及 L2 生态内独特的 DeFi 可组合性带来的叠加收益等。

1. ETH、USDC 跨链到 Manta 生态之后,与 Blast 一样,即使资产放着不动,也会有 5% 左右的利息;

2. 参与活动质押资产,可以获得未来 MANTA 代币空投;

3. 参与 Manta 生态内项目交互,获得项目本身的潜在空投机会;

4. 质押 ETH、USDC 后,将获得的 Stone 和 wUSDM 用来参与 Manta 生态内的项目,如借贷项目,获得项目本身提供的收益;

5. 通过对 stETH 的 Restaking(可选,未来会根据 Eigenlayer Restaking Cap 是否有开放上限来加入 Eigenlayer)获取的收益;

(需要注意的是:ETH 存入后会变成 Stone,USDC 存入后会变成 wUSDM。如果后续交互没有 GAS,可以使用第三方桥,例如 MiniBridge 跨链到 Manta 网络,会更加节省 GAS。

参与活动,必须要通过活动页面进行资金存入才能获得盲盒碎片,但是后续在 Manta 生态交互所需要 GAS,可以通过第三方桥去跨链:https://minibridge.chaineye.tools/)


1)跨链 ETH 或者 USDC 到 Manta Pacific 中进行存款,赚取收益和盒子碎片。存款期开放至 2024 年 1 月;

2)用户在存款后 24 小时内在 Manta Pacific 上收到 STONE 和 wUSDM。最早在 2024 年 1 月可以通过 NFT 领取 MANTA 代币奖励;

3)MANTA 代币奖励发放 69 天后,用户可以通过 STONE 和 wUSDM 来赎回 ETH 和 USDC;

详细攻略可见 Biteye 推出的 【Manta New Paradigm 参与最佳策略教程?】来让收益最大化??https://mirror.xyz/0x30bF18409211FB048b8Abf44c27052c93cF329F2/XbI07A9ib7-xsOD8W0nRPC2EascVlD1idHusJcYu9CQ

目前 New Paradigm 的存款活动已经进入最后的冲刺阶段。

StakeStone 和 Mountain Protocol

在 New Paradigm 中,用户质押的 ETH 的收益来源于 StakeStone 协议,而质押的 USDC 收益来源于 Mountain Protocol,接下来就为大家介绍一下 Manta 生态中这两大重点协议:


StakeStone 是一个全链 LST(Liquid Stake Token)协议,致力于构建去中心化一体式质押协议,一个 LST 流动性的跨链市场,为质押者提供轻松的质押服务,背靠 Hashkey Capital,获得了 Secure3Audit 的审计。https://github.com/Secure3Audit/Secure3Academy/blob/main/audit_reports/StakeStone/StakeStone_final_Secure3_Audit_Report.pdf

用户可以存入 ETH 获得 STONE,例如,如果用户 A 存入 100 ETH 换取一定数量的 STONE,一年后 1 STONE 的价值变为 1.04 ETH,则用户可以用 100 STONE 从 StakeStone 中提取 104 ETH。

当用户将 ETH 存入 StakeStone 时,他们将立即收到 STONE。同时,收到的 ETH 进入保险库合约并等待部署。部署执行后,金库合约中的 ETH 将被发送到 Lido 换取 stETH,然后将其保存在 StakeStone 的策略金库中。

在未来,sETH 有可能被存入 Eigenlayer 中进行重质押,来为 STONE 持有者获取更多的收益。

目前 StakeStone 中存入 ETH 的总量正在稳步增长,总存入的 ETH 数量达到了 225,498 个,约为$515M。


(二)Mountain Protocol

Mountain Protocol 是一个机构级别的合规监管收益稳定币协议,由 Coinbase Vencture 参投,经过了 OpenZeppelin 等多家知名的审计机构审计。

其发行的稳定币 USDM 背后由美国的短期国债支持,美国国债是目前世界上最为安全的资产之一。

USDC 与 USDT 背后的主要储备也是美国的短期国债,根据稳定币评级机构 Bluechip 的风险评级报告来看,USDM 的风险评级是与 DAI 相同的,因此,Mountain 具备安全性和合规两大重要特点。

在 New Paradigm 中,用户将存入稳定币 USDC 后,将在 Manta Pacific 上自动收到 wUSDM (Wrapped USDM),类似于 Lido 的 wstETH。

New Paradigm 活动期间,用户可以考虑把 wUSDM 放在其他协议中进行套娃生息,wUSDM 是跟任何其他 ERC20 代币一样可以用于与 L2 上的各种智能合约、去中心化应用和钱包进行交互的。

目前 USDM 的发行量根据 DefiLlama 的数据来看达到了$136M,在跟 Manta 合作后大大增加。



从 L2 Beat 的数据来看,目前 Manta 的 TVL 达到了$559M,已经超越了 Linea,Starknet 等大热的 L2 公链,目前排名为第六。

从链上数据来看,目前 Manta 生态中的 TX 达到了近 700w 笔,总的钱包地址达到了 446,454 个,链上日活近三个月有大量的增长。


目前 Manta Pacific 上有 200 多个生态系统项目,大部分项目并未发币,可以预见的是,本次 Manta 通过 New Paradigm 活动带来了大量的新用户,同时在链上沉淀了大量的资金,这部分资金会不断地在该生态系统中进行流通,与 Manta 生态中的项目进行交互,逐渐培养出该链上的忠实用户。

下面是 Manta 上一些重点生态项目的介绍:

1、QuickSwap:QuickSwap 是目前 Manta 生态中交易量最大的 DEX,也是 Polygon 生态体量最大、最知名的 DEX 之一。

2、iZUMi Finance:iZUMi 是多链 DeFi 协议,提供一站式流动性服务 (LaaS),创新性地提出离散流动性自动做市模型,获得了 IOSG Ventures、分布式资本、Hashkey Capital、BIXIN Ventures 等投资者在内的超$50M 融资。

3、LayerBank:LayerBank 是目前 Manta 生态中最大的借贷协议,该协议获得了 Peckshield 的审计,目前 TVL 达到了$265M,其在 Linea,Scroll 上均有部署,但是目前主要 TVL 分布在 Manta 中。

4、Symbiosis:Symbiosis 是跨链 DEX 与流动性协议,获得了 DWF Labs、Shima Capital、Binance Labs、Dragonfly、Amber Group 等的$2M 融资。

5、PacificSwap:PacifiSwap 是采用 ve(3,3)模型的 DEX 协议,基于 Pancake Swap 模型开发,运用了创新的 CLAMM 算法。

6、AsMatch:AsMatch 是基于零知识证明 ZK 的在线约会应用,用户可通过左滑或右滑,选择匹配或不匹配其他用户,还可将 zkSBT 的 ZK Proof Key 填入 App,验证链上行为及身份,属于 Manta 中的 Social 类别。

7、Orbiter Finance:Orbiter Finance 是一个用于转移以太坊原生资产的去中心化 Rollup 桥,为 Layer 2 提供基础设施,是目前最大的跨链桥之一,获得了 Starkware,Amber group 在内的$3.2M 融资。

8、Minibridge:Minibridge 是针对小额转账场景优化的跨链桥,具有低费率和快速到账的优势,在 dappsheriff 上被评为用户最喜欢的桥,在 New Paradigm 活动期间费率 5 折。MiniBridge 是以太坊上海 2023 获奖团队。


随着 2024 年的发币临近,MANTA 代币带来的空投势必会在 2024 年第一季度为 L2 的话题度再添砖加瓦,同时随着 Manta 在下一阶段与 Celestia 的集成,模块化区块链与 ZK EVM 的双重特性可以为 Manta 带来独特的优势。

因此在该阶段其生态中大部分项目暂未发币的情况下,加上币安投资的强背景,链上卷的程度也比 Zksync 这些链小得多,多参与该链的交互,增加资产收益并且博生态项目未来的空投,可以说是性价比十分高的操作了。

This paper introduces the recent hot futures prices in the world, which have risen from the lowest knife to the knife and then fell back to the knife in just one week. It can be seen that the mode of focusing on primary income has begun to be recognized by the market, but can it be surpassed by using the same primary income in the near future? Let's first see what advantages there are for players who entered early, and where are the opportunities for income compared with the modular blockchain for zero-knowledge applications? The experience from famous universities such as Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology is rich. The founder's team created Ethereum, which has been invested by many top investment funds, including and specially designed for applications. Currently, it is based on a fully compatible environment and development language. In the future, it will provide low-cost modular data availability based on the realization of universal circuits that can be used at the same time, which can be said to provide a perfect environment for supporting applications. Developers can prove that the universal circuits with zero knowledge can be called or realized by calling or learning new languages without cryptography knowledge. The circuit library is designed for general-purpose scenarios and provides services for developers. It only takes a few lines of code to enable functions in existing applications, including compliant payment, authentication, full-chain game shuffling function, etc. Through the general-purpose circuit developers, they can easily deploy native applications and launch their main network version on January, which is currently the third largest after and will become the largest based network in the future. From the point of view of the launch, its future development will be divided into four different stages: an Ethereum at present. The version is based on Ethereum, which uses the data availability of Ethereum. It uses the general circuit of the network to enable developers to quickly build and deploy applications related to the general circuit. Therefore, all existing Ethereum smart contracts can be seamlessly adapted to new application scenarios based on new functions, such as verifiable full-chain games and collaboration with decentralized identities. Second, it will be realized through integrated modular data availability at this stage. Data expansion greatly reduces the cost of users' interaction in the ecosystem. The cost has a sublinear relationship with the price of Ethereum, which is much cheaper than the existing cost of Ethereum. 3. Transition to the prover network architecture that is planned to be completely transitioned and utilized in this stage. The final stage will be to let the general circuit be used for built-in features to support a wide range of applications, and at the same time, combine services and sum to achieve scalability. The final stage will be officially launched. The main network will be It can be said that it is very forward-looking at present to further upgrade the general circuit to achieve lower cost and unlock new application scenarios by using novel technologies. From the road map, it will be the first to change from to. It can be realized by greatly reducing the cost and increasing the security through the Ethereum consensus and the encryption proof of chain activities. Recently, the public chain has launched liquidity incentive activities in the ecosystem, which are similar to the liquidity pledge launched a while ago, and users can pass the quality. Bet your own money to get future token airdrop rewards, but compared with it, the advantage lies in its rich ecological projects and shorter payback period. Users can get token airdrops as soon as May, while airdrops may not be launched until May. In contrast, the utilization rate of funds in the two activities is much higher than the expected rewards of an activity, including the following parts: having five sources of income, including fixed income incentives and superimposed benefits brought by unique composability in the ecology, which cross the chain to the ecology and one. Even if the assets are standing still, there will be left and right interest to participate in the activities. Pledged assets can get future tokens, participate in the project interaction within the ecology, and get the potential airdrop opportunities of the project itself. What will be obtained after pledge and used to participate in the projects within the ecology, such as lending projects, will get the benefits provided by the project itself. The future will be added according to whether there is an open upper limit. It should be noted that after deposit, it will become a third-party bridge if there is no follow-up interaction. For example, it will be more economical to cross the chain to the network to participate in activities. You must deposit funds through the activity page to obtain blind box fragments, but you can cross the chain through a third-party bridge for subsequent ecological interaction. The specific steps are as follows: cross the chain or go to the middle to make deposits to earn income and box fragments. The deposit period is open to users within hours after deposit, and users can receive tokens as early as in the month and year. After the tokens are awarded, users can redeem them through and the detailed strategy can be pushed. Take part in the best strategy course to maximize the income. At present, the deposit activity has entered the final sprint stage, and the income pledged by users comes from agreements, while the income pledged comes from the following. Let's introduce these two key agreements in the ecology. First, a full-chain agreement is dedicated to building a decentralized integrated pledge agreement, and a liquid cross-chain market provides easy pledge services for the pledger. If users deposit and obtain, for example, In exchange for a certain amount, the value will change after one year, so users can use it to extract from it. When users will deposit, they will immediately receive the vault entry contract received at the same time and wait for the deployment. After the deployment, the vault contract will be sent to the exchange and then stored in the strategic vault, which may be re-pledged in the future to obtain more benefits for the holders. At present, the total amount of deposits is growing steadily, and the total amount of deposits has reached about two, which is an institutional level. The regulated income stable currency agreement has been audited by many well-known auditing institutions, and the stable currency issued by it is backed by American short-term treasury bonds, which is one of the safest assets in the world and the main reserve behind it. According to the risk rating report of the stable currency rating agency, the risk rating is the same, so it has two important characteristics: safety and compliance. In China, users will automatically receive similar activities after depositing the stable currency. During the period, users can consider putting the doll in other agreements for interest-bearing, which can be used to interact with various smart contracts, decentralized applications and wallets. According to the data, the current circulation has greatly increased after cooperation, and the list of ecological data and ecological projects has been greatly increased. According to the data, the current public chain has surpassed the equal heat, and it ranks sixth. According to the data on the chain, the total wallet address in the current ecology has reached nearly one, and there have been a lot of growth in the past three months. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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