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作者:Antoni,Aleph Zero Foundation(瑞士)联合创始人 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

来自加密货币市场周期最新的静默阶段的发展表明,隐私将在下一个牛市期间占据中心位置。Web3 正在朝着许多不同的、充满希望的方向发展——从急需的可扩展性到更大的监管透明度——而隐私一直是其主要优先事项之一。

在熊市中构建的所有围绕隐私解决方案的出色工作都将在 2024 年脱颖而出。更重要的是,该领域独有的隐私功能将可供最终用户使用。


我们在 2023 年学到了什么:最终用户隐私的必要性

今年,我们看到零知识证明(ZKP)和安全多方计算(sMPC)等隐私技术的研发投入大量。a16z 发布的2023 年加密货币现状报告发现,zk 技术的研究论文数量创历史新高。 

大部分进展都集中在 zk rollups 等开发上,这些技术利用这些技术来实现可扩展性解决方案。事实证明,ZKP 是提高 Web3 应用程序吞吐量和事务速度的有效方法:首先关注这个问题是有意义的,因为它使堆栈中的其他应用程序能够进一步发展。

然而,需求已开始转向将这些进步应用于最终用户应用程序,因为 2023 年也告诉我们在 Web3 中拥有正确隐私的重要性。 

我们了解到,隐私并不是区块链基础设施的必然条件:大多数区块链网络提供假名,但不完全是隐私。这一点在围绕 Arkham Intelligence 的争议中表现得很明显,该公司的“doxx-to-earn”商业模式激励用户收集有关其他用户活动的信息,这些信息可能与他们的现实世界身份相关联。该项目甚至最终对其自己的用户进行了人肉搜索。

另一方面,当隐私以透明度的代价而实现时,也会产生负面结果。我们看到了隐私技术被用于非法目的的结果,即 Tornado Cash 逮捕案。这些案件之所以有争议,是因为美国外国资产控制办公室 (OFAC) 参与了追究混合服务的责任,这导致 CoinCenter 提起诉讼,质疑制裁代码的合法性。

在这里,在隐私和透明度之间取得平衡变得至关重要,这样 Web3 的开发就不会成为非法活动的祸根。这引发了一场围绕构建注意到这一点的应用程序的对话。

2024 年我们的发展方向






保护隐私的加密 DNS


隐私 DeFi





The development of Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network from the latest silent stage of cryptocurrency market cycle shows that privacy will occupy a central position during the next bull market, and it is developing in many different promising directions, from much-needed scalability to greater regulatory transparency, and privacy has always been one of its main priorities. All the excellent work around privacy solutions built in the bear market will stand out in 2008, and more importantly, this field is unique. All of the above contents should bring one thing and only one thing: first-class user experience. What did we learn in 2008 about the necessity of end-user privacy? This year, we saw the investment in research and development of privacy technologies such as zero-knowledge proof and secure multi-party computing, and released a large number of annual reports on the status quo of cryptocurrency, and the number of research papers on discovery technologies reached a record high. Most of the progress was concentrated on the development of these technologies to achieve scalability. The scheme has proved to be an effective way to improve the throughput and transaction speed of applications. It is meaningful to pay attention to this problem first because it enables other applications in the stack to develop further. However, the demand has begun to shift to applying these advances to end-user applications. Because 2008 also told us the importance of having correct privacy in the network, we learned that privacy is not an inevitable condition for blockchain infrastructure. Most blockchain networks provide pseudonyms, but it is not entirely privacy. It is obvious in the controversy that the company's business model encourages users to collect information about other users' activities, which may be related to their real-world identity. The project even eventually conducted a human flesh search for its own users. On the other hand, when privacy is realized at the price of transparency, it will also have negative results. We have seen the result that privacy technology is used for illegal purposes, that is, arrests. These cases are controversial because the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the United States participates. In order to investigate the responsibility of mixed services, this has led to a lawsuit to question the legality of sanctions codes. It is very important to strike a balance between privacy and transparency here, so that development will not become the bane of illegal activities. This has triggered a dialogue year around building applications that pay attention to this. Fortunately, the success of privacy research last year has also helped to promote the privacy of user-oriented applications, and now many scalability problems have been solved. The purpose has also begun to devote itself to the privacy functions of privacy applications, such as zero-knowledge proof and secure multi-party computing. Besides scalability, there are many applications. We can start from enabling low-level applications to realize functions such as selective disclosure, which allows users to verify the information on the chain without revealing its contents, and can specify the types of information on the chain that users want to disclose to some parties, corresponding to these two functions respectively. In 2008, we will see the existing end-user applications to And the rise of new applications that use these functions to protect privacy encryption, we will also see more advanced applications of this technology, some of which can even be considered as quite urgent. The domain name system for privacy protection is a known market demand, in which the wallet activities of addresses are not publicly available by default, and users should have the right to selectively reveal their online trends and financial privacy when sharing their addresses. One of the applications of recent privacy development is Xu in these markets. Many problems, such as the maximum extractable value that leads to preemptive and attack attacks in decentralized exchanges, can be solved by correct privacy functions, such as threshold encryption and sum. Privacy will also increase price efficiency through innovative order matching system. Privacy has become the mainstream year. Due to the privacy development last year, we have indirectly but importantly adopted it through scalability. However, in the next year, end-user applications will have a wider impact, and it may even be a cross-border non-privacy application. Encrypting Internet users for a year is similar to the way that it became popular culture in the last market cycle. When this happens, it will be because the hard work of those who built it in the bear market in 2008 finally succeeded. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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