记者之眼:2023 年 Arweave 社交赛道概述

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作者:Adeola,翻译:Marshal Orange,来源:PermaDAO

对于 Arweave 生态系统的新用户来说,他们可能认为该协议的唯一用途是数据存储。但开发者们已将 Arweave 作为其社交应用协议的关键组成部分。已经基于 Arweave 构建的社交应用和协议显现出在 Arweave 上构建的可能性是无限的,创新用例所需考虑的是要构建什么以及如何构建。根据 Community Labs 对生态系统的快照,Arweave 社交类别中有 18 个项目;其中一些是具备成熟的功能,有一些还相对稚嫩。总体而言,Arweave 生态系统中的社交赛道在 2023 年取得了不错的成绩。大多数项目与其他项目形成了合作伙伴关系并进行了集成,以下是 2023 年这些项目及其取得的阶段性成果的概述。

Community Labs Twitter:


Arweave Name Service (ANS)

2023 年 ANS 优化了系统,并与 Arweave 生态系统中一些项目进行集成,包括 View BlockArConnecteverVisionPermacast。这些应用的用户可以使用可读性强的 ANS 名称,而不是冗长的字母数字字符串(地址)。ANS 表示其目标是实现去中心化,目前正在朝着此方向迈进,已推出了 ANS DAO 并发行了代币。该代币还在 everPay 上线,并在 Permaswap 上拥有交易对。据 Decentland Labs 的 CTO 所说,ANS 是 Arweave 生态系统中为数不多能实现盈利的项目之一,其协议收入为 5,400 $AR。ANS 还推出了 ArMoji,可在 ANS 协议上为你的 Arweave 数据创建表情符号短链接。

Lens Protocol

2023 年是 Lens Protocol 成立的第二个年头,对于一个 2 岁的项目来说,它取得了相当大的成就。其今年推出了 Momoka,在 Arweave 生态系统内掀起一阵轰动。Lens 需要 Momoka 来帮助其达到 Web2 社交媒体的性能水平。Lens、Irys 和 Arweave 之间的合作让 Momoka 大部分交易在链下进行,同时依赖于 Arweave 作为数据可用性层,因此 Momoka 的存储成本相当便宜;截至撰写本文时,查看资源管理器显示 1.13M 个交易成本为 558.97 美元。在 2023 年8 月,Momoka 的交易量达到 50 万次,而成本仅为 173 美元,Twitter 上的知名开发者 Nader Dabit 表示:“通过这些更新,我们的基础设施目前成本降低了 250 倍,而可扩展性提高了 165 倍。”



Hey(前身为 Lenster)

Hey 是一个基于 Lens Protocol 构建的去中心化和无需许可的社交媒体应用。它在 Lens Protocol 的 Momoka Beta 测试中发挥了关键作用。在年中,Hey 推出了 Lens Garden,用户可以使用它邀请朋友在平台上互动。它还推出了 Streaks Calendar,可显示用户在平台上的日常活动。Hey 通过允许用户选择其算法来个性化其体验,为用户提供了可施展的空间。


Orbis 是一种开源的社交协议,其在 2023 年 1 月让用户参与产品构建,每周进行投票来了解用户希望看到的功能。根据每周投票以确定要添加到其 SDK 的功能。它推出了 Orbis.connect-v2,允许开发者使用 MetaMask、Wallet Connect 或 Phantom 在应用程序中显示用户资料。随后推出的 Orbis.createGroup 帮助开发者在其应用程序中创建群组和频道。后续它推出了 Orbis create 和 Orbis.createConversation。推出 Orbis V2 加快了构建社交模块的速度。它还允许开发者集成 Discord,并在用户通知中加密电子邮件。其创建的其他功能包括类似 Reddit 的点赞。今年多个项目还使用了 Orbis 技术构建社交应用。

Orbis Twitter:



ReadON 是一个内容分发平台,在 2023 年初推出了 Sphinx,这是基于 ChatGPT 的功能来设计用于分析文章内容并生成相应的测试题。在整个 2023 年其软件经历了多次迭代升级:从带有推荐模块的 1.4.6 版本到添加新视频源和视频详细信息页面的 1.4.9 版本,再到添加反作弊协议的 1.4.10 版本;1.4.12 版本添加了搜索平台,而 1.4.14 版本添加了去中心化弹幕。到年底时,其软件更新到了 1.5.8 版本。

ReadON 与 everVision 合作,通过 everPay 存储了 19.78 GB 的数据,并处理了 262,000 笔交易。ReadON 还推出了据称是世界上第一个可定制化的 Gas Token 的 zkEVM —— $READ。在年底,ReadON 还通过 Skyland Ventures 获得一笔未公开的融资。

ReadON Loki Testnet Officially Launches:


ReadON Twitter:


Stamp Protocol

Stamp Protocol 在 2023 年初发布了 0.2 版本。其创始人 Rakis 当时表示,Stamp 的愿景是让创作者在互联网上通过无需保持其内容私密或设有门槛的情况下实现盈利。五月它发布了 1.0 版本,以使 Stamp 更具有可用性、可扩展性和完整性。其中,生态系统中一些项目(例如 BazAR 和 Fair Protocol)已经集成了 Stamp Protocol。

Relation Labs

Relation Labs 是一个去中心化社交图谱协议。2 月,通过添加由 Lit Protocol 提供的去中心化访问控制 SDK(Decentralised Access Control SDK),在语义 SBT 协议或可编程 NFT 中开发隐私模块,扩展了其 Web3 社交产品,使 SBT 中的加密数据上传到 Arweave 进行永久存储。四月份,Relation  推出了 其本地代币 $REL 的代币经济学,总供应量为 10 亿。之后成立了 Relation 治理委员会,Relation 提出并通过了对其设计架构的重构,引入了 Semantic 数据层。Relation Account 的 Alpha 版本于 11 月份发布,正式版预计在 2023 年底前发布。

Relation Labs Twitter:


For new users of the ecosystem, they may think that the only purpose of the protocol is data storage, but developers have taken it as a key component of their social applications and protocols, and the possibilities of building innovative use cases on the Internet are infinite. What needs to be considered is what to build and how to build it according to the snapshot of the ecosystem. There is a project in the social category, some of which have mature functions and some are relatively immature. Generally speaking, the social track in the ecosystem has achieved good results in. Most projects have formed partnerships with other projects and integrated them. The following is an overview of these projects and their phased achievements in. In, the system was optimized and integrated with some projects in the ecosystem, including users of these applications, who can use readable names instead of lengthy alphanumeric string addresses to indicate that their goal is to achieve decentralization, and they are now moving in this direction. The token is still online and has transactions on the Internet. It is said that it is one of the few profitable projects in the ecosystem, and its agreement income is also introduced, which can create emoticons for your data on the agreement. The year of short links is the second year of its establishment. For a one-year-old project, it has made considerable achievements. It has launched a sensation in the ecosystem this year, and it needs to help it reach the performance level of social media and make most of the cooperation. Transactions are carried out under the chain and depend on being a data availability layer, so the storage cost is quite cheap. As of the writing of this article, the resource manager shows that the transaction cost is US dollars, and the transaction volume reached 10,000 times in January and the cost was only US dollars. Well-known developers said that through these updates, the current cost of our infrastructure has been doubled and the scalability has been improved. Previously, it was a decentralized and unlicensed social media application based on construction, which played a key role in the test. In the middle of the year, it was introduced that users can use it to invite friends to interact on the platform. It also introduced that users' daily activities on the platform can be displayed. By allowing users to choose their algorithms, their experience can be personalized. It is an open source social agreement, which allows users to participate in product construction and vote weekly to understand the functions that users want to see. According to the weekly voting to determine the functions to be added to it, it introduced that developers can use it or display it in applications. The user profile was subsequently introduced to help developers create groups and channels in their applications. Later, it was introduced and launched to speed up the construction of social modules. It also allowed developers to integrate and encrypt emails in user notifications. Other functions it created included similar likes. This year, many projects also used technology to build social applications, which was a content distribution platform. At the beginning of the year, it was designed to analyze the content of articles and generate corresponding test questions. The software has gone through many iterations and upgrades, from the version with recommendation module to the version with new video source and video details page, to the version with anti-cheating protocol. The version has added a search platform, while the version has added a decentralized barrage. By the end of the year, its software has been updated to the version and cooperated, and it has also launched what is said to be the world's first customizable version. At the end of the year, it also released the version at the beginning of the year by obtaining an undisclosed financing. At that time, the vision expressed was to let creators make profits on the Internet without keeping their content private or setting a threshold. In May, it released a version to make it more available, scalable and complete. Some projects in the ecosystem, such as and have been integrated, are a decentralized social graph protocol. By adding decentralized access control, privacy modules are developed in semantic protocols or programmability, and their social products are expanded, so that encrypted data in the system can be uploaded to eternity. Jiuku launched its local token in April, and the total supply of token economics was 100 million. After that, a governance committee was set up, which proposed and passed the reconstruction of its design architecture, and introduced the version of data layer. The official version was released in January and is expected to be released before the end of the year. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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