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作者:Ray Chan,blockworks 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

亚太地区 (APAC) 已成为 2023 年 Web3 创新和采用的强劲动力。从促进资本流入Web3媒体和投资、举办一些全球最大的区块链活动,到引领传统金融和去中心化金融(DeFi)的融合,亚太地区表现出了非凡的活力和势头,并为下一轮牛市奠定了基础加密世界的市场周期。


在全球 Web3 投资似乎放缓的一年里,亚太地区的投资却在加速。 

一个典型的例子是总部位于新加坡的一家公司以高达 7000 万美元的价格收购了顶级加密货币新闻和数据提供商 The Block。这家投资公司专注于区块链技术和加密货币业务,其投资组合包括 Galxe、SEI 和 Story Protocol。此外,他们此前还投资过台湾的 BlockTempo 和韩国的 CoinNess 等亚太地区的加密媒体公司。

这种媒体投资趋势延伸到了来自新加坡的 Blockhead 和 Coinlive 等亚太地区媒体公司的崛起,并进一步强调了该地区在塑造全球 Web3 叙事方面的影响力。 

亚太地区也已成为重要 Web3 活动的全球舞台。 

在新加坡举办的 TOKEN2049 已成为 2023 年全球最大的 Web3 活动,吸引了超过 10,000 名与会者、5,000 家公司、300 家参展商和 450 场周边活动。同样,韩国区块链周和香港金融科技周也引起了广泛关注,进一步巩固了该地区作为区块链和 Web3 话语全球中心的地位。这些事件证明了亚太地区在加密货币领域日益增长的影响力。

这些发展的重要性怎么强调都不为过——这些投资、收购、活动和当地媒体的出现标志着亚太地区对 Web3 的强有力的机构支持,巩固了该地区作为下一波加密货币采用浪潮中关键参与者的地位。

弥合 TradFi 和 DeFi 之间的差距

亚太地区的金融机构已迅速采取行动,弥合传统金融与 DeFi 之间的差距。 

瑞银允许富裕客户在香港交易加密货币 ETF,标志着拥抱 DeFi 的重大举措。与此同时,汇丰银行通过以黄金为重点的产品,利用分布式账本技术来交易实物黄金的代币化所有权,为代币化火上浇油。在亚洲,人们喜爱黄金产品,因为它象征着繁荣和可以传承给下一代的财富。作为香港最值得信赖的品牌之一,汇丰银行将黄金所有权代币化的决定满足了亚洲投资者的文化偏好和投资需求。这些举措标志着该地区在将数字资产整合到传统金融体系方面的前瞻性思维。



例如,香港正式向散户投资者开放加密货币交易,并向 HashKey 和 OSL 授予了首张许可证。在新加坡,Ripple 获得了加密货币支付许可证,以促进其在亚太地区的增长,Coinbase 获得了新加坡金融管理局颁发的主要支付机构许可证。这些发展凸显了该地区致力于营造有利于消费者和加密货币项目的监管环境。

当我们回顾过去的一年时,亚太地区的教训是显而易见的。Web3 的未来不仅仅关乎技术;还关乎技术。它还涉及培育一个支持性生态系统,包括投资、活动、监管清晰度以及与传统金融的整合。它涉及亚太地区等地区推动下一波加密货币采用并为下一个牛市周期奠定基础。


当我们展望 2024 年加密货币的发展时,SocialFi 似乎准备在下一波加密货币采用浪潮中发挥关键作用,特别是在亚太地区。 

为什么?该地区的人们(其中许多人拥有丰富的微信使用经验)已经对社交媒体、通讯服务和价值(原生数字价值)如何无缝整合有了一种思维模式和一系列期望。而且,根据贝恩公司的数据,2011 年,东南亚近 70% 的人至少使用过一种虚拟宇宙相关技术。 

这种熟悉度导致 SocialFi 产品在亚太地区的采用速度更快。考虑一下:几乎每个人的智能手机都是社交媒体应用程序的中心,但令人惊讶的是,顶级 Web3 计划尚未利用 SocialFi。在我看来,这代表了亚太地区未来几年巨大且尚未开发的市场机会。

The Asia-Pacific region has become a strong driving force for innovation and adoption in, from promoting capital flow into the media and investing in organizing some of the world's largest blockchain activities to leading the integration of traditional finance and decentralized finance, the Asia-Pacific region has shown extraordinary vitality and momentum and laid the foundation for the next bull market. The market cycle of the encrypted world, the center of media and investment in the Asia-Pacific region, the investment in the Asia-Pacific region has accelerated in a year when global investment seems to be slowing down. A typical example is that a company headquartered in Singapore bought a top cryptocurrency news and data provider at a price as high as $10,000. This investment company focuses on blockchain technology and cryptocurrency business, and its portfolio includes and in addition, they have previously invested in cryptomedia companies in the Asia-Pacific region such as Taiwan Province and South Korea. This media investment trend extends to the rise of media companies in the Asia-Pacific region such as Singapore and further emphasizes that the region is shaping the global narrative. The influence of events in the Asia-Pacific region has also become the global stage of important events. The largest event held in Singapore has attracted more than 100 participants, companies, exhibitors and activities around the event. Similarly, the Korean blockchain week and the Hong Kong financial technology week have also attracted widespread attention, further consolidating the position of the region as a global center of blockchain and discourse. These events have proved the growing influence of the Asia-Pacific region in the field of cryptocurrency. The importance of these developments cannot be emphasized. Not missing these investments, the acquisition activities and the emergence of local media indicate that the strong institutional support in the Asia-Pacific region has consolidated the position of the region as a key participant in the next wave of cryptocurrency adoption, and the financial institutions in the Asia-Pacific region have quickly taken actions to bridge the gap between traditional finance and cryptocurrency. UBS allows wealthy customers to trade cryptocurrency in Hong Kong, which marks a major move to embrace. At the same time, HSBC uses distributed products with a focus on gold. Accounting book technology is used to trade the token ownership of physical gold, which fuels the token fire. In Asia, people love gold products because it symbolizes prosperity and wealth that can be passed on to the next generation. As one of the most trusted brands in Hong Kong, HSBC's decision to token the ownership of gold meets the cultural preferences and investment needs of Asian investors. These measures indicate that the region's forward-looking thinking in integrating digital assets into the traditional financial system is clear and consistent, and the regulatory guidelines are clear and consistent. The regulatory guide supplements the growth of cryptocurrency in the Asia-Pacific region. For example, Hong Kong officially opened cryptocurrency transactions to retail investors and granted the first license to Singapore, and obtained a cryptocurrency payment license to promote its growth in the Asia-Pacific region. These developments highlight the region's efforts to create a regulatory environment conducive to consumers and cryptocurrency projects. When we look back on the past year, the Asia-Pacific region. The lesson is obvious. The future is not only about technology, but also about technology. It also involves cultivating a supporting ecosystem, including investment activities, regulatory clarity and integration with traditional finance. It involves the Asia-Pacific region and other regions to promote the next wave of cryptocurrency adoption and lay the foundation for the next bull market cycle. Looking forward to the future, when we look forward to the development of cryptocurrency in, it seems that we are ready to play a key role in the next wave of cryptocurrency adoption, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. Many of us have rich experience in using WeChat, and have a mode of thinking and a series of expectations on how to seamlessly integrate social media communication services and value, and according to Bain's data, people in Southeast Asia have used at least one virtual universe-related technology in recent years. This familiarity has led to faster adoption of products in the Asia-Pacific region. Considering that almost everyone's smartphones are the center of social media applications, it is surprising that top-level plans have not been utilized. In my opinion, this represents a huge and untapped market opportunity in the Asia-Pacific region in the next few years. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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