告别FUD:2024 年以太坊路线图展望

币圈资讯 阅读:36 2024-04-22 11:02:29 评论:0



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我从来没有在我的 Twitter 时间轴上看到过如此多的反以太坊宣传

每隔一天就会有一个新的 Layer 1 被怀疑是“以太坊杀手”,但以太坊并不知道,所以它仍然没有被吓倒,专注于自己的成长和改进

这种对进步的承诺在最近公布的2024 年以太坊路线图中得到了体现,重点关注了有望增强可扩展性和用户体验的关键发展。


其中,最后确定了 EIP-4844 的日期,这将使 Layer 2 在以太坊上发布数据变得更加容易。

在竞争变得激烈的同时,这些新的 ERC 和 EIP 将大大提高以太坊的可扩展性和用户体验。

让我们深入了解这些令人兴奋的更新,包括 ERC-4337、EIP-4844、EIP-3074 和 EIP-5003。





ERC-4337 是一个账户抽象提案,完全避免了共识层协议更改的需要。该提案没有添加新的协议功能并更改底层交易类型,而是引入了一个称为UserOperation的更高层伪交易对象

有关 ERC-4337 的更多信息:https://twitter.com/johnrising_/status/1629470535397539840

传统上,以太坊账户分为外部拥有账户(EOA)和智能合约账户。然而,用户操作的 EOA 通常在可用性和安全性方面带来挑战。



用户与以太坊交互的方式需要适应环境的复杂性。我们已经看到基于账户抽象的解决方案的出现,例如Creso WalletAvocado Wallet

ERC-4337 的推出将为钱包设计的一系列改进奠定基础,并降低最终用户的复杂性。

除此之外,ERC-4337 极大地改善了最终用户体验,并实现了新的可能性,例如无 Gas 交易或社交登录和密码恢复。

ERC-4337 的主要特性包括:

  • 增强的安全性:通过将更复杂的逻辑集成到钱包中,用户可以设置交易条件,例如多因素身份验证或每日支出限额。

  • 用户友好:它简化了非技术用户的交互,使以太坊生态系统更易于访问。

  • 以代币形式支付 Gas 费:用户可以使用 ETH 以外的代币支付交易费用,从而增加了便利性。

EIP-4844 :提高第 2 层效率


为什么选择 EIP-4844:为 L2 解决方案创建一个廉价的地方来在以太坊上发布数据,并大幅减少用户在 L2 上支付的总体交易费用。

问题:L2 产生的数据量不断增加。如果有一种方法可以廉价地发布这些数据,这将立即减少网络向用户收取的交易费用。

解决方案:“携带 blob 的交易”的新交易格式。它包含大量“EVM 执行无法访问,但可以访问其承诺”的数据。Blob 的内容不是将完整内容嵌入到正文中,而是作为“sidecar”单独传播。

EIP-4844,通常被称为“proto-danksharding”,是解决以太坊可扩展性问题的重大一步。它引入了一种新的事务类型,允许“碎片 blob” ——可以由第 2 层解决方案(如汇总)使用的临时数据。

EIP-4844向以太坊引入了一种新的交易类型,它接受“ blob ”数据并在信标节点中短期保留。


分片区块不包含在以太坊区块中执行的交易,而只包含“数据块” ,并且 L2 负责使用该数据空间为其用户创建安全且更具可扩展性的体验。


EIP-4844 的重要之处在于它的价值将惠及用户,因为我们都将能够从较低的 L2 费用中受益。

为什么 L2 费用会更低?

EIP-4844 将交易计算存储费用分开

L2 将使用不同的函数向以太坊提交“ blob ”。

他们不使用永久存储数据的“CALLDATA”,而是使用 blob ,它会在预定义的时间段后被修剪。

数据块不必永远可用,而是在一定时期内(例如 1-3 个月)可用,足够长的时间允许L2 确保至少 1 个诚实的参与者重建状态并挑战或替换坏的排序器。然后数据被修剪。

EIP-4844 允许 Rollups最初扩展到每个插槽 0.25 MB,并为 Blob 提供单独的费用市场,从而使费用非常低,从而显着减轻了Rollups 的扩展规模。

阅读:交易将便宜 10 倍。

EIP-4844 的潜在影响包括


  • 降低第 2 层成本:通过降低数据成本,使第 2 层解决方案更加经济,从而鼓励更广泛的采用。

  • 增加交易吞吐量:这可以带来更具可扩展性的网络,每秒能够处理更多交易。

  • 增强的用户体验:通过更快、更便宜的交易,以太坊的整体用户体验显着改善。


由于 EIP-4844,所有以太坊 L2 费用都将变得更便宜



EIP -3074是一个新的原语,它将为以太坊上更无缝的用户体验打开大门,而无需额外的信任假设。

EIP-3074 对以太坊交易的授权和执行方式进行了根本性的改变。该提案允许用户授权第三方使用一种新型操作代表他们执行交易。

EIP-3074 旨在更新以太坊的 EOA,以便它们可以将控制权委托给智能合约——允许智能合约批准源自用户帐户的交易。

在实践中,EIP-3074 将允许使用单个签名执行复杂的操作,无需多次批准,从而极大地改善了用户体验并允许无缝执行复杂的操作。


有关 EIP-3074 的更多信息:https://twitter.com/lightclients/status/1371911245561917441


然而,要实现这一点,需要修改以太坊协议,使用两个新的 EVM“操作码”:AUTHAUTHCALL

因此,与其他帐户抽象提案(例如 EIP-4337)相比,EIP-3074 通常不受青睐。

了解有关此 EIP 的更多担忧:


尽管如此,EIP-3074 将引入新的用例,例如:

  1. 智能合约钱包:通过钱包恢复解决方案,您将永远不会再丢失资金

  2. 批量交易:节省gas成本

  3. 自动化:借助智能合约账户实现交易自动化

EIP-3074 的优点包括:

  • 简化用户交互:特别有利于复杂的DApp交互,减少用户的操作步骤和gas成本。

  • 提高开发人员的灵活性:这可以实现更具创意和更高效的智能合约设计。

  • 潜在的安全增强:虽然它引入了新的安全考虑因素,但它也提供了更强大的安全机制的机会。

EIP-5003 :网络资源优化


该提案与 EIP-3074 结合得很好,EIP-3074 提供了将EAO 签名权委托给智能合约的“操作码” 。



仅 EIP-3074 的有限应用将围绕智能合约的授权创建新的攻击向量。


虽然 EIP-5003 的宣传较少,但它在提高以太坊网络的效率和安全性方面发挥着至关重要的作用。


  • 改进的安全性:该 EIP 与 EIP-3074 相结合,解决了其缺点,并确保帐户抽象的迁移不会产生新的攻击向量。

  • 从 EOA 迁移:此 EIP 是从 EOA 的最终迁移。



特别是,以太坊的 2024 年路线图阐明了对未来的清晰愿景,并承诺解决可扩展性、安全性、可访问性和可用性等关键领域,并确保网络面向未来。

我们重点关注重新定义用户与以太坊的交互方式,从 EOA 账户转向更灵活的智能合约钱包。

ERC-4337、EIP-4844、EIP-3074 和 EIP-5003 的实施在这一演变过程中都发挥着关键作用:

  1. ERC-4337通过账户抽象彻底改变了智能合约钱包,提供增强的安全性和用户友好性。该标准旨在显着简化用户体验并扩大以太坊生态系统的可访问性。

  2. EIP-4844 ,或称“proto-danksharding”,是降低成本和提高第 2 层解决方案效率的突破。通过为携带 blob 的交易引入新的交易格式,它有望降低交易费用并提高吞吐量,从而使最终用户受益于更实惠和更快的交易。

  3. EIP-3074EIP-5003共同代表了简化交易和优化网络资源的重要一步。虽然 EIP-3074 引入了用于授权交易的新操作功能,但 EIP-5003 通过将签名权限从外部拥有帐户 (EOA) 过渡到智能合约帐户来对其进行补充,从而增强网络安全性和效率。



我们将继续关注 EIP 的实施以及以太坊在这一年中将如何发展。

I have never seen so much anti-Ethereum propaganda on my timeline. Every other day, there will be a new suspected Ethereum killer, but Ethereum doesn't know it, so it is still not intimidated, focusing on its own growth and improvement. This commitment to progress has been reflected in the recently released annual Ethereum road map, focusing on the key development of Ethereum, which is expected to enhance scalability and user experience, which will make the final date in Ethereum. It is easier to publish data in the workshop. While the competition becomes fierce, these new sums will greatly improve the scalability and user experience of Ethereum, which will give us a deeper understanding of these exciting updates, including and completely changing the smart contract wallet. The introduction of the Ethereum standard is a major leap in the evolution of smart contract wallet. This improvement introduces a novel concept called account abstraction, which completely avoids the need to change the consensus layer protocol. The proposal does not add new protocols. Function and change the underlying transaction type, but introduce a higher-level pseudo-transaction object. Traditionally, Ethereum accounts are divided into externally owned accounts and smart contract accounts. However, what users operate usually brings challenges in usability and security, blurring these boundaries so that users can interact with smart contracts more intuitively. The way users interact with Ethereum needs to adapt to the complexity of the environment. We have seen the emergence of solutions based on account abstraction, for example. The introduction of and will lay the foundation for a series of improvements in wallet design and reduce the complexity of end users. In addition, it will greatly improve the end user experience and realize new possibilities, such as no transaction or social login and password recovery. The main features include enhanced security. By integrating more complex logic into the wallet, users can set transaction conditions, such as multi-factor authentication or daily expenditure limit. It simplifies the interaction of non-technical users and makes the Ethereum ecosystem easier. In order to access the fees paid in the form of tokens, users can use other tokens to pay the transaction fees, thus increasing the convenience and improving the efficiency of the first floor. Why did Ethereum choose to create a cheap place for the solution to publish data on the Ethereum and greatly reduce the overall transaction fees paid by users on the Internet? The amount of data generated by the problem is increasing. If there is a way to publish these data cheaply, it will immediately reduce the transaction fees charged by the network to users. Transaction format, which contains a large number of contents that cannot be accessed but can access its promised data, is not embedded in the text, but spread as a separate one. It is usually called a major step to solve the scalability problem of Ethernet. It introduces a new transaction type that allows fragmentation to be used by the first-tier solution, such as temporary data used for summary. It introduces a new transaction type to Ethernet, which accepts data and keeps Ethernet fragmentation blocks in beacon nodes for a short time, and is not included in Ethernet. The transaction executed in the Fang block only contains data blocks and is responsible for using the data space to create a safe and more scalable experience for its users. The important thing about Ethereum is that its value will benefit users, because we will all benefit from lower fees. Why will the fees be lower? We will use different functions to submit the transaction calculation and storage fees to Ethereum. Instead of using permanent storage data, they will use it, and the data blocks will be trimmed after a predefined period of time. It is not necessary to be forever. Far available, but in a certain period of time, for example, a month, long enough to ensure that at least one honest participant can rebuild the state and challenge or replace the bad sorter, and then the data is trimmed, allowing the initial expansion to each slot and providing a separate fee market, so that the cost is very low and thus significantly reduced. The potential impact of the expanded scale reading transaction will be twice as cheap, including Ethereum reducing the layer cost, making the layer solution more economical by reducing the data cost, thus encouraging a wider range. By increasing the transaction throughput, it can bring a more scalable network that can handle more transactions per second, and enhance the user experience. Through faster and cheaper transactions, the overall user experience of Ethereum has been significantly improved. I wrote a long article on this not long ago, because all the fees of Ethereum will become cheaper, simplifying transactions. Ethereum is a new primitive, which will open the door for a more seamless user experience in Ethereum without additional trust assumptions on the authorization and execution of Ethereum transactions. The way has been fundamentally changed. The proposal allows users to authorize third parties to use a new type of operation to perform transactions on their behalf. It aims to update Ethereum's so that they can delegate control to smart contracts. It allows smart contracts to approve transactions originating from user accounts. In practice, it will allow complex operations to be performed with a single signature without multiple approvals, thus greatly improving the user experience and allowing complex operations to be performed seamlessly. End users will be able to send bulk transactions, expired transactions and so on. However, to achieve this, we need to modify the Ethereum protocol and use two new operation codes, so it is usually unpopular compared with other account abstract proposals, for example, to understand more concerns about this. Nevertheless, we will introduce new use cases such as smart contract wallet to restore the solution through wallet, and you will never lose money again. Cost-saving automation of bulk transactions The advantages of automating transactions with smart contract accounts include simplifying user interaction, which is particularly beneficial to complexity. Interaction reduces the user's operation steps and costs and improves the flexibility of developers, which can realize more creative and efficient intelligent contract design. Although it introduces new security considerations, it also provides an opportunity for a stronger security mechanism to optimize network resources. This proposal is well combined with providing the operation code that entrusts the signature right to the intelligent contract, and at the same time, it will completely transfer the signature key of the Taifang account to the intelligent contract account to authorize the intelligent contract. The limited application of Taifang will create a new attack vector around the authorization of smart contract. Although it has little publicity, it plays a vital role in improving the efficiency and security of the network. The expected advantage is improved security. The combination of this and this solves its shortcomings and ensures that the migration of account abstraction will not produce new attack vectors. This is the final migration conclusion for the future-oriented Ethereum. Although the development of Ethereum is generally considered to be slow and controlled to give priority to security, Ethereum is not idle to observe and evaluate it only according to the situation at each specific moment. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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