铭文之后BTC生态:下一个爆发是Bitcoin Layer-2吗?

币圈资讯 阅读:39 2024-04-22 11:01:24 评论:0



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铭文火了已经有一段时间,Meme和矿工狂欢之后,市场开始在 BTC 生态上寻找新的机会,似乎所很多人认为后期爆发点是Bitcoin Layer2。那我们今天就来看看Bitcoin Layer2。本文超过3000个字,信息量大,观点新颖,阅读需要一定时间,建议收藏后再仔细阅读。

一、Bitcoin Layer2前世

其实Bitcoin Layer2的争议并不是现在就有的,从2015年一直到现在都在讨论,曾经 BTC 社区曾经发生过激烈的争吵。



目前的现状是BTC继续以小区块运行,既然是小区块,那矿工总交易笔数就有天花板,而每笔交易收入也有天花板,比如用户一笔交易可接受范围是几百块Gas,再高用户就选择离链交易、在Bitcoin Layer2等替代方案上交易,这就会导致矿工在Gas上的收入变少。

扩容派认为:1M的区块容量太小,Gas费收入有天花板,Gas费太高时,用户都去闪电网络等Bitcoin Layer2上去交易,导致矿工收入减少。



扩容社区中间并不那么团结,内部争吵不断,2019年11月16日,BCH硬分叉成BCH SV和BCH ABC。



而由中本聪发起的比特币项目则在Core开发团队的带领下,走上了支付通道(如闪电网络)等链下(offchain)的扩容道路,即通过隔离见证(Segwit,2017年)和闪电网络(Lightning Network)来实现链下扩容。

二、Bitcoin Layer2发展

早期Bitcoin Layer2有很多,比如闪电网络(Lightning Network)、Rootstock、Stacks、Liquid Network ……

今天我们不去探索古典Bitcoin Layer2的技术,因为很多比较强的技术概念市场表现一直平平无奇(比如EOS)。


2019年后Ethereum生态繁荣发展(去掉ICO之后),导致后面几年出现很多Ethereum Layer2以及 NFT带来的巨大财富效应,BTC社区中的一部分人似乎意识到,在Ethereum 的历史,也可以在 Bitcoin上再重演一遍。

所以2023年1月份,比特币上的NFT协议 Ordinals 横空出世,3月8日,Yuga Labs 在Ordinals上拍卖 BTC nft,288枚NFT拍出总值1650万美元的价格。

这个由Casey Rodarmor 在2023年1月发布的Ordinals协议,提出了一个想法:

我们能否按照一定的顺序排列这些“聪”,给他们分配一个节于0和 2,100,000,000,000,000 之间的序数,然后,把它们连接到其他信息: 图片、文字、视频甚至一串代码。从而每个聪都变得独一无二,不可替代。

这就相当于让比特币拥有了原生的、创造 NFT 的能力。

听起来是不是很神奇。其实这个协议在很大程度上依赖于 2017 年的 Segwit 和 2021 年 Taproot 的升级。

Taproot 升级为比特币网络带来了更高级别的隐私、安全和可扩展性。虽然通过技术手段将数据附加到比特币一直是可能的,但你可以基本上只能灌 4Mbs 的数据,再多就不行了。

Ordinal NFT 是基于 Ordinal 理论的,但现在的 Ordinal NFT 能够实现也有赖于 2017 年和 2021 年对比特币协议进行的隔离见证 (SegWit) 和 Taproot 的技术更新。

值得注意的是,这些更新并不是为了启用这些新型 NFT 的目的而被开发的。

但是,由于这两次更新都增加了一个区块存储数据量 — — 这意味着现在有空间可以存储图像、视频,甚至游戏 — — 无意中让 Ordinal NFT 的部署成为了可能。

三、市场上几个新的Bitcoin Layer2分析

随着铭文的火爆,Bitcoin Layer2 相关项目已经出来很多了,今天我们也不去评论已经出来的Bitcoin Layer2 生态,我们就从这周的几个项目中挑选几个来分析。






BL2建立在VM通用协议和BTC安全层之上,旨在通过创建dApp和智能合约平台来建立动态的BTC Layer 2生态系统。




(2)B² Network(@BsquaredNetwork)

B² Network 准备做一个基于比特币零知识证明兼容EVM的Rollup,也就是一个区块链平台。


B² Network 做的也很好,但没那么急功近利,发过一个“圣诞NFT”试水,效果不错。当前没有采用IDO的方式吸纳用户,而是开发了一套任务系统,准备用空投的方式推出代币。项目还推出一个百万Grant 计划,准备吸引更多Dapp入驻。


B² Network在运营方面走的是Ethereum Layer2那一套,边用空投吸引用,边拉项目方入驻,然后融资(貌似已经有融资)。

(3)ZTC Global(@ZTCGlobal)


ZTC Global 利用各种技术协议,比如 BRC-20/BRC-Y 和 BRC-420等,开发一个没有低Gas费的Bitcoin Layer2 平台。平台准备先做2款游戏和一款SocialFi来承载用户,边开发边吸引其他Dapp入驻,完成生态部署。

当前进度:ZTC 目前发行了一套铭文(近80U一张),目前已铸造将近70%。官推显示:ZTC将于1月7日24:00 UTC-8结束铸币,然后开发二级交易。铭文MINT完成后,挂单、铭刻不需要付出gas费。




ZTC Global不是那种很会营销的项目方,因此热度不是很高,加之mint期限过长。导致同行乘虚而入,在项目最薄弱的地方攻击,造成市场对该项目呈现两种不同的看法,也就是褒贬不一。


ZTC还是很有格局,项目方已销毁70%代币,明天结束 mint,然后上市交易。但是后期项目具体怎么发展,主要看项目技术开发进度,如果你手里持有项目方铭文,等铭文开放交易后,可是视情况决定去留。


Bitcoin Layer2 并不是一个全新的概念。


19年后,比特币社区看到Ethereum 生态的巨大成功,社区认为在Ethereum 上的叙事,可以拿到BTC上重演一遍, 当时都是一些探索和尝试阶段。

Ordinals协议的出现,让Bitcoin Layer2 设想变成可能。因此引起了社区开发者、创业者、VC、机构的重点关注。


现在Bitcoin Layer2 新项目有很多,我比较看好这个赛道,所以一直在研究这个方向,目前我只收纳这周热度较高的3个项目进行个人观点分析。

项目一定存在一定风险,所以分析并不代表投资建议,欢迎大家指正或者在留言区给我们一些其他BTC L2 的概念项目,我们欢迎交流!

The inscription of the author's source has been on fire for some time. After the carnival with miners, the market began to look for new opportunities in ecology. It seems that many people think that the late explosion point is, so let's take a look at this article today. It takes some time to suggest collecting it and then reading it carefully in the past life. In fact, the controversy is not there now. There has been a fierce argument in the community since 2000, and the upper limit of blockchain capacity has greatly limited the block here. The number of transactions that can be accommodated in each block has gradually formed these disputes. Expansionists and conservatives believe that a side chain technology should be developed outside the main chain. The solution is to build a two-layer network protocol, such as lightning network, which has led to the emergence of various alliance chains, private chains and cross-chains. At present, the current situation is to continue to operate in small blocks. Since it is a small block, the total number of transactions of miners has a ceiling, and the income of each transaction also has a ceiling. For example, the acceptable range of a transaction for users is several hundred yuan. Users choose to trade off the chain and trade on other alternatives, which will lead to less income for miners. The expansion faction thinks that the block capacity is too high, and the ceiling fee is too high. When users go to the lightning network to trade, the miners' income will be reduced. This can't be done. It is necessary to expand the block to even higher capacity so that users can trade on the main network, so that miners can make money lying down, so the biggest fork comes out, which leads to the first wave of hot points in the year after. Fork coins are flying all over the sky. Many people get rich overnight. More people get their forked coins back to zero overnight. In the past, I also voted badly for various forked coins. In the last place, the chicken feathers expanded. The community was not so United. Internal quarrels continued day by day. To sum up, it was bit cash. Its community members thought that bitcoin cash would continue the vision of peer-to-peer electronic cash put forward by Satoshi Nakamoto and was initiated by Satoshi Nakamoto. Under the leadership of the development team, we embarked on the expansion road of payment channels such as lightning network, that is, we realized the expansion under the chain by isolating witness year and lightning network. In the early stage of development, there were many lightning networks, for example. Today, we don't explore classical technologies because the market performance of many strong technical concepts has been unremarkable. For example, there is an illustration in a book about the second-tier agreement to be published in my year. This illustration shows that the second-tier concepts around the year were lightning network and lightning network. After the removal of ecological prosperity and development in the past few years, a lot of people in the community seem to realize that the existing history can be repeated on the internet, so the agreement on Bitcoin was born in January, and the total price of the pieces was ten thousand dollars at the auction. This agreement, which was released in June, put forward an idea. Can we arrange these pieces in a certain order, assign them an ordinal number between and then connect them to? Other information, pictures, texts, videos and even a string of codes make each member unique and irreplaceable, which is equivalent to giving Bitcoin the original creative ability. Does it sound amazing? In fact, this protocol depends to a great extent on the upgrade of the year and the year, which brings a higher level of privacy, security and scalability to the Bitcoin network. Although it is always possible to attach data to Bitcoin through technical means, you can basically only inject more data. It is based on theory, but the realization now also depends on the isolated witness and technical update of Bitcoin protocol in and. It is worth noting that these updates were not developed for these new purposes, but because these two updates have increased the amount of data stored in a block, this means that there is room to store images and videos now, and even the deployment of games has become possible unintentionally. Three new analyses have come out in the market with the popularity of inscriptions. Today, we don't comment on the ecology that has come out. We just choose a few projects from this week to analyze. This article doesn't make any investment suggestions. It's just my opinion on the new project. Because the new project is very risky, please do your own research. Maybe the project will run away after I send it, so please be ready to return to zero at any time. Because the new project needs the participation of many users, the technical innovation mentioned in the project exists in the white paper or if you want to attract more users to pay attention to it, you should do it between projects. The most important thing is marketing, so we will write the following content from the aspect of strong marketing and weak technology. This week, the small turtle platform was released through white list giving, which gained great popularity. From the technical point of view, it is built on the general protocol and security layer, aiming at establishing a dynamic ecosystem through the creation and intelligent contract platform. The project will be compatible, and the ecological assets of Ethereum will be introduced through cross-chain bridge applications, and the ecology and ecology will be completely combined. The basic agreement is prepared to be a compatible intelligent contract platform. It will take some time for this project to develop technology. At present, there is no open source financing information. At present, it is only preparing to issue its own marketing, and there is a certain market risk. It is preparing to make a blockchain platform based on zero knowledge of Bitcoin, which is also doing well in marketing, but it is not so eager for quick success. A Christmas water test has been issued, and the effect is good. At present, it has not adopted a way to attract users, but developed a task system to launch tokens by airdrop. The purpose is to launch a million-dollar plan to attract more individuals to settle in. In terms of operation, we are taking a set of instructions to attract the project participants to settle in while using airdrops, and then financing seems to have been raised. From a technical point of view, we will use various technical agreements, such as Hehe, to develop a platform without low fees, and prepare to play games first and attract others to settle in while carrying users. At present, a set of inscriptions has been issued, and nearly one has been cast. The official push display will be closed on March. Bundle coins and then develop the inscription of the secondary transaction. After the completion of the inscription, there is no need to pay for the inscription. According to the official white paper, the holder of the inscription will get the token before the game goes online. In terms of airdrop marketing, the project side is not very good at marketing, so the heat is not very high and the term is too long, which leads the peers to take advantage of it to attack the weakest part of the project, causing the market to present two different views on the project, that is, the opinions of different people are still very different. The project side has destroyed the token and then listed and traded tomorrow. However, how to develop the project in the later 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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