比特币天价铭文被误花 只因做错这一步

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前不久,某位社群小伙伴购买铭文时,在钱包里不小心解除了 UTXO 占用,导致自己的 3 只比特蛙被当做 Gas 转了出去,白白损失约 15 万人民币。


这种在操作铭文转账过程中频繁发生的「资产丢失」事件,近段时间以来也是屡见不鲜,追根究底,其实都是因为部分用户不清楚比特币及铭文交易中的一些基本概念,导致个人的铭文在交易中被当做普通的 UTXO 转移,从而酿成悲剧。


比特币和铭文背后的 UTXO 机制

首先,我们需要先搞清楚,比特币的交易模型和我们平时使用的银行账号有所不同,它没有账户这个说法,只有 UTXO(Unspent Transaction Output),即未花费交易输出。


同时为了交易的验证和追踪更为高效,每个 UTXO 都是不可分割和不可合并的,只能用作交易的输入被花费掉,且每次交易后旧的 UTXO 会被销毁,且会产生新的 UTXO。

举个例子,小白有一笔 1 个 BTC 的 UTXO,当他向别人转账 0.5 BTC 时会有对应的两笔交易:一笔是给对方的 0.5 BTC,另一笔是找零的 0.5 BTC,其中对方获得一个UTXO,小白也获得价值 0.5 BTC 的 UTXO。

简言之,一个 UTXO 可以想象成一个任意金额的“硬币”,不能掰开用,在交易过程中用于凑够输入金额并找零。

其次,比特币铭文主要的代表是 Ordinals 协议(BRC20 代币),它通过赋予每个聪序列号,在交易中追踪它们,同时用户可以通过 Ordinals 附加额外的数据(图像、视频、文本等)在比特币区块链上,使得每个聪都独一无二,从而具有 NFT 的性质。

而比特币 Ordinals 协议铭文的载体正是 UTXO——比特币铭文是刻在隔离见证数据里,所以用户铸造铭文,本质上都是发送符合金额的比特币给协议,协议返给你一个带有铭文的 UTXO。

归根结底,铭文是将图片、文字和代码等信息铭刻至“聪”上,并将其发送到交易中来完成,而每笔交易后会生成一个 UTXO,如果用户要想将铭文转为普通的比特币余额,只需要解除 UTXO 占用即可。

且一般是一个 0.00000546 BTC 的 UTXO——比特币网络为防粉尘攻击,限制单个 UTXO 中的比特币交易不可少于 546 聪。

因此用户们转移铭文,就是 Unisat、OKX Web3 等比特币钱包识别了这些 UTXO 的特殊格式,并通过对应的协议将这些 UTXO 作为输入,并支付额外手续费,转给了对方。

如果用户要想将铭文转为普通的比特币余额,一般来说,只需要解除 UTXO 占用即可——解除之后,就可以将这部分本来属于铭文的 UTXO 作为手续费花掉。 


一般来讲,钱包方面能够识别用户的铭文,从而避免将该部分 UTXO 进行合并,只有用户主动交易铭文的时候,才会被转移。

这是避免铭文被烧的最后防线,目前 Unisat、OKX Web3 等主流比特币钱包也都有保护机制——支持锁定铭文功能,避免用户资产被“销毁”。

但用户如果不清楚背后的 UTXO 与铭文原理,通过 UTXO 管理功能解除了占用,那丢失铭文的原因也就浮出了水面:

由于铭文本质上还是 UTXO,在用户使用钱包进行比特币铭文转账操作的时候,如果不小心解除了该部分含铭文的 UTXO ,就很容易当做普通 UTXO 进行处理,最终凑数发送了出去。

这也就意味着这些铭文可能会被当作普通的 UTXO 被转出,整个过程是完全随机的,不受人为控制,可能发送给交易对手方或矿工,用户很难找回资产。

从这个角度看,一旦解除占用,内含的 Ordinals 资产将视作普通余额,就可能因被正常花费而丢失:

要么这部分 UTXO 被当作转账余额使用掉,对应的铭文或 NFT 资产伴随余额发给了接收地址;

要么这部分 UTXO 被当作 Gas 花费,对应的铭文或 NFT 资产伴随 Gas 费发给了矿工;


除了上文提到的 Ordinals(BRC20 代币)协议外,众所周知的 Atomicals Protocol 是另一个在 UTXO 上刻入数据实现 Token 的衍生协议。

虽然它不同于最初为 NFT 设计的 Ordinals,是以比特币的最小单位聪作为基本「交易单位」,也即每一个聪的 UTXO 用来代表这个 Token 本身, 1 Token = 1 sat,但由于本质上仍然还是 UTXO,因此也面临同样的问题。


所以用户在操作铭文转账交易之前一定要多做预防,确认被占用 UTXO 内含的 Ordinals、Atomicals 等资产为废弃铭文,还可使用专用钱包并尽量将付款地址和接收地址进行隔离:


使用智能解除占用功能:利用智能合约或特定功能来解除铭文 UTXO 的占用,确保其不会被无意中用于其他交易。





与此同时,还有假铭文风险,譬如前不久 OKX Web3 钱包 Ordinals 交易市场出现漏洞,大量假的 Sats 被挂单显示——不仔细看很容易会当作同名铭文,导致不少用户买入假资产而产生损失。

来源:OKX web3钱包截图 


总的来看,铭文是比特币生态在 2023 年不断演化和创新的重要里程碑,极大推动了大家对比特币生态的关注和参与热情,对于未来的比特币生态发展也起了极大的积极意义。

但 Web3 世界是技术人才和黑客的天堂,尤其近两年来,新赛道的安全风险就像是一场不对称的单向猎杀,对技术天才而言无疑是取之不尽的免费提款机,而对我们普通用户而言,更像是一把不知何时会落下的「达摩克里斯之剑」。


Not long ago, when a community partner bought an inscription, he accidentally removed it from his wallet, which led to his own one-bit frog being regarded as a loss of about 10,000 RMB. This kind of frequent asset loss incident in the process of operating the inscription transfer has been common in recent days. In fact, it is because some users are not aware of some basic concepts in bitcoin and inscription transactions that personal inscriptions are taken in the transaction. Doing ordinary transfer leads to tragedy. This paper aims to briefly introduce the reasons behind this problem, help you understand the precautions in the use of the inscription, and avoid this unnecessary and heavy loss. First of all, we need to make clear that the transaction model of Bitcoin is different from the bank account we usually use. It has no account, only that the transaction is not spent. In bitcoin transactions, there are inputs and outputs. The money paid by others is Transaction input The money you receive is the transaction output, and at the same time, it is more efficient for transaction verification and tracking. Each of them is inseparable and cannot be merged. It can only be used as the input of the transaction, and the old one will be destroyed and new ones will be generated after each transaction. For example, when he transfers money to others, there will be two corresponding transactions, one for the other party, and the other is change. In short, the other party can get a small white and get value. Coins can't be broken and used in the transaction process to make up the input amount and change. Secondly, the main representative of bitcoin inscriptions is protocol tokens. It tracks each Cong in the transaction by giving them serial numbers, and at the same time, users can make each Cong unique by attaching additional data, images, video texts, etc. On the bitcoin blockchain, and the carrier of bitcoin protocol inscriptions is the bitcoin inscriptions engraved in isolated witness data, so the user's casting inscriptions are essentially sent in line with. The amount of bitcoin is returned to the agreement to give you an inscription. In the final analysis, the inscription is to engrave pictures, words, codes and other information on Cong and send them to the transaction to complete. After each transaction, a bitcoin network will be generated if the user wants to convert the inscription into an ordinary bitcoin balance, which is generally a good one. In order to prevent dust attacks, it is indispensable to restrict bitcoin transactions in a single one, Yu Cong. Therefore, users transfer the inscription just to wait for the bitcoin wallet to recognize these. And through the corresponding agreement, these are used as input and paid extra fees to the other party. If the user wants to convert the inscription into ordinary bitcoin balance, generally speaking, he only needs to remove the occupation, and then he can spend this part of the inscription as a fee. Why do you lose the inscription? Generally speaking, the wallet can identify the user's inscription, so as to avoid merging this part. This is to avoid the inscription. At present, mainstream bitcoin wallets also have protection mechanisms to support the function of locking the inscription to prevent the user's assets from being destroyed. However, if the user is not clear about the principle behind the inscription and cancels the occupation through the management function, the reason for the loss of the inscription will also surface. Because the inscription is essentially when the user uses the wallet to transfer the bitcoin inscription, if the part containing the inscription is accidentally cancelled, it will be easy to deal with it as ordinary and finally send it out. This means that these inscriptions may be regarded as ordinary ones, and the whole process is completely random and uncontrolled, and may be sent to counterparties or miners. It is difficult for users to retrieve assets. From this point of view, once the occupied assets are removed, they will be regarded as ordinary balances and may be lost due to normal expenses. Either this part is used as the transfer balance or the corresponding inscription or asset accompanying balance is sent to the receiving address, or this part is sent as the corresponding inscription or asset accompanying fee. In this context, it is purely up to luck and the other person's character for miners to contact each other to retrieve their assets. Apart from the token agreement mentioned above, it is well known that another derivative agreement is realized by engraving data on the Internet. Although it is different from the original design, the smallest unit of bitcoin is Cong, which means that each Cong is used to represent this itself, but it still faces the same problem in essence, so users are operating inscriptions. Before the transfer transaction, we must take more precautions to confirm that the occupied assets and other assets are abandoned inscriptions. We can also use special wallets and try to isolate the payment address from the receiving address to confirm the validity and value of the inscription. Before the transaction inscription, we must confirm whether it has practical value and significance, avoid participating in invalid or unknown inscription transactions, use the intelligent cancellation function to cancel the occupation of the inscription by using smart contracts or specific functions to ensure that it will not be inadvertently used for other transactions, and use the supporting inscription. Locked special wallet Choose a wallet that supports the inscription locking function to reduce the risk of misuse or accidental destruction of the inscription. Isolate the payment address and the receiving address as far as possible to reduce the possibility of the inscription being wrongly transferred. Keep constant attention to the inscription transaction, regularly check and monitor the transaction status of the inscription to ensure the safety of assets. In addition, users should pay attention to other risks when operating the inscription transaction. The most common one is the phishing that may be faced by using Google Baidu search engine. Website promotion risk users must pay attention to go directly to the official entrance of official Twitter, carefully screen official website links, and carefully authorize them. At the same time, there are risks of fake inscriptions. For example, a large number of fake pending orders have appeared in the wallet trading market not long ago, and if you don't look carefully, they will easily be regarded as inscriptions with the same name, which will cause many users to buy fake assets and cause losses. Summary of wallet screenshots Generally speaking, inscriptions are an important milestone in the continuous evolution and innovation of Bitcoin ecology in, which greatly promoted everyone's awareness of Bitcoin. However, the world is a paradise for technical talents and hackers. Especially in recent two years, the security risk of the new track is like an asymmetric one-way hunting, which is undoubtedly an inexhaustible free cash machine for technical geniuses, but it is more like a Damocles sword that will fall for us ordinary users. At present, the inscription is still in a barbaric development stage. We must pay attention to the related risks while participating, so as to enjoy the victory. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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