Luke 限制铭文的「阴谋」落空?市场在呼唤比特币 L2 的新解

币圈资讯 阅读:36 2024-04-22 10:56:30 评论:0



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去年 11 月开始,Bitcoin Core 核心开发者 Luke Dashjr 就对 ORDI 为代表的铭文赛道频频发出激烈抨击言论,甚至一度提出关于限制比特币链上铭文的社区提案。

不过最新消息,Luke Dashjr 关于限制铭文的提案未获通过并已关闭,虽然整体上大部分开发者都还是表态不喜欢铭文,社区其它 OG 及开发者却并不赞成 Luke Dashjr 的极端提议,认为市场会自己想办法通过诸如 Layer2 的方式自我消化,从而无需干预。

这也意味着在激烈辩论之中,社区逐步认识到 Layer2 解决方案对于塑造比特币未来的重要性。


从以太坊及公链生态出现之后,无论是 2017 年的 ICO 狂潮,抑或是 2020 年的 DeFi 盛夏,以及随后的 NFT 热潮,历年来几乎每一次的业内狂欢都不再由比特币主导,甚至渐渐有撇下比特币单独起舞的趋势,直到这次 Ordinals 热潮,BTC 才终于不再缺席。

伴随着比特币生态的井喷式发展,BTC 作为圈内最优质资产,借助铭文引流诞生的新资产形式,也注定会催生新的需求,但铭文的大火,某种程度上也暴露了比特币底层的「缺陷」。

首先就是数千万铭文交易中的绝大部分都是待处理的小额交易,其实就等同于 DDoS 攻击的垃圾交易,可能一辈子都无法被打包上链广播:

因为铭文类似于 NFT,允许用户将各种数据记录到区块链上,但整体上由于比特币的交易费用是按数据规模支付的,所以铭文用户往往倾向于设定相对较低的交易费用。


其次就是在比特币主链上直接实现 DeFi 等智能合约场景尚存在底层缺陷——这使得Holder 们手中的 BTC 依旧是“非生息资产”,无法将其参与到 DeFi 等各类更广泛的使用场景。


以「封装」的形式质押 BTC,等于是比特币版本的流动性质押,像当年 DeFi 浪潮中的 renBTC、WBTC、tBTC,用户可以质押 BTC,获得对应的封装代币,从而作为流动性桥接至以太坊生态,通过与以太坊 DeFi 生态的耦合获取收益。


比特币 L2 的权衡

早在 Ordinals 浪潮之前,比特币 L2 领域的竞争就十分激烈,下文就是对在比特币上可能构建的不同类型 L2 所涉及的具体权衡。


例如闪电网络和 RGB。

这些解决方案都不是区块链,而是将数据保存在链下(由用户存储)的网络,使得数据和智能合约的可访问性和交互性大大降低,因此用户无法体验像以太坊或 Solana 等智能合约区块链所能提供的全面功能。


2. 去中心化侧链

例如 Stacks、Interlay、Layer-0 等解决方案。

去中心化侧链使任何人都可以参与共识(即挖矿),因为它们通过协议发布的新代币来补充它们的安全性预算,这催生了一个竞争激烈的矿工市场——矿工们花费资源争夺区块链网络的原生代币,随后被用户用来支付执行智能合约时的 Gas 费用。


例如 Liquid、RSK、Botanix 等解决方案。


这种针对矿工的补偿是必要的,因为在工作量证明式的共识模型中,挖矿需要花钱,而在权益证明中,也存在资金被削减的风险。即使是比特币和以太坊,每个都有超过 1 亿的用户,也主要通过代币奖励补贴来资助它们的网络安全。

为了解决这个问题,联合侧链并不向所有人开放挖矿。以 Liquid 为例,它已经成立了一个由 15 家加密业务服务商组成的集团,包括交易所、OTC 商和基础设施提供商,虽然这种方法可以很好地运转,但它需要信任所选的实体。


L2 亟需新方案

去年以来,随着 Ordinals、BRC-20 和 Runes 等协议吸引更多 Web3 开发人员在比特币上构建应用,新的选择兼容 EVM 的 L2 方案开始出现,BEVM 和许多新 L2 解决方案都采用了这种方法。

这一决定无疑有助于加速市场拓展,并确保了与交易所和以 EVM为中心的区块链基础设施的兼容性。

以 BEVM 为例,作为一个以 BTC 为 Gas 且兼容 EVM 的 BTC Layer2,核心目标是拓展比特币的智能合约场景,帮助 BTC 突破比特币区块链非图灵完备、不支持智能合约的束缚,让 BTC 可以在 BEVM 这个 Layer2 上构建以 BTC 为原生 Gas 的去中心化应用。

其中当用户把比特币主网的 BTC 跨到 BEVM 时,用户的 BTC 会进入 1000 个节点托管的合约地址内,然后同时在 BEVM 即 BTC Layer2 网络按照 1:1 的比例生成新的 BTC。

当用户发出把 BTC 从 BEVM 跨回主网的指令时,BEVM 网络节点将触发 Mast 合约,1000 个托管资产的节点将按照既定的规则自动签名,把 BTC 返回到用户地址,整个过程实现完全的去中心化和无需信任。

这也就意味着所有的交易都从比特币主链转移到了 Layer2 网络上运行,同时由于 BEVM 完全兼容 EVM,因此也可以轻松地让 BTC 实现各类去中心化应用,从 L2 上赋能比特币生态子项目们:

以太坊 DApp 的开发者可以直接无缝迁移到 BEVM,并在 BEVM 上快速搭建 Swap 甚至借贷、流动性质押等链上 DeFi 场景,为比特币生态带来更多的可能性,相比前两个也是最为去中心化和便捷。


总的来看,大部分比特币 Layer2 项目其实都有巨大的风险,甚至一半以上的新项目注定会失败,因为发展它们需要源源不断的资金来帮助扩展生态与开发人员社区。

而 BEVM 这种兼容 EVM 的方案则等于进行了一种权衡:通过兼容 EVM 允许基于以太坊的开发者、既有应用迁移,有利于生态的进一步扩张,便于开发人员部署产品,从而迅速打开局面。

正如 2021 年的 Arbitrum 与 Optimism 等以太坊 Layer2 解决方案,注定最终会跑出一批数十亿美元级别的比特币 L2 龙头项目,让我们在 2024 年拭目以待。

Since last month, core developers have frequently made fierce attacks on the inscription track represented by it, and even once put forward a community proposal to restrict the inscription on the bitcoin chain. However, the latest news that the proposal to restrict the inscription has not been passed and has been closed, although most developers still express their dislike for the inscription community as a whole, other developers do not agree with the extreme proposal that the market will find ways to digest itself by itself without intervention, which also means a heated debate. The Chinese community gradually realized the importance of the solution in shaping the future of Bitcoin, and the inscription exposed the defects of Bitcoin. Since the emergence of the Ethereum and the public chain ecology, almost every carnival in the industry over the years was no longer dominated by Bitcoin, and even gradually there was a trend of dancing alone without Bitcoin. It was not until this upsurge that it was finally no longer absent, accompanied by the blowout development of Bitcoin ecology, as the best asset in the circle was cited by the inscription. The new asset form born of the stream is also bound to generate new demand, but the fire of inscriptions also exposes the defects at the bottom of Bitcoin to some extent. First of all, most of the tens of millions of inscription transactions are small transactions to be processed, which is actually equivalent to the attacked junk transactions. It may not be packaged and broadcast on the chain for a lifetime, because the inscription is similar to allowing users to record all kinds of data on the blockchain, but as a whole, because the transaction costs of Bitcoin are paid according to the data scale, inscription users often. They tend to set a relatively low transaction fee, which means that they are willing to wait for a longer time to confirm, and this will easily lead to the replacement of inscription transactions by more urgent bitcoin transfers. In this context, these massive inscription transactions that are willing to queue up have all burst into the bitcoin memory pool to store all the effective transactions that have not been formally added to the network. Secondly, there are still underlying defects in the intelligent contract scenarios such as direct realization on the bitcoin main chain, which makes our hands full. There are still many attempts to release the liquidity of bitcoin assets, such as non-interest-bearing assets, which can not be used in various wider use scenarios. The most important one is that the liquidity pledge in the form of encapsulation is equivalent to the liquidity pledge of bitcoin version. For example, users in the wave of the year can pledge to obtain the corresponding packaged tokens, so as to bridge the liquidity to Ethereum Ecology and gain benefits through coupling with Ethereum Ecology. From this point of view, if we can compare The introduction of special currency into a wider range of application scenarios is equivalent to revitalizing Bitcoin, a high-quality encrypted native asset, and bringing diversified income sources to Bitcoin holders. It can be said that the balance of Bitcoin is killing two birds with one stone. The competition in the field of Bitcoin was fierce long before the wave. The following is the specific balance network involved in different types that may be built on Bitcoin, such as lightning network and these solutions are not blockchains, but networks that store data under the chain and are stored by users. The accessibility and interactivity of smart contracts are greatly reduced, so users can't experience the comprehensive functions provided by smart contract blockchains such as Ethereum or others. They also require users to run their own nodes or infrastructure in order to completely decentralize, which leads to significant user experience obstacles in adoption. However, the scalability and privacy advantages provided by this method far exceed the scope provided by blockchain technology, making it a specific application use case, especially a large-scale branch. The best choice to pay is to decentralize the side chain, such as solutions. Decentralizing the side chain enables anyone to participate in the consensus, that is, mining, because they supplement their safety budget through new tokens issued by the agreement, which has spawned a fierce competition in the miners' market. Miners spend resources competing for the original tokens of the blockchain network, which are then used by users to pay for the implementation of smart contracts. In this case, if there is no token, the only income of miners can only be opened. The company behind the work pays or is based on the user fees generated by the blockchain network, but these fees are usually insignificant in the first few years until the network is used on a large scale. This kind of compensation for miners is necessary because mining in the workload-proof consensus model costs money, and there is also the risk that funds will be cut in the equity certificate. Even Bitcoin and Ethereum each have more than 100 million users, and they mainly subsidize their network security through tokens. To solve this problem, the joint side chain is not open to everyone for mining. For example, it has set up a group composed of two encryption service providers, including exchange dealers and infrastructure providers. Although this method can work well, it needs to trust the selected entities. At the same time, in order to become more decentralized over time, there will be an old problem, how to attract a large number of users and generate considerable expenses while the trusted groups are running. In order to realize the automation and democratization of membership, trust is transferred to the hardware used, and new solutions are urgently needed. Since last year, with the agreement of peace and other agreements attracting more developers to build and apply new options on Bitcoin, compatible solutions have begun to appear, and many new solutions have adopted this method. This decision will undoubtedly help accelerate market expansion and ensure compatibility with exchanges and blockchain infrastructure, taking it as a core goal of compatibility. It is to expand the smart contract scene of Bitcoin, help break through the constraint that the bitcoin blockchain is not Turing complete and does not support smart contracts, so that it can be built as a native decentralized application, in which when a user crosses the bitcoin main network, the user's will enter the contract address hosted by a node, and then at the same time, the network will generate a new one according to the proportion. When the user sends an instruction to cross the bitcoin back to the main network, the network node will trigger the contract, and the nodes hosting assets will automatically sign according to the established rules. The whole process of returning to the user's address is completely decentralized and without trust, which means that all transactions are transferred from the bitcoin main chain to the network operation. At the same time, due to full compatibility, it is easy to enable all kinds of decentralized applications to empower bitcoin ecological sub-projects. The developers of Ethereum can directly and seamlessly migrate to and quickly build and even borrow liquidity pledges, which brings more possibilities to the bitcoin ecology. Compared with the first two, it is also the most decentralized and convenient summary. Generally speaking, most bitcoin projects actually have huge risks or even half of them. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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