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 2023 年 12 月 30 日,以太坊联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin 在 X 社交网络上分享了 2024 年以太坊路线图,并详细介绍了以太坊网络的升级和活动。根据他列出的一系列图表, 2024 年以太坊的持续关注点包括 6 个主要组成部分:The Merge、The Surge、The Scourge、The Verge、The Purge 和 The Splurge 。


(1)The Merge 被强调为路线图的关键部分,旨在维持简单且有韧性的 POS 共识机制,它发生于 2022 年 9 月,把以太坊主网与 POS 信标链融合在一起。自合并之后,将优先执行单槽最终性(SSF)的角色。SSF 可以使以太坊的共识机制更有效地验证区块,可以在同一插槽中提出并最终确定区块,从而减少交易延迟。在以太坊从 POW 过渡到 POS 共识机制之后,单槽最终性(SSF)将作为以太坊当前弱点的关键解决方案。

(2)The Surge 的目标是在以太坊和L2网络中达到每秒 10 万笔交易的吞吐量,同时提高区块链的可扩展性。Cross-rollup 标准和 interop 已被以太坊开发团队强调为长期改进的领域,而今年将在 EIP-4844 和 rollup 本身的可扩展性方面取得显著进展。

(3)The Scourge 把重点放在缓解与最大可提取价值(MEV)、流动性质押池以及 rollup 相关的风险,以解决以太坊生态系统内经济中心化的担忧。Vitalik Buterin 早些时候曾建议降低运行节点的成本以应对相关挑战。目前,Verkle 树已经准备就绪,验证区块将仅涉及下载一些字节数据,执行一些基本的计算,并验证简洁的、非相互作用的知识论点(SNARK)。该网络将继续探索以太坊虚拟机(EVM)验证预编译,以达到完全 SNARK 化的以太坊网络。

(4)The Verge 旨在促进区块验证更易于进行,提升区块验证的效率。随着链上交易量的持续增长,该优化对于保持以太坊的可扩展性至关重要。路线图移除了“增加L1 gas 限制”的内容,使 gas 限制可以随时提高,表明了一种灵活的网络容量管理方法。

(5)The Purge 旨在使协议易于使用,使其对开发人员更加友好和可访问。这种简化将消除技术债务并限制网络参与成本,预计将提高以太坊网络的整体功能和可用性。

(6)The Splurge 则涵盖了所有其他对以太坊成长的至关重要的元素,例如从生态系统增长和可持续性到人类协调等方面,体现了以太坊对培育和支持其充满活力的社区的承诺。

EIP 改进提案前瞻

 以太坊将在 2024 年第一季度迎来 Dencun 硬分叉升级,以太坊核心开发人员已经拟定了 Dencun 硬分叉升级日程表。在不出现重大问题的前提下,以太坊的公共测试网络将暂定按以下时间表进行:

Goerli: 1 月 17 日

Sepolia: 1 月 30 日

Holesky: 2 月 7 日

这将是 Goerli 最后一次包含在测试方案中,因为该网络即将被弃用。此举是 2024 年 1 月在以太坊网络上激活 Dencun 战略的一部分,标志着其技术能力的显著进步。

核心开发人员还讨论了尚未具体命名的 Prague/Electra 升级。以太坊社区正在考虑是否专注于大型核心功能(可能需要一年时间的努力),或者围绕多个较小的改进进行升级(这在 2024 年下半年可以实现)。

总体来说, 2024 年将会是以太坊实现开创性改进提案的一年,以下是值得关注的一些改进提案:

(1)EIP-4844 (Proto-Danksharding)

EIP-484 是 Dencun 升级的众多提案之中的重头戏,也是市场最关注的提案,其主要目的是在不牺牲去中心化的情况下,降低L2网络上的 gas 费用,特别是对 rollup 解决方案。

Dencun 升级将降低所有L2在数据可用性方面的成本,这是市场非常期待的事情,因为终端用户的成本会进一步降低。EIP-4844 是一种变革性的增强提案,预计将使 rollup 的 gas 费用降低 100 倍。

(2)ERC-4337、ERC-6900 (账户抽象)

账户抽象也是非常重要的改进提案,包括 ERC-4337 及其扩展提案 ERC-6900 。账户抽象以智能账户的概念为中心,对最终用户的体验具有重大影响,并将降低交易成本并确保社交登录安全。ERC 是 EIP 的一个子集,专门针对以太坊生态系统中的 token 标准。它定义了 token 执行的规则,以确保互操作性。与修改核心协议的 EIP 不同,ERC 通常不需要进行硬分叉。

ERC-4337 将于今年 3 月进行,账户抽象的概念将为终端用户带来重要变化和关键作用。账户抽象将彻底改变用户的感知方式以及与加密钱包的互动,使无需 gas 的交易成为标准,同时使安全的社交登录成为新规范,从根本上重塑以太坊的用户体验。


ERC-6900 则提出了“委派交易”的概念。该标准不需要更改以太坊的主网共识,它允许用户委派代表发送交易,例如,批准一组操作以节省时间和麻烦。 

(3)EIP-1153 (瞬时存储操作码)

 EIP-1153 是 Dencun 升级的一部分,旨在引入一种在智能合约执行期间处理临时或暂时存储的新机制。以太坊的传统储存操作是永久性的而且需要消耗 gas,这对于不需要比一次交易持续更长时间的临时数据可能是无效的。EIP-1153 是一种操作码,它将允许智能合约使用瞬时存储,即在交易执行结束时将存储清除。

Uniswap 团队曾为 EIP-1153 做努力游说,并希望它在上海升级中得到实施,但未能获得足够支持,无法在以太坊核心开发人员之间达成共识。预计该升级将在提高 Uniswap V4协议的能力和效率方面发挥重要作用。

通过启用临时存储,EIP-1153 可以降低合约执行期间与存储数据相关的 gas 成本,并为开发人员设计智能合约提供更大的灵活性。EIP-1153 通过减轻永久存储的负担并最大程度地减少状态膨胀,也有助于以太坊网络的整体可扩展性。

(4)EIP-4788 (信标区块根提交)


在 EIP-4788 之前,这两个部分的运行是相对独立的。EVM 无法直接访问最新的目录, 它必须依靠间接方法来了解信标链中正在发生的事情。而 EIP-4788 提议将信标区块根(摘要或父块的哈希树根)放入每个 EVM 区块中。这就相当于把图书馆中过时的卡片归档系统(效率低下且准确率低)转移到具有实时、准确且直接链接到主要数据库的系统一样。


以上过程都以信任需求最小化的方式发生,消除了对提供此数据的外部预言机的需求,从而减少了潜在的故障或操纵点。EIP-4788 引入了协议级别的预言机,在整个主网中传达了以太坊的共识状态。这种更改对于流动性质押协议,例如 Lido,以及基于智能合约的桥接器和再质押解决方案尤其有利,因为它允许这些协议直接从共识层访问验证器余额和状态等关键数据,从而提高了其安全性和操作效率。

(5)EIP-5656 (MCOPY 操作码)

 EVM 使用决定各种操作的一组操作码进行操作。EIP-5656 引入了一个名为 MCOPY 的新操作码,该操作码在执行智能合约期间将对内存中复制数据的过程进行优化。

在当前的 EVM 架构中使用现有操作码时,复制大型数据段的效率低下。MCOPY 提供了一种更有效的方法,预计可以减少与这些操作相关的 gas 费,同时提高性能。更快的内存操作意味着合约执行速度更快,开发人员将拥有更多的工具来优化其智能合约,尤其是在处理涉及内存操作的大型数据结构或复杂操作时。

(6)EIP-6780 (限制自毁)

 在以太坊区块链中,自毁操作码允许智能合约从区块链中将自身删除。执行后,它将删除合约代码和状态的存储空间,并将合约剩余的 ETH 发送到指定的地址。但是,该功能导致了几个问题,包括状态管理的复杂性和潜在的安全漏洞。


综上,以太坊 2024 年路线图更新以及重要的 EIP 提案展示了以太坊区块链对行业变化的适应性,并明确地展示了对稳健运行而提升可扩展性的清晰愿景。可以预见的是, 2024 年将是以太坊继续探索创新和技术升级改进的重要一年。

The co-founder of Ethereum shared the Ethereum Roadmap in 2006 on social networks and introduced the upgrade and activities of Ethereum in detail. According to a series of charts he listed, the continuous focus of Ethereum in 2006 includes two main components and the key parts that are emphasized as the roadmap, aiming to maintain a simple and resilient consensus mechanism. It happened in 2006 when the main network of Ethereum was merged with the beacon chain, and the role of single slot finality will be given priority. Make the consensus mechanism of Ethereum more effective, verify that the blocks can be put forward in the same slot and finally determine the blocks, so as to reduce the transaction delay. After the transition from Ethereum to consensus mechanism, the single slot finality will be the key solution to the current weakness of Ethereum. The goal of the solution is to achieve the throughput of 10,000 transactions per second in Ethereum and the network, while improving the scalability standard of blockchain and the scalability of itself, which has been emphasized by the Ethereum development team as a long-term improvement area. Remarkable progress has been made, focusing on alleviating the liquidity pledge pool of maximum extractable value and related risks to solve the concern of economic centralization in the Ethereum ecosystem. Earlier, it was suggested to reduce the cost of running nodes to meet related challenges. At present, the tree is ready to verify that the block will only involve downloading some bytes of data to perform some basic calculations and verify concise non-interactive knowledge arguments. The network will continue to explore the pre-compilation of Ethereum virtual machine verification to achieve completeness. With the continuous growth of transaction volume on the chain, the optimization is very important to maintain the scalability of Ethereum. The roadmap removes the content that increases the restrictions, so that the restrictions can be increased at any time. It shows a flexible network capacity management method aimed at making the protocol easy to use and more friendly and accessible to developers. This simplification will eliminate technical debts and limit the cost of network participation, which is expected to increase the Ethereum network. The overall function and usability of ETF cover all other elements that are crucial to the growth of ETF, such as ecosystem growth and sustainability to human coordination, which reflects the commitment of ETF to cultivate and support its vibrant community. Looking forward to the improvement proposal, ETF will usher in a hard fork upgrade in the first quarter of 2008. The core developers of ETF have drawn up a hard fork upgrade schedule, and the public test network of ETF will be tentatively scheduled as follows without major problems. This will be the last time to be included in the test plan, because the network is about to be abandoned. This move is part of the activation strategy on the Ethereum network in June, marking a significant improvement in its technical ability. The core developers also discussed the upgrade that has not been named yet. The Ethereum community is considering whether it may take a year to focus on large-scale core functions or upgrade around several minor improvements, which can be realized in the second half of 2008. Generally speaking, 2008 will be based on. One year after Taifang realized the groundbreaking improvement proposal, some improvement proposals are worthy of attention, which are the highlight of many proposals for upgrading and the most concerned proposal in the market. Its main purpose is to reduce the cost on the network without sacrificing decentralization, especially for upgrading the solution, which will reduce all the costs in data availability. This is something that the market is very much looking forward to, because the cost of end users will be further reduced, and it is a revolutionary enhancement proposal, which is expected to reduce the cost by twice. Account Abstraction Account Abstraction is also a very important improvement proposal, including its extension proposal. Account Abstraction, centering on the concept of smart account, will have a great impact on the end user's experience, and will reduce transaction costs and ensure the security of social login. It is a subset specifically aimed at the standards in the Ethereum ecosystem. It defines the rules for implementation to ensure interoperability and modify the core agreement, and usually does not need to be hard forked. The concept of account abstraction will be brought to end users this month. Important changes and key roles in the future account abstraction will completely change the user's perception and interaction with encrypted wallets, make unnecessary transactions standard, and make secure social login a new norm, fundamentally reshaping the user experience of Ethereum. Traditionally, Ethereum has two types of accounts, external accounts controlled by private keys and contract accounts controlled by codes, which are abstracted and blurred. This difference allows users to create accounts more like smart contracts, which can enhance user experience and security. Allowing more complex account logic, such as multi-signature wallet or social recovery of lost keys, puts forward the concept of delegated transaction. This standard does not need to change the main network consensus of Ethereum. It allows users to delegate representatives to send transactions, such as approving a group of operations to save time and trouble. Instantaneous storage of operation codes is part of the upgrade, which aims to introduce a new mechanism to deal with temporary or temporary storage during the execution of smart contracts. The traditional storage operations of Ethereum are permanent and need to be consumed. Temporary data that needs longer than a transaction may be invalid. It is an operation code that will allow smart contracts to use instantaneous storage, that is, the storage will be cleared at the end of the transaction execution. The team has lobbied hard and hoped that it will be implemented in the Shanghai upgrade, but it has failed to get enough support to reach a consensus among the core developers of Ethereum. It is expected that the upgrade will play an important role in improving the ability and efficiency of the agreement, and the contract execution period can be reduced by enabling temporary storage. The cost associated with storing data and providing developers with greater flexibility in designing smart contracts will also contribute to the overall scalability of the Ethereum network by reducing the burden of permanent storage and minimizing state inflation. The beacon block root submission to Ethereum is like a huge library. It consists of two main parts: the first part is the Ethereum virtual machine, which allows people to read books and execute smart contracts like a reading room, and the second part is the beacon chain, which tracks like a library directory system. The consensus and coordination of all books and their locations in Ethereum network were relatively independent before, and it was impossible to directly access the latest catalogue. It had to rely on indirect methods to understand what was happening in the beacon chain, so it was proposed to put the root abstract of the beacon block or the hash root of the parent block in each block, which was equivalent to transferring the outdated card filing system in the library to a system with real-time accuracy and direct link to the main database. In Ethereum, a modern library system, readers could get instant updates every time books were added or deleted. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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