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作者:Aurora Grace 来源:medium 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

上个月,致力于人工智能的加密经济领域出现了前所未有的增长。以人工智能为重点的加密资产市值飙升了 17.5 亿美元,其中十大人工智能代币中有一半实现了两位数的大幅增长。引领这一增长的是 The Graph,其 12 月份增长了 41%,这象征着人工智能和加密货币市场之间蓬勃发展的协同作用。专注于人工智能的代币总市值达到 70.4 亿美元,在短短一年内增长了 540%,突显了人工智能在加密货币领域的变革力量。


人工智能与加密货币领域的融合将人工智能代币的市值推向了新的高度,在 2024 年初达到 70.4 亿美元。这比一年前的 11 亿美元估值大幅攀升,表明人工智能代币的非凡增长率540%。特别值得注意的是The Graph(GRT),其市场估值为20亿美元,仅2024年1月8日就增长了10%。GRT 的主导地位超越了当日,上个月兑美元汇率大幅上涨 40.73%,巩固了其作为前十名中表现最好的代币的地位。




虽然整体趋势呈现积极增长,但个别人工智能代币却表现出多样化的表现。Graph (GRT) 和 Fetch (FET) 领先,较上个月分别增长了 40.73% 和 34%。相比之下,Bittensor (TAO) 下跌了 21%,但最近 3% 的反弹给持有者带来了乐观情绪。Covalent (CQT) 逆势上扬,大幅上涨 21%,而新加入者 PAAL 本月上涨 8.9%,较过去一周大幅上涨 53%。然而,IMGNAI 在过去 30 天内大幅下跌 46%,BBANK 兑美元汇率下跌 39%。


2023年是加密经济的繁荣期,人工智能相关资产转变为数字黄金。随着加密货币社区临近 2024 年,这一势头的轨迹仍然存在不确定性。尽管如此,人工智能加密货币领域仍然是数字资产领域增长最快的领域之一,为投资者提供了吸引力和潜力。

2024 年需要监控的创新人工智能加密项目

人工智能和区块链技术的融合为突破性的加密项目铺平了道路。这些举措利用人工智能来增强安全性、优化交易策略并自动化区块链生态系统中的任务。当我们深入研究 2024 年时,几个有前途的人工智能加密项目值得关注:

➤ The Graph (GRT):一种开源去中心化协议,用于索引和查询区块链数据,对于构建去中心化应用程序 (DApp) 至关重要。

➤ (FET):一个去中心化自治组织 (DAO),利用人工智能来自动化任务并优化物联网和金融市场中的资源分配。

➤ Phala Network(PHA):一个隐私保护区块链平台,利用安全多方计算(SMPC)在区块链上进行机密计算。

➤ SingularityNET (AGIX):一个连接人工智能服务提供商和用户的去中心化平台,促进人工智能算法的协作和交换。


➤Ocean Protocol (OCEAN):一种用于数据共享和交换的去中心化协议,利用人工智能实现数据发现、定价和访问控制的自动化。

➤ iExec RLC(RLC):一个去中心化云计算平台,通过人工智能优化资源分配,以实现安全高效的计算。

➤ Covalent (CQT):一个开源数据聚合器,利用人工智能来聚合、规范化和分析来自各种区块链的数据。

➤ Numeraire (NMR):一个使用人工智能预测金融市场的去中心化平台,为数据提供商提供原生代币 NUM。

➤ dKargo (DKA):一个使用区块链技术和人工智能简化供应链运营的去中心化物流平台。

➤ Cortex (CTXC):一个开源的点对点区块链平台,支持人工智能算法和人工智能驱动的去中心化应用程序的执行。




作为世界上第一个以网络速度运行的区块链的互联网计算机概述: 互联网计算机(ICP)站在区块链创新的最前沿,代表了世界上第一个旨在以网络速度运行的区块链。它由 DFINITY 基金会发起,通过实现可扩展且高效的智能合约开发,引入了范式转变。与传统区块链不同,ICP 旨在与网络服务无缝集成,重新定义个人与互联网的交互方式。


→ ICP(原生代币)的描述: ICP 作为互联网计算机生态系统中的原生实用代币。它的作用不仅仅是交换媒介,还包括治理和对各种平台功能的访问。ICP 持有者参与决策过程,确保平台的开发采用去中心化和社区驱动的方式。

→ ICP当前市值和交易价值:根据最新数据,Internet Computer拥有可观的市值,强调了其在加密货币社区中的相关性和采用度。ICP 的交易价值反映了投资者的信心和市场动态,提供了对代币流动性和需求的洞察。




介绍 Injective 作为一个专注于金融的人工智能驱动的加密货币项目: Injective 是一个开创性的人工智能驱动的加密货币项目,特别关注彻底改变金融格局。通过利用人工智能的力量,Injective 旨在推出创新的解决方案和基本工具来构建去中心化金融(DeFi)应用程序。

Injective 提供的具体功能: Injective 通过提供一系列复杂的功能来满足金融部门的多样化需求,从而脱颖而出。值得注意的功能包括保证金交易、衍生品交易和外汇期货交易。这些功能为用户提供了先进的金融工具,增强了 Injective 平台的整体功能和实用性。

Injective 原生货币 INJ 的作用: INJ 作为 Injective 原生货币,在平台生态系统中发挥着举足轻重的作用。除了作为交换媒介之外,INJ 也是验证网络交易不可或缺的一部分。此外,它在治理中占据核心地位,使 INJ 持有者能够积极参与塑造 Injective 项目的未来发展和方向。

INJ 目前的市值和交易价值: Injective 的市值反映了该项目在竞争格局中的地位,展示了其增长和接受度。INJ 的交易价值提供了对市场情绪和投资者看法的宝贵见解,提供了对Token价值和流动性的实时评估。

3)The Graph (GRT)

The Graph

The Graph

The Graph 作为索引和查询数据协议的解释: The Graph 作为一个突破性的协议,设计用于索引和查询区块链中的数据。其功能与谷歌索引和查询传统互联网网站数据的方式相似。The Graph 解决了区块链数据带来的独特挑战,引入了“子图”的创新概念来组织和理解去中心化数据。

The Graph 的功能与 Google 索引的比较: The Graph 的功能与 Google 在互联网上索引和查询数据的方法非常相似。通过将类似的原理应用于区块链数据,The Graph 增强了去中心化网络上信息的可访问性和可用性。这一比较凸显了该平台用户友好且高效的数据检索机制。

引入“子图”概念: The Graph 架构的一个关键方面是“子图”的利用。这些是专门的索引,将区块链数据组织成更易于管理和更具体的单元。这种组织结构提高了数据检索的效率,为开发人员提供了对所需信息的有针对性和简化的访问。

The Graph 原生加密货币 GRT 说明: GRT 是 The Graph 生态系统的原生加密货币。GRT 建立在以太坊区块链之上,促进了协议内的各种功能。除了作为交换媒介之外,GRT 在治理中发挥着核心作用,使Token持有者能够积极参与塑造 The Graph 未来的决策过程。

GRT 的当前市值和交易价值,参考历史峰值: GRT 的市值反映了该平台在区块链领域的增长和采用。GRT 的交易价值提供了对市场动态和投资者情绪的实时洞察。此外,参考 GRT 2021 年 2 月的历史峰值,可以了解其随时间推移的表现,展示其弹性和持续增长的潜力。


在人工智能和加密货币市场的动态交叉中,过去一个月见证了前所未有的增长,特别是在以人工智能为中心的Token方面。市值飙升 17.5 亿美元,一年内增长 540%,凸显了人工智能在加密货币领域的变革力量。表现出色的 The Graph (GRT) 体现了这种协同效应,标志着大幅增长。当我们进入 2024 年时,不确定性迫在眉睫,但人工智能加密货币领域仍然是一个快速发展的领域,提供了吸引力和潜力。

The Graph、Injective 和 Internet Computer 等创新项目引领了这一浪潮,展示了人工智能和区块链融合的巨大可能性。随着加密经济的不断发展,这些项目和更广泛的人工智能驱动的举措代表了一个充满希望的未来,塑造了数字资产的新时代。对于那些冒险进入这一领域的人来说,人工智能和加密货币的融合带来了无与伦比的机会和创新,预示着金融格局的变革时代。

Last month, there was an unprecedented growth in the field of crypto-economy devoted to artificial intelligence, and the market value of crypto-assets focusing on artificial intelligence soared by $ billion. Among them, half of the top ten artificial intelligence tokens achieved a double-digit growth, which was led by their monthly growth, which symbolized the vigorous synergy between artificial intelligence and crypto-currency market. The total market value of tokens focusing on artificial intelligence reached $ billion in just a short time. The growth in one year highlights the revolutionary power of artificial intelligence in the field of cryptocurrency, and the market value of artificial intelligence cryptocurrency has risen dramatically. The integration of artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency has pushed the market value of artificial intelligence tokens to a new height, reaching $ billion at the beginning of the year, which is significantly higher than the valuation of $ billion a year ago, indicating that the extraordinary growth rate of artificial intelligence tokens is particularly noteworthy. Its market valuation is $ billion, and its dominant position has surpassed that of last month against the US dollar. The sharp rise in the exchange rate has consolidated its position as the best-performing token in the top ten. Under the guidance of our experts, we launched your personalized artificial intelligence cryptocurrency and started your journey into the encryption field. Our experienced professionals ensured to provide you with a seamless and innovative coin development experience. Although the overall trend showed a positive growth, individual artificial intelligence tokens showed diversified performance and leadership, which increased respectively compared with last month. However, the recent rebound has brought optimism to the holders, and the new entrants have risen sharply this month compared with the past week. However, the exchange rate against the US dollar has fallen sharply in the past day. The golden age of artificial intelligence-related assets in the year of reflection is the prosperity of the encryption economy, and artificial intelligence-related assets have turned into digital gold. As the cryptocurrency community approaches the year, the trajectory of this momentum is still uncertain. Nevertheless, the field of artificial intelligence cryptocurrency is still digital. One of the fastest-growing areas in the asset field provides investors with attraction and potential. The innovative artificial intelligence encryption projects that need to be monitored in 2000 paved the way for breakthrough encryption projects. These measures use artificial intelligence to enhance security, optimize trading strategies and automate tasks in the blockchain ecosystem. When we study in depth, several promising artificial intelligence encryption projects deserve attention. An open source decentralized protocol is used for indexing and query areas. Blockchain data is very important for building decentralized applications. A decentralized autonomous organization uses artificial intelligence to automate tasks and optimize resource allocation in the Internet of Things and financial markets. A privacy protection blockchain platform uses secure multi-party computing to conduct confidential calculations on the blockchain. A decentralized platform that connects artificial intelligence service providers and users promotes the cooperation and exchange of artificial intelligence algorithms. A decentralized protocol for data sharing and exchange uses artificial intelligence. Now data discovery, automation of pricing and access control, a decentralized cloud computing platform optimizes resource allocation through artificial intelligence to achieve safe and efficient calculation, an open source data aggregator uses artificial intelligence to aggregate, standardize and analyze data from various blockchains, a decentralized platform that uses artificial intelligence to predict financial markets, and provides native tokens for data providers, a decentralized logistics platform that uses blockchain technology and artificial intelligence to simplify supply chain operations, and an open source. Peer-to-peer blockchain platform supports the implementation of artificial intelligence algorithms and decentralized applications driven by artificial intelligence. These innovative projects represent a small part of the ever-developing field of artificial intelligence encryption. It is expected that there will be more breakthrough applications in the next few years. With the continuous progress of technology, the integration of artificial intelligence and blockchain will redefine the industry and reshape the digital landscape, providing investors and enthusiasts with unprecedented opportunities. Top artificial intelligence cryptocurrency Internet computers are the world's top computers. Internet computer overview of the first blockchain running at network speed Internet computer stands at the forefront of blockchain innovation, representing the world's first blockchain aimed at running at network speed. It was initiated by the Foundation and introduced paradigm shift by realizing scalable and efficient intelligent contract development, which is different from traditional blockchain, aiming at seamless integration with network services and redefining the interaction between individuals and the Internet. The main purpose and goal of Internet computer is Reshaping the Internet structure, it aims to get rid of the limitations of the existing blockchain network and provide developers with the ability to create and deploy smart contracts on an unrestricted scale. By cultivating a decentralized and extensible environment, Internet computers envision a future network service that is not only safe, but also part of the blockchain infrastructure. As a native practical token in the Internet computer ecosystem, its role is not only to exchange media, but also to govern and protect the network. Access holders of this platform function participate in the decision-making process to ensure that the development of the platform adopts decentralized and community-driven methods. According to the latest data, the current market value and transaction value have considerable market value, which emphasizes its relevance and adoption in the cryptocurrency community, reflects investors' confidence and market dynamics, and provides insight into the liquidity and demand of tokens. As a cryptocurrency project driven by artificial intelligence focusing on finance, it is a groundbreaking artificial intelligence drive. The mobile cryptocurrency project pays special attention to completely changing the financial structure. By using the power of artificial intelligence, it aims to introduce innovative solutions and basic tools to build the specific functions provided by decentralized financial applications. By providing a series of complex functions to meet the diversified needs of the financial sector, it stands out. Notable functions include margin trading, derivative trading and forex futures trading, which provide users with advanced financial tools and enhance the overall function of the platform. And practicality. As a primary currency, it plays an important role in the platform ecosystem. Besides being a medium of exchange, it is also an indispensable part of verifying online transactions. In addition, it occupies a core position in governance, enabling holders to actively participate in shaping the future development and direction of the project. The current market value and transaction value reflect the position of the project in the competitive landscape, show its growth and acceptance, and provide valuable insights into market sentiment and investors' views, and provide real-time evaluation of value and liquidity as an explanation for indexing and querying data protocols. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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