一文速览 Base 2024 年战略和路线图

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来源:Base官方 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

在 12 月份,Base 核心团队齐聚一堂,回顾了我们建设的第一年,并聚焦于接下来的发展方向。在汲取了 Coinbase 团队和生态系统合作伙伴的经验后,我们很高兴地分享我们在 2024 年的重点工作。

2024 年使命:构建一个提升创新、创造力和自由的全球链上经济

一年多前,当我们开始着手 Base 项目时,我们写下了第一个任务:通过创造世界级的链上开发者平台,赋能令人难以置信的产品。随着将 Base 带到主网上并开始吸引开发者和用户加入链上,我们意识到,仅仅这个开发者平台只是实现我们目标的一部分。它是一个技术基础,让开发者能够在链上释放他们的创造力,并让用户探索新的交易和所有权方式。然而,这些部分——应用、用户以及轻松交易的能力——对于将 Base 的愿景变为现实同样至关重要。我们想要构建的不仅仅是一个技术基础,我们正在构建一个新的互联网,一个新的经济。

考虑到这一点,我们现在将 Base 视为由三部分组成的经济:

  • 开发者平台(Base 作为底层基础设施)

  • 应用生态(所有构建在 Base 上的应用)

  • 资本市场(通过应用流动和流动的用户和流动性,例如 ETH、USDC)


除了这个新框架之外,我们还受到Vitalik 等人关于如何继续拥抱密码朋克价值观并进一步实现 Coinbase 最初设定的使命的想法的启发。结合起来,我们现在重新定位了我们的使命,以反映未来的机遇:建立一个增强创新、创造力和自由的全球链上经济。在我们迈入新的一年之际,这一使命是我们努力将世界带入链上的行动和愿望的基石。

我们对 2024 年的高度关注


  • 去中心化和规模化,让世界各地的每个人都能上链:我们对去中心化和可扩展性的承诺是我们的首要任务,重点是在安全、去中心化的 L2 上实现快速、负担得起的交易。

  • 建立一个强大的开发者平台,使任何人都能够构建世界一流的链上产品:我们的长期北极星是开发一个平台,使超过 100 万开发者能够上链,帮助他们创造改变世界的产品。

  • 培育一个充满活力的应用程序生态系统,为消费者、创作者和企业提供上链的理由:我们的目标是吸引超过 10 亿人加入蓬勃发展的应用程序生态系统,从而推动下一波全球创造力和创新浪潮。

  • 培育深度资本市场,为互联的链上经济提供动力:我们致力于通过强大而深入的资本市场以及与其他以太坊 L2 和其他 L1 的无缝互连,将 Base 打造成链上经济的关键组成部分。


更深入地研究一下,我们已将该战略分解为我们将在未来一年执行的一系列举措。这些没有特定的顺序,也没有完全包含核心团队的所有工作,以及更广泛的生态系统在 Base 上及其周围为将世界带入链上所做的所有艰苦工作。


我们致力于继续推进去中心化工作,同时确保网络能够以高可用性运行(目标为 99.99%)。随着 Base 经济的不断增长,去中心化和可用性带来的可靠性和信任绝对是至关重要的。这包括:

  • 与 Optimism 合作推出故障证明并将 Base 推向第一阶段汇总

  • 增加基本定序器设置的冗余并开源我们的学习成果

  • 合作开发替代的故障证明工具,以在第二阶段取得进展

  • 支持成立乐观安理会


我们相信,将费用降低至 <0.01 美元对于继续实现链上创新绝对至关重要。实现这一目标需要在以太坊 L1 层以及 L2 层和 EVM 层持续创新,我们一直在帮助引领EIP4844 的发展方向。2024 年我们的努力将包括:

  • 在以太坊上推出 EIP4844,并支持 Base 和其他 OP Stack 链

  • 为下一阶段的 danksharding 的研究和执行做出贡献,包括PeerDAS

  • 优化 OP 堆栈和特定于事务的压缩以进一步降低成本


我们相信,为了使链上应用程序对普通人来说是可访问和有用的,需要智能钱包。这是一条艰难的道路,需要多年的努力,但我们相信 2024 年是我们扭转局面的一年。今年我们的努力将包括:

  • 通过捆绑器和出纳员标准化和融资扩大 ERC4337 的采用

  • 支持探索 EIP3074 和 EIP5003 等迁移现有钱包的工作

  • 与 Coinbase(和其他大型应用程序)密切合作,将其过渡到智能钱包


我们相信上链应该很容易。我们还相信,上链不应该要求您改写您的整个财务生活 - 您应该能够在几乎没有注意到的情况下上链。我们将在 2024 年为世界各地的每个人实现这一目标。

  • 为尽可能多的市场提供通往基地的世界级入口和出口匝道

  • 与合作伙伴合作将本地货币稳定币引入 Base

  • 使应用程序和 L3、L2 和 L1 连接到 Base 以利用这些入口和出口匝道

将 Coinbase 引入链上——并利用这些经验来帮助其他人

Base 来自 Coinbase,我们将继续与他们的团队密切合作,将公司带入链上。我们对如何提高经济自由有着共同的愿景,并相信实现这一目标的最佳方法是将 Coinbase 的现有和新用户、资产和产品带到链上。

  • 使 Coinbase 和 Coinbase 钱包成为访问 Base 的最佳方式

  • 将链上用户利益融入 Coinbase 现有产品套件中

  • 扩展Coinbase 验证,使应用程序能够利用现实世界的身份

  • 支持Coinbase团队推出10+(!!)机上链上产品


如今,对于开发人员和用户来说,驾驭不断扩展的 L2 世界仍然充满挑战。通过与 Optimism 合作,我们很高兴能够大幅简化这一过程,并在整个超级链中实现无缝体验。

  • 推出第一阶段的互操作性,以实现 OP 链之间的通信

  • 持续细化和完善连锁法则和乐观RPGF

  • 参与乐观治理以维护基础和更广泛的生态系统价值


除了对核心 Base 协议进行的所有改进,Base 没有开发者就一事无成。我们很高兴在新的一年里为他们提供更好的工具和更多资源。在即将到来的这一年中,我们计划:

  • 继续迭代和扩展我们的 Base Grants 计划以及 Optimism RPGF

  • 让开发人员能够通过无缝的支付方构建更好的无 gas 体验

  • 通过 Base Camp 赋予下一代开发者学习链上开发的技能

  • 通过 Onchain Daily 等方式提升创作者及其用于链上创作的平台

  • 支持快速增长的去中心化 Base 领导层,包括 Based MGMT 等团队

我们对 2024 年充满期待,雄心勃勃的计划——但我们无法独自完成。Base 之所以成为今天的 Base,是因为世界各地为其开发和实现做出了贡献的开发者。我们非常期待与你们一起继续建设。

In January, the core team of Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network gathered together to review the first year of our construction and focus on the next development direction. After learning from the experience of the team and ecosystem partners, we are happy to share our key work year mission in 2006, to build a global chain economy that promotes innovation, creativity and freedom. More than a year ago, when we started the project, we wrote down the first task by creating a world-class chain developer platform. Incredible products will be brought to the main network and begin to attract developers and users to join the chain. We realize that this developer platform is only a part of achieving our goal. It is a technical foundation for developers to release their creativity in the chain and let users explore new ways of trading and ownership. However, the ability to apply users and easily trade in these parts is also crucial for turning our vision into reality. We want to build more than just a technical foundation. On the basis of this, we are building a new Internet and a new economy. Considering this, we will now regard it as an economic developer platform consisting of three parts as the underlying infrastructure and application ecology. All the application capital markets built on it flow through applications, mobile users and mobility. For example, in addition to this new framework, we are also inspired by people's ideas on how to continue to embrace cryptopunk values and further realize the original mission. We are now redefining. It is our mission to reflect the future opportunities and build a global chain economy that enhances innovation, creativity and freedom. As we enter the new year, this mission is the cornerstone of our actions and wishes to bring the world into the chain. With this new mission, our strategy for the coming year is built around four core pillars, each of which reflects our commitment to building a strong chain economy, decentralizing and scaling up all over the world. Everyone can go online. Our commitment to decentralization and scalability is our primary task. The key point is to achieve fast and affordable transactions on the basis of security decentralization, and to build a powerful developer platform so that anyone can build world-class online products. Our long-term Polaris is to develop a platform to enable more than 10,000 developers to go online, help them create products that change the world, and cultivate a dynamic application ecosystem to provide consumers, creators and enterprises. Reasons for going online Our goal is to attract more than 100 million people to join the booming application ecosystem, so as to promote the next wave of global creativity and innovation, cultivate a deep capital market and provide power for the interconnected chain economy. We are committed to building a key component of the chain economy through a strong and in-depth capital market and seamless interconnection with other ethereum and others. We are going to study in depth what we are building, and we have broken down this strategy into what we will do in the next year. A series of measures implemented, in no particular order, do not fully cover all the work of the core team and all the hard work of the wider ecosystem in and around the world to bring the world into the chain, accelerate decentralization and improve network usability. We are committed to continuing to promote decentralization and ensure that the network can operate with high availability as the goal. The reliability and trust brought by decentralization and usability are absolutely crucial, including Collaborate with us to launch fault proof and will push it to the first stage to summarize, increase the redundancy of basic sequencer settings and open source our learning results, cooperate to develop alternative fault proof tools to make progress in the second stage, support the establishment of an optimistic security Council, and comprehensively reduce the cost. We believe that reducing the cost to US dollars is absolutely essential to continue to realize innovation in the chain. To achieve this goal, we need to continue to innovate in the Ethereum layer and the layers. We have been helping to lead the development direction in 2008. Including launching and supporting the Ethernet workshop and other chains to contribute to the next stage of research and implementation, including optimizing the stack and transaction-specific compression to further reduce the cost, and setting the smart wallet as the default setting. We believe that in order to make the applications on the chain accessible and useful to ordinary people, smart wallets are needed, which is a difficult road and requires many years of efforts, but we believe that 2008 will be a year for us to turn the tables. This year, our efforts will include the adoption of binders and cashier standards. The adoption of expansion and financing supports the exploration and equal migration of existing wallets, and works closely with other large-scale applications to make the transition to smart wallets for seamless deposit and withdrawal. We believe that winding should be easy, and we also believe that winding should not require you to rewrite your entire financial life. You should be able to wind up almost unnoticed. We will achieve this goal for everyone around the world in and provide world-class entrance and exit ramps to the base for as many markets as possible. Partners cooperate to introduce local currency into the stable currency, so that applications and products can be connected to the chain, and these access ramps can be used to help others. We will continue to work closely with their teams to bring the company into the chain. We share a common vision on how to improve economic freedom and believe that the best way to achieve this goal is to bring existing and new user assets and products to the chain, so that wallets can be the best way to access and integrate the interests of users on the chain. Expanding verification into the existing product suite enables applications to use the real-world identity to support the team to launch products on the machine chain, making the super chain seamless and effective. Nowadays, it is still full of challenges for developers and users to control the expanding world. Through cooperation, we are very happy to greatly simplify this process and realize seamless experience in the whole super chain, so as to realize the continuous refinement of communication between chains and improve the chain rules and optimistic participation. Governance supports developers and creators on the chain by maintaining the foundation and wider ecosystem value. Apart from all the improvements to the core agreement, nothing can be achieved without developers. We are very happy to provide them with better tools and more resources in the new year. In the coming year, we plan to continue to iterate and expand our plans and enable developers to build a better experience through seamless payers. By giving the next generation of developers the skills to develop on the chain, we can enhance the creators and their platforms for creating on the chain to support the fast-growing decentralized leadership, including other groups. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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