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随着计算机科学的发展,模块化的概念逐渐被应用于各种领域和技术。2019年,Mustafa Albasan撰写《Lazy Ledger》的白皮书时,详细介绍了一个新架构,其中区块链仅用于排序和保证交易数据的可用性,而不负责交易的执行和验证。该架构的目的是解决现有区块链系统的可扩展性问题。当时他把这个称之为“智能合约客户端”,后来随着Rollup的出现,使得这个构想更具确定性,这一结构也被重新定义为了模块化区块链(Modular Blockchain)。

Celestia是真正意义上的第一个模块化公链,但模块化公链的技术并非至Celestia才出现,Celestia本身建立在Cosmos SDK之上,并使用Tendermint作为其共识引擎,所以在模块化方面Cosmos的发展其实更早一些,Cosmos一直在致力于通过模块化来构建一个完整的应用生态链系统,去年Cosmos生态发展Interchain基金会公开发布了2024年Interchain堆栈的开发目标,其中最重要的一个目标便是:通过通用化软件来提高模块化程度,以便更轻松地适应特定用例,上个月Cosmos刚推出的CometBFT V1 Alpha版本,就旨在进一步减少宽度消耗,增强模块化。可见模块化一直以来都是Cosmos的战略核心。

与单一层区块链不同,Cosmos最初的设想就是要构建一个去中心化交易、存储和保护价值的平台,鼓励合作、创新和竞争。因此,Cosmos选择使用模块化软件堆栈——Cosmos SDK和相互连接的区块链网络进行构建。这使得Cosmos生态系统的中心和区域可以启动具有自定义执行环境的模块化区块链,同时利用IBC进行跨链通信。这种模块化和自治增长的愿景迅速增加了的区域数量。截至目前,共有56个区域中的52个处于活跃状态。



区块链技术在过去几年中迅速发展,并为许多行业带来了革命性的变化。然而,随着去中心化应用程序(dApp)的兴起,我们也意识到传统区块链的共享带宽系统可能会限制其增长。为了解决这个问题,Cosmos应运而生。Cosmos模块化的架构设计为开发人员提供了便利。通过Cosmos SDK、IBC和Tendermint引擎,开发人员可以快速搭建模块化的特定应用链,除了之前提到了Celestia之外,基于Cosmos模块化工具构建的公链还包含以下几个值得关注的热点项目。


Dymension是使用Cosmos和Celestia技术的模块化区块链网络,旨在通过使用IBC标准确保RollApp的安全性和互操作性。Dymension采用模块化设计,将区块链功能分成多个层次,并通过Dymension Hub提供安全性、互操作性和流动性。开发人员可以使用Dymension Hub部署RollApps,并与其他RollApps和支持IBC的链进行交互。

Dymension的架构包括执行层、结算层和共识层以及数据层。执行层由RollApps组成,负责处理事务和状态计算。结算层和共识层是Dymension Hub,它是一个基于Cosmos SDK的权益证明链,利用Tendermint Core的状态复制模型进行联网和共识。Dymension Hub提供安全性、互操作性和流动性,为RollApps服务。数据层是Dymension协议支持的数据可用性提供商,开发人员可以根据需要选择适合的数据可用性提供商。

目前,Dymension已经推出了激励测试网Froopyland,允许开发者进行无需许可的IBC RollApp部署。在竞争激烈的区块链行业中,模块化区块链正在获得越来越多的关注和地位。Dymension是这一趋势的重要一环。类似于Fuel和Celestia等项目,Dymension通过其模块化的设计和创新的解决方案,为区块链生态系统的发展做出了重要贡献。

DYM是Dymension的原生代币,总供应量为10亿枚。1月1号,Dymension 宣布上线 Genesis Drop 活动,并将为 Celestia、Ethereum、Cosmos和 Solana 生态用户空投 7000 万枚 DYM,用户可在北京时间2024 年1月21 日20:00 之前完成认领取。


Osmosis是一个基于Cosmos SDK 构建的独立 Layer1 应用链。它也是 Cosmos 生态中第一条集成IBC 跨链通信的DEX 应用链。Osmosis的运作方式与其他AMM DEX 类似,流动性提供者将流动性存入流动性池,交易者直接与这些池进行交互。通过利用 Cosmos 生态系统提供的互操作性,Osmosis旨在实现无缝的跨链流动性,并使用户能够访问广泛的金融产品和服务。

作为在Cosmos 网络上运行的去中心化 AMM,Osmosis 的主要目标之一是扩展AMM 的整体效用,而不仅仅是促进代币交换。Osmosis不仅仅是一个AMM DEX,还提供了允许开发者使用流动性池构建自己的定制 AMM 的工具。此外,Osmosis 打算让社区能够建立和定制自己的流动性池。这是为了促进DeFi 领域的创新和实验,并为创建满足特定需求和用例的专门流动性池提供支持。

Osmosis的第一个主要创新是超流动抵押模块,允许流动性池中的底层OSMO通证同时进行流动性提供和抵押以保证Osmosis的安全。最新一次Fluorine升级中Osmosis还增加了更多的功能,如稳定币交易自动化市场制造商(stableswap AMM)、IBC速率限制和多跳路由。IBC速率限制是对跨链桥黑客攻击的一种回应措施,它在定义的时间窗口内限制了可以进出Osmosis的代币供应量的上限。



Neutron是一个无需许可的通用消费者链,为Cosmos Hub提供了一个安全且多功能的平台。它的目标是推动Cosmos生态系统的发展,为开发者和用户提供丰富的DeFi应用程序和创新用例。Neutron的设计旨在通过保持与Cosmos Hub的隔离状态,同时提供全面的智能合约功能,为用户带来更大的灵活性和选择性。


Neutron的出现为Cosmos Hub的用户带来了丰富的DeFi应用程序和用例。例如,Lido项目选择在Neutron上发行他们的ATOM流动质押衍生品,这为用户提供了更多的选择和机会参与流动性挖矿和收益优化。此外,其他合作项目如Astroport、Squid、Croncats、Skip Protocol等,也为Neutron带来了更多的创新功能和用例,如跨链能力、资产管理解决方案等。



Injective是一个特定于应用程序的区块链,使用Cosmos SDK构建。它的目标是成为可互操作的去中心化交易基础设施层。与在以太坊、币安智能链或其他Layer-1上运行的去中心化交易所(DEX)不同,Injective协议是在自己的执行层上提供交易服务,并允许第三方无需许可地构建交易平台。所有构建在Injective上的交易平台共享同一个订单簿,以最大化资金利用率。底层的Tendermint Core授予了快速出块时间和即时确定性的能力,使协议能够同时处理大量交易需求,并保持链上安全性。

Injective协议的目标是通过跨链机制将其他链上的流动性引入。这条链允许交易者通过IBC与其他启用IBC的链进行通信,并通过Injective跨链桥与以太坊主网实现互通。这种连通性使得平台能够通过无缝的双向通信积累流动性,并支持来自不同生态系统的代币进行跨链交易。目前该链已经成功实现了与Terra、Cosmos Hub和以太坊网络之间的跨链传输,并计划在今年实现与以太坊虚拟机(EVM)的兼容性。

INJ代币是Injective Protocol的原生和生态治理代币,在协议和生态系统治理、衍生品抵押、协议安全、做市商和中继激励以及交易费用价值捕获等方面发挥重要作用。此外,INJ代币还具有销毁拍卖的独特机制,有助于为整个Injective生态系统积累价值。在2023年,INJ代币的价格从年初的$1.27最高涨至$45.52,涨幅高达3484%。目前INJ价格为$37.20,市值排名为第31名。

In fact, modular blockchain has always been an important part of the narrative of application chain, not something new. It is undoubtedly the most eye-catching among the underlying architectures of many application chains. It provides strong support and rich ecosystem for the development of application chain through the unique modular public chain framework. With the help of interoperability protocols and security mechanisms, different application chains can communicate and interact with each other to realize the flow of data and value across chains. Blocking design concept also makes the development of application chain easier and extensible, which provides a broad space for innovative applications in various industries. Recently, various modular hot projects and innovative cases have emerged in the ecosystem, which further proves the great potential of modular design concept in promoting the commercial application of blockchain technology. As more and more public chains begin to focus on modular development, as one of the first public chains to adopt modular development, it will undoubtedly become a potential winner of this trend. The concept and practice of smart contract client modularization in modular world is not introduced by blockchain technology, but has existed for a long time in the field of software engineering and system design. The origin of modularization can be traced back to the early days of computer science. Computer programs are usually written in a linear way, and the functions are usually coupled together, which makes it difficult to reuse and maintain the code. In order to solve this problem, software engineers began to divide the code into modules or modules. Each module of the function is responsible for a specific function. This modular method makes the code more readable and easy to maintain and reuse. With the development of computer science, the concept of modularity is gradually applied to various fields and technologies. In the white paper written in 2000, a new architecture was introduced in detail, in which blockchain is only used to sort and ensure the availability of transaction data, but is not responsible for the execution and verification of transactions. The purpose of this architecture is to solve the scalability problem of the existing blockchain system. At that time, he called this wisdom. Later, with the appearance of energy contract client, this idea became more certain, and this structure was redefined. For the sake of modular blockchain, it was the first modular public chain in the true sense, but the technology of modular public chain did not appear until now and was built on it and used as its consensus engine. Therefore, the development of modularization was actually earlier, and it has been committed to building a complete application ecosystem through modularization. Last year, the Ecological Development Foundation publicly released the opening of the annual stack. One of the most important goals is to improve the modularity through universal software in order to adapt to specific use cases more easily. The version just launched last month aims to further reduce width consumption and enhance modularity. Visible modularity has always been the strategic core, which is different from a single-layer blockchain. The original idea was to build a decentralized trading storage and value protection platform to encourage cooperative innovation and competition, so we chose to use modular software stacks and interconnected blocks. The chain network is constructed, which enables the center and region of the ecosystem to start a modular blockchain with a self-defined execution environment, and at the same time, make use of the vision of modular and autonomous growth of cross-chain communication, and the number of regions has rapidly increased. Up to now, three of the regions are active. With more and more projects in the public chain layout, it becomes more and more difficult to realize all application scenarios through the traditional single public chain. When developers adopt public chain as the underlying technology, they may need multiple. The public chain is designed for different application scenarios, and the modular public chain makes it easy to build a multi-functional blockchain application. The modular design also rescues the blockchain from the decentralized scalability security in impossible trinity, allowing different modules to take charge of different goals and complete the goals through combined modules instead of requiring one module to complete all the goals. When there are more and more modular public chains that can be combined and expanded, the blockchain projects and applications with various advantages will be geometrically multiplied. Growth is widely used in our daily life. Only then can the public chain network, as the underlying architecture, really support the future world. Blockchain technology has developed rapidly in the past few years and brought revolutionary changes to many industries. However, with the rise of decentralized applications, we also realize that the shared bandwidth system of traditional blockchains may limit its growth. In order to solve this problem, modular architecture design has emerged for developers. Convenient access and engine developers can quickly build a modular specific application chain. In addition to the above mentioned, the public chain built based on modular tools also includes the following hot projects worthy of attention. The modular blockchain network using and technology aims to divide the blockchain function into multiple levels by using modular design and by providing security interoperability and liquidity, developers can use the deployed and other and supported chains. The interactive architecture includes the executive layer, the settlement layer and the consensus layer, and the data layer. The executive layer is responsible for handling transactions and state calculation. The settlement layer and the consensus layer are based on the rights and interests certification chain, and the state replication model is used for networking and consensus, providing security, interoperability and liquidity for services. The data layer is a data availability provider supported by the protocol, and developers can choose the appropriate data availability provider according to their needs. At present, an incentive test network has been launched to allow developers to enter. Deploying without permission in the highly competitive blockchain industry, modular blockchain is gaining more and more attention and status, which is an important part of this trend. Projects like Hehe have made important contributions to the development of blockchain ecosystem through their modular design and innovative solutions. Yes, the total supply of native tokens is 100 million, and it will be airdropped for ecological users. Users can complete the recognition and collection before Beijing time, which is based on construction. Independent application chain, which is also the first application chain in the ecology to integrate cross-chain communication, operates in a way that other similar liquidity providers deposit liquidity into liquidity pools. Traders directly interact with these pools. By using the interoperability provided by the ecosystem, it aims to achieve seamless cross-chain liquidity and enable users to access a wide range of financial products and services. As one of the main goals of decentralization running on the network, it is to expand the overall utility, not just to promote the exchange of tokens. It is not only a tool that allows developers to use liquidity pools to build their own customization, but also intends to enable communities to build. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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