Meme 币「Rug 大师」:一夜变身「Sei 生态 ZachXBT」

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作者:The Light;编译:Luccy,BlockBeats

编者按:近期,Sei 凭借并行 EVM 叙事引起社区注意,其原生代币 SEI 价格涨幅也突破新高,两周涨幅近四倍。伴随着 Sei 受欢迎程度的提升,一名名为 Shadow 的新影响者和其项目 Seidow Token 进入了公众视线。

起初,Shadow 似乎以发现地毯骗局并警告他人为己任,甚至被称为「sei 生态 ZachXBT」。但加密研究员 The Light 从 Shadow 在社交媒体上的活动入手,追踪其一系列交易和行为,发现 Shadow 可能涉及一些不正当的活动,包括对 Sei 生态系统的操控和对 Seidow 项目的投资,并直言指出 Shadow 就是一个 rug 骗子。BlockBeats 将原文编译如下:

一些 Twitter 回复中的 Shadow 表现出的渴望(已存档 NSFW)

TLDR:Shadow 是一个连环骗子,他通过改变策略,从 Sei 生态系统中获取更多资金。Seidow 的推特与最近摧毁该项目的 30% Seidow 持有者有关的骗局有关。他仍然是 Seidow 的大股东,因此他未来的 NFT 铸币和产品可能存在风险。

随着 Sei Network 最近的普及,一个新的影响者因其项目 Seidow Token 和他似乎无私的决心,通过识别 rug 并警告他人而引起关注。关于 Shadow 的背景了解甚少,有些人将他比作 Sei 的 ZachXBT。他的推特只追溯到今年初,而在 Twitter 回复中更深入的搜索只揭示了他对埃及女性的渴望(见上文 NSFW)和对皇家马德里足球俱乐部的热爱。


在 Telegram 的一个小群聊中讨论 Seidow 的新上线时,我第一次注意到了 Shadow。我的朋友 Josei(一个自称是 Seiscan 侦探的人)警告我,在代币首次倾销后,当其开始增加交易量时,他注意到了一些可疑的交易活动。他提到一个钱包持续出价近 5000 美元的代币,占供应的约 30%,而流动性池中的资金不到 10000 美元。他随后联系了开发者(Shadow),尽管开发者否认,他仍然不太确信。他说,「这位开发者自称是 based,逃跑」说得很准确。

与 Shadow 就可疑买家进行的 Telegram 对话,由 Josei 提供

公平地说,团队购买自己的代币供应以实现供应冲击,有时可能是相当看涨的,这并非罕见。然而,一个自称是早期 ETH、BNB、AVAX、SOL 和 SEI 投资者的「基础开发者」,因为他「实在没有 5000 美元可以投」而否认这是他的行为,似乎有点可疑。我的好奇心战胜了我,所以我开始更仔细地研究买家的地址和 Seidow Token。

当查看 Seidow 买家的钱包时,有一些东西立即引起了我的注意。这个钱包之前推出了 rug 代币 $SEITYR,在购买了 $5,000 的 Seidow 后,似乎正在启动一个名为 $SEIJURO 的新 rug 代币。一个随机的买家将这么多资金投入一个新的 Sei 代币已经很奇怪了,但如果这个买家还是推出 rug 代币的人,那我就更加怀疑了。根据我的经验,如果一个骗子在代币上市前这么接近 rug 交易,尤其是使用如此大的规模,通常这个代币就是他们自己的。当我开始深入研究骗子 / 买家从哪里得到 SEI 时,事情变得更加有趣,但我会稍后详述。

Seidow Token 实例化消息元数据

Seidow Token 引起注意的第一件事是它给人的感觉非常低成本。没有制作网站,Twitter 账号只有几篇帖子(尽管它是在 2012 年 4 月创建的),徽标是通过 imgur 上传的(常用于低成本的 rug 项目),而且他们甚至都没费心从 $SEIYAN 的合约中复制代码时更改营销描述。Seidow Token 后来推出了一个 Zyro 构建器网站并更新了他们的徽标,看起来甚至比原来更随便。尽管存在所有这些警告,但发送到 Seidow 的开发者钱包的 SEI 来自 CEX 或桥接,并且由于 Sei 上缺乏更好的分析工具,追踪到此为止。

在我的初步发现后,我将 Seidow Token 视为可能的 rug 项目,认为 Shadow 最终会清仓他们的 30% 代币,删除社交媒体账号,然后每个人都会像大多数炼金术士一样转移到下一个项目。但事实并非如此。Shadow 开始一次又一次地出现在我的时间线上。通常是为了发布有关某个项目是骗局的不准确信息。虽然我认为 Shadow 四处发推传播对新上线项目的无知 FUD 会损害他的声誉,但事实似乎相反。他开始建立一支追随者队伍,积累了庞大的粉丝群体,他们会从一个群组到另一个群组传播他的 FUD。


Shadow 显然是在利用这个方式来建立自己的声望并引起对他代币的关注,而不关心这可能对其他项目和人们的投资造成的损害。随着他的名字越来越频繁地出现,我对 Shadow 的厌恶情绪也在不断增长,我知道他很可能是一个骗子,在最后一刻意识到他可以将一次艰难的 rug 操作转变为一个更大的骗局。但直到我看到 Shadow 下面的评论,导致我想要将我手头的信息与公众分享,并更深入地了解他。

Shadow 狡猾地进入 Sei Network 核心团队

我不能坐视不管,让 Shadow 地毯式抢夺 Sei 基金的任何拨款,所以我开始收集所有的信息,并开始调查他留下的蛛丝马迹。

帮助我早期识别 rug 项目的一个警告是,这个新上线项目使用被回收的 Twitter 账号。骗子使用旧账号,这些账号已经有数百,甚至上千的关注者,试图使他们的项目看起来更合法,但是,真的如此吗?在正常人的脑海中,谁会相信你自 2012 年以来一直在筹划一枚 Sei memecoin 呢?我使用一个存储了以前扫描的 Twitter ID 和用户名的 Twitter 用户名工具,运行了 shadowseidow,看看是否能找到与他的 ID 相关的任何先前的别名。


· 用户名:0xshadow9000


· 用户名:shadowseidow


2015 年 8 月加入,拥有 37,000 名粉丝,但 2024 年 1 月 2 日才开始发推文

奇怪的是,对于一个 2015 年 8 月创建的 Twitter 账号,里面并没有太多信息。所以我接着尝试了代币的账号 seidowtoken,因为它似乎也是一个被回收的账号(创建于 2012 年 4 月)。

找到 4 个用户名:

· 用户名: seitoshitoken


· 用户名:seitadel


· 用户名: seidowtokeb


· 用户名:seidowtoken


Bingo!现在我们有了进展。我知道 Seidow 的启动名字中有一个拼写错误,应该是用 b 而不是 n,正如在 Shadow 的下面的推文中所看到的。这进一步证实了迄今为止的结果。

Tokeb——几乎毫无努力的迹象,根本懒得把 token 拼写正确

Editor's note compiled by the author recently attracted the community's attention with parallel narration, and the price increase of its original tokens also broke through a new high. With the increase of popularity, a new influencer named and his project entered the public eye. At first, it seemed that it was their responsibility to find carpet scams and warn others, and it was even called ecology. However, encryption researchers tracked a series of transactions and behaviors from their activities on social media, and found that some improper activities might be involved, including the manipulation of the ecosystem. Controlling the investment in the project and bluntly pointing out that it is a liar who compiles the original text as follows. The desire shown in some replies has been archived. He is a serial liar. He has obtained more funds from the ecosystem by changing his strategy. Twitter is related to the scam that recently destroyed the project holder. He is still a major shareholder, so his future coins and products may be at risk. With the recent popularity, a new influencer has been identified and warned by his seemingly selfless determination. I know little about the background. Some people compare him to his Twitter dating back to the beginning of this year, but a deeper search in his reply only reveals his desire for Egyptian women and his love for real madrid cf. But that's not the point or the key point. I'm a little impatient. Let's start from the beginning. When we discussed it in a small group chat, I first noticed my friend, a man who claimed to be a detective, warned me to dump tokens for the first time. Later, when he started to increase the trading volume, he noticed some suspicious trading activities. He mentioned that a wallet kept bidding for nearly US dollars of tokens, which accounted for about the supply, and the funds in the liquidity pool were less than US dollars. He then contacted the developer, although the developer denied that he was still not quite sure. He said that the developer claimed to be fleeing, and the dialogue with suspicious buyers was accurate. It is not uncommon that the team bought its own token supply to realize the supply shock. However, a basic developer who claimed to be an early investor denied that his behavior was suspicious because he really didn't have any dollars to invest. My curiosity overcame me, so I began to study the buyer's address more carefully and when I looked at the buyer's wallet, something immediately caught my attention. The wallet had launched a token before, and it seemed that a new token named was being launched after buying it. It was strange that a random buyer put so much money into a new token. Strange, but if this buyer is still the person who launched the token, I am even more skeptical. According to my experience, if a swindler is so close to trading before the token goes on the market, especially if it is used on such a large scale, the token is usually their own. When I start to study in depth where the swindler buyer gets current affairs, it becomes more interesting, but I will elaborate on the instantiation message metadata later. The first thing that attracts attention is that it gives people the impression that it is very low-cost, and there are only a few posts without making a website account. It was created in June, and the logo was uploaded, which is often used for low-cost projects, and they didn't even bother to copy the code from the contract. Later, they launched a builder website and updated their logo, which looks even more casual than before. Despite all these warnings, the source or bridge of the developer's wallet was sent, and because of the lack of better analysis tools in the world, I will regard it as a possible project after my initial discovery, and I think it will eventually. Clear their tokens, delete their social media accounts, and then everyone will move on to the next project like most alchemists, but this is not the case. It starts to appear on my timeline again and again, usually to post inaccurate information about a project as a scam. Although I think that spreading ignorance about the new online project will damage his reputation, the fact seems to be the opposite. He started to build a follower team and accumulated a huge fan base. They will go from one group to another. Another group spread the word that he began to notice a problem. How can a basic developer not understand the basic knowledge? Obviously, he is using this method to build his reputation and attract attention to his tokens, regardless of the damage this may cause to other projects and people's investments. As his name appears more and more frequently, my disgust for it is also growing. I know that he is probably a liar and realized at the last minute that he can turn a difficult operation into a bigger one. But it wasn't until I saw the following comments that I wanted to share my information with the public and get to know him more deeply. I couldn't sit idly by and let the fund grab any funds, so I began to collect all the information and investigate the clues he left to help me identify the project early. A warning is that this new online project uses recycled accounts, and scammers use old accounts. These accounts have already had hundreds or even thousands of followers trying to make him. Our project looks more legal, but is it really? In normal people's minds, who would believe that you have been planning one since? I used a user name tool that stored previously scanned and user names to run it to see if I could find any previous aliases related to him, find two user names, finally check the user names, and finally check the month, year and month to join and have fans, but it is strange that there are not many letters in the account created in a month and year. So I went on to try the token account, because it also seems to be a recycled account, which was created in June, and found a user name, a user name, a user name, a user name, a user name and a user name. Now we have made progress. I know that there is a spelling mistake in the startup name, which should be used instead of as seen in the following tweet. This further confirms that there are almost no signs of efforts so far, and I am too lazy to spell it correctly. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台

在 Twitter 上快速搜索 Seitadel 和 Seitoshitoken 应该会得到一些结果。

Seitoshitoken 和 Seitadel 的 Twitter 搜索结果

如您在上面的截图中所见,尽管所有推文都已被删除,一些 Twitter 提及已更新以显示更改后的用户名。不幸的是,我无法在 wayback 存档 Twitter 搜索结果,所以我的搜索结果可能与您的不同。但在我于 2024 年 1 月 7 日进行搜索时,seidowtokeb 和 siedowtoken 都可以在与这些代币相关的结果中找到,并且时间戳与用户名工具上的最后检查相符。在浏览帖子时,我发现 Coinhall 链接到了这两个代币。

· Seitoshi


12 月 29 日增加了 5,500 SEI 的流动性,并稳定增加了 10,896 SEI。

· Seitadel


12 月 31 日增加了 5,500 SEI 的流动性,并增加了 6,083 SEI。


到目前为止,我已经揭示了 Seidow Twitter 账号与两个先前的 rug 项目有关,但对连接的钱包的简短查看显示了一个比我预期的更为多产的骗子。当我深入挖掘这些钱包是从哪里收到他们的 SEI 时,我开始发现几十个 rug 项目,有些在 Seidow 之前启动,甚至有些在之后启动。因此,我着手绘制所有我能找到的连接钱包和 rug 项目,看看是否有任何一个与我一直认为是持有 Shadow 30% 的人有关。

连接的钱包和 rug 项目的列表是无穷无尽的(查看完整列表),然而,在经过几个小时的审查 Seiscan 之后,终于发现了 Shadow 的 rug 项目 Seitadel 与 30% 的持有人有关,这就是确凿的证据。

已 rug 的 Seitadel 代币与 30% Seidow 买家的联系

事实证明,Shadow 从两个不同的钱包购买了代币,但在一个钱包中提前出售了代币,同时将另一个钱包中的所有代币转移了出去。接下来的步骤是查看那 3.02 亿 Seidow Token 最终流向何处,以及 Shadow 是否仍在持有它们。我通常会查看代币的持有人列表,以检查分布情况,并看看代币被转移到哪里。不幸的是,Seiscan 并不能简单地做到这些。所以我再次找一些朋友寻求帮助,重新查询 Seidow 的持有人。

看来代币并没有移动多远。于 24 年 1 月 7 日检查

当我于 2024 年 1 月 7 日开始收集这些信息时,Shadow 已经在前一天开始转移代币,我只能假设这是为了掩盖他的行踪。他将 3.02 亿个代币从买家钱包发送到了这里。然后,他继续按以下方式进行了分配:

我已经能够在最高持有者的列表中看到他的钱包,但随着我继续进行调查,他继续转移代币。我知道 Seidow 的持有者分布截图已经在一些群聊中传播开来,所以我开始怀疑它已经传回到了 Shadow 那里。在接下来的几天里,我继续监控他的钱包,看他将代币分散到哪里。

Seidow 持有者名单已于 2024 年 1 月 9 日检查。我觉得这样看起来好一些?

我在上面突出显示了一些我能够追溯到 Shadow 最初的 30% 钱包。由于现在在 Seiscan 上的所有东西都开始混在一起,我很大可能漏掉了一些。

在完成这篇有关 Shadow 的揭露时,似乎他已经清仓了大部分的持仓,但仍然保留了一个顶级钱包作为保险。他们展示了与一个自称为 35% Seidow 持有者的「J」进行的对话的截图,考虑到这种对话是不可能伪造的,或者这个 J 实际上是 Shadow 或团队成员。这次清仓的时机与他们发布 Dune 持有人名单的时间吻合。巧合吗?我重新运行了 Seidow 的持有人查询,看看它与他们发布的仪表板有何不同。奇怪的是,Seidow 的分布在我这边看起来要好得多。检查他们的查询时,立即就明白了原因。

Seidow 的持有者列表查询排除了持有超过 2% 的钱包

Seidow 的仪表板只查询余额低于 2% 的持有人。这方便地隐藏了前 3 名持有者,其中之一我们追溯到了 Shadow。

希望现在清楚了 Shadow 有多么伪善,他的行动需要被制止。他已经从一个连环骗子变成了一个庞大的骗子,以他积累的庞大追随者和网络,他可能会摧毁整个 Sei。他已经向他的持有人倾销了数万美元,我确信他不会就此停下。我知道很多人会被持币者的偏见蒙蔽,一些人可能很快原谅,但如果你继续支持他和他的项目,我可以向你保证,你将度过一段糟糕的时光。


我将用一些最后的信息来总结这个问题。其中一个链接的 rug 钱包的交易(也恰好是他发送所有 SEI 的钱包,他刚刚清仓),我认为是向 Shadow 的 CEX 发送的 3,052 SEI,然后他向 Seidow deployer 发送了 2,052 SEI(不是他两小时前发布并摧毁的 Seidow)。我不知道 Shadow 对 52 这个数字的着迷是什么,但你可以在我收集的所有数据底部看到这是一个常见的事件。

我肯定遗漏了一些我收集的信息,但如果你已经看到这里仍然需要更多证据证明 Shadow 是个骗子,那么我很抱歉,你在鸡蛋里挑骨头。现在,为了以更轻松的方式结束,放一张有趣的 GIF 图片,展示了他的一些骗局。

BlockBeats 注:GIF 图片展示可在原文中查看,以下仅为该 GIF 集合中的一张图片。

Shadow the ruggoooor

这是我发现的所有链接钱包、Shadow 发布的骗局和他在之间转移 SEI 的钱包的完整列表。在 1/02/24 由 sei1dw0tjgl8hn6u9trgyej3rruckem0vjvrhjts3x 转入的 SEI 连接到另一个由 CEX 或桥支持的钱包,比下面的骗局还要多,但在这一点上,我已经有了所有需要的信息。


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