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幸运的是,在新成立的数字资产商务委员会和Hut8、Hive、Bitfarms、Iris Energy、Argo和DMG等成员公司的努力下,对应的解决方案出炉。尽管该提议成为法条,但立法者进行了修正,修正后矿工或将有权获得输入销售税抵免,前提是加拿大税务局在案件逐案审查中确定他们以与常规数据中心销售计算服务类似的方式向海外矿池出售算力,这应该适用于加拿大几乎所有的行业参与者。由于数亿美元的税收抵免、就业和投资均悬而未决,该行业当前仍在等待加拿大税务局的反馈和以及对于这些问题的逐案决定。预计将在2024年年初发布更新。


在不列颠哥伦比亚省,Conifex Timber寻求投资于挖矿行业,并对该省的禁令采取了法律行动。在一份公开发布的白皮书中,Conifex概述了省内内阁的行动违反了法律,干扰了监管体系,并实际上违反了政府自己制定的经济、碳减排和和解目标。

在这个具有挑战性的环境中,阿尔伯塔省成为了明显的异类。该省的选举官员认识到数字资产挖掘行业的好处,尤其是在创造高科技就业机会方面(特别是对农村和偏远地区而言),另外在环境和能源系统可持续方面也极具潜力。他们正在积极争取投资并鼓励经济发展。7月,总理Danielle Smith和部长Dale Nally参加了Stampede加拿大区块链联盟的比特币挖掘贸易交流会,而Nate Glubish部长在“Bitcoin Rodeo”上讲述了挖矿的好处。Dale Nally部长更是参加了加拿大区块链联盟的第二届年度德克萨斯贸易交流会。




也许最值得注意的是,Hut8在11月完成了行业历史上最大的并购交易,与US Bitcoin Corp进行了全股票合并。合并后的公司New Hut将设在美国,并凭借大约825兆瓦的总发电量成为北美最大的自主挖矿和高性能计算设施运作者之一。


在硬件方面,我们在2023年看到了一些值得注意的合作。在经过数月的规划、工程开发、实施工厂流程、现场测试和全球协作后,Hive在1月部署了由英特尔的Blockscale ASIC提供动力的BuzzMiner。在今年晚些时候,总部位于多伦多的ePIC Blockchain宣布与Chain Reaction合作,生产ePIC的下一代挖矿系统以用于比特币开采。

矿业公司在2023年进入了新的收入增长领域。DMG通过涉足铭文和序数领域扩大了其业务,并成为该市场的领导者。Hut8与不列颠哥伦比亚省南部的Interior Health签订了一项协议,为其提供安全的合租服务,展现了其比特币开采领域外的扩张。与此同时,Iris Energy开始进军人工智能市场,展示了其扩大其产品和扩展其高性能计算数据中心战略的承诺。

BlockLAB引入了一种创新系统,自2022年开始试点以来,通过利用比特币开采过程中产生的多余热量,为温室运营提供了一种环保和低成本的供暖解决方案。此外,像Upstream Data、CryptoTherm、Bit-Ram和Intelliflex这样的集装箱制造商在北美继续保持其创新的风冷和水冷系统的领导地位。




在政策方面,除了阿尔伯塔省以外,其他地区情况改善的可能性不是很大。不幸的是,联邦自由党并不认为数字资产行业是经济机会,而是将其视为攻击其对立党的机会。比特币价格的反弹或将改变选举计算,但根据民意调查,Justin Trudeau和自由党将继续攻击Pierre Poilievre和保守党对数字资产行业的支持。在省级层面上,官僚惯性将使得在2024年推翻禁令变得不太可能。要想省级政府和电网运营商了解到该行业的好处仍将需要投入大量的时间和精力。



2024 年及以后,加拿大在加密货币开采方面能否取得成功,将取决于该行业能否通过降低成本、提高效率来实现收益,以及能否继续教育公众和政策制定者,让他们了解合理进行加密货币开采的好处并试着去接受。

In, the global bitcoin mining industry gradually recovered from the bottom of the encrypted winter in, and various economic indicators showed a positive change. The price of bitcoin rose, the stock index of listed mining enterprises rose, and the online transaction cost was basically dormant since the middle of the year, which once again became an important part of miners' income. In addition, the costs related to energy custody and hardware decreased in different degrees. However, the situation of bitcoin mining in Canada was slightly chaotic, and the government put pressure on and implemented clear targeting and discrimination in. Some policies of the industry still exist in 2008, which made the whole industry passive in a defensive posture, except Alberta. It is precisely because of this that the main participants in the industry began to look overseas for more favorable opportunities. It is expected that Canada's share of bitcoin global network computing power will drop from the end of the year to the year compared with the previous year, and the decline is even higher. Figure 1 shows that Canada's bitcoin computing power accounts for a significant improvement in the global share economy and global bitcoin mining in 2008 under the shadow of black clouds. After a difficult year, the industry finally took a turn for the better in 2008. The following figure shows that the price of bitcoin has risen, which almost leveled the annual decline. Figure 2 shows the trend of bitcoin price and mining difficulty. The real surprise comes from the recovery of bitcoin network transaction costs. Due to the development of ordinal numbers and inscriptions, the miners' income in the transaction costs has greatly increased. The data shows that the annual transaction costs account for the proportion of block rewards, but the year is only poor. Figure 3 shows the change of transaction costs as a bitcoin miner unit. A comprehensive measure of the income of computing power, the computing power price rose from USD to USD. The reason is that the transaction cost fluctuated significantly in May and December. The average computing power price in the year was USD. The list of the changes of computing power price under the standard of USD 4. Although the year was relatively lucky, the sky in 2008 did not seem so clear. A black cloud was floating in the air, and Bitcoin was halved. This is an event that happens every four years. The direct impact is that the subsidy income in the block will be halved. The second-order impact is full of uncertainty. Some people think that halving the price of bitcoin will push up the price of bitcoin, while others point out that the difficulty of the network will be reduced because of the decrease of computing power and the closure of some miners with low profits. If the transaction cost can continue to be at a high level, as in the last halving event, it can also offset some of the income losses caused by halving the block subsidies. However, the main impact of halving is certain, that is, bitcoin miners will be in the short term. At present, it is expected that the event of halving the income will occur around June, and the government supervision will continue to endanger the mining industry. In addition, the truck drivers' protests occurred in the year when the development of various parts of Canada was blocked. At that time, the mining companies in Canada were particularly targeted at the extremely unfair industrial policy supervision. In fact, the decision made by policy makers at all levels of government was wrong. They distinguished mining machines from other types of computers and imposed specific taxes and electricity charges on them. As well as interconnection regulations, Canada's mining industry changed its completely defensive stance in and began to devote itself to establishing serious, long-term and coordinated institutions to advocate the mining industry. Unfortunately, for the Canadian economy, poor public policies caused the loss of employment, investment and tax revenue in the country. At the national level, the Canadian government showed superb skills in creating uncertainty, which caused damage to employment and investment in the process. In September, the Ministry of Finance did not notify the mining industry in advance. A clarification amendment is proposed to declare that digital asset mining is not a commercial activity in Canada. This proposal will make it impossible for all digital asset mining companies to obtain the import sales tax credit available to all other export enterprises. This unprecedented proposal will generate hidden taxes on the cost of bitcoin mining in Canada and cause irreparable harm to Canadian companies competing in the global competitive market. Fortunately, in the newly established Digital Asset Business Committee and other member companies, Thanks to the efforts of our company, the corresponding solution is released. Although the proposal has become a law, the legislators have amended it, and the miners will have the right to get the import sales tax credit, provided that the Canadian Taxation Bureau determines in the case-by-case review that they sell computing power to overseas mining pools in a way similar to that of the conventional data center. This should apply to almost all industry participants in Canada, and the industry is still waiting for Canada because hundreds of millions of dollars of tax credits for employment and investment are pending. The feedback from the Inland Revenue Department and the case-by-case decisions on these issues are expected to be updated at the beginning of the year. The new interconnection bans in Manitoba, British Columbia, Quebec, New Brunswick and Newfoundland and Labrador are still in effect. These areas have the cleanest, cheapest and richest power resources in the world, attracting investment from the global mining industry, but these provinces unexpectedly choose to close the door of this business instead of taking this opportunity to carry out necessary work to simplify it. Apply for evaluation and improve the flexibility of the power grid system. All provinces expressed concern about the peak of electricity consumption, but ignored or did not understand the inherent flexibility of the mining industry in energy use. However, regardless of the energy use situation, these bans were not used in any other type of computing industry. In British Columbia, they sought to invest in the mining industry and took legal action against the ban in the province. In a publicly released white paper, they summarized that the actions of the cabinet in the province violated the law and interfered with supervision. The system actually violates the government's own economic carbon emission reduction and reconciliation goals. In this challenging environment, Alberta has become an obvious heterogeneous province. The election officials in this province realize the benefits of the digital asset mining industry, especially in creating high-tech employment opportunities, especially in rural and remote areas, and also have great potential in environmental and energy system sustainability. They are actively striving for investment and encouraging the Prime Minister and ministers to participate in the Canadian block. The Bitcoin Mining Trade Fair of the Chain Alliance and the Minister talked about the benefits of mining in the forum. The Minister even participated in the second annual Texas Trade Fair of the Canadian Blockchain Alliance. In Ontario, the Ministry of Energy seems to have given up the plan of excluding cryptocurrency miners in 2008. It is an energy-saving plan that allows participants to reduce the demand for electricity within five peak hours, thus reducing their global adjustment costs. Canadian miners are resilient, open up new markets, and poor policy management cannot prevent Canadian companies from innovating and entering new markets. Perhaps the most notable thing is that they completed the largest in the history of the industry in June. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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