
币圈资讯 阅读:39 2024-04-22 10:47:16 评论:0



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此外,有三只已经提出申请的以太坊现货ETF的最后决定期限为2024年5月底,在此之前,美国SEC需要对批准与否做出最终决策。他们分别是因VanEck Ethereum ETF、Ark 21Shares Ethereum ETF 以及Hashdex Ethereum ETF,最终截止日期在5月23日、5月24日和5月30日。

另据Cointelegraph报道,SEC还必须在6月18日之前对Grayscale的申请做出决定,在7月5日之前对Invesco 的申请做出决定。富达和贝莱德(Balckrock)的申请必须在8月3日和8月7日之前做出决定。

彭博ETF分析师Eric Balchunas表示,他估计ETH现货ETF在5月份获得批准的可能性为70%。


以太坊现货 ETF 是一种在证券交易所上市和交易的投资基金,其目标是追踪以太坊(ETH)的价格表现。

与直接购买或持有 ETH 不同,投资者通过购买以太坊现货 ETF 的股票,可以间接地获得 ETH 价格波动的敞口,而无需管理或存储 ETH。这样,投资者可以避免一些与 ETH 直接交易相关的风险和障碍,如安全性、数字钱包、监管不确定性、流动性不足等。



巨头入局,以太坊现货 ETF还会远吗?

以太坊现货 ETF 的申请是在比特币现货 ETF 的背景下提出的。比特币现货 ETF 是追踪比特币价格的 ETF,其申请历经多年的挫折和拖延,直到 2024 年 1 月 11 日,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)终于批准了 10 个比特币现货 ETF 的上市和交易。这是加密货币市场的一个历史性的突破,也为其他加密货币的 ETF 申请打开了大门。

据The Block引援雅虎财经数据,美国现货比特币ETF第二天交易量已达到10亿美元。

比特币现货 ETF 的成功表明,市场对加密货币的 ETF 有着强烈的需求和兴趣,尤其是那些传统的、保守的、机构的投资者,他们希望通过一个受监管的、便捷的、低成本的渠道,参与到加密货币的投资中。

在比特币现货 ETF 获批后,业界立即推动以太坊现货 ETF 的申请,因为以太坊的市场结构类似于交易型 CME 期货市场和现货市场。

可以说,以太坊的市值也仅次于比特币,占据了加密货币市场的第二位,其交易量也非常活跃,每日超过 100 亿美元。以太坊的技术创新和生态发展也非常迅速,支持了无数的 DApp 和去中心化金融(DeFi)项目,为加密货币市场提供了更多的价值和可能性。

根据公开信息,目前已有 6 个以太坊现货 ETF 的申请提交给了 SEC,分别来自于以下机构:

资产管理巨头贝莱德(BlackRock),其申请的 ETF 名为 iShares 以太坊信托(iShares Ethereum Trust);

加密货币专业机构灰度(Grayscale),其申请的 ETF 是将其现有的以太坊信托(Grayscale Ethereum Trust,ETHE)转换为 ETF;

资产管理公司 Vaneck,其申请的 ETF 名为 Vaneck 以太坊信托(Vaneck Ethereum Trust);

投资管理公司 Invesco 和 Galaxy Digital 合作,其申请的 ETF 名为 Invesco Galaxy 以太坊信托(Invesco Galaxy Ethereum Trust);

投资管理公司 ARK Invest 和 21Shares 合作,其申请的 ETF 名为 ARK 21Shares 以太坊信托(ARK 21Shares Ethereum Trust);

数字资产管理公司 Hashdex,其申请的 ETF 名为 Hashdex 以太坊信托(Hashdex Ethereum Trust)。

这些机构都是在加密货币领域有着丰富经验和良好声誉的,他们的申请显示了对以太坊现货 ETF 的信心和期待。

他们的申请也参考了比特币现货 ETF 的申请过程和要求,力求符合 SEC 的标准和期望。例如,他们都选择了美国最大的加密货币交易所 Coinbase 作为其 ETH 的托管人,以保证其 ETH 的安全和合规。

他们也都与 Coinbase 签订了市场监督协议,以便与 SEC 分享市场数据和监管信息,以防止市场操纵和欺诈行为。他们还指出,以太坊期货已经在芝加哥商业交易所(CME)上市,且已有以太坊期货 ETF 获批,这表明以太坊的市场成熟度和监管合规性。


如果以太坊现货 ETF 获得 SEC 的批准,那么它将对以太坊本身、加密货币市场和传统金融市场都产生重大的影响。具体来说,可以从以下几个方面进行分析:

以太坊现货 ETF 的批准将提升以太坊的知名度、信誉和合法性,使其更加接近主流金融的认可和接受。这将吸引更多的资金流入以太坊,推动其价格上涨和市值增长。

同时,以太坊现货 ETF 的批准也将促进以太坊的技术创新和生态发展,激励更多的开发者和用户参与到以太坊平台和 DApp 中,增加其网络效应和价值捕获。此外,以太坊现货 ETF 的批准也将为其他基于以太坊的加密货币,如 ERC-20 代币和 NFT,提供更多的曝光和机会,扩大其市场规模和影响力。

以太坊现货 ETF 的批准将为传统金融市场提供一个新的、有潜力的、多元化的投资工具,增加其对加密货币的敞口和参与度。

这将促进传统金融市场和加密货币市场的互动和融合,加速加密货币的普及和应用。同时,以太坊现货 ETF 的批准也将为其他加密货币的 ETF 申请创造先例和条件,拓宽加密货币的 ETF 品种和规模,丰富投资者的选择和机会。


以太坊现货 ETF 是一种追踪以太坊价格的 ETF,其申请是在比特币现货 ETF 获批后提出的,目前已有 6 个以太坊现货 ETF 的申请提交给了 SEC。

如果以太坊现货 ETF 获得 SEC 的批准,那么它将对以太坊本身、加密货币市场和传统金融市场都产生重大的影响,推动以太坊的知名度、信誉、技术创新、生态发展、价格上涨和市值增长,吸引更多的资金和投资者参与到加密货币的投资中,促进传统金融市场和加密货币市场的互动和融合,加速加密货币的普及和应用。

    The United States will make a decision on the approval of five Ethereum spot before the end of the month, but it may be postponed until June to make the final decision. In addition, the final decision deadline for three Ethereum spot that have applied is the end of the year. Before that, the United States needs to make a final decision on whether to approve or not. They are due to the fact that the final deadline is on the month, the month, the day and the month. It is also reported that the application must be decided before the month, and the application of Fidelity and BlackRock must be made on the month and the day. Make a decision before June, Bloomberg analyst said that he estimated the possibility that the spot will be approved in January, and the application for the spot, also known as Ethereum Spot, may be approved soon. Ethereum Spot is an investment fund listed and traded on the stock exchange, and its goal is to track the price performance of Ethereum and directly buy or hold different investors, which can indirectly gain exposure to price fluctuations without management or storage, so that investors can avoid some direct and direct. Risks and obstacles related to transactions, such as security, uncertainty of digital wallet supervision, insufficient liquidity, etc. Simply speaking, Ethereum spot is an investment fund listed and traded on the stock exchange. It directly holds Ethereum as the underlying asset to track the price performance of Ethereum. This investment method provides investors with a convenient and safe way to participate in the cryptocurrency market without worrying about security and digital wallet. It can also be said that it can make investors more easily pick up. Touching Ethereum, an innovative and potential encrypted asset, does not require complicated technical knowledge or high transaction costs. In addition, because Ethereum spot is traded on traditional stock exchanges, it is also subject to stricter supervision and transparency requirements, thus increasing investors' confidence and protecting the giants from entering the market. Will Ethereum spot be far behind? The application for Ethereum spot is made against the background of Bitcoin spot, which tracks the price of Bitcoin. Its application has been frustrated for many years. Fold and delay until the US Securities and Exchange Commission finally approved the listing and trading of a bitcoin spot, which was a historic breakthrough in the cryptocurrency market and opened the door for the application of other cryptocurrencies. According to Yahoo's financial data, the trading volume of the US spot bitcoin reached US$ 100 million the next day. The success of the bitcoin spot shows that the market has a strong demand and interest in cryptocurrencies, especially those investors from traditional conservative institutions who hope to pass a prison. Convenient and low-cost channels to participate in the investment of cryptocurrency, after the approval of bitcoin spot, the industry immediately promoted the application of Ethereum spot, because the market structure of Ethereum is similar to transactional futures market and spot market, it can be said that the market value of Ethereum occupies the second place in the cryptocurrency market after bitcoin, and its trading volume is also very active. The technological innovation and ecological development of Ethereum, which exceeds 100 million US dollars a day, has also rapidly supported countless and decentralized financial projects for encryption. The money market provides more value and possibility. According to the public information, at present, an application for Ethereum spot has been submitted to BlackRock, the asset management giant of the following institutions. Its application is called Ethereum Trust Cryptographic Currency Professional Organization Gray, and its application is to convert its existing Ethereum Trust into an asset management company. Its application is called Ethereum Trust Investment Management Company and its application is called Ethereum Trust Investment Management Company and its application is called Ethereum. Trust Digital Asset Management Company's application is called Ethereum Trust. These institutions have rich experience and good reputation in the field of cryptocurrency. Their applications show confidence and expectation in Ethereum spot. Their applications also refer to the standards and expectations that Bitcoin spot application process and requirements strive to meet. For example, they all choose the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the United States as their custodian to ensure its safety and compliance. They also signed market supervision agreements with them to With the sharing of market data and regulatory information to prevent market manipulation and fraud, they also pointed out that Ethereum Futures has been listed on Chicago Mercantile Exchange and has been approved, which shows the market maturity and regulatory compliance of Ethereum. If Ethereum spot is approved, it will have a significant impact on Ethereum's own cryptocurrency market and traditional financial market. Specifically, it can be analyzed from the following aspects. The approval will enhance the popularity, credibility and legitimacy of Ethereum, and make it closer to the recognition and acceptance of mainstream finance, which will attract more funds into Ethereum to promote its price increase and market value growth. At the same time, the approval of Ethereum spot will also promote the technological innovation and ecological development of Ethereum, encourage more developers and users to participate in Ethereum platform and increase its network effect and value capture. In addition, the approval of Ethereum spot will also provide other cryptocurrencies based on Ethereum, such as tokens and. More exposure and opportunities to expand its market scale and influence. The approval of Ethereum spot will provide a new and potential diversified investment tool for the traditional financial market and increase its exposure and participation in cryptocurrency, which will promote the interaction and integration between the traditional financial market and cryptocurrency market and accelerate the popularization and application of cryptocurrency. At the same time, the approval of Ethereum spot will also create precedents and conditions for the application of other cryptocurrencies, broaden the variety and scale of cryptocurrency, and enrich the choice of investors. The choice and opportunity are written in the end. Ethereum spot is a kind of tracking the price of Ethereum. Its application was made after Bitcoin spot was approved. At present, an application for Ethereum spot has been submitted. If Ethereum spot is approved, it will have a great impact on Ethereum itself, the cryptocurrency market and the traditional financial market, and promote the popularity and reputation of Ethereum, technological innovation, ecological development, price rise and market value growth, attract more funds and investors to participate in the investment of cryptocurrency, promote the interaction and integration between traditional financial market and cryptocurrency market, and accelerate the popularization and application of cryptocurrency. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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