并行 EVM:2024 年最大的叙事

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作者:Techandtips123 来源:Binance 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

并行 EVM 是一种通过同时运行多个交易来使以太坊网络更快、更高效的方法。 

为了以简单的方式解释并行 EVM,假设您有一些工作要做(例如 - 为您的聚会做饭)。所以,你叫你的朋友分担工作,A 去市场带东西,B 安排餐具和其他东西,C 切蔬菜和东西,D 做饭。因此,与其依靠一个人,不如将工作分摊给 4 个人,这样可以减少时间并提高效率。 

并行 EVM 如何工作?


然而,有时交易量太大,一个人无法单独处理。这会减慢网络速度并使人们更难使用它。这就是创建并行 EVM 的原因:允许多人同时处理不同的事务。这样,网络可以在更短的时间内处理更多的交易,并减少拥塞和费用(在现实世界中的麻烦和时间)。 


并行 EVM 挑战 

并行 EVM 不容易实现或维护。它需要独特的设计和测试,以确保一切都能很好地协同工作。它还存在一些需要考虑的挑战和权衡。例如:

?并行EVM可能会增加相互依赖的交易之间发生冲突的风险。并行 EVM 可能需要运行它的网络节点提供更多资源。

?并行EVM可能会影响一些依赖顺序执行的功能或应用程序。并行 EVM 仍然是以太坊生态系统中的一些项目正在开发的实验性功能。 


顶级并行 EVM 项目

?$BE- SEI 网络(0.30 美元) 

在 Sei 区块链中,验证者接收区块并更新网络状态。它们遵循特定的操作顺序:BeginBlock、DeliverTx 和 EndBlock。这些操作可以定制。在 Sei 中,并行化用于提高事务处理期间的性能。


?$NEON - NEON EVM ( 0.82$) 

Neon EVM 是一个以太坊虚拟机,作为 Solana 上的智能合约运行。它使开发人员能够直接部署以太坊 dApp,无需更改代码,同时受益于 Solana 的技术优势,并且所有构建都以安全性、去中心化和可持续性为首要考虑。


?Monad - 代币待定

Monad 是一个创新的L1智能合约平台,标志着新一代区块链扩展技术的诞生。它提供快速交易处理功能,每秒可处理多达 10,000 笔交易,区块时间仅为一秒,即时完成。


并行 EVM 为何受到关注

由于铭文热,主要网络出现中断,交易费用也随之飙升。但是,SEI 保持稳定。


并行 EVM 可以同时处理多个交易,这意味着更多用户可以同时与网络互动。这可以提升用户体验,减少网络拥塞。

并行 EVM 可以比顺序执行更快地验证和完成交易,这意味着用户无需等待很长时间就能看到自己的交易反映在区块链上。这还可以减少Gas费用,提高安全性。

并行 EVM 的确是区块链领域的一大飞跃。如果实施得当,它可以减少G as费,并在某种程度上减少网络中断,就像我们在主要的 L1 和 L2 的铭文传奇中看到的那样。 这种说法很新鲜,需要适当关注。在投资该领域之前,请务必做好充分研究。

Parallelism is a way to make the Ethereum network faster and more efficient by running multiple transactions at the same time. In order to explain parallelism in a simple way, suppose you have some work to do, such as cooking for your party, so you ask your friends to share the work, take things to the market, arrange tableware and other things, cut vegetables and cook, so instead of relying on one person, it is better to share the work with individuals, which can reduce time and improve efficiency. Parallelism is similar to this idea. It uses computers and codes. The Ethereum network is like your party cooking. Many people are dealing with different transactions that make up the blockchain. Each transaction has a specific function or purpose, such as remittance or creating a token network. Each transaction is distributed to the staff who can execute it on the Ethereum virtual machine. The virtual machine is like a computer program running on the blockchain, and then the staff sends its results back to the network and combines them into the last block in the network. However, sometimes it is handed over. The amount of transaction is too large for one person to handle alone, which will slow down the speed of the network and make it more difficult for people to use it. This is the reason for creating parallelism, which allows many people to handle different transactions at the same time, so that the network can handle more transactions in a shorter time and reduce congestion and costs. The parallel challenge in the real world is not easy to achieve or maintain. It requires unique design and testing to ensure that everything can work together well. It also has some challenges and trade-offs, such as Lines may increase the risk of conflicts between interdependent transactions. Parallelism may require the network nodes running it to provide more resources. Parallelism may affect some functions or applications that depend on sequential execution. Parallelism is still an experimental function that some projects in the Ethereum ecosystem are developing. It may not be available or stable for everyone, but if it is widely adopted and improved, it can make Ethereum faster and more efficient for everyone. The top parallel project network dollar is in the blockchain. Verifiers receive blocks and update the network status. They follow a specific operation sequence and these operations can be customized in parallel to improve the performance during transaction processing. It is an Ethereum virtual machine running as an intelligent contract on the internet. It enables developers to directly deploy Ethereum without changing the code and benefit from the technical advantages. All constructions take security decentralization and sustainability as the primary considerations. Tokens to be determined are an innovative intelligent contract platform, marking a new generation of areas. The birth of blockchain expansion technology provides fast transaction processing function, which can process up to one transaction per second. Blocking time is only one second. Why is parallelism concerned? Because of the interruption of major networks, transaction costs have soared, but it remains stable and parallel, which means that more users can interact with the network at the same time, which can improve the user experience and reduce network congestion. Parallel can verify and complete transactions faster than sequential execution, which means that users do not have to wait. For a long time, you can see your own transactions reflected in the blockchain, which can also reduce costs and improve security. Parallelism is indeed a big leap in the blockchain field. If it is properly implemented, it can reduce costs and reduce network interruption to some extent, as we have seen in the main and inscription legends. This statement is very new and needs proper attention. Please do a full study before investing in this field. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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