Eigenlayer + LRT 撸空投最全攻略

币圈资讯 阅读:38 2024-04-22 10:43:21 评论:0



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作者:CapitalismLab 来源:X,@NintendoDoomed

TIA 破 $20B,ETH 加强版 TIA - Eigenlayer 的空投预期也被拉的非常高,更有基于 Eigen 的 LRT 赛道可以实现双重撸积分,这是一个确定性较高的机会。这里将带来 Eigenlayer + LRT 撸空投最全攻略,从流动性、收益、背景全方位分析多个项目及其高收益玩法,本 Tread 将长期更新



- 你可以存 ETH 或者 LST 到 Eigenlayer 获取 points

- LRT 就是你把 ETH 或者 LST 存到这些项目里面,他们再去存 Eigenlayer,不但把 Eigen points 分给你,自己的空投也会分给你,实现双重挖矿

- LRT 项目还会发 LRT 代币给你,方便你像 stETH 一样可以随时卖掉退出,不过目前这个只有部分项目支持

目前主要有四家参与者,更多还在开发中,我们后续会在本 Thread 持续补充

1. ether_fi

- 规模适中,流动性好,退出损耗低,已支持 unstake,大资金进出方便

- 背景较好,Arthur Hayes 有投资

- 目前参与即可领取 EigenLayer points 和 etherfi 自己的 loyal points,都有空投预期

- 有高级玩法扩大收益,具体参见下文

- 链接:https://app.ether.fi/eeth?address=0x307225Bc52ef0fEDAa67b626996c0E74cEA924Ee

2. swellnetworkio

- 规模最大,流动性适中,可以通过swap退出,退出损耗不确定

- 背景较好,部分知名VC投资

- 目前参与仅可获得 swell pearl 积分,等 1月29日 Eigenlayer 开放存款后,存入 swETH 进 eigenlayer 可以获得 Eigenlayer points

- swell 即将推出 LRT 的 rswETH ,推出后直接参与也可以双挖,推出时间不确定

- 有高级玩法扩大收益,具体参见下文

- 链接:https://app.swellnetwork.io/?ref=0x307225bc52ef0fedaa67b626996c0e74cea924ee

3. KelpDAO

- 规模适中,LRT还没发,暂时无法退出

- 老牌项目 Stader 推出的新项目,Stader 已经运营两年了

- 目前参与仅可获得 KelpDAO 积分,等 1月29日 Eigenlaye 开放存款后,目前存的币会被转入 Eigenlayer,获得双重积分,也可以到时候再参与

- 链接:https://kelpdao.xyz/restake/?utm_source=capitalismlab

4. RenzoProtocol

- 规模小,目前无法退出,有流动性需求的大资金不太适合,可以先观察一段时间

- 背景不明,有知道的朋友欢迎在评论中补充

- 链接:https://app.renzoprotocol.com/?ref=0x307225bc52ef0fedaa67b626996c0e74cea924ee


- 灵活性上 etherfi 和 swell 比较好,想熟悉的人建议先玩玩 ether fi

- 收益上etherfi 和 renzo 目前就可以双挖,其他要等1月29日

- 背景上来说 etherfi,swell和kelpdao 都还不错



etherfi 存 ETH 以及持有 eETH 均可获取积分,目前高级玩法扩大收益的方式有两种,其一是它给了 DeFi LP 双倍的 loyal points 收益,目前已经支持了多个协议,资金容量最大,收益最高的应该就是 @pendle_fi


此外由于支持了 Pendle ,还可以通过购买Pendle 的 YT 进一步扩大收益,具体怎么玩,简单来说就是如果你觉得 6月27日前,EtherFi 的双重积分收益高于 implied APY/24.03%,你购买 YT 就能赚钱,1 eETH 的积分会给到持有 1YT 的用户

Pendle 原理参见:https://twitter.com/NintendoDoomed/status/1637025920102940672

也推荐 @ViNc2453 的推文 https://twitter.com/ViNc2453/status/1745073168220618799


规模大,流动性适中可以swap退出,背景好,但是1月29日存swell进 Eigen 才能双挖。链接:


swell 本来是做 LST 的,最近加入 Eigenlayer 后增长迅速,团队也顺势宣布将推出 LRT - rswETH。由于swETH规模已经很大,所以社区有着比较高的预期。


目前stake ETH 为 swETH 或者持有 swETH 均可获取积分,但是其也支持 DeFi 在获取更高的收益的同时获取 swell 积分,目前来看也是 Eigenlayer 和 Pendle 系占主流


由于 swell 积极参与了 Pendle 系的 Bribe,所以有着比较高的体量和收益,也可以通过 Pendle 系的 bribe 来撸 swell 积分,推荐观看 @ViNc2453 的推文:https://twitter.com/ViNc2453/status/1740281408592228787

swell 这边可以考虑先去 Pendle 挖矿,等 1月29日再提取出来存进 Eigenlayer,或者按兵不动不同等 1月29日 或 rswETH


背景还可以,但暂时无法退出, 以及等 1月29日 Eigenlayer 开放存款后可以获得双重积分。链接:https://kelpdao.xyz/restake/?utm_source=capitalismlab

KelpDAO 目前这边还没发 LRT 代币,也没有 DeFi 可以玩。如果非常想撸 KelpDAO 积分的话,可以先存 stETH 或者 ETHx 进去就会开始积累 KelpDAO 积分,1月29日它会自动存进 Eigenlayer 开启双挖。



好处是目前早期阶段 ezpoints 有双倍。这个项目需要做更多的 dyor ,另外对于项目方的背景方面建议大家多看看官方推特,有助于获得一定的信息


- 灵活性上 etherfi 和 swell 比较好

- 收益上etherfi 和 renzo 目前就可以双挖,其他要等1月29日

- 背景上来说 etherfi,swell和kelpdao 都还不错

后续针对更新以及新项目,我们会在本 Thread 下持续更新,还会考虑针对重点项目推出独立的 Thread

The author's source, the enhanced version of airdrops, is expected to be very high, and the track based on it can achieve double points. This is a highly certain opportunity, which will bring the most comprehensive raiders of airdrops. From the perspective of liquidity and income background, it will be updated for a long time and its high-yield gameplay will be too long. I don't want to see us summarize the principle first. You can save or get it, that is, you can save it or save it in these projects, and they will not only distribute the airdrops distributed to you, but also realize double. The mining project will also give you tokens for your convenience. You can sell and quit at any time as usual. However, at present, this project is only supported by some projects. At present, there are mainly four participants, and more of them are still under development. We will continue to supplement this project. The scale is moderate, the liquidity is good, and the exit loss is low. The investment has been supported, and it is convenient to get in and out. At present, you can get it if you participate in it, and you can get it if you have your own airdrops. See the link below for details. Some well-known investments with good uncertain background can only get points when they participate in the current project. After opening the deposit on March, etc., they can directly participate in the upcoming launch or double-dig the launch time. It is uncertain that there are advanced games to expand the income. For details, see the link below. The new project launched by the old project has been in operation for two years, and the current participation can only get points. After opening the deposit on March, etc., the current currency will be transferred to get double points, and they can also participate again then. The link scale is small, and it is not suitable for large funds with liquidity demand at present. You can observe it for a period of time. Friends with unknown background and knowledge are welcome to add links in the comments. Generally speaking, those who are flexible and want to be familiar with it suggest that you play with the benefits first, and you can double-tap others at present. In terms of the background, the liquidity benefits and background are good, which are suitable for both large funds and people who want to test the water. After all, if you want to quit, you can save and hold the links with low loss. At present, there are two ways to increase the income of advanced gameplay. First, it has given double income. At present, it has supported multiple agreements. The maximum income should be that in addition, due to the support, you can further expand the income through purchase. Simply put, if you think that the income of double points before the month is higher than that of your purchase, the points will be given to the users who hold them. See also recommended tweet principle: large scale, moderate liquidity and good background. However, it was originally done to double-dig links only after the recent joining, and the rapidly growing team also announced that it would launch a tweet which is recommended to watch by the department because of its large scale, so the community has high expectations. However, it also supports obtaining points while obtaining higher income. At present, it is also the mainstream of the department, so it has a relatively high volume and income because of its active participation in the department. Here, we can consider mining first. Withdraw it and deposit it on the day of the month or stay put. It's ok to wait for the day of the month or the background, but you can't withdraw for the time being. You can get the double points link after opening the deposit on the day of the month. At present, you haven't issued tokens or played here. If you really want to accumulate points, you can deposit it first or enter it, and you will start to accumulate points. On the day of the month, it will automatically deposit and open the double digging. It's small in scale, but you can't withdraw from the large funds with liquidity requirements at present. It's not suitable to observe The advantage of adding links in the comments is that there are twice as many projects in the early stage. In addition, as for the background of the project, I suggest that you look at the official tweets more, which will help you get some information. Generally speaking, it is flexible and better. At present, you can double-dig other projects. In the background, it is not bad. We will continue to update and new projects in the future, and we will consider launching independent ones for key projects. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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