无需主网结算来进行 BTC 交易?Tectum 提出了新的解决方案

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区块链发展至今,公链开发者的努力方向都是更高效的智能合约公链,从 Avanlanche 的子网,到 NEAR 的分片,再到 Solana 的 PoS+PoH 等。智能合约公链就是 Web3 领域的「操作系统」,其上可以发展出无数的应用来形成一个整体的「公链生态」。

但区块链这项技术本身的功能似乎并未被充分挖掘,其在数据、支付等领域同样能发挥很多现有技术无法支持的功能。Tectum 就是一个充分挖掘了「区块链」本身价值的尝试,其最核心的目标就是作为其他公链或项目的「覆盖层」,利用结算速度优势提高交易本身的效率。

Tectum 如何实现「百万级 TPS」?

Tectum 在官网表示其 TPS 可以达到 100 万笔每秒,目前该数字可能还未经过压力测试,但 Tectum 的网路架构和机制设计确实有大大提升区块链交易确认速度的潜力。


Tectum 区块链包含了主节点池、节点和去中心化数据库等组件。主节点池会随机选出一个「选举节点」,选举节点提议将要打包进区块的交易并创建一系列区块,生成「交易+最后一个区块 hash」的信息。主节点池会将「选举节点」选择的交易发送独立的节点上,节点同样按照「一笔交易一个区块」生成大量的区块,并将加入区块的交易和最后一个区块的hash一起发送回主节点池。当每个独立节点生成的最后一个区块 hash 与选举节点生成的信息匹配时,所有的区块都会被同时提交上链。


Tectum 表示,其一个网络周期持续 200 毫秒,也就是说 Tectum 生成一系列区块的时间仅为 200 毫秒。Tectum 网络从一开始就是为了「高速」而设计的:Tectum 的主网将只存储 hash 而不存储数据,数据存储在最底层的网络中,Tectum 的去中心化数据库将对这些数据进行映射便于索引。如此,大量的交易数据并不在 Tectum 主网上,但仍然可以在网络协议内和通过区块链浏览器立即验证和公开访问,并为不同的交易相关模块提供不同级别的可访问性。


Tectum 的实用性证明共识机制的核心在于「可验证的随机性」:每秒选举超过五次新的主节点,并采用动态节点评级系统来确保遵守链治理规则,这意味着行为不当的节点会很快受到惩罚并被删除。每个节点都会创建自己的区块系列,这些区块由主节点以最大化速度的方式进行验证,支持网络随着计算资源的增加而不断扩展。实用性证明不会因低效和能源密集型计算而浪费资源。

Tectum 的区块大小只有 120 字节,每个区块仅包含一笔交易。此外,Tectum 在其区块链架构中利用特殊的 hash 算法以保持完整性和共识,同时最大限度地减少需要通过网络传输的数据包的大小和数量。


Tectum 在官网文档中表示,基本的通信结构分为两种,星型(STAR)结构是由节点1将信息传输至节点2,节点2在传输至节点集群;环型(RING)结构则是节点1至4依次传播,1和4首尾相连。Tectum 将二者结合,其中「选举节点」将数据分发到环结构中的主节点,然后主节点将数据分发到星结构中各自的名义节点集群。独立节点的集群使用环形结构相互连接。


对于提高比特币转账效率的尝试已经进行了很多年,从侧链到闪电网络,这些方案的基本思路仍在于转账的对象仍是比特币本身,基于 Tectum 开发的产品 Softnote 则提供了一种新的思路:如果只是转移代表着比特币数量的「票据」呢?

Softnote 是一种基于 Tectum 区块链的新工具,能够实现快速交易,并且交易不消耗任何费用。用户可以在创建使用比特币节点生成的 Softnote 钱包后花费 Tectum 原生代币 TET 铸 Softnote 账单。

在完成铸造后,用户可以向账单中填充比特币来「激活」账单,之后该账单就代表了所填充比特币数量的购买力并可以在 Tectum 网络上进行高速交易,而账单的收款需要支付最高 1% 的费用。

此外,账单的支付和转移甚至可以通过电子邮件完成,并且不会记录在比特币的区块链上。 因此,SoftNote 可以实现具有完全隐私的零费用、即时交易。作为收款方,在收到账单后,可以解锁账单上的比特币。这一设计在某些角度上有些类似于闪电网络,都是节约了交易本身的成本,成本仅在结算时产生,但 Tectum 的解决方案在成本和速度上都要更胜一筹。

当然,Tectum 的解决方案不止可以用在比特币之上,其目前还支持 USDT 和 TRX,在未来加密货币,尤其是比特币和稳定币被大规模用于支付的预期下,Tectum 的解决方案可以实现无成本且高速的支付体验,具有很大的想象空间。


当下的 Web3 市场非常注重原生应用的发展,而区块链技术与生俱来的适合支付、交易的特点似乎越来越被忽略。但好的一点是,很多传统金融机构开始越来越重视技术本身带来的优势,摩根大通尝试资产代币化来提高结算效率、PayPal 发行美元稳定币,还有 Ripple 持续在支付领域的深耕。包括美国证券交易委员会主席也表示其承认以区块链技术为代表的分布式账本确实是一种创新。


Tectum 在区块链本身的结构上进行了大胆的创新,其设计本身并不为是为智能合约准备的,而是专注于交易确认速度,并将与交易有关的大量数据均存储在底层网络上,让结算层实现尽可能的轻量级,并利用将资产锁定并生成「票据」的方式让资产映射在 Tectum 上,利用 Tectum 的高速网络实现实时支付。


事实上,在很多法定货币波动幅度远超加密货币的小国,闪电网络已经成为了一种日常的支付方式。但闪电网络的支付仅限于比特币,USDT也早已停止了对Omni的支持,而如果 Tectum 可以被广泛接收并成为比特币甚至稳定币支付的替代方案,基于 Tectum 网络的交易确认速度,其更是可以超越已有的限制,支持更大规模的并发需求。


DePIN 的「救世主」

除了支付之外,Tectum 的特性也可以用在 DePIN 等当下基础设施并不非常完善的领域。

DePIN 领域较多被提及的物联网赛道,由于其对数据传输、交易确认的速度要求极其之高,当前很难有原生的 Web3 基础设施提供支持,而 Tectum 作为「覆盖层」可以与其他区块链有更高的兼容性,从而协助 DePIN 网络进行数据传输与确认,赋能早已被市场遗忘的「区块链+实体行业」赛道。而这个当年因基础设施简陋而被嘲笑为「天方夜谭」的赛道,可能会在未来成为 Web3 的一个重要商业领域。

当前,Helium Mobile 使用了 Solana 网络作为底层区块链基础设施就是因为 Solana 的交易确认速度在智能合约公链中位居前列。但 Solana 网络区块中所打包的交易有相当一部分并非实际的用户交易数据,而是与共识相关,物联网数据对其实际的交易确认速度来说仍然具有挑战性。

Tectum 为 DePIN 提供了数据层的解决方案,相关项目仍可以在已有的智能合约上构建,同时数据不一定需要在「链下」进行传输和确认,而也可以使用「链上解决方案」,在去中心化的前提下解决了去信任化的顽疾。

Tectum 此前已推出了原生代币的质押功能,据钱包数据显示,当前 Tectum 原生代币 TET 的质押量已达约 64.5 万,按照当前代币价格计算质押的价值已超过了 2000 万美元,Tectum也将逐渐成长为一个去中心化的网络,并随着生态的逐渐扩大,为质押者和网络其他参与者提供更多的价值。

Since the development of blockchain, the efforts of public chain developers are all more efficient. The public chain of intelligent contracts is the operating system of the field, and countless applications can be developed to form a whole public chain ecology. However, the function of blockchain itself seems to have not been fully tapped. It can also play many functions that cannot be supported by the existing technology in the fields of data payment, which is an attempt to fully tap the value of blockchain itself. The goal of the heart is to improve the efficiency of the transaction itself by taking advantage of the settlement speed as the covering layer of other public chains or projects. In official website, it is said that it can reach 10,000 transactions per second. At present, the number may not have passed the stress test, but the network architecture and mechanism design does have the potential to greatly improve the transaction confirmation speed of the blockchain. The lightweight main network architecture blockchain includes the main node pool node and the decentralized database. The main node pool will randomly select an election node. Propose the transactions to be packaged into blocks and create a series of blocks to generate the information of the last block of transactions. The master node pool will send the transactions selected by the election nodes to independent nodes. The nodes on one block will also generate a large number of blocks according to one transaction and send the transactions added to the blocks back to the master node pool together with the last block. When the last block generated by each independent node matches the information generated by the election node, all blocks will be submitted to the uplink at the same time. In essence, the election node defines the blocks to be created and submits them to the master node pool for arbitration after creation. If the master node thinks that the election node creates blocks effectively, it will send the same transaction to other nodes to confirm that the finally generated block information is consistent, so as to ensure that the election node does not cheat on the block information, which means that one network cycle lasts milliseconds, that is to say, the time for generating a series of blocks is only milliseconds. The main network designed for high speed from the beginning will only store. However, the decentralized database that does not store data and stores it in the lowest-level network will map these data to facilitate indexing. Such a large amount of transaction data is not on the main network, but it can still be immediately verified and publicly accessed within the network protocol and through the blockchain browser, and provide different levels of accessibility and practicality certificates for different transaction-related modules. The core of the consensus mechanism is that the verifiable randomness elects more than five new master nodes every second and adopts dynamics. Node rating system to ensure compliance with chain governance rules, which means that misbehaving nodes will be punished quickly and deleted. Each node will create its own series of blocks, which will be verified by the master node in a way that maximizes the speed, and support the network to expand with the increase of computing resources. Practicality proves that resources will not be wasted due to inefficient and energy-intensive computing. The block size is only bytes, and each block only contains one transaction. In addition, special calculations are used in its blockchain architecture. In order to maintain integrity and consensus while minimizing the size and number of data packets that need to be transmitted through the network, the communication structure is represented in the official website document. The basic communication structure is divided into two star structures: the node transmits information to the node node and transmits it to the node cluster, while the ring structure is the node-to-node transmission and end-to-end connection, which combine the two, in which the election node distributes data to the main node in the ring structure, and then the main node distributes data to their respective nominal nodes in the star structure. Clusters of independent nodes in the cluster are interconnected by a ring structure, and the overlay can trade bitcoin without the confirmation of the main bitcoin network. Attempts to improve the efficiency of bitcoin transfer have been made for many years. The basic idea of these schemes is that the object of transfer is still bitcoin itself. Based on the developed products, it provides a new idea. What if only bills representing the number of bitcoins are transferred? It is a new tool based on blockchain, which can realize fast transaction and transaction. Without consuming any fees, users can spend native tokens to cast bills after creating wallets generated by using bitcoin nodes. After completing casting, users can fill bitcoin into the bills to activate the bills. After that, the bills represent the purchasing power of the filled bitcoins and can be traded at high speed on the network, and the collection of bills needs to pay the highest fees. In addition, the payment and transfer of bills can even be completed by email and will not be recorded in the blockchain of bitcoins, so it can be realized. At present, the zero-fee instant transaction with complete privacy can unlock the bitcoin on the bill as the payee after receiving the bill. This design is somewhat similar to the lightning network in some ways, which saves the cost of the transaction itself. The cost is only generated at the time of settlement, but the solution is superior in cost and speed. Of course, the solution can not only be used on bitcoin, but also supports and is expected to be used for payment on a large scale in the future. The solution can achieve a cost-free and high-speed payment experience, which has a great imagination. It goes beyond the cryptocurrency itself. The current market attaches great importance to the development of native applications, and the inherent characteristics of blockchain technology suitable for payment transactions seem to be increasingly ignored, but the good thing is that many traditional financial institutions are beginning to pay more and more attention to the advantages brought by the technology itself. JPMorgan Chase tries to tokenize assets to improve the settlement efficiency, issue stable US dollars and continue to pay for it. Deep cultivation, including the chairman of the US Securities and Exchange Commission, also said that he admitted that the distributed ledger represented by blockchain technology is indeed an innovation. In contrast, there are not many projects that have made great achievements in this field in the current market, and the reason is also obvious. It takes a long time to simply pay for the empowerment of tokens themselves, and it is difficult to use native tokens to generate high positive externalities. The structure of blockchain itself has been boldly innovated, and its design itself is not for smart contracts. Instead, we focus on the speed of transaction confirmation and store a large amount of data related to transactions on the underlying network, so that the settlement layer can be as lightweight as possible, and the assets can be mapped on the high-speed network to realize real-time payment by locking assets and generating bills. The data shows that the number of transactions in Bitcoin Lightning Network in a single month exceeds 10,000, and the total transaction volume is expected to be close to 10,000 US dollars, which is only the lower limit. Because private lightning network transactions and transactions involving only two parties cannot be counted, in addition, the actual number of users on Lightning Network may exceed 10,000, in fact, the fluctuation range of many 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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