近千笔融资超百亿美元:一览 2023 Web3 一级市场晴雨表

币圈资讯 阅读:40 2024-04-22 10:39:25 评论:0



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2023年,是熊市向「牛市」过渡的一年,在前 9 个月的熊市里,Web3 行业的融资持续下滑,10月后进入「小牛市」,融资也开始出现回暖。据不完全统计,2023 年 Web3 行业完成了 954 起融资,融资总额 111 亿美元。

12 月 20 日,Web3 税务初创公司 Tres Finance 完成 1100 万美元 A 轮融资;12 月 21 日,Web3 粉丝平台 Medallion 宣布完成 1370 万美元的 A 轮融资;12月 22 日,澳大利亚比特币矿商 Arkon Energy 完成 1.1 亿美元融资……

在 2023 年底「熊转牛」的呼声中,全球 Web3 行业迎来了新一个融资峰值。

从月份上看,2023 年3/4月份的融资出现峰值,随后持续下跌,9/10月跌至最低谷。

进入10月以来,加密货币行业迎来了小牛市,3个月内比特币从 2.65 万美元上涨至 4.4 万美元,涨幅超过60%。同时,11月、12月的融资数量和金额均出现大幅上涨。

据 Techub News 统计,2023年 Web3 行业的融资事件有 954 起,融资总额为 111 亿美元。虽然相比于2021 年和 2022 年的290 亿和 332 亿美元,2023 年融资出现大幅下降,但却远远高于之前的任何一年。

从融资轮次上看,早期项目较受欢迎,Pre-seed 和种子轮的融资起数占 78%,融资金额占比为 37%。

在早期融资轮次中,融资金额超过 2000 万美元的有 9 起,均为种子轮融资,其中,基础设施领域领域 4 起,AI 和 NFT/GameFi 分别为 2 起。


从具体细分领域来看,基础设施是最受欢迎的投资领域,融资事件达 358 起,约占总数的 38%,融资金额近 30 亿美元,占全年融资总金额的 30%。

其中,融资超过 1000 万美元的项目有 80 起,融资超过 2000 万美元的项目有 39 起,超过 1 亿美元的有 7 起。以下为融资金额排名前 10 的项目:

其次是 NFT/GameFi 领域,融资起数和金额分别占 16% 和 11%。其中,融资金额超过 1000 万美元的有 29起。融资金额排名前 10 的项目如下:

AI 融资异军突起

自 2022 年底 OpenAI 发布聊天机器人大模型 ChatGPT 以来,AI 一直是投资机构关注的重点,几乎所有的 Web3 VC 都在讨论 AI 带来的变革潜力,这在融资中也明显的体现出来。

AI 领域 2023 年的融资起数并不多,只有 26 起,但融资金额却超过 20 亿美元,占全年总融资额的 21%。

在全年融资金额前 10 名的项目中,AI 领域占 5 起,分别是 Anthropic(融资两次,融资金额分别为1亿、4.5 亿美元)、Mistral AI(融资两次,融资金额分别为1.13 亿、4.15 亿美元)、OpenAI(3 亿美元)、光年之外(2.3 亿美元)、AI21 Labs(2.08 亿美元)。

在 2023 年,DeFi 和 CeFi 领域融资相对较少,共有融资事件 170 起,占全年融资事件总数的 14%,融资金额共 14 亿美元,占总融资金额的 17%。以下是融资金额最高的 10 个项目:

a16z 投资 37 起

2023年投资 Web3 行业次数最多的机构是 a16z(Andreessen Horowitz),共参与了 37 起投资,领投 23 起,其次是 Coinbase Ventures(35 起)、Shima Capital(33 起)、Animoca Brands(32 起)等。

以上 8 家机构 2023 年参与投资的项目有 190个,其中,基础设施领域 72 个,NFT/GameFi 领域 38 个。以下是各个机构投资的融资金额较大的项目:

2008 is a year of transition from a bear market to a bull market. After the industry's financing continued to decline in the bear market last month, it entered a small bull market and began to pick up. According to incomplete statistics, the industry completed financing in 2008, with a total amount of US$ 100 million. The tax start-up company completed a round of financing of US$ 10,000. The fan platform announced that it had completed a round of financing of US$ 100,000. At the end of the year, Australian bitcoin miners completed US$ 100 million financing, and the global industry ushered in a new financing peak. Financing peaked and then continued to fall, and then fell to the lowest point in the month. Since the beginning of the month, the cryptocurrency industry has ushered in a small bull market. Bitcoin has risen from $10,000 to $10,000 in a month, which is more than the same period. According to statistics, the total amount of financing in the industry has been $100 million. Although it has dropped significantly compared with $100 million and $100 million in 2000 and 2000, it is far higher than that in any previous year. The number of financing accounts for the proportion of financing amount. In the early financing rounds, all the financing amounts exceeding USD 10,000 were seed round financing, in which the infrastructure sector accounted for the highest proportion. From the specific sub-sectors, infrastructure was the most popular investment sector, accounting for nearly USD 100 million of the total financing amount. Among them, there were projects with financing exceeding USD 10,000, and there were projects with financing exceeding USD 100 million. The top projects in terms of financing amount are followed by the number and amount of domain financing respectively, and the top projects in terms of financing amount exceeding USD 10,000 are as follows: the sudden emergence of financing has been the focus of investment institutions since the release of the chat robot model at the end of the year, and almost all of them are discussing the potential for change brought about by it, which is also clearly reflected in the financing. The number of domain financing in the year is not much, but the financing amount exceeds USD 100 million, accounting for the total financing amount of the whole year. Among the top projects in terms of fund amount, the areas are financing twice, with the financing amount of US$ billion respectively, and the financing amount of US$ billion is US$ billion respectively. There are relatively few financing events in the year and in the field, with the financing amount of US$ billion accounting for the total financing amount of the whole year. The following are the projects with the highest financing amount. The institutions that have invested in the industry the most times since the beginning of the year have participated in the investment, followed by the investment of more than one institution. Among them, the infrastructure areas and the following are the financing amounts invested by various institutions. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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