稳定币——香港 VS 美国下一个“虚拟资产战场”

币圈资讯 阅读:32 2024-04-22 10:38:48 评论:0



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1 月 11 日凌晨,美国证券交易委员会宣布批准现货比特币ETF,不过就在半个月前,大洋彼岸的香港已经抢先一步,在证监会官网公布《有关证监会认可的涉及虚拟资产的基金的通告》,正式宣布准备接受现货虚拟资产ETF申请,毫无疑问,虽然没有硝烟,但香港和美国之间的“虚拟资产战斗”已经开始。




(1)Tether发行的泰达币(USDT/Tether USD)

(2)交易所巨头Coinbase和高盛集团旗下的Circle公司发行的「美元硬币」(USDC/USD Coin)。








稳定币,香港 vs. 美国下一个“虚拟资产战场”


无独有偶,Circle首席执行官Jeremy Allaire在本周二“突然”发声,表示美国今年通过稳定币法律的“机会非常大”,还指出全球范围内加密货币行业的监管发展正在加快,美国比以前更有可能批准稳定币法律,直言“我认为会看到的(出台稳定币法律)是美国财政部、美联储、国会两院的愿望,当然也是两党的愿望”。


实际上,为了维持香港国际金融中心的地位,促进香港虚拟资产生态圈可持续和负责任的发展,港府以监管的方式对稳定币的发行进行背书。去年底,香港财经事务及库务局和香港金融管理局联合发表了公众咨询文件,就有关监管稳定币发行人的立法建议开始收集意见。据悉,全球市值最大的稳定币运营商 Tether 尚未对稳定币咨询文件做出回应,但全球第二大稳定币 USDC 的运营商 Circle 表态支持,其背后意义不言而喻。





At the beginning of the year, a big battle in the field of digital economy has quietly started. In the early morning of March, the US Securities and Exchange Commission announced the approval of spot bitcoin. However, just half a month ago, Hong Kong, on the other side of the ocean, made a preemptive announcement in official website on the fund involving virtual assets approved by the CSRC, and officially announced that it was ready to accept the application for spot virtual assets. Undoubtedly, although there was no smoke, the virtual assets battle between Hong Kong and the United States has begun. In fact, virtual assets are only virtual assets between East and West. A foretaste of market competition, the battlefield between them has now extended to a new field, that is, an overview of stable currency data. At this stage, the stable currency projects with the market value of the top nine in the stable currency market have occupied more than the above share, and they are all leading financial instruments linked to the US dollar. The data obtained by Koala Finance, a giant of TEDA Currency Exchange and a company under Goldman Sachs Group, show that the market value of the global stable currency is about 100 million at the time of writing. In the US dollar range, the transaction volume of the stable currency is around US$ billion. At present, there are five stable currency unicorn projects with a market value of over US$ billion, namely US$ US$ US$ US$ US in terms of market share and the market share of the three stable currencies have reached respectively, and the current market share of these three stable currencies has exceeded the total share of the stable currency. Last Thursday, Reuters suddenly revealed that the issuer of the stable currency had secretly submitted an application and did not disclose the planned sale. The number of shares or the proposed price range of the new application, the company said that it expects the initial public offering to take place after the US Securities and Exchange Commission has completed the review process, depending on the market and other conditions. Coincidentally, the CEO suddenly voiced on Tuesday that the chances of passing the stable currency law in the United States this year are very high, and pointed out that the regulatory development of the cryptocurrency industry in the world is accelerating, and the United States is more likely to approve the stable currency law than before. Frankly speaking, I think it will see the introduction of the stable currency law. It is the wish of the US Treasury, the Federal Reserve and the two houses of Congress, and of course it is also the wish of the two parties. On the same day, the Hong Kong government news network revealed that the Financial Secretary Chen Maobo met with representatives of two companies engaged in financial technology and artificial intelligence respectively during his annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland. One of them is the second largest issuer of stable currency in the world. Although the name of this company has not been disclosed, it is well known that Chen Maobo is probably the second largest issuer of stable currency in the world at present. After the SAR Government announced the policy declaration on the development of virtual assets in Hong Kong, the market responded positively. A number of digital assets and third-generation Internet companies have settled in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is steadily and cautiously promoting the development of digital assets, and is conducting public consultation on the regulation of stable currency to set a suitable regulatory framework to promote the responsible and sustainable development of relevant industries. Welcome stable currency companies based on legal tender to come to Hong Kong to conduct business and provide more innovative and convenient financial service options for the society. In fact, in order to maintain. International finance centre's position promotes the sustainable and responsible development of Hong Kong's virtual asset ecosystem. The Hong Kong government endorsed the issuance of stable currency in a regulatory manner. At the end of last year, the Hong Kong Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority jointly issued a public consultation document, and began to collect opinions on the legislative proposal on regulating the issuer of stable currency. It is reported that the operator of stable currency with the largest market value in the world has not responded to the consultation document of stable currency, but the operator of the second largest stable currency in the world has expressed its support. The significance behind it is self-evident. As Raymond Yue, director of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, said, the stable currency has the opportunity to become the interface between traditional finance and the virtual asset market. Whether the stable currency really has stable conditions will become particularly important. On the whole, it seems that American regulators have always adopted the supervision mode of lenient entry and strict exit of virtual assets, that is, they did not provide detailed institutional instructions before market access, and then used their law enforcement power to punish violations and institutions. In contrast, Hong Kong supervision. The institution provides a relatively complete access mechanism, and the supervision mode is more clear and transparent, which not only outlines a series of requirements for stable currency issuers, exchanges and wallet service providers, but also covers risk management, auditing and investor protection, and then promotes the development of financial technology in Hong Kong and attracts more digital asset transactions. It is concluded that stable currency is becoming a supplement to the existing financial ecosystem, providing a series of support for the future of Hong Kong. And the development of the stable currency market in the United States will depend on the regulatory environment, market trends and technological innovation, and other factors deserve our attention. Hong Kong has unique and important value in developing the stable currency regulatory system and innovating payment methods. We should learn from the experience of foreign countries in regulating stable currencies and contribute to docking the global financial system. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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