Binance Labs 2023年回顾:Web3生态系统投资与孵化重点

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来源:Binance Labs 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

币安 Labs 是币安的风险投资和孵化部门,其目标是寻找并支持具有创新想法的创业者,他们正在构建塑造 Web3 行业未来的项目。币安 Labs 的投资不限于特定链或发展阶段,而是通过其孵化项目侧重于支持早期项目的成功。

自 2018 年以来,币安 Labs 的投资组合涵盖了 25 个国家的 250 个项目,投资回报率达到 14 倍。币安 Labs 对 Web3 的投资支持了 Optimism、LayerZero、Celestia、Aptos、Mysten Labs 和 Trust Wallet 等知名公司。

超过 50 家投资组合公司是币安 Labs 孵化的项目,其中包括 Dune Analytics、Injective Labs、Polygon 和 SafePal。



尽管 2023 年加密市场经历剧烈下跌,币安 Labs 始终保持坚定 commitment,持续投资拥有变革潜力与解决方案的项目,在 Web3 领域完成超过 25 笔投资。据统计,2023 年第三季度加密风险投资资金面临强劲阻力,与上年相比,总市值和交易数量双双下跌 36%。然而,根据 Messari 报告,币安 Labs 在 2023 年二、三季度仍然是最活跃的风险投资机构,尤其聚焦于 DeFi 和 Web3 游戏领域。

币安 Labs 的投资理念始终致力于支持打造可持续生態係統的项目,促进可扩展性,同时探索促进区块链应用大规模采用所需的应用层。2023 年的投资主要集中在以下领域:

  • 由零知识证明技术支持的基础设施和工具

  • 推动广泛采用的 Web3 游戏

  • 引领 Web3 发展,不断创新的 DeFi 技术




  • 投资 1000 万美元于 Neutron: Cosmos 上的首个基于复制安全机制的跨链智能合约平台。

  • 通过 MVB 6 计划投资 AltLayer: 用于高可扩展应用专用执行层,安全源于底层 L1/L2。


  • 投资 Radiant Capital: 贷款借贷协议,弥合 DeFi 流动性碎片化。

  • 投资 500 万美元于 Curve DAO Token (CRV): 支持 Curve 及其在 BNB Chain 的部署。

  • 投资 1000 万美元于 Helio Protocol: BNB Chain 上的多链 StaaS 和 LS 去中心化稳定币借贷协议。

Web3 游戏:

  • 投资 1500 万美元于 Xterio: 由游戏行业资深人士领导的 Web3 游戏平台和发行商,桥接免费游戏和链上游戏。

  • 为 GOMBLE 提供种子轮融资: 韩国区块链休闲游戏开发商,游戏发行商 111Percent 的附属公司。

  • 通过 MVB 6 计划投资 Sleepless AI: 基于 AI 和 LLMs 的区块链虚拟伴侣游戏,利用 AIGC 技术创造丰富的剧情导向玩法和角色互动。


  • 对 Delphinus Lab 进行早期投资: 实现首个已知开源 zkWASM 虚拟机的基础设施提供商。

  • 投资 Arkham Token (ARKM): 支持 Arkham 情报经济“Intel-to-Earn”的原生代币。


2023 年,全球超过 2,000 家初创公司报名参加了币安 Labs 的六个孵化计划,涵盖两个季度。**币安 Labs 提供一年四次的双年孵化计划,为早期创始人构建者提供定制课程和来自 Binance Labs 投资团队一对一的指导。这些计划整合了整个币安生态系统的资源和专业知识,帮助项目实现产品-市场契合。


  • 币安 Labs 孵化计划: 该计划不限于特定链,专注于 Web3 初创公司的成长,帮助创始人在一充满活力的行业环境中取得长期成功。

  • 最有价值建造者 (MVB) 加速器计划: 该计划专注于 BNB Chain,与 BNB Chain 合作,支持在 BNB Chain 生态系统内取得卓越进展的优秀建设者和初创公司。


  • 初创轨道: 专注于加速早期加密项目

  • 创始人轨道: 帮助建设者成长为成功的创始人

2023 年亮点:

  • 推出创始人见面会,连接项目校友、投资组合创始人以及新申请人。

  • 在 2023 年币安区块链周举办首次孵化项目展示会,帮助项目接触投资者。

  • MVB 计划新设“创始人轨道”,与 CMC Labs 合作,支持解决现实问题的 100 个创新项目。

  • 2023 年,币安 Labs为 9 个优秀项目提供资金,孵化和加速了 36 个项目。

Coin security is the venture capital and incubation department of Coin security, whose goal is to find and support entrepreneurs with innovative ideas. They are building projects to shape the future of the industry. Coin security's investment is not limited to specific chains or development stages, but focuses on supporting the success of early projects through its incubation projects. Since, Coin security's investment portfolio has covered 20 projects in 2000, and the return on investment has reached twice that of Coin security, which has supported more than 10 investment groups of well-known companies. Co., Ltd. is a project hatched by Cian, which includes embracing resilience in the face of great changes. Although Cian has experienced a sharp decline in the encryption market in, Cian has always maintained firm and continuous investment. According to statistics, in the third quarter of last year, Cian's encryption venture capital funds faced strong resistance, and the total market value and transaction volume both fell compared with the previous year. However, according to the report, Cian was still the most active venture capital institution in the second and third quarters of 2008, especially focusing on Cian in the field of games. Our investment philosophy has always been committed to supporting the project of building a sustainable ecosystem, promoting scalability, and exploring the investment required to promote the large-scale adoption of blockchain applications. The annual investment in the application layer is mainly concentrated in the following areas: infrastructure and tools supported by zero-knowledge proof technology promote widely used games, lead the development of innovative technologies, and highlight the investment in infrastructure. The first cross-chain intelligent contract platform based on replication security mechanism invested US$ 10,000 in the world is used for high scalability through planned investment. Bridging the liquidity fragmentation with the special executive layer security from the underlying investment loan agreement, investing $10,000 in support and its deployment, investing $10,000 in multi-chain and decentralized stable currency loan agreement games, investing $10,000 in game platforms and publishers led by game industry veterans, bridging free games and online games to provide seed round financing, and the subsidiaries of Korean blockchain leisure game developers and game publishers plan to invest in and-based blockchain virtual companion tours. The play uses technology to create rich plot-oriented gameplay and role interaction tools to make early investments, realize the first infrastructure provider with known open source virtual machines, and invest in the native token incubation plan supporting the information economy. In, more than 60 start-ups around the world signed up for six incubation plans of Bi 'an, covering two quarters. Bi 'an provides customized courses for early founders and builders and one-on-one guidance from the investment team. These plans integrate the whole Bi 'an. The resources and expertise of the state system help the project to achieve the product market fit. The two core incubation plans, the Coin Security Incubation Plan, are not limited to specific chains, and focus on the growth of start-ups to help founders achieve long-term success in a dynamic industry environment. The most valuable builder accelerator plan focuses on cooperating with outstanding builders and start-ups who have made outstanding progress in the ecosystem, subdividing the track start-up track and accelerating the track help of founders of early encryption projects. Builders grow up to be successful founders. Highlights of 2008 launch founders' meeting to connect projects. Founders and new applicants of alumni portfolio hold the first incubation project exhibition in the blockchain week of 2008 to help the project contact investors, plan a new founder's track and cooperate to support three innovative projects to solve real problems. 2008 provided funds for an excellent project to incubate and accelerate the project. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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