深度解析Berachain:探索其Layer 1区块链技术和潜在影响

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Berachain 是一个基于 Cosmos SDK 构建的兼容 EVM 的 Layer 1 区块链,并采用 Proof of Liquidity 共识机制保护。Berachain 代币经济首次引入三代币系统的 Bera 网络,拥有网络 gas 代币 BERA、生态算法稳定币 HONEY 和不可转移的 Bera 治理代币 BGT。Berachain 生态系统已经有超过 2.5 亿美元的承诺总锁定价值,


1. Berachain属于那个赛道领域,跟他类似的项目有哪些?



  1. Ethereum:作为最知名的EVM区块链,Ethereum提供了智能合约和去中心化应用程序(dApps)的生态系统。

  2. Binance Smart Chain(BSC):BSC是一个EVM兼容的区块链,旨在提供低成本的交易和智能合约功能。

  3. Avalanche(AVAX):Avalanche是一个可扩展的平台,支持EVM兼容性和自定义子网络,旨在提供高性能的去中心化金融应用。

  4. Polygon(MATIC):Polygon是一个EVM兼容的Layer 2解决方案,旨在提供可扩展性和互操作性,以支持以太坊生态系统的发展。




  1. 高性能区块链需求:Berachain旨在提供高性能的EVM兼容区块链,以满足日益增长的去中心化金融和dApp市场的需求,同时提供可扩展性和高吞吐量。

  2. Proof-of-Liquidity共识机制:Berachain的Proof-of-Liquidity(PoL)共识机制旨在解决流动性、权益中心化和协议与验证者之间的协调问题,以确保网络的长期健康和稳定。

  3. EVM兼容性和互操作性:作为EVM兼容的区块链,Berachain旨在提供与以太坊生态系统的高度兼容性,使开发者和用户能够更轻松地迁移dApp和资产,并实现更广泛的互操作性。

  4. 去中心化金融(DeFi)和智能合约应用:Berachain的技术和经济模型旨在促进流动性、交易效率和智能合约的发展,为DeFi应用和去中心化金融生态系统提供更强大的基础设施。



Proof-of-Liquidity (PoL) 共识机制是一种基于流动性的创新共识机制,旨在解决区块链网络中的流动性、权益中心化和协议与验证者之间的协调问题。具体而言,PoL 共识机制的实现包括以下关键要素:

  1. 流动性提供者(LP)池:PoL 共识机制依赖于流动性提供者(LP)池,这些池用于存储数字资产以支持网络的交易和流动性。LP池的参与者可以获得奖励作为对其提供流动性的激励。

  2. 流动性挖矿:PoL 共识机制可能包括流动性挖矿机制,即通过将数字资产存入LP池来获取奖励。这种机制鼓励用户将资金注入LP池,从而增加网络的流动性。

  3. 流动性证明:PoL 共识机制可能要求验证者提供流动性证明,以证明他们对网络流动性的贡献。这可以通过验证者参与LP池或提供其他流动性支持来实现。

  4. 流动性治理:PoL 共识机制可能包括流动性治理,即让持有者参与对网络流动性和治理决策的投票。

总的来说,PoL 共识机制通过整合流动性提供者、流动性挖矿、流动性证明和流动性治理等机制,旨在构建一个能够有效处理流动性、权益和协议治理的去中心化网络。这种共识机制的设计旨在促进网络的长期健康和稳定发展。



  1. EVM兼容性:Berachain构建在Cosmos-SDK上,支持EVM兼容性,使其能够与以太坊智能合约和工具进行互操作。

  2. PoL共识机制:Berachain的PoL共识机制通过流动性提供者、流动性挖矿、流动性证明和流动性治理等机制,实现了对网络流动性、权益中心化和协议与验证者之间的协调。

  3. Polaris框架:Berachain使用Polaris EVM框架构建了一个模块化的堆栈,以便轻松地分离EVM运行时层。




  1. 区块链基础设施服务:提供高性能、可扩展性和与以太坊生态系统高度兼容的区块链基础设施服务,包括智能合约平台、去中心化金融支持和流动性解决方案等。

  2. 流动性挖矿和奖励:通过PoL共识机制,鼓励用户参与流动性挖矿,提供流动性,并获得相应的奖励。

  3. 开发者工具和支持:提供开发者友好的工具、文档和支持,以便开发者能够轻松构建和部署基于Berachain的去中心化应用和智能合约。


  1. 区块链开发者:Berachain的目标客户包括区块链开发者和团队,他们希望构建和部署去中心化应用、智能合约和DeFi项目。

  2. 流动性提供者:对于那些有兴趣通过提供流动性来参与区块链网络并获取奖励的用户和机构。

  3. 企业和项目:寻求高性能、可扩展性和与以太坊生态系统高度兼容的区块链基础设施服务的企业和项目。




  1. 流动性挖矿奖励:Berachain采用了Proof-of-Liquidity(PoL)共识机制,通过整合流动性提供者、流动性挖矿、流动性证明和流动性治理等机制,鼓励用户参与流动性挖矿,并获得相应的奖励。项目可以从流动性挖矿过程中获得一定的收入。

  2. 区块链基础设施服务费用:提供高性能、可扩展性和与以太坊生态系统高度兼容的区块链基础设施服务,可能收取相应的服务费用。

  3. 开发者工具和支持收费:提供开发者友好的工具、文档和支持,可能收取与开发者工具和支持相关的费用。

  4. 与合作伙伴的合作收入:与其他区块链项目、企业和合作伙伴进行合作,可能获得合作收入或者通过合作项目获得收益。




  1. 创始团队成员包括经验丰富的创始人、工程师和研究人员,他们对设计可持续经济和DeFi创新充满热情1。

  2. 创始团队中可能包括名为Smokey的联合创始人2。




核心投资者包括多家机构投资者和天使投资者。其中的机构投资者包括Polychain、Agile Angel和Hack VC等。天使投资者中包括Zaki Manian等



  1. 技术风险:区块链技术本身具有一定的技术风险,包括安全性、可扩展性和性能等方面的挑战。项目需要不断改进和完善技术,以应对这些挑战。

  2. 法律和监管风险:区块链项目可能受到不同国家和地区的法律和监管政策的影响,可能需要面对监管合规、隐私保护等方面的风险。

  3. 市场竞争:区块链行业竞争激烈,项目需要在技术、营销、社区建设等方面与竞争对手展开竞争,以确保项目的持续发展。

  4. 市场流动性:代币的流动性可能受到市场供需影响,可能存在价格波动和流动性不足的风险。

  5. 项目执行风险:项目的执行能力和团队的稳定性也是一个重要的风险因素,项目需要保持稳定的发展和持续的创新能力。




  1. Stakin:Stakin已经在Berachain的公共测试网上开始了验证节点的运营2。

  2. Polychain Capital和OKX Ventures:Berachain最近完成了4200万美元的融资轮,由Polychain Capital和OKX Ventures领投


Berachain于2023年4月20日披露了其Series A融资,融资金额为4200万美元,估值为4.2亿美元


根据搜索结果,Berachain的创始团队成员以化名(Smokey the Bera、Papa Bear、Homme Bera和Dev Bear)的形式出现,因此他们的个人历史和之前的项目并没有公开的具体信息



  1. Layer 1区块链技术:Berachain是一种Layer 1区块链技术,旨在提供高性能、低成本和可扩展性,以支持DeFi应用和其他区块链解决方案。

  2. DeFi聚焦:Berachain专注于DeFi(去中心化金融)领域,旨在为用户提供更快速、更便宜的交易和金融服务,同时支持各种DeFi应用和协议。

  3. 跨链互操作性:Berachain可能具有跨链互操作性,使其能够与其他区块链网络进行互操作,从而为用户提供更广泛的金融和交易选择。

  4. 智能合约平台:Berachain可能提供智能合约平台,使开发者能够构建和部署各种智能合约,以支持多样化的去中心化应用。

  5. 链上治理和治理代币:Berachain可能支持链上治理模式,允许持有者参与网络的治理决策,并可能拥有治理代币用于投票和决策。

    It is a compatible blockchain based on construction and adopts consensus mechanism to protect the token economy. It is the first time to introduce a three-token system. The network has a network token ecological algorithm to stabilize the currency and an untransferable governance. The token ecosystem has promised a total lock-in value of more than 100 million US dollars. The following is the chain teahouse, which belongs to the track field in the form of question and answer combined with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals. What are the similar projects with him? It is a high-performance compatible blockchain. The consensus mechanism is used to solve the key challenges faced by decentralized networks. Similar projects include providing smart contracts and decentralized applications as the most well-known blockchain. The ecosystem is a compatible blockchain to provide low-cost transactions and smart contract functions, an extensible platform to support compatibility and custom subnetworks, and a compatible solution to provide high-performance decentralized financial applications to support Ethereum. The development of the ecosystem, these projects are competing on the track in the field of blockchain technology and encryption, aiming at providing high-performance scalable and interoperable solutions to meet the growing demand of decentralized finance and market. What are the main problems to be solved, including the demand of high-performance blockchain, aiming at providing high-performance compatible blockchain to meet the growing demand of decentralized finance and market, and providing a consensus mechanism of scalability and high throughput consensus mechanism. Aiming at solving the problems of centralization of liquidity rights and coordination between protocols and verifiers to ensure the long-term health and stability of the network, compatibility and interoperability, as a compatible blockchain, aims to provide a high degree of compatibility with the Ethereum ecosystem, enabling developers and users to migrate assets more easily and achieve wider interoperability. The technical and economic model of decentralized financial and smart contract applications aims to promote the efficiency of liquidity transactions and the development of smart contracts for application and decentralization. The financial ecosystem provides a stronger infrastructure. In general, it is committed to solving the key problems in the blockchain field, such as performance consensus, compatibility and application development, and providing users and developers with a stronger, more efficient and reliable blockchain infrastructure. What is the consensus mechanism and how to realize it? The consensus mechanism is an innovative consensus mechanism based on liquidity, which aims to solve the problems of centralization of liquidity rights and interests and coordination between protocols and verifiers in the blockchain network. Including the following key elements, the liquidity provider pool consensus mechanism relies on the liquidity provider pool, which is used to store digital assets to support the transactions of the network, and the participants in the liquidity pool can get rewards as incentives to provide liquidity to them. The liquidity mining consensus mechanism may include the liquidity mining mechanism, which encourages users to inject funds into the pool to increase the liquidity of the network. The liquidity proof consensus mechanism may require verifiers. Provide liquidity certificates to prove their contribution to network liquidity, which can be achieved by verifiers participating in the pool or providing other liquidity support. The consensus mechanism of liquidity governance may include liquidity governance, that is, allowing holders to participate in voting on network liquidity and governance decisions. Generally speaking, the consensus mechanism aims to build a decentralized network that can effectively handle liquidity rights and agreement governance by integrating liquidity providers, liquidity mining, liquidity certificates and liquidity governance mechanisms. This consensus mechanism is designed to promote the long-term healthy and stable development of the network, the main operating principles, the main operating principles and compatibility. It supports compatibility and enables it to interoperate with Ethereum smart contracts and tools. The consensus mechanism of the consensus mechanism realizes the centralization of network liquidity rights and interests and the coordination framework between protocols and verifiers through mechanisms such as liquidity providers, liquidity mining, liquidity certification and liquidity governance, and builds a modular stack with the framework. Generally speaking, the main operating principle of the loose-ground separation runtime layer is that the high-performance blockchain technology based on compatibility combines the consensus mechanism and framework to support the development of decentralized finance and smart contract applications and solve the key problems in the blockchain network. What is the overall business model? What are the goals? What are the users' business models? Blockchain infrastructure services provide high-performance scalability and are highly compatible with the Ethereum ecosystem, including smart contract platform decentralization funds. Liquidity mining and rewards, such as financial support and liquidity solutions, encourage users to participate in liquidity mining through consensus mechanism, provide liquidity and get corresponding rewards, provide developer tools and support, and provide developer-friendly tool documents and support so that developers can easily build and deploy decentralized applications and smart contracts based on. Target customers of blockchain developers include blockchain developers and teams, and they hope to build and deploy decentralized application smart contracts and project flows. Sex providers seek blockchain infrastructure services with high performance, scalability and high compatibility with the Ethereum ecosystem for users and institutions, enterprises and projects who are interested in participating in the blockchain network by providing liquidity. In general, the business model aims to provide blockchain infrastructure services with liquidity mining incentives and developer tool support to meet the needs of blockchain developers, liquidity providers and enterprise projects and provide them with stronger blocks. What are the main income sources of chain infrastructure and supporting projects? The main income sources of projects may include the following aspects: the liquidity mining reward adopts a consensus mechanism, and encourages users to participate in liquidity mining and obtain corresponding rewards by integrating liquidity providers' liquidity mining, liquidity certification and liquidity governance mechanisms. The project can obtain certain income from the liquidity mining process, and the blockchain infrastructure service fee provides high performance scalability and is high with the Ethereum ecosystem. Compatible blockchain infrastructure services may charge corresponding service fees, developer tools and support fees, developer-friendly tools, documents and support fees, cooperation income with partners, cooperation income with other blockchain projects, enterprises and partners, or income from cooperation projects. In general, the main sources of income may include liquidity mining incentives, blockchain infrastructure service fees, developer tools and support fees, and cooperation income with partners. What are their backgrounds for the founding team of the project? 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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