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文 | Andrea Castillo. 原标题:Bitcoin Is Great, But It Won’t Fix Our Monkey Brains. 2014.6.10







因此,当基于比特币的机构出现时,我们不应该感到惊讶,因为这些机构存在着与过时模式同样的缺陷。比如说,消费者把私钥交给第三方处理,他们连眼皮都不眨一下,这并不是原生代币的错。他们为什么要拒绝呢?比特币的顶级推动者们将扩张本身作为目的,而地毯式扩张的联盟则迫不及待地这么做了。(随你怎么说,至少Tim May是直率的。)受到鼓舞的业余爱好者不由自主地对抽象概念怀有正常人的厌恶。相信数学?是的,没错。他们被熟悉的形式所吸引,所以 Xapo 给了他们借记卡。我们真正做到了名副其实的无信任交换。“比特币”是去中心化的,“比特币”是私有的,“比特币”是安全的......哦,但 Circle 是我的#品牌。这给我们的启示是,如果你要大规模推销一种反价值的商业产品,你就应该期待大量的虚无主义消费。

所谓 "反价值",我指的是一种以不存在所认为的弊端为定义的价值。例如,自由就是没有暴政。平等就是没有等级制度。自由主义者和平等主义者通常只能通过削弱其对立力量来扩大“自由”或“平等”。如果革命性的民主制度能够根除暴政或等级制度,那么就不会留下任何具有约束力的美德来指导“自由的” 社区。只有对虚无的微弱警惕,会使人盲目,作茧自缚--也就是说,很快就会有更性感的人涌入,舒舒服服地填补空虚。反价值对于寻求破坏其对立面的理性主义改革者来说相当有用,但其本身并不提供实质性的道德内容。它们是空洞、脆弱的外壳,人类将自己的叙事、神经质和忠诚装在其中。(由于这些原因,它们往往适得其反。)

在比特币的案例中,加密机构的乌托邦主义者将这种技术作为一种“反信任”来推销,以此来逃避或击退对其他人类的依赖。例如,最近一份“App代币”白皮书的第一句话就是:“对信任的要求是不可接受的。” 虽然这还不足以让人们在认知上摆脱那些梦幻般的 DAC 的冷冰冰的效率,但却是一个充满希望的开端。以前需要信任和合理控制的社会摩擦源现在可以被颠覆了。在未来的世界里,你只需要一个屏幕、一个效用函数、一把比特币和一个Rube Goldberg多重签名交易,然后宝贝儿,你就可以进行价格发现了。一个原子化的怪胎还能要求什么呢?


分布式市场的案例说明了如何将客观特征固定为规范性理念。上个月,Ümlauteer 的同事Jerry Brito、Houman Shadab和我发布了我们即将发表的工作文件的评论草稿,该文件是关于现有和正在开发的基于比特币的金融产品和平台所面临的监管威胁,名为《比特币金融监管:证券、衍生品、预测市场和赌博》。我们描述了工匠和企业家们将比特币应用于高级金融活动的不同方式,然后描述了他们可能会如何触犯美国监管条例,或者他们是否能被“监管”。



事实上,这是许多早期比特币使用者和专业交易者多年来通过 IRC 频道采用的模式。每天,交易者们在 #bitcoin-assets 这样的频道里交换信息、闲聊、发展关系,并随时关注 MPEx 的行情。在这里,能力和声誉本身就是货币。

信任网信誉系统是一种社会协调机制。要加入 WoT,个人必须使用个人比特币地址或 GPG 身份向频道机器人进行身份验证。从那时起,每个人都要潜水学习,关注频道的每日日志和相关的博客圈,以免还没开始就丢人现眼、声誉扫地。随着时间的推移,个人会努力展示自己的价值并回报他人的好感,从而增加信任的人脉和潜在的交易机会。该系统的拥护者称赞该系统降低了搜索成本,因为未知交易者都经过可信盟友的审查,从而减少了诈骗或无知交易的可能性。

我想说的是,这种对 #bitcoin-assets 世界的“大千视角”还不足以表达它的许多细微差别。就目前而言,基本的介绍具有启发性,它是一个社区应用比特币革命性工具的范例,这种应用方式发挥了我们人性的优势。IRC 比特币投资者牺牲了纯粹的“去中心化”所能带来的边际效益,获得了心照不宣的个人知识和社区声誉管理的保证。虽然目前还不清楚这种模式的规模,但它为未来的趋势提供了一个很好的指标。


Original title Bitcoin is now widely regarded as a thing, and it is a particularly exciting thing. The once popular attitude of doubt and doubt soon lost the value of clicking, and it is no longer this exciting Stephenson-style legend written in real time. Be careful not to overdo it. I have done it myself. I believe I will still do it in some way. There are many trees and forests that are still taking shape. These trees are very attractive, which brings new problems. The vision is more attractive than the game plan. Pay attention to us and know that at least we want to decentralize, although we have growing pains, the old method doesn't work. We are reminded from birth that power corrupts the worst people, and fewer people come to know later that people are not angels, but there are still too many such people in charge of the world. No, our artificial angel absolutism must disappear. We say that we are eager for the opposite, a way to make high-level people no longer trust human judgment, or an anarchy as the Daily Telegraph said yesterday. In the future, any form of centralization will die out, and the obsolescence of the empire or the leviathan of technology will depend on your ideological tendency to creatively destroy the human garbage repository we inherited and replace it with an empty repository. Well, it is more like a basically unbreakable encryption constitution, which can ensure the neutrality of institutions. On this basis, a monotonous cosmic constellation will continue to emerge, and good things should follow, no matter in what form, in its most basic form, this encryption system utopia covers up. The attractive but incomplete understanding of the human social system and the potential of Bitcoin makes us start with the simplest things. The utopianism of the human encryption system is partly based on the sense of belonging of hope and strange moral universalism. It misses the forest of human society for the sake of the trees on the plot of followers' own world games. It does not take into account that the system may be an endogenous product of human beings to a great extent, nor does it take into account that some human beings may prefer their non-inclusive system. Xie also didn't take into account that we are secretly influenced by heuristic thinking impulses and tribal ties. Whether you like it or not, we will be driven by some irrational driving forces in religious families and countries. These driving forces hinder our uniform utility model and frustrate our plan to optimize the results. Bitcoin provides us with tools, but these tools can't immediately turn secular human beings into economic men who can best control them. At least in the foreseeable future, our monkey brains will continue to exist. Therefore, we should not be surprised when bitcoin-based institutions appear, because these institutions have the same defects as the outdated model. For example, consumers hand over their private keys to a third party and they don't even blink their eyes. This is not the fault of the original tokens. Why should they refuse? The top promoters of Bitcoin take the expansion itself as the goal, while the carpet-expanded alliance can't wait to do so. Whatever you say, at least the outspoken and inspired amateurs can't help themselves. Normal people have an aversion to abstract concepts. They believe in mathematics. Yes, they are attracted by familiar forms, so they gave them debit cards. We really achieved a veritable distrust exchange. Bitcoin is decentralized, bitcoin is private, and bitcoin is safe. But my brand inspires us that if you want to promote a commercial product with anti-value on a large scale, you should expect a lot of nihilistic consumption. By anti-value, I mean a kind of disadvantage that does not exist. Defined values, such as freedom is no tyranny, equality is no hierarchy, and liberals and egalitarians can only expand freedom or equality by weakening their opposing forces. If revolutionary democracy can eradicate tyranny or hierarchy, there will be no binding virtue left to guide free communities. Only a slight vigilance against nothingness will make people blindly trapped, that is to say, more sexy people will soon flood in to fill the emptiness comfortably. Values are quite useful for rationalist reformers who seek to destroy their opposites, but they do not provide substantial moral content in themselves. They are empty and fragile shells in which human beings put their narrative nervousness and loyalty. For these reasons, they are often counterproductive. In the case of Bitcoin, utopians of encryption institutions promote this technology as a kind of anti-trust to avoid or repel dependence on other human beings. For example, the first sentence of a recent token white paper is The demand for trust is unacceptable, although it is not enough for people to get rid of the fantastic cold efficiency in cognition, but it is a hopeful start. The social friction source that used to need trust and reasonable control can now be subverted. In the future world, all you need is a screen, a utility function, a bitcoin and a multi-signature transaction, and then baby, you can find the price. What else can an atomized freak ask for? The diagnosis I agree with does not lie in the solutions I have proposed, because these solutions are appropriate and effective, which can repel the increasingly serious democratic disease that stifles human creativity. Bitcoin provides us with an important way to get rid of the compulsory trust in irresponsible monopoly enterprises. However, if we want to participate in it in a beneficial way, the trust in the transaction itself should not be the object of our anger, and in fact, the distributed ledger can not be the object of our anger. Trust of money changers, but human beings are still seeking trust. Bitcoin is still money and money is still trust. In the world after Bitcoin, trust will become more important than ever. The case of distributed market illustrates how to fix objective characteristics into normative concepts. Last month, my colleagues and I released the draft comments on our upcoming working paper, which is about the regulatory threats faced by existing and developing bitcoin-based financial products and platforms. Currency financial supervision, securities derivatives prediction, market and gambling, we describe the different ways in which craftsmen and entrepreneurs apply bitcoin to advanced financial activities, and then describe how they may violate American regulatory regulations or whether they can be supervised as a peer-to-peer exchange medium. Bitcoin allows us to transfer funds without relying on third-party account book managers. Unfortunately, Bitcoin does not provide enough information space or price discovery platform at present. In other words, Bitcoin provides an ideal transfer mechanism, but it cannot be found immediately in this huge digital cave where no one knows that you are a dog. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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