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加密货币行业和区块链作为一个整体仍处于起步阶段,正在寻求真正的产品市场契合度。尽管我们过去已经通过 DeFi、NFT 和代币化等创新看到了这一点,但仍有许多区块链用例尚未得到充分探索。其中之一是DePIN,即去中心化物理基础设施网络。在本文中,我们将深入介绍 DePIN、其重要性以及 DePIN 项目的一些示例。

去中心化物理基础设施网络是利用区块链技术的去中心化来维护和运营现实世界基础设施的网络。DePIN 项目多种多样,从电信到存储和计算。他们通常利用基于区块链的代币作为个人为网络做出贡献的激励机制,而不是由单个实体拥有和运营的中心化网络。

DePIN 之所以如此令人兴奋,是因为它有潜力增强我们思考物理基础设施以及与物理基础设施互动的方式。通过使用代币来激励网络参与和互动,飞轮效应开始发生。类似于比特币的更高估值会激励更多人挖矿,从而形成更强大的网络,从而获得更高的估值,DePIN 通过将代币价值与网络的强度和采用率挂钩来增强这一循环。它们提供了一种更民主、更高效、更可扩展的方法来构建和维护物理基础设施。在小范围内,DePIN 可能没有多大意义;然而,如果能够实现大规模采用,它可能会出现惊人的增长,并成为我们现代基础设施的稳定组成部分。

DePIN 项目的最佳示例是Helium,它是基于Solana的移动网络项目。贡献者可以购买并运行热点,这使得受支持的设备无需连接到手机信号塔或 WiFi 网络即可获得互联网连接。使用该网络的费用是 HNT,HNT 也分配给热点运营商。Helium 的网络可供各种设备使用,他们最近发布了一项创建 5G 电话网络的计划,在美国各地的价格非常便宜,每月 20 美元。

另一个多产的例子是 Filecoin,该网络建立在星际文件系统标准之上,激励拥有额外硬盘存储的人们以去中心化的方式存档信息。想要存储数据的人向存档者支付 FIL 并让数据在全球范围内传播,而存储提供商则收到 FIL 作为回报。该网络能够存储数十亿千兆字节的数据,并且没有将数据保存在集中式实体中带来的风险,例如审查、黑客攻击或中断。

较小的、令人兴奋的但仍在不断增长的例子正在尝试解决广泛行业中的问题。例如,Hivemapper网络是一个基于区块链的地图网络,它激励贡献者构建由用户贡献的行车记录仪镜头提供的详细且最新的全球地图。这种去中心化的方法提供了一个动态的、不断发展的地图,通过社区参与来维护和扩展,利用区块链实现透明度和激励分配。另一个项目Render Network 是一个去中心化平台,使 3D 渲染和图形计算过程民主化,将艺术家和创作者与 GPU 提供商联系起来。网络上的用户可以将 GPU 能力用于渲染任务,并获得代币作为补偿,而创作者则可以获得更具可扩展性和成本效益的渲染解决方案。有一天,业余爱好者和专业人士都可以使用渲染来渲染动画、训练人工智能模型或执行密集的研究计算。尽管这两个项目仍处于生命周期的相对早期阶段,但它们为实际问题提供了有前景的解决方案。

DePIN 协议(包括 Hivemapper 和 Helium)通常构建在 Solana 上,以利用速度快和交易费用低的优势。与以太坊或 L2 等模块化链不同,Solana 受益于单个原子状态机,这使得网络和基础设施管理更加简化。此外,随着数据量和交互的发生,即使是最快的 L2 也可能无法满足 DePIN 的需求。

去中心化物理基础设施网络是一种令人兴奋的新方式,让个人通过使用区块链和网络效应来协作和创造比自己更大的东西,以激励长期增长和采用。尽管全球采用的大规模 DePIN 协议尚未创建或被证明是可行的产品,但机构和消费者都对这个领域感到兴奋。

As a whole, cryptocurrency industry and blockchain are still in their infancy, and they are looking for real product market fit. Although we have seen this through innovations such as token in the past, there are still many blockchain use cases that have not been fully explored. One of them is the decentralized physical infrastructure network. In this article, we will introduce its importance and some examples of the project. Decentralized physical infrastructure network is maintained and operated by the decentralization of blockchain technology. There are many kinds of infrastructure network projects in the real world, from telecommunications to storage and computing. They usually use blockchain-based tokens as an incentive mechanism for individuals to contribute to the network, rather than a centralized network owned and operated by a single entity. The reason why it is so exciting is that it has the potential to enhance the way we think about and interact with physical infrastructure. By using tokens to encourage network participation and interaction, the flywheel effect begins to be more overvalued like Bitcoin. Value will encourage more people to mine, so as to form a stronger network and obtain a higher valuation. By linking the token value with the strength and adoption rate of the network, this cycle is enhanced. They provide a more democratic, efficient and scalable method to build and maintain physical infrastructure, which may not make much sense in a small scale. However, if it can be adopted on a large scale, it may increase dramatically and become a stable part of our modern infrastructure. The best example of the project is that it is. Contributors of mobile network projects based on can purchase and run hotspots, which enables supported devices to get Internet connection without connecting to cell phone towers or networks. The cost of using this network is also allocated to hotspot operators' networks, which can be used by various devices. They recently released a plan to create a telephone network, and the price is very cheap in all parts of the United States. Another prolific example is that the network is based on the interstellar file system standard to encourage the possession of additional hard disk storage. People archive information in a decentralized way. People who want to store data pay the archivists and let the data spread around the world. In return, the storage provider receives that the network can store billions of gigabytes of data without saving the data in a centralized entity, such as censorship, hacker attacks or exciting but growing examples with less interruption. For example, the network is a map network based on blockchain. It encourages contributors to build detailed and up-to-date global maps provided by driving recorder lenses contributed by users. This decentralized method provides a dynamic and constantly developing map, which is maintained and expanded through community participation. The blockchain is used to realize transparency and incentive distribution. Another project is a decentralized platform to democratize the rendering and graphic calculation process, and link artists and creators with providers. Users on the network can use their abilities for rendering tasks and get tokens. For compensation, creators can get more scalable and cost-effective rendering solutions. One day, amateurs and professionals can use rendering to render animation, train artificial intelligence models or perform intensive research and calculation. Although these two projects are still in the relatively early stage of their life cycle, they provide promising solutions to practical problems. Protocols include and are usually built on it to take advantage of the advantages of high speed and low transaction cost, which are different from modular chains such as Ethereum or others. Benefiting from a single atomic state machine, it simplifies the management of network and infrastructure. In addition, with the occurrence of data and interaction, decentralizing the physical infrastructure network is an exciting new way for individuals to collaborate and create something bigger than themselves by using blockchain and network effect to stimulate long-term growth and adopt products, although large-scale agreements adopted worldwide have not yet been created or proved to be feasible, institutions and consumers are excited about this field. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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