为什么说铭文是大规模用户以及自主世界(Autonomous World)的关键

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作者:jolestar, Rooch联创 来源:X,@jolestar



17年 ICO 牛市以及 20 年的 DeFi 牛市,都是以大量用户直接使用区块链为标志,而这一次牛市也会遵循同样的逻辑。而如何把用户吸引到链上,一直是业内的一个困境。ICO 让用户可以直接参与项目的早期募资,DeFi 可以通过流动性挖矿获益,但它们的参与门槛都太高,很难吸引大规模用户进入。

ICO 的参与门槛在于识别成本,记得 17 年的时候有一个广为流传的项目白皮书云盘,囊括了近千个项目,个个背景光鲜,蓝图宏大,我看得都一愣一愣的,这东西能实现吗?对不懂技术的新人来说,更难鉴别,所以只能追寻热点,造就一波泡沫。

DeFi 的参与门槛在于初始资金,如果没有初始资金,以及安全方面的鉴别能力,不仅赚不到钱,还可能被一把 rug 了或者被黑掉了。

铭文的参与门槛是最低的,用户只要能付得起 Gas 费,就可以参与,有利于风险偏好比较低的用户群。并且用户天然靠近社区,可以占据主动性,只要坚持一个原则,只参与 mint 或者早期阶段,基本顶多亏个 Gas 费。

从这个角度看,铭文模式类似于拼多多的百亿补贴拉新。在后互联网时代,纯靠应用特性是很难把用户大规模从一个应用迁移到另外一个应用系统中,尤其 Web3 这种新类型的应用,体验低于旧应用,门槛高于旧应用,它所承诺的价值需要用户先形成网络效应才能发挥出来,如何实现冷启动一直是个困境。而通过铭文直接分发应用内未来的资产,吸引用户上链,先通过资产构建启动用户社群是一种办法。


上面的结论我给许多人讲过,也大多能认可。但很多人怀疑铭文是否是一个可持续的赛道?一开始大家把它当作一种另类的 meme 来看待,毕竟它的应用形态尚未出现。经历过历次泡沫的圈内老鸟们对这种短周期的炒作也已不屑一顾了,只是静待泡沫破灭。很多人会反问为什么 Bitcoin 能从一个 meme 长期成长到现在,而其他就不可以呢?老鸟们会觉得这个不对,但又很难反驳。



  • 持有,看谁拿的久

  • 卖掉,看谁跑的快

每个人会预测其他人的判断来进行决策,如果预测拿的久的人多,这就是大家说的 (3,3),则会激励更多的人参与,让这个博弈系统更持久,拿的久的赢。但这是个囚徒困境,想卖的人会猜最高点跑。有人更聪明一点,会提前跑,可能导致最高点都到不了。这样推演下去,会玩成一个跑的快的游戏。

所以,要破这个囚徒困境,必须把这个有限次的游戏变成长期乃至永续博弈的游戏。在永续博弈的场景里,(3,3) 是个最优解。而玩家怎么能相信这个游戏是个永续游戏呢?这个就是双方博弈的一个过程。





  • 它必须是一个去中心化的系统,消除了系统中的单点风险,保证开放性,任何人都可以参与。




前面从博弈的角度阐释了铭文有可能成为一个可持续的赛道,那它除了在 Bitcoin 上刻字,还会怎么发展呢?这方面主要有几个方向:

  1. Bitcoin 上的新资产协议。 无论是基于 Ordinals Inscription 协议扩展,还是新的铭刻方法,都可以归在这个角度。

  2. 催生 Bitcoin 扩容的基础设施。 现在众多 Bitcoin Layer2 冒出来,其实也是这个方向的演化结果。不过市场的分歧在于,铭文是主菜还是开胃菜。很多人认为铭文是开胃菜,主菜是 Layer2。但从铭文的演化角度来看,铭文实际上才是主菜,Bitcoin Layer2 要为铭文服务。而 Indexer 模式的 Layer2 扩容路径,才能延续铭文的扩展场景。这个话题比较大,后面单独写文章来阐述。

  3. 铭文和智能合约的结合,也就是智能铭文(Smart Inscription)。 很多铭文所设想的生态以及应用场景,需要在 Indexer 层实现。而 Indexer 层如果想提供第三方扩展,自然的想法是内置一套智能合约虚拟机,于是铭文和智能合约产生了结合。铭文表达资产,智能合约创造使用场景,自然打开了铭文应用场景的想象力。



铭文从资产表达角度来看,它是一种半均质化资产(SFT),但它同时蕴含着资产的发行方式,新的资产发行方式代表着新的激励模式,不同的激励模式会衍生出不同的生态。上一波 DeFi 通过流动性挖矿,激励出链上资产以及 TVL,完成了区块链金融基础设施。这波铭文,虽然还没有出现它的 DeFi 时刻,已经能感受到许多不同。

它所激励的目标是用户,是社群,是应用。应用需要大量的中小型团队做各种方向的探索和尝试,而铭文的 SFT 特征,让它的流动性介于 FT 和 NFT 之间,更适合初创小团队用来发行资产。当市场摸索出可复制的激励和应用构建模式,大量的中小团队开始构建应用,才预示着真正牛市的来临。

The author's co-creation source has been saying at various meetings a few days ago that the inscription is the key to large-scale users and the independent world. Here, let's talk about the inscription model, which is friendly to newcomers. The bull market in 2000 and the bull market in 2000 are marked by a large number of users directly using blockchain, and this bull market will follow the same logic. How to attract users to the chain has always been a dilemma in the industry, so that users can directly participate in the early fundraising of the project and benefit from mobile mining, but their participation threshold is too high and difficult. The threshold for attracting large-scale users to enter is to identify the cost. I remember that there was a widely circulated project white paper in 2000. The cloud disk included nearly a thousand projects with bright backgrounds and grand blueprints. Can this thing be realized if I look at it in a daze? It is more difficult for newcomers who don't know technology to identify, so they can only pursue hot spots and create a bubble. The threshold for participation lies in the initial capital. If there is no initial capital and security identification ability, they may not only make money, but also be seized or hacked. With the inscription, the participation threshold is the lowest, so long as users can afford the fee, they can participate in the user group with low risk preference, and users can take the initiative by being close to the community naturally, so long as they adhere to one principle and only participate, or at the early stage, they basically owe a fee. From this point of view, the inscription model is similar to Pinduoduo's tens of billions of subsidies. In the post-Internet era, it is difficult to migrate users from one application to another on a large scale, especially this new type. The application experience is lower than the threshold of the old application and higher than the value promised by the old application. How to realize the cold start has always been a dilemma. It is a way to attract users by distributing the future assets in the application directly through the inscription, and to start the user community through asset construction first. I have told many people whether the inscription is a sustainable track, and most of them can agree with it, but many people doubt whether the inscription is a sustainable track at first. Looking at it as an alternative, after all, its application form has not yet appeared. The old birds in the circle who have experienced previous bubbles have also dismissed this short-term hype, just waiting for the bubble to burst. Many people will ask why they can grow from a long-term to the present while others can't. The old birds will think this is wrong, but it is hard to refute. If we regard it as a group game, we can simplify the players' entry into this game, and we will have a number of options to hold and see who can take them for a long time to sell. See who runs fast, and everyone will predict other people's judgments to make decisions. If many people predict for a long time, this is what everyone said, which will encourage more people to participate in making this game system win for a long time. But this is a prisoner's dilemma. People who want to sell will guess the highest point, and some people will be smarter and run ahead of time, which may lead to the failure to reach the highest point. If this deduction goes on, it will become a fast-running game. Therefore, to break this prisoner's dilemma, we must turn this limited game into a long-term or even perpetual game. The game of chess is an optimal solution in the scene of perpetual game, and how can players believe that this game is a perpetual game? This is a process of both sides' game. First, the holder will send a signal to express his belief and build consensus, but this verbal expression is not credible because he may shout and sell the game at the same time, so he needs to send a more credible signal to engage in infrastructure construction around an ecology, which is equivalent to a method of pledge to win trust. If the infrastructure investment continues, it will waste the game. On the third stage of infrastructure, there will be derivative ecology to form an ecological cycle. It will become a sustainable game. The most critical point of this game system is that it must be a decentralized system, eliminating the single point of risk in the system and ensuring openness. Only in this way can we ensure that the withdrawal and switching of participants including players and builders will not affect the continuation of the game, and the inscription game has reached the second stage. When a group game system enters the second stage, it will produce positive externalities, so it has the potential to become a long-term sustainable track inscription evolution path. From the perspective of game, it is explained that the inscription may become a sustainable track, so how will it develop besides engraving? There are mainly several new asset agreements in this respect, whether based on agreement expansion or new engraving methods, which can be attributed to this perspective. Now there are many risks. In fact, it is also the evolution result of this direction, but the difference in the market lies in whether the inscription is the main course or the appetizer. Many people think that the inscription is the appetizer. However, from the perspective of the evolution of the inscription, the inscription is actually the main course, and the expansion path of the model should serve the inscription in order to continue the expansion scene of the inscription. This topic is relatively big, and then an article will be written separately to explain the combination of the inscription and the smart contract, that is, the ecology and application scenarios envisaged by many smart inscriptions need to be realized at different levels. If you want to provide a third-party extension, the natural idea is to build a set of intelligent contract virtual machine, so the inscription and intelligent contract are combined to express the assets, and the intelligent contract creates a usage scene, which naturally opens up the imagination of the inscription application scene. What will the derivative ecology of the inscription be? Through the previous example, you can already feel that the inscription is actually a primary independent world group game, and it is trying to realize the eternal inscription, which is the agreement of the assets and props in this independent world. It is about the rules of assets, which is exactly the idea expressed by the independent world, and the distribution method of inscriptions is constantly evolving and gamification. In the future, its distribution will be embedded in various application scenarios and naturally integrated into every corner of this independent world. From the perspective of asset expression, it is a semi-homogeneous asset, but it also contains the distribution method of assets. The new distribution method of assets represents a new incentive model, and different incentive models will generate different waves of mining through liquidity. Inspire the assets on the chain and complete the blockchain financial infrastructure. Although it has not yet appeared, many differences can be felt. The goal it inspires is that users are communities and applications require a large number of small and medium-sized teams to explore and try in various directions. The characteristics of the inscription make it more suitable for small start-up teams to issue assets. When the market explores a reproducible incentive and application construction model, a large number of small and medium-sized teams begin to build applications, which indicates the arrival of a real bull market. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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