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23 岁的纽约大学学生 Jerry Yu 是典型的中国富二代,他有康乃狄克州预科学校的教育背景,住在曼哈顿的一间公寓里,该公寓是他从通用电气前执行长 Jeffrey R. Immelt 手中以 800 万美元购买的。

他还是德州一座比特币矿场的主要所有者,该矿场是 Jerry Yu 在去年以超过 600 万美元的价格收购的,但不是用美元,而是用加密货币进行购买的。


如果 Jerry Yu 的公司 BitRush Inc.(也称为 BytesRush)没有在得克萨斯州潘汉德尔小镇遇到麻烦,那么这一切都不会为人所知。BitRush 拖欠了承包商的工程款,围绕这件事的一系列诉讼揭露了通常不会被公开的交易。

中国政府于 2021 年禁止比特币挖矿后,不少中国的投资者涌入了美国,花费数亿美元建造或经营加密货币矿场。

这些矿场是中国投资者生产加密货币(主要是比特币)的一种方式,他们可以在交易所将其兑现为美元。Jerry Yu 的矿场建在一片开阔的场地上,由数十座建筑物组成,可容纳 6000 台专用矿机,这些计算机日夜运行,通过「猜出」正确的数字序列从而获得比特币,目前每个比特币的价值超过40000 美元。根据《纽约时报》报道,矿场可能会给国家电网带来负担,矿场所有者的中国身份也引起了美国国家安全的审查。

在对中国公民和美国居民 Jerry Yu 的诉讼中,BitRush 的承包商声称 Jerry Yu「不仅是中国公民,而且是身居高位,具有政治影响力和商业地位的公民」。

该诉讼并未提供其身份相关的确凿证据,资金线索也最终止于加密货币交易所币安。通过使用 USDT 在币安的离岸交易所进行交易,Jerry Yu 的投资者无法知道其资金的来源。美国政府官员表示,币安的离岸业务在交易时并未遵守美国银行业规则。

上个月,币安承认违反反洗钱法规,并同意支付超过 43 亿美元的罚款。币安案件的核心是其未能遵守包括《银行保密法》在内的法律,该法律规定服务商有义务验证客户的身份并标记可疑的资金转移。

BitRush 的律师 Gavin Clarkson 在一封电子邮件中回复表示,公司遵守所有必要的联邦、州和地方法律法规,包括《银行保密法》。承包商的说法都是毫无根据的,包括拖欠工程款,「BitRush 是被欠款的,而不是欠款」。

在针对承包商的诉讼中,BitRush 指控承包商的工程存在「重大过失」,并要求其赔偿 75 万美元。


负责现场电气和管道工程施工的 Brent Loudder 表示,承包商被拖欠工程款。


矿场所在的小镇仅有人口 281 人

BitRush 来到小镇引起了广泛关注,一些居民找到了建设矿场的工作。

负责监督电气和管道工程的 Brent Loudder 表示,直到他们停工抗议后,承包商才拿到了工程款,另一家电力承包商也因工资问题对 BitRush 提起了诉讼。

承包商的律师 David Huang 分享的文件透露了 BitRush 计划如何收购矿场:卖家 Outlaw Mining 将获得 633 万美元的 USDT,购买协议列出了一个钱包地址,资金将流向该地址。

交易记录显示,该钱包地址为加密货币经纪公司 FalconX 所有,交易结束时应支付507.7万美元,该笔交易已于去年完成。在此之前,还支付了 50 万美元的 USDT 作为押金,另 75 万美元在 BitRush 取得现场设备、用品和材料后以 USDT 支付。

然而,资金来源并未记录,协议也并未具体说明由谁付款,这些信息只有处理交易的币安知道。BitRush 的律师 Gavin Clarkson 表示,BitRush 从未通过币安发送或接收任何资金。

FalconX 副总法律顾问 Purvi Maniar 在一份声明中表示,该公司「不清楚资金的来源」。


Chainaanalysis 发言人 Madeleine Kennedy 表示,一旦资金被发送到区块链上的中心化服务机构,在没有法院命令等法律程序的情况下,就无法再追踪到将资金发送到该交易所的个人。

币安发言人 Jessica Jung 表示,币安部署了严格的程序来验证客户的身份,三个币安账户的加密钱包进行了 USDT 付款,但这些资金都属于非美国居民的外国人,「币安没有也不为任何美国客户提供服务」。

使用 USDT 支付在比特币挖矿行业很普遍。

阿肯色州的一名矿工和怀俄明州的另一名矿工都表示,他们使用 USDT 购买中国公司生产的专用计算机,这些交易的好处之一是可以避免销售税和资本利得税。

承包商的律师 David Huang 分享的一份文件确认了 BitRush 一些股东的身份,继 Jerry Yu 之后,最大的投资者是来自加州圣马刁市一家专注于中国的创投公司 IMO Ventures的投资者,另外,还有一位股东被称为「Lao Yu」。

WireScreen 公司的记录显示,在 Jerry Yu 的曼哈顿公寓抵押贷款文件上签字的是 Yu Hao 和 Sun Xiaoying,这与一对中国已婚夫妇的名字相符,这对夫妇拥有价值超过 1 亿美元的公司股份。此外,Sun Xiaoying 也被列为 BitRush 的董事。

Jerry Yu 的律师 Clarkson 不愿证实 BitRush 股东的身份以及他们和 Jerry Yu的关系。

Outlaw Mining 创始人 Josey Parks 在电话中表示,因为受到保密协议的约束,他无法评论与 BitRush 相关的财务安排。

Parks 后来在短信中称:「据我所知,Jerry Yu 是美国的大学生,他的家庭非常富裕。我不知道他的任何投资者,也不知道他与外国实体有什么关系。」

A legal dispute in a small town in Texas, USA, unexpectedly exposed the mysterious owner behind the local mine. A China university student, aged at new york University, is a typical rich second generation in China. He has an educational background from a preparatory school in Connecticut and lives in an apartment in Manhattan. He bought the apartment from the former CEO of General Electric for $10,000. He is also the main owner of a bitcoin mine in Texas. The mine was bought for more than $10,000 last year, but not in dollars. The cryptocurrency is purchased with cryptocurrency. The cryptocurrency is anonymously traded through offshore exchanges, which can prevent anyone from knowing the source of funds. This enables China investors to avoid the supervision of the American banking system and federal regulators. Banks that receive funds in traditional transactions will know where the funds come from and report any suspicious activities to the US Treasury according to legal requirements. If the company is also called as not in trouble in the small town of Pan Gandel, Texas, then none of this will happen. It is known that the contractor is in arrears with the project payment. A series of lawsuits around this matter have exposed the transactions that are usually not made public. After the China government banned bitcoin mining in, many China investors poured into the United States and spent hundreds of millions of dollars to build or operate cryptocurrency mines. These mines are a way for China investors to produce cryptocurrency, mainly bitcoin. They can cash it into dollars on the exchange. The mines are built on an open site and can accommodate dozens of buildings. These computers run day and night by guessing the correct digital sequence to obtain bitcoins. At present, the value of each bitcoin exceeds US dollars. According to the new york Times, the mine owner's China status has also caused the review of US national security. In the lawsuit against China citizens and American residents, the contractor claimed that he was not only a citizen of China, but also a citizen with high political influence and commercial status. The lawsuit did not provide his identity. The conclusive evidence of the fund clue also ends in the cryptocurrency exchange. Investors who use the offshore exchange in the currency exchange cannot know the source of their funds. US government officials said that the offshore business of the currency exchange did not comply with the US banking rules. Last month, the currency exchange admitted that it violated the anti-money laundering regulations and agreed to pay a fine of more than 100 million US dollars. The core of the currency exchange case is that it failed to comply with laws including the bank secrecy law, which stipulates that service providers are obliged to verify customers. In an e-mail, the lawyer who marked the suspicious transfer of funds replied that the company abides by all necessary federal state and local laws and regulations, including the bank secrecy law. The contractor's statement is groundless, including the fact that the project payment is owed, not owed. In the lawsuit against the contractor, he accused the contractor of gross negligence in the project and demanded compensation of $10,000. The only town where the mine is located is that the contractor is owed the project payment. The arrival of the population in the town has aroused widespread concern. Some residents have found jobs in building mines and are responsible for supervising electrical and pipeline projects. It is said that the contractor didn't get the project money until they stopped working and protested. Another power contractor also filed a lawsuit against the contractor's lawyer because of the salary problem. The document shared revealed how the seller planned to acquire the mine and the purchase agreement listed a wallet address to which the funds would flow. The transaction records showed that the wallet address was a cryptocurrency broker. At the end of all transactions, the company should pay $10,000, which was completed last year. Before that, it paid $10,000 as a deposit, and another $10,000 was paid after obtaining on-site equipment, supplies and materials. However, the source of funds was not recorded and the agreement did not specify who would pay for this information. Only the lawyer who handled the transaction said that he had never sent or received any funds through the company. The deputy general counsel said in a statement that the company did not know the source of funds. A spokesman said that once, The funds are sent to the centralized service organization on the blockchain, and it can no longer be traced to the individual who sent the funds to the exchange without legal procedures such as court orders. A spokesman for Bian said that Bian has deployed strict procedures to verify the identity of customers. The encrypted wallets of three Bian accounts have been paid, but these funds belong to foreigners who are not American residents. Bian does not provide services for any American customers, and payment is very common in bitcoin mining industry. Both the miner and another miner in Wyoming said that they used a special computer made by China Company. One of the benefits of these transactions was that they could avoid sales tax and capital gains tax. A document shared by the contractor's lawyer confirmed the identity of some shareholders. The largest investor was an investor from a venture capital company focusing on China in San Mateo, California. Another shareholder was called the company's record, showing that the mortgage loan document of Manhattan apartment was signed with. This is consistent with the name of a married couple in China, who owns shares of the company worth more than US$ 100 million. In addition, the lawyer listed as a director is unwilling to confirm the identity of the shareholders and their relationship. The founder said on the phone that he could not comment on the relevant financial arrangements because of the confidentiality agreement. Later, he said in a text message that as far as I know, he was an American college student, and his family was very rich. I didn't know that any of his investors had any relationship with foreign entities. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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