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以太坊 NFT 市场





OpenSea于2023年4月推出了专业交易平台,与Blur竞争;然而,自2023年9月以来,OpenSea Pro仅占以太坊NFT交易量的9%。Blur在专业NFT交易中的主导地位依然存在,这主要归功于其先发优势和UX/UI设计。例如,Blur对订单簿系统的利用使NFT交易者能够比任何其他市场更好地评估项目的底价深度。这与Blur的原生NFT借贷平台Blend相结合,为NFT交易者提供了构建复杂交易策略的工具。




Solana NFT 市场

2023年9月,Solana的NFT交易量降至最低,为3000万美元。从10月2日到9日,Solana的NFT交易量创下了最糟糕的一周,仅为440万美元。但是自10月9日以来,Solana的每周NFT交易量已经增长了8倍以上。Solana NFT每周交易量的大幅增长主要是因为:

1. Tensor NFT交易平台即将进行空投。

2. SOL代币的涨幅,导致所有Solana NFT被重新定价,并吸引了更多的关注。


Tensor是Solana的Blur版本,于2022年推出,NFT交易者可以在其中制定复杂的交易策略。Tensor的第二季空投于2023年8月结束,预计下一次空投将在2024年1月进行,这也刺激了Solana NFT收藏者的交易活动。另外,Solana持有者的财富效应也是推动NFT生态系统的一个重要原因。随着SOL在2023年全年上涨615%,以及其他Solana应用程序的空投,Solana的各类应用程序(包括NFT)的活动都在增加。



Blur 和 Tensor 等先进的交易平台发展迅速,在各自的链上占了大部分的 NFT 交易量。对于活跃的 NFT 交易者来说,NFT 市场的集中度是一个互惠互利的结果,这些交易者需要足够的流动性来进入和退出价格波动较大的资产。Blur 和 Tensor 通过空投奖励来鼓励用户向他们的市场注入流动性,卖家可以通过空投来衡量某个 NFT 的市场深度。在 Blur 和 Tensor 出现之前,像 OpenSea 这样的传统 NFT 市场使用的是没有奖励的报价系统。买家缺乏提交有竞争力报价的动力,导致报价分散,且明显低于 NFT 的真实价值。



在2023年,Magic Eden在Solana NFT交易领域占据了主导地位,占据了总交易量的51%,表现非常出色。但是,紧随其后的是Tensor,占据了41%的份额。

尽管Magic Eden在2023年领先于Tensor,但今年也有几天Tensor的交易量超过了Magic Eden,尤其是在2023年10月NFT市场复苏的时期。从2023年10月1日到2024年1月1日,Tensor的交易量飙升,超过Magic Eden 50%。

随着先进的交易平台为第三季度的空投和其他激励驱动计划做准备,Tensor有望在2024年超越Magic Eden在NFT市场的份额。

Blur和Tensor对NFT市场集中度的影响表明,先进的交易平台正在寻找明确的市场定位。虽然Blur和Tensor是在熊市中推出的平台,但它们成功地从OpenSea和Magic Eden等知名的传统市场中抢占了市场份额。

以太坊 vs Solana









In the fourth quarter of 2008, the market recovered, and the transaction volume of Ethereum and Ethereum increased significantly. As of March, the transaction volume of Ethereum has more than tripled compared with their respective lows, while the transaction volume has doubled. With the recovery of the transaction volume, the reserve prices of Ethereum and the top projects are also rising. This paper will focus on the recovery in the ecosystem of Ethereum and provide views on the growth in 2008. At the same time, this paper will also analyze some incentive-driven markets, such as Hefei, which have been consolidating their existing markets. An important share of the Ethereum market, the transaction volume of Ethereum reached the lowest point in January, with a monthly transaction volume of only US$ 100 million, especially in the week from May to May, but after May, there was a significant change. Since May, the weekly transaction volume of Ethereum has soared, which is mainly due to how to bet on Ethereum in the second quarter of May and what incentives were made to attract users, and the bidding listing on its platform was stimulated by tokens. It is worth noting that traders actively participated in trading a few weeks before this kind of airdrop, which is proved by the similar trend during the first season of airdrop. In addition, the result of airdrop triggered a wealth effect, which prompted traders to reinvest in airdrop to maintain their integral farming. Although the weekly trading volume of Ethereum increased more than the lowest point of last year, it still decreased compared with the historical high point of last year. The market of Ethereum still has a long way to recover. The next cycle of Taifang ecosystem may be promoted by advanced trading platforms, such as airdrop incentive trading activities, and the professional trading platform and competition will be launched in May. However, the dominant position in professional trading, which only accounts for the trading volume of Taifang since May, still exists, mainly due to its first-Mover advantage and design, such as the use of order book system, which enables traders to evaluate the reserve price depth of projects better than any other market. This is combined with the original lending platform to become traders. It provides a tool to construct complex trading strategies, and the position of Prospect Year will be consolidated due to the air-drop planned for the upcoming first quarter in June. It is expected that this activity will further encourage traders who have used it before, because the strategic advantage of the next air-drop to be distributed to existing token holders is not limited to their first-Mover position, but also extends to the integrated ecosystem company developed by it. Recently, in the governance plan, it has taken the initiative to convert the market fees charged by the community activation fees for the use of generated funds. This money is used to buy back and destroy tokens, which can reduce the supply. Although this plan is still awaiting approval, it has proved that the company has been striving to improve the platform's token economics and position itself as an important participant in the market. Recently, the transaction volume has increased significantly, mainly because users of cryptocurrency have paid attention to the market again, but there are still many traders waiting to see. It is worth noting that the number of traders per week has decreased compared with the historical peak in June, which shows that there are still many retail uses. Although households have not returned to the market, it is the most popular market in cryptocurrency community, but it is mainly aimed at more mature and wealthy traders. In this case, the share of trading volume observed is very important to measure the recovery of retail investors' interest. The monthly trading volume of the market has dropped to a minimum of $10,000, and the worst week has reached only $10,000. However, the weekly trading volume has more than doubled since February, mainly because of the trading platform. The increase in tokens that will be airdropped has led to all re-pricing and attracted more attention. How to bet on Ethereum and what incentives have been given to attract users? Yes, the version was launched in 2008, in which traders can formulate complex trading strategies. The second season of airdrops ended in June, and the next airdrop is expected to be carried out in June, which also stimulated collectors' trading activities. In addition, the wealth effect of holders is also an important reason to promote the ecosystem with the increase in 2008 and other applications. All kinds of airdropped applications include increasing activities. Although the recovery speed of our ecosystem is faster than that of Ethereum, the weekly transaction volume is still down compared with the historical high point in June. The ecosystem as strong as Ethereum can provide users with an economical, efficient and user-friendly experience. In addition, the infrastructure is rapidly maturing because wallets and other applications have some functions, such as being displayed next to replaceable tokens, to better support the growth of the digital collection ecosystem. Generally speaking, the next market cycle may be driven by trading activities on advanced trading platforms, such as market concentration and the rapid development of advanced trading platforms, which account for most of the trading volume in their respective chains. For active traders, market concentration is a mutually beneficial result. These traders need enough liquidity to enter and exit assets with large price fluctuations and encourage users to inject liquidity into their markets through airdrops. Sellers can do this through airdrops. To measure the depth of a certain market, before and after it appeared, the traditional market like this used a quotation system without reward, and buyers lacked the motivation to submit competitive quotations, which led to the scattered and obviously lower real value of quotations. How to bet on Ethereum and what incentives were made to attract users? In 2008, it accounted for more than the total transaction volume of Ethereum before its launch, but now it only accounts for the total transaction volume of Ethereum, occupying a dominant position in the trading field and occupying the performance of the total transaction volume. It's always excellent, but it's followed by the market share. Although it was ahead in 2008, the trading volume exceeded in a few days this year, especially in the period of market recovery in February, and the trading volume soared beyond that in March, with the advanced trading platform preparing for airdrops and other incentive-driven plans in the third quarter, it is expected to surpass the market share and influence on market concentration in 2008, indicating that the advanced trading platform is looking for a clear market position, although it is a platform launched in a bear market. However, they have successfully seized market share from well-known traditional markets such as Hehe, and launched fierce competition with Ethereum in the dominant position in the market. During this period, the transaction volume only accounted for less than the total transaction volume including Ethereum and Hehe, but it has increased greatly since January, and quickly gained market share. How to bet on Ethereum and what incentives have been made to attract users? The transaction volume will continue to compete with Ethereum since January, with more than 10,000 US dollars from smart chain and Ethereum. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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