Web3 游戏开发者的数据分析指南

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在竞争激烈的 Web3 游戏行业中,成功不仅仅取决于游戏的发布,还需要在游戏运营过程中有高度的敏锐性,以应对下一次牛市的来临。

人们对 2024 年的游戏行业充满信心。A16Z GAMES 和 GAMES FUND ONE 的营销负责人 Doug McCracken 表示:“最近市场上很多人在讨论迪士尼重新进入视频游戏市场这件事,但我认为某一家视频游戏公司会成为下一个迪士尼。”

蓬勃发展的 Web3 游戏行业对运营专业人员提出了更高的要求。为了提高用户留存率、提升用户参与度,以及延长游戏产品的生命周期,深入数据分析变得至关重要。

本文深入探讨了 Web3 游戏数据分析的方法,为游戏开发者提供了关于分析方法、工具探索以及更多有价值的见解。

Web3 游戏开发者的数据分析指南

随着市场的复苏,Web3 游戏市场也从十二月以来也展现出了良好的发展迹象。

然而,我们必须认识到,Web3 游戏目前仍处于起步阶段,活跃参与者人数远远落后于 Web2 的游戏社区。所有的行业从业者都在积极努力,探索 Web3 游戏的可持续性和大规模普及的方法。


Web3 游戏开发者的应该牢记的数据分析法则

Web3 游戏开发者应该注意,精确的数据分析对于做出明智的决策非常重要。

在 Web3 中,开发游戏的一个常见方法是从创造性的叙事切入,吸引高质量的早期用户,然后找到方法来分析用户画像并优化游戏体验,以扩大用户基础。开发者需要通过收集全面的数据进行深入分析,这样才能打破个人的主观偏见和对经验的依赖,更客观地推动游戏发展。



作为位居前三名的 dApp,我们之所以成功,是因为我们深入了解客户需求,精准定位获取渠道,并确保用户在我们的应用中获得良好体验,让他们愿意持续使用。

—— Wali Khan,Gamifly 的联合创始人

在 Web3 游戏领域,用户相关数据扮演着十分重要的角色,其中包括用户获取相关数据和用户画像分析。

在 Web3 经济生态中,用户不仅是玩家,更是创作者和投资者,是游戏经济价值的关键。玩家的积极参与对游戏生态的持续发展至关重要。



“了解新用户来源对优化营销策略、有效配置资源至关重要,” Internet Game 联合创始人 Krish Jagirdar 表示。




Web3 游戏的成功往往离不开活跃的社区。监控社区指标有助于衡量游戏本身之外玩家互动的健康状况,这不仅仅局限于游戏本身。

—— Krish Jagirdar,Internet Game 的联合创始人




在 Web3 游戏领域,用户留存率也是一个不容忽视的指标。在这个注意力稀缺的领域,吸引新用户的成本很高,所以对于项目方来说,努力保留现有用户则更加经济实惠。“留存率是当前市场的重要指标,与 Web2 相似。高留存率意味着用户不仅享受游戏乐趣,还认同其经济模型,这反映了他们对游戏产品的接受程度,”Outer.gg 的社区大使 Hoshino Sasaki 说。


Web3 游戏的社区参与数据

社区参与在 Web3 中也是很重要的。一个活跃的社区代表了一群多元化的个体,他们积极参与游戏生态系统。游戏社区中的参与者通常包括玩家、分析师、社区大使等。官方游戏社区是玩家获取官方公告的主要渠道,也是社区成员互动的主战场。因此,分析社区数据,如成员数量的趋势和社区参与度,对游戏开发者至关重要。

目前,Web2 与 Web3 数据无法整合在一起做分析是一个主要挑战,这使得围绕整个用户漏斗的分析变得复杂。Footprint Growth Analytics 能够通过连接 Web2 和 Web3 数据,为数据的全面分析提供一个整体视角。


Web2 与 Web3 数据的融合


在目前阶段,Web3 依然是一个需要资金和财务支持的领域。用户社区愿意投入游戏的资金一定程度上直接反映了该游戏项目的市场份额。

—— Hoshino Sasaki,Outer.gg 的社区大使

收入数据在 Web3 游戏中极为重要。一方面,团队收入是项目发展的基石;另一方面,用户收入对于留住初期用户至关重要,尤其是在快速发展的 Web3 游戏行业中。

在 Web3 游戏的初期,大多数开发者首先要做的是打造游戏的经济模型,这样可以通过“play-to-earn”模式吸引更多用户。



项目 NFT 收入

监控区块链游戏的价值包括追踪 NFT 和游戏代币的价格及其流通情况。

“在区块链游戏中,NFT 的成功至关重要。监控 NFT 的所有权、交易情况和稀有性指标,可以为用户提供关于游戏内资产受欢迎程度和价值的重要数据。” Krish Jagirdar 说。


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Web3 游戏开发者的数据分析工具

许多游戏目前依赖于简单的 Web2 工具来监测游戏运行情况,这些工具包括 Google Analytics 和 SimilarWeb。一些较大的公司,如 Gamifly,已开始开发内部分析解决方案。

“我认为 Web3 数据分析工具这一行业尚处初期阶段,游戏开发者对于它们的广泛采用尚未实现。我相信像 Footprint Analytics 这样的优秀的游戏数据分析公司将随着时间的推移变得越来越多,”Krish Jagirdar 说。

虽然使用 Web2 软件可能提供一些基本数据,但它们在提供深入洞察 Web3 游戏复杂世界方面远远不足。此外,对于初创的 Web3 游戏来说,由于索引 Web3 数据的复杂性和成本,开发内部分析工具是一大挑战。

然而,我们要意识到,数据分析不应成为一个高门槛的事情。有效利用数据分析工具,策略性地捕获关键的链上和链下数据,可以为 Web3 游戏的决策和发展提供重要支持。

这是一些 Web3 游戏开发者常用的工具。


Footprint Growth Analytics

Footprint Growth Analytics

Footprint Growth Analytics 是 Web3 游戏开发者的首选分析工具,提供超过 30 个区块链的全面数据,用户友好的网站简化了数据利用流程。Footprint 提供资产表现、收入分析、钱包数据、用户探索和上线等全面功能,使游戏开发者能够轻松获得有价值的洞察,以优化他们的项目。Footprint 让游戏开发者可以轻松使用数据,促进明智决策,推动 Web3 游戏在不断变化的市场中的更好的生存。




DeGame 是世界上最大的 NFT 游戏聚合商,从 2021 年上线以来,上架了超过 4,000 个区块链游戏项目和 1,000+ 游戏代币&游戏链。 DeGame 与 50 多个公会和公链建立了合作伙伴关系,为NFT游戏爱好者和开发者提供了一个一站式服务的平台。2023 年,DeGame 推出了贡献量证明平台 DeGame 社区,这是全球 Web3 用户发现和玩最激动人心的新项目和游戏的一站式商店。早期开发人员、项目大使、KOL 和社区组织者可以证明他们对项目的贡献,并通过身份角色和奖励获得认可。




Galxe 是一个旨在帮助游戏增长并解决 Web3 游戏客户获取难题的任务平台。该平台为游戏提供了发布任务的机会,如注册游戏、加入社区和提供激励。作为构建 Web3 社区的领先平台,Galxe 目前已吸引了超过 1,400 万独特用户,并通过基于奖励的忠诚度计划推动了 Optimism、Polygon、Arbitrum 以及超过 4,000 个合作伙伴的增长。


Web3 游戏尚处于发展早期,尽管游戏的数据分析还面临一些数据获取和处理等挑战,但数据分析的重要性不容忽视。


此外,整个 Web3 数据行业应努力打破数据壁垒,更好的合作创建基础设施。这样的话,数据就能在推动 Web3 游戏行业的繁荣和发展中发挥关键作用。

The author's success in the highly competitive game industry not only depends on the release of the game, but also needs to have a high degree of acumen in the game operation process to cope with the coming of the next bull market. People are full of confidence in the game industry in 2008, and the person in charge of marketing said that many people in the market have been discussing Disney's re-entry into the video game market recently, but I think a video game company will become the next Disney's booming game industry and put forward higher requirements for operating professionals. In order to improve the user retention rate, enhance user participation and extend the life cycle of game products, in-depth data analysis has become very important. This paper deeply discusses the methods of game data analysis, and provides game developers with a guide to data analysis on analysis methods, tools exploration and more valuable insights. With the recovery of the market, the game market has also shown good signs of development since December. However, we must realize that the game is still in its infancy and actively participates. The number of players is far behind in the game community. Practitioners in all industries are actively trying to explore the methods of game sustainability and large-scale popularization. It is very important to analyze the market segmentation competitor data and chain participation data in the early stage of a game, but what really changes the fate of the game is the mid-term customer acquisition. Developers should pay close attention to the data income indicators related to users and keep up-to-date understanding of the development of the industry. Game developers should keep in mind the rules of data analysis. Developers should pay attention to accurate data analysis, which is very important for making wise decisions. A common way to develop games in China is to attract high-quality early users from creative narrative, and then find ways to analyze user portraits and optimize the game experience to expand the user base. Developers need to collect comprehensive data for in-depth analysis, so as to break personal subjective prejudice and dependence on experience and promote game development more objectively. The data dimensions that developers should pay attention to include Monitor the retention and loss of users to promote the continuous growth of the game, identify the behavior patterns of players participating in the game, design more attractive game mechanisms, evaluate different profit models, optimize the benefits of the game, and other user data are the key to success in the game market. As the top three, we succeeded because we deeply understand the needs of customers, accurately locate the acquisition channels, and ensure that users get a good experience in our application, so that they are willing to continue to use the co-founders. User-related data plays a very important role in the field of drama, including user's access to relevant data and user portrait analysis. In the economic ecology, users are not only players, but also creators and investors. The active participation of players is very important for the sustainable development of the game ecology. Understanding the source of new users is very important for optimizing marketing strategies and effectively allocating resources. The co-founder said that game developers can explore through user data and typical user portraits. The behavior pattern of high-value users and the re-participation analysis of inactive users also help to reduce the loss of users and improve the overall health of the game ecosystem. Active data is the cornerstone of the sustainable development of the game. The success of the game is often inseparable from active community monitoring. Community indicators help to measure the health of player interaction outside the game itself, which is not limited to the co-founders of the game itself. In order to make the game develop continuously, it is equally important to attract new users to pay attention to the active data of users. This is because. Active user data can reflect users' recognition of game playability or economic model, and show that they are willing to invest time and energy in the fun or reward of the game. Even the seven-day retention rate of money users is an indicator that can not be ignored in the game field. In this field where attention is scarce, the cost of attracting new users is high, so it is more economical for the project party to strive to retain existing users. Retention rate is an important indicator of the current market, and similar high retention rate means users. Not only enjoy the fun of the game, but also agree with its economic model, which reflects their acceptance of the game products. The community ambassador said that the participation of the game community in the data community is also very important. An active community represents a group of diverse individuals. Participants in the game community usually include players, analysts, community ambassadors and other official game communities, which are the main channels for players to obtain official announcements and the main battlefield for community members to interact. Therefore, the number of communities is analyzed. For example, the trend of the number of members and community participation are very important to game developers. At present, it is a major challenge to analyze the data, which makes the analysis around the entire user funnel complicated. It can provide a holistic perspective for the comprehensive analysis of the data through connections and data. Income data is a compass for strategic decision-making. At this stage, it is still an area that needs funds and financial support. The user community is willing to invest in the game to a certain extent. The income data of community ambassadors, which reflects the market share of the game project, is extremely important in the game. On the one hand, team income is the cornerstone of the project development, on the other hand, user income is very important for retaining initial users, especially in the fast-developing game industry. In the initial stage of the game, most developers should first create an economic model of the game so as to attract more users through the model. Although the basis of income lies in the design of the economic model, once the game runs stably, it will continue to monitor the income. Control is equally important, which enables developers to adjust the game design in time to attract more users' income level and growth, which directly affects the views of external investors and the market on the value of the game. Project income monitoring the value of blockchain games includes tracking and the price and circulation of game tokens. It is very important to monitor the ownership transaction and rarity indicators in blockchain games, which can provide users with important data on the popularity and value of assets in the game, saying that the top loss is also close. Players who pay attention to the profit and loss in the market study whether the reward system of the game meets the expectations and motives of users, which provides a profound perspective for analyzing the design of the game economic model. They are also an important tool to identify the reasons for the loss of users. Some reasons, such as the mismatch between efforts and returns, make it difficult for new users to make profits, and inflation erodes profits or speculation squeezes long-term investment, may make the game lose. Many games currently rely on simple tools to monitor the operation of the game. These tools include internal analysis solutions that have been developed by some larger companies. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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