
币圈资讯 阅读:41 2024-04-22 10:24:54 评论:0



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作者:菠菜菠菜,Web3caff Reseach & 万物研究院研究员 来源:X,@wzxznl







1. Move生态大会的举办,一般来说公链开会大概率都会搞一波“拉盘”,毕竟需要给大家打打鸡血才更有动力嘛

2. Sui生态项目开启了高额补贴,这也是TVL和跨链活动迅速增长的主要因素。


例如在Navi Protocol上存Sui和USDC的利率都超过了20%,高额补贴吸引了大量资金前来薅羊毛,也导致了大量的Sui被锁在协议里吃利息,造成了一定的飞轮效应将Sui的价格不断拉高。


Sui的一波爆发也引起了市场上的广泛关注,目前除了已经发币的Cetus之外,还未发币的DeFi借贷项目 Navi Protocol和 Scallop  Lend 成为了大家重点关注的项目。 对于这两个项目,市场上已经有许多人对两个项目的机制设计做了分析,并按照TVL把Scallop称为龙一,Navi称为龙二,但是其实换一种角度去分析,Navi在一些方面会更具备优势。

一. TVL





这种逻辑就像你去对比两个银行,A银行的存款准备金多,而B银行的存款准备金比A少,但是B银行的贷款业务更多,B银行体系里通过信贷产生的“信用货币”是高于A银行的,虽然在DeFi领域目前不存在“信用派生货币” 但简单来说就是,从借贷活动和规模方面,Navi是高于Scallop的,而一个Defi借贷项目的利润主要就是来自于借贷活动,因此在真实的借贷业务方面Navi更胜一筹。



另外一个方面就是收益预期和未来的需求,目前我们进入这两个项目的官网可以发现,Navi在存款补贴的收益和每个代币的TVL上都是高于Scallop的,算上Extra的vSUI,Navi在SUI和USDC/USDT的收益率要高于Scallop 5%~13%左右。



关于SUI未来的走势,目前菠菜了解到的情况是这种高额补贴还会维持一两个季度的时间,并且由于这两个项目都有空投预期,会带来大量的TVL数据,数据好看了,炒作就容易了,懂的吧。 如果大家想刷点交互拿空投,又不想冒SUI波动的风险的话,可以选择把稳定币跨过去刷一刷交互。

Navi Protocol网站:


Author Spinach Spinach Institute of Everything Researcher Source After the last observation and the significant increase in cross-chain activities, this skyrocketing has aroused widespread concern. Without much research, we briefly re-examine the reasons for the skyrocketing, and at the same time understand some ecological projects that are currently receiving much attention. Ecological spinach has never been studied before and has not paid attention to it, so it has never been well understood. However, since writing several tweets with intelligent inscriptions, spinach has discovered the advantages of language, especially in financial application scenarios. It has a very strong advantage, because it can realize the decoupling of asset ownership and smart contracts, which is different from the Ethereum system. In the system, if there is a security problem with smart contracts, then the assets inside will also go wrong, and if you use language, you can avoid this situation. Even if there is a security problem with smart contracts, your assets will be fine, which depends on the design of the contracts. If it is a pool, there are still risks. In short, the language will be safer and more flexible than it is. Because the language is still young, many people don't understand the developer's ecology, which is not as good as that of Ethereum, and it has been tepid before. However, with the narrative of high-performance chain and the rebirth of the fire, spinach thinks that there may also be an ecological explosion, especially in the financial field. There are two main reasons for the recent surge in the ecological conference. Generally speaking, the public chain meeting will be held with a high probability. After all, it is necessary to give everyone a bloody meal to be more motivated. The ecological project has started a high subsidy, which is also a cross-chain activity. The main factors of rapid growth, such as the deposit and interest rates, exceeded the high subsidies, which attracted a lot of money to come to bonus hunter, and also caused a lot of money to be locked in the agreement to eat interest, which caused a certain flywheel effect and caused a wave of explosions that kept the price up, which also attracted widespread attention in the market. At present, the loan projects that have not been issued except the currency have become the key projects for everyone. Many people in the market have designed the mechanisms for these two projects. According to the analysis, it is called "Dragon One" or "Dragon Two", but in fact, it will be more advantageous in some aspects to analyze it from another angle. First, we can see that the current project is higher than that, and many people also judge which project is "Dragon One" based on this point. However, it is too simple to evaluate a lending project as a judgment, and another indicator is the amount of lending activities. If we count the borrowed money, it will become an ecological "Dragon One" project, because the default view is not to re-deposit after lending. The logic of the amount of money going in is like comparing two banks. The bank has more deposit reserves and the bank has less deposit reserves, but the bank has more loan business. The credit currency generated by credit in the banking system is higher than that of banks. Although there is no credit derivative currency in the field at present, it is simply higher in terms of lending activities and scale, and the profit of a lending project mainly comes from lending activities, so it is better than the second income in real lending business. The other aspect of the rate is income expectation and future demand. At present, when we enter these two projects in official website, we can find that the income from deposit subsidy and the income from each token are higher than the existing sum, and the deposit-loan spread that does not support revolving loan at present allows users to obtain higher income through revolving loan at present, such as the income from deposit and food, and then continue to deposit it by borrowing interest, and there is almost no risk of short positions in local currency. Therefore, at present, there is no income. The profit rate is higher than that of the future trend. At present, what spinach knows is that this high subsidy will last for one or two quarters, and because these two projects have airdrops, it is expected to bring a lot of data. It is easy to understand the hype if you want to take the airdrops interactively and don't want to take the risk of fluctuation. You can choose to brush the stable currency across the interactive website to briefly summarize that this wave of outbreaks mainly comes from the positive locking caused by the high subsidies of its ecology. The holding of Flywheel and Ecological Conference is much higher from the ecological point of view, but the market value is lower and the future data is getting better and better. There is more room for speculation. At present, the above two leading projects have never been regarded as Longyi, but if the loan amount and loan activity are counted, it has more advantages and higher benefits. Technically, language has higher advantages in financial scenarios, and the advantages of high performance may also be worthy of attention. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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