Nocturne宣布停摆 隐私赛道为何命运多舛?

币圈资讯 阅读:41 2024-04-22 10:24:19 评论:0



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时隔三月,此前 @VitalikButerin参投的隐私infra项目@nocturne_xyz宣布停摆了,团队将转变方向投入其他新产品。继Tornado被处罚,交易所下架隐私币之后,原本以为隐私项目有望链上环境跑出来,现在看来,还是太乐观了。Why,不赘言,简单评述下可能性原因。

1)在主流社会对公链、数字钱包、去中心化交易所等“去中心化的产物”尚难用理性认知接纳的背景下,再给去中心化嵌套一层“隐私”应用场景,很难不成为合规和审查重灾区。 在此背景下,隐私类项目会被视为恐怖融资、洗钱等非法行为的帮凶,会受到“重点关照”,尤其是在各个对Crypto监管强势的国家,很容易被视为敌对存在。基于此背景,那些受VC驱动的项目,有力顶着扛政府审查的目标坚守做项目么?团队扛不住压力放弃的概率很大。

2)当下隐私类项目会构建一个独立的“黑盒”环境,用户可将资产转入黑盒,然后通过黑盒内的Stealth地址以及Commitment Tree,ZK,等进行Token混淆,通常黑盒池子规模越大,用户量越多,隐私构建条件就越成熟,但这类方案处理合规问题的方式通常是,黑名单筛选以及proof of innocence等方法,这解决入金问题很容易,但倘若出金后和赃款链路有染,就会带来非常大的麻烦。


围绕这个问题,我和同属隐私赛道 @ZKTNetwork的Madao老师交流了意见,都一致认为,一个严谨的隐私产品在实践环境会非常复杂,一些隐私团队碍于研发压力选择半路跳车的可能性也有;

4)Nocturne在声明中说到layer2 和AA账户抽象必须要先于隐私应用场景发生。很多人意识不到究竟为啥,因为layer2 和AA是 Mass Adoption实现的基础infra,这句话的潜在深意是,在大规模应用场景到来之前,隐私问题解决方案更容易成为“作恶”者的帮凶,而非解决真正的隐私需求问题。这句话的逻辑不难理解,毕竟存量市场的用户更多看重的是行业DApp应用的金融属性,而隐私问题并非第一性问题。


与其指望隐私带来Mass Adoption,不如Mass Adoption之后再推进普及隐私更现实?

总之,隐私交易赛道本质上也有一定的“正统性”牵引力量,现阶段种种因素下 合规性>隐私性的战略推进才好持续落地。究竟谁能扛起隐私赛道的加密圣杯,这注定是一条艰难的征途。

After a lapse of three months, the privacy project that participated in the project announced that it had stopped. The team will change its direction and invest in other new products. After being punished, the exchange removed the privacy coin, and originally thought that the privacy project was expected to run out of the chain environment. Now it seems too optimistic. Needless to say, simply comment on the possible reasons. In the context that the mainstream society is still difficult to accept the decentralized products such as the public chain digital wallet exchange with rational cognition, it is difficult to give decentralization a layer of privacy application scenarios without becoming compliance and trial. Under this background, privacy projects will be regarded as accomplices of terrorist financing, money laundering and other illegal acts, and will be taken care of, especially in countries with strong supervision. Based on this background, those driven projects are strongly supporting the goal of government review, and there is a high probability that the team will not be able to withstand the pressure and give up. At present, privacy projects will build an independent black box environment, and users can transfer assets into the black box and then wait through the address in the black box. Usually, the bigger the black box pool is, the more users there are, and the more mature the privacy construction conditions will be. However, the ways to deal with compliance problems in this kind of scheme are usually blacklist screening and other methods. This is easy to solve the problem of deposit, but it will bring great trouble if there is an affair with the illicit money link after the deposit. The key is to switch the asset trading environment in order to achieve this underlying structure. The common privacy solutions are to build a privacy trading mechanism, and then users can get the privacy environment before completing a series. On the one hand, the platform has to undertake the technical challenge of screening all possible illegal transactions, on the other hand, it has to face the bleak pressure of slow user development and difficult operation of the fund pool. It is not only necessary to hang on to the sword and not be supervised and investigated for any mistakes, but also to explain to the majority of users that the fairness and impartiality of the platform will be more difficult to resist censorship at this stage. Around this issue, I have exchanged views with teachers who belong to the privacy track, and we all agree that a rigorous privacy product will be very complicated in the practical environment. Some privacy teams may choose to jump halfway because of the pressure of research and development, and it is also said in the statement that account abstraction must occur before privacy application scenarios. Many people don't realize why, because it is the basis of realization. The potential meaning of this sentence is that before the arrival of large-scale application scenarios, privacy problem solutions are more likely to become accomplices of perpetrators rather than solve real privacy needs. The logic of this sentence is not difficult to understand. After all, users in the stock market value industrial applications more. Financial attributes and privacy issues are not the primary issues. In my opinion, the compliance issues to be solved by privacy projects must precede the privacy issues themselves, that is, there must be a comprehensive solution to stop the circulation of illegal assets. On this basis, we will talk about the privacy issues at the user demand side. After the market population is expanded on a large scale, a privacy solution with high supervision and comprehensive recognition of market users will emerge based on the built application environment. After all, it is better to supervise and infiltrate funds in the application environment. It is more realistic to isolate users and manage them better. At that time, privacy applications will become an optional entry for large-scale users to connect with the environment on the chain. User preferences in the mainstream market will drive the growth of the privacy market. It is better to promote the popularization of privacy later than to expect privacy to bring it. In short, the privacy trading track also has a certain legitimacy traction force in essence. At this stage, the strategic promotion of compliance and privacy can continue to land. Who can carry the encryption holy grail of the privacy track is bound to be a difficult journey. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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