对话Sei联创:以太坊赢得了L1之争 Sei的存在还有意义吗?

币圈资讯 阅读:41 2024-04-22 10:22:11 评论:0



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作者:Ignas,DeFi研究员 来源:X,@DefiIgnas 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

最近 Sei 项目备受关注,但它究竟有何特别之处?在众多新兴的 L1 和 L2 项目中,SEI L1 项目为何能够脱颖而出?

为了更好地理解 SEI 团队对于 L1 领域的看法、单体和模块化区块链开发之间的差异以及 SEI 项目的最终愿景,我决定直接向 SEI 团队提出了一些问题。



  • 以太坊是否已经赢得了 L1 的竞争?

  • SEI V2 和并行 EVM 有什么特别之处?

  • Sei 和 SEI 生态系统接下来还有什么令人兴奋的发展?


问题 1:

在多个 L1 和越来越多的 Layer 2 出现的时代,L1 (尤其是 Sei)还有存在的意义吗?你是否同意 Sanketh(Polygon)和 Matter Labs CEO 的观点,即以太坊已经赢得了 L1 之争?

Jeff 的回答:

我和 Jay 在 2021 年创立了 Sei Labs,当时我们正在尝试构建一个 DEX,并评估了每个基础设施选项:以太坊、Avalanche、Arbitrum、Solana,甚至 Terra!

我们很快意识到,无论你把它构建在哪个 Layer 1 或 Layer 2 上,都无法构建一个真正与 Coinbase 和 Binance 的用户体验相竞争的去中心化交易所。

解决用户体验问题是 Sei 的核心目标。如果 Sei 成功,那么应用程序将能够提供几乎与任何 Web2 竞争对手相同的用户体验,这将非常强大。

成为第一个将 EVM 并行化的项目是 Sei 解决用户体验问题的旅程中至关重要的一步。Sei 将 Solana 引入的一些主要进步带到了繁荣的以太坊生态系统中。

这个旅程还包括其他一些主要的技术优势,例如 Sei Labs 团队创建的乐观并行化和双增压共识机制。

直接回答你的问题,Sei 是第一个探索将 EVM 并行化的项目,它将成为更广泛的以太坊生态系统潜在的扩展方法。

我们希望以太坊社区有一天能够利用 Sei 的开源代码库,为扩展实现新的可能性。

很容易将这个行业视为零和游戏。然而,在更大的背景下,加密货币行业仍然处于非常早期的阶段,我们持积极的总和观点。以太坊、Sei 和 Layer 2 可以帮助行业在未来实现扩展。

问题 2:

你最近宣布了 Sei V2,第一个并行化的 EVM 区块链。但 V2 版本到底有什么特别之处,什么是“并行区块链”,我相信很少有人真正理解。为什么 dapp 开发者会选择在 Sei 上构建,而不是其他 L1 和以太坊 L2?

Jeff 的回答:

V2 更新是迄今为止对当前 Sei 区块链最大的更新。Sei 引入了四项主要改进:

  • 向后兼容 EVM - Sei 在底层使用 Geth 来获得完全的 EVM 字节码兼容性。简而言之,Sei 上的构建者可以从巨大的以太坊工具宇宙中受益,例如 MetaMask、Foundry、Remix 和 Hardhat。


  • Optimistic并行化 - 目前,大多数像 Solana 这样的并行链将并行化设置为可选,这需要开发人员为使用并行化做额外的工作,而大多数开发人员不会这样做。Sei 将自动并行化智能合约,因此开发人员不必为此付出任何努力。


  • SeiDB - Sei 将会分割状态提交和状态存储,以减少区块处理时间,减少状态膨胀,使运行新的完整节点更快。

  • Sei V2 将允许 EVM 合约与现有的 Cosmwasm 智能合约交互,反之亦然。这可以让 Cosmos 上最好的构建者与以太坊上最好的构建者合作。


为什么应用程序会选择 Sei?

  • 史上最快 Layer 1: 平均 390 毫秒的确定时间使 Sei 比性能最高的 Layer 1 和 Layer 2 都快好几倍。

  • 亲身体验链! 我们正越来越接近我们习惯于在 Web2 应用中使用的近乎即时的用户体验。

  • Sei v2 利用熟悉的工具(例如 MetaMask),将 Sei 的优势带给全球 EVM 开发者。

  • Sei v2 的 EVM 智能合约向后兼容性 允许开发人员无需更改代码即可部署来自 EVM 兼容区块链的已审核智能合约。

  • Sei 社区 是业界最独特之一。一群紧密联系的社区成员正在 Sei 上形成,他们喜欢尝试新应用并学习 Sei 的新可能性。我建议你亲自了解一下,感受一下那里的氛围和meme。

问题 3: 模块化与整体式设计

模块化和整体式设计是两个不同的区块链扩展方法。以太坊引领了模块化扩展,推出了许多 Layer 2 解决方案,并且数据可用性层链也在不断增加。另一方面,Solana 和 Fantom 则选择了整体式设计。

Sei 专注于整体式扩展。请解释你们做出这个选择的理由?另外,您对这两种方法有何看法?

Jeff 的回答:

Sei 专注于整体式设计。整体式系统的性能上限本质上更高。从本质上说,虽然模块化设计提供了灵活性,非常适合实验和迭代,但它们在大规模应用时往往会带来额外的复杂性。


这不是一个全新的动态。几十年来,整体式设计一直是 Web2 性能和用户体验的黄金标准。模块化在应用程序刚开始尝试的早期阶段肯定是有帮助的,但最终为了服务数十亿用户并提供最佳用户体验,整体式设计才是最合理的。

问题 4:

Sei 和 SEI 生态系统接下来有什么令人兴奋的发展?你能分享即将推出的 dApp 吗?

Jeff 的回答:

展望未来,我们正在为 Sei v2 的测试网做准备,计划在下个月左右推出。主网过渡计划于 2024 年上半年进行,将经过严格的治理和审计过程,以确保最大的安全性和效率。

我鼓励大家探索 Sei 生态系统,它现在正处于活跃阶段。特别推荐目前活跃的中心,例如 Astroport、Silo Stake、Pallet、Webump、Colony 和 Seiyans,它们正在引领潮流。


问题 5:

Sei 的最终目标和愿景是什么?

Jeff 的回答:

Sei V2 的代码已经完成并可在 devnet 上运行,优秀团队可以尝试体验!

性能测试展示了令人印象深刻的结果,在 300 毫秒的确定时间内 TPS 超过 5,000,理论 TPS 约为 12,500。考虑到批量订单,这意味着我们每秒可以处理大约 28,000 个操作。

Sei 旨在将以太坊的最佳特性与 Solana 的最佳方面结合起来。

将以太坊周围令人难以置信的工具和开发人员与 Solana 的性能和速度提升结合起来。这将为应用程序蓬勃发展并服务于下一个十亿用户提供最佳环境。

In order to better understand the team's view on the field, the difference between single and modular blockchain development and the final vision of the project, I decided to directly ask some questions to the team. Other questions discussed were whether Ethereum had won the competition and parallelism, what was the special feature and the ecosystem? Are there any exciting development problems in the future, especially in the era of multiple and increasing emergence? Do you agree with the view that Ethereum has won the answer to the dispute? I founded Ethereum in and we were trying to build one and evaluate every infrastructure option. Even we soon realized that no matter where you build it, you can't build a decentralized exchange that really competes with the user experience of Harmony to solve the user experience question. If the core goal is successful, the application will be able to provide almost the same user experience as any competitor, which will be very powerful. Being the first parallel project is a crucial step in the journey to solve the user experience problem, bringing some major advances introduced into the prosperous Ethereum ecosystem. This journey also includes other major technical advantages, such as optimistic parallelization created by the team and the double-pressurization consensus mechanism. Answering your questions directly is the first exploration. It will be a parallel project, which will become a potential expansion method of the wider Ethereum ecosystem. We hope that the Ethereum community can one day use the open source code base to realize new possibilities for expansion. It is easy to regard this industry as a zero-sum game. However, in a larger context, the cryptocurrency industry is still in a very early stage. We hold a positive view that Ethereum can help the industry to expand in the future. You recently announced the first parallel blockchain, but the version is up to. What's so special about the bottom? What is a parallel blockchain? I believe few people really understand why developers choose to build on the platform instead of other answers with Ethereum. Update is the biggest update to the current blockchain so far, and four major improvements have been introduced. Backward compatibility is used at the bottom to obtain complete bytecode compatibility. In short, builders can benefit from the huge Ethereum tool universe, such as parallelization. At present, most parallel chains like this set parallelization to be possible. Choosing this requires developers to do extra work to use parallelization, which most developers will not do. Smart contracts will be parallelized automatically, so developers don't have to make any efforts to split state submission and state storage to reduce block processing time, reduce state expansion and make running new complete nodes faster. It will allow contracts to interact with existing smart contracts, and vice versa, which will allow the best builders in the world to cooperate with the best builders in the Ethereum. Why do applications choose? The fastest average millisecond determination time in history is several times faster than the highest performance and the highest performance. We are getting closer and closer to the near-instant user experience that we are used to in applications. Using familiar tools, such as smart contracts that bring advantages to developers around the world, backward compatibility allows developers to deploy approved smart contracts from compatible blockchains without changing the code. The community is one of the most unique in the industry, and a group of closely connected community members are forming their favorite. Try new applications and learn new possibilities. I suggest you get to know and feel the atmosphere and problems there yourself. Modularization and holistic design are two different blockchain expansion methods. Ethereum has led modular expansion and introduced many solutions, and the data availability chain is also increasing. On the other hand, it chose holistic design and focused on holistic expansion. Please explain the reasons for your choice and what do you think of these two methods? Focusing on holistic design, the upper performance limit of holistic system is essentially higher. In essence, although modular design provides flexibility and is very suitable for experiments and iterations, they often bring additional complexity when applied on a large scale. Looking forward to the future, especially after five years, I firmly believe that the infrastructure with the strongest performance will still be holistic, which will not reduce the value of modular methods, especially in terms of innovation and specific use cases, but it will lead the way for original performance and simplified operation. This is not a brand-new dynamic. For decades, holistic design has been the gold standard of performance and user experience. Modularization is certainly helpful in the early stage of application, but in the end, in order to serve billions of users and provide the best user experience, holistic design is the most reasonable question and what is the exciting development of the ecosystem next? Can you share the answer that will be launched soon? Looking forward to the future, we are preparing for the test network and plan to launch it around next month. The main network transition plan will be carried out in the first half of 2008, and it will go through strict governance and auditing process to ensure maximum security and efficiency. I encourage you to explore the ecosystem, which is now in an active stage, and especially recommend the currently active centers, such as what is the ultimate goal and vision of the question they are leading the trend? 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