千万下载量的 Web3 社交产品 ComingChat迁移至 BEVM 意欲何为?

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1 月 21 日,SUI 生态最大的 Web3 社交产品 Comingchat 官推宣布已部署至 BTC L2—BEVM 上,宣称 Cominghat 将成为 SUI 和 BTC L2 的桥梁,把 BTC 通过 BEVM 和 ComingChat 引入 SUI 生态。

一时间,Move 之父、SUI 首席技术官 Sam Blackshear 以及 SUI 联合创始人 Adeniyi 纷纷转推点赞,瞬间引发 SUI 和 BEVM 社区的激烈讨论。

(上图为MOVE语言之父,SUI Network CTO— Sam Blackshea转推)

(SUI Network Co-Founder—Adeniyi转推并提到:?@SuiNetwork<> # BTC)

ComingChat 到底什么来头?为何选择部署至 BEVM?而且还得到 SUI Network 创始成员纷纷点赞支持?

据悉,ComingChat 是 SUI 生态最大的 Web3 社交产品,App Store、Gogoole Pay 及官网累计下载量超过1000万,用户主要遍及北美、中东、北欧、中亚等地区,是目前用户量最大的 Web3 社交产品,用户可以在 ComingChat 进行加密聊天、聊天转账、一键 Swap 等功能,同时, ComingChat 集成了多类 DeFi 协议。

ComingChat 部署至 BEVM 时,官推宣布的目标是通过 BVEM 把 BTC 引入 SUI 生态,如何把 BTC 引入 SUI 生态呢?

我们在 bevm.io 的官网上找到了答案,就是下面张图,图中描述了 BEVM 除了是 BTC L2 之外,其第二大愿景就是把 BTC 带到任意 VM 链上,官网原文如下:

BEVM is planning to construct a Decentralized Bitcoin FX Protocol, a decentralized Bitcoin"foreign exchange system', introducing Bitcoin - the digital gold into any chain and ecosystem, enhancing the monetary credit of these public chains.

大意是,BEVM 构建了一个去中心化的 BTC “外汇”协议,简称 DBFX 协议,通过该协议可以把 BTC 无需信任地引入类似 SUI Network 这样的任意高性能公链,最终形成,BTC 为唯一货币层的 L1,BEVM 作为金融层的L2,任意链成为 BTC 的应用层 L3。

这样的意义在于可以让 BTC 可以在任意链无需信任的流通,同时也为其他链带去“数字黄金”作为“外汇储备”,从而增加每条链主网代币的货币信用。而 ComingChat 作为第一大 Web3 社交产品,必将在其中发挥重大作用。

除此之外,我们还注意到 Comingchat 又一个新动作!

1 月 24 日,Comingchat 在社交铭文协议 Donut 上创建了 IP Share,而且是 1 个 BTC 的量,瞬间成为 Donut 上排名第一的 IP Share。

Donut 是部署在 BEVM 上的社交铭文协议,其创新地融合了铭文铸造和 FriendTech 模式以及 Fomo3D 的玩法,是一种对项目方、KOL、普通用户都十分友好的新型资产发行协议。

任意项目方均可使用官推在 Donut 上发布铭文,KOL 则可以在 Donut 上创建属于自己的 IP Share(类似 Friendtech 的 key,是一种个人影响力社交货币),用户则可以通过 KOL 的铸造链接去 Mint 铭文。

其中,Gas 支付给矿工铸造出铭文,同时,额外支付一笔费用(铭文发布者可以自定义费用大小和分配比例),该费用分为三部分,最大的一部分自动买入 KOL 的 IP Share,第二部分自动买入铭文项目方的 IP Share,第三部分约 3% 进入一个 Fomo3D 的奖池,用于奖励每轮的最后 6 位铸造者。

由于 IP Share 的价格曲线决定了,当越多人购买,IP Share 价格越高,而且新铸造的 IP Share 会给质押者分配,因此无论是项目方还是 KOL 以及用户,都可以通过购买和质押 IP Share 来获利。

由于 Donut 把 IP Share 和铭文铸造结合起来了,因此,IP Share 不再像 Friendtech 那样玩法单一,IP Share 也不会因为 KOL 的影响力枯竭而导致无法持续,在 Donut 上,KOL 可以通过不断发掘优秀的铭文项目,然后通过个人的影响力传播,就可以为自己的 IP Share 不断提供资金,从而,Donut 把铭文铸造和个人影响力货币变成了一个无限游戏。

更多玩法可以参考《Donut:部署在 BEVM 上的社交铭文+Friendtech 的创新铭文协议》。

目前,我们看到 Comingchat 已经在 Donut 上部署了 IP Share,铭文何时发布尚不可知。其 IP Share 已经从创建的70?,上涨至 92 美金,且其 Fomo3D 池在 24 小时内已经上升至 0.0316BTC,且随之不断的用户涌入奖池不断增加,截止到发文,Comingchat 的第一轮奖池已经开奖,第一名地址瓜分 50% 的奖池,获得 0.0123BTC,剩下的 50% 由另外 5 人按比例瓜分.

个人推测,若 Comingchat 在 Donut 上发布铭文,由于有固定 3% 的资金自动进入 FOMO3D 池,Comintchat 的奖池很有可能突破 1 BTC,这个奖池给最后 6 个参与的用户分配,分配比例是:50%,25%,12.5%,6.25%,3.25%,3% 。

On March, the official launch of the most ecological social product announced that it had been deployed, claiming that it would become a bridge of harmony. The chief technology officer and co-founders of the father of the adoption and introduction of ecology all retweeted their praises, which instantly triggered a heated discussion with the community. The above picture shows the father of language retweeted and mentioned why he chose to deploy it, and it was also praised and supported by the founding members. It is reported that the social product with the largest ecology and official website have accumulated more than 10,000 users, mainly in North America, the Middle East, Northern Europe and Central Asia. At present, other regions are the social products with the largest number of users. Users can integrate many kinds of protocols while carrying out encryption chat, chat, transfer money and other functions. The announced goal is how to introduce ecology by introducing ecology. We found the answer in official website, which is described in the following Tu Tu. Its second vision is to bring it to any chain. The original text of official website is as follows: A decentralized foreign exchange agreement is constructed, which can be referred to as the agreement. Trustworthy introduction of any high-performance public chain like this will eventually become the only monetary layer, and any chain as the financial layer will become the application layer. The significance of this is that digital gold can be brought as foreign exchange reserves for any chain without trust, thus increasing the monetary credit of each chain's main network token, and as the first social product, it will play an important role in it. In addition, we also notice that another new action will be created on the social inscription agreement on March. In addition, the social inscription protocol deployed on the internet is the first in the world, which innovatively combines the inscription casting, mode and gameplay. It is a new asset issuance protocol that is very friendly to the ordinary users of the project party. Any project party can use the official push to publish the inscription on the internet, and then they can create their own similar social currency with personal influence. Users can go to the inscription through the casting link, in which they pay the miners to cast the inscription and pay an extra one. The publisher of the inscription of the fee can customize the size and distribution ratio of the fee. The fee is divided into three parts: the largest part is automatically bought, the second part is automatically bought, and the third part of the project party is about to enter a prize pool to reward the last caster in each round. Because the price curve determines that when more people buy, the higher the price will be, and the new casting will be distributed to the pledgee, both the project party and the user can make profits through purchase and pledge. Because of the combination with inscription casting, Here we are, so we won't play as single as that, and it won't be unsustainable because of the exhaustion of our influence. We can continue to provide funds for ourselves by constantly discovering excellent inscription projects and then spreading personal influence, thus turning inscription casting and personal influence currency into an infinite game. For more gameplay, we can refer to the innovative inscription agreement of social inscriptions deployed on the Internet. At present, we have seen that the inscription has been deployed on the Internet, and when it will be released is unknown. Up to USD, and its pool has risen to within hours, and users are constantly pouring into the prize pool. Up to the first round of posting, the prize pool has been won, and the rest of the prize pool divided by the first address will be divided by others in proportion. Personally, it is speculated that if the inscription is published in the newspaper, it is likely to break through the prize pool automatically because of fixed funds, and the allocation ratio to the last participating users is 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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